Eternal Life

Chapter 1231

“Sage, the reincarnation of the emperor, the robbery is much more powerful than the average person, and it is not true. Those ancient thunderguns, each shot can burst the law, even if the protection of Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact can not survive.”

Fang Han looked at the sky in the xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang and Tianzhao confrontation, do not have a taste.

I was just being thundered, and now I am watching people being thundered.

The light of the ancient mine gun bombarded the body of Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu, this woman whole body immediately showed a charm smell, a big beauty change became a dark devil.

Fang Han immediately raised his hand to fill the sky. True Qi entered the past, and Xiao Yuhuang’s whole body also began to recover. It was turned into a white robed white dress for the 28 girls, the best of the best.

There, Xiao Ao Huang was also bombarded by Gu Lei, and the whole body was opened, but his face was firm and there was no sorrow. He raised his axe and slashed and thundered the thunderstorm. The spirit of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is spurted into a volcano for the flame of a dragon.

Fang Han is also a journey through the past.

The two got the assist of True Qi, the whole body was comfortable, and they were able to fight against the sky. In a short while, the catastrophe was changed, and it was even more fierce. There were Leicheng, thunderbolts, and 1uan bombings everywhere. Unfortunately, the two had the support of Fang Han, and no matter how ferocious thunderstorms, Can hurt the source.

After three full hours, all of the Ancestral Immortal rules of the two began to turn into eternal aura, and the Primordial Immortal rule of the big fist behind the head was up and down.

This is the comparison, Fang Han’s Primordial Immortal rule, the eternal light is like the moon, and the two are just stars. It can only set off the glory of the moon.

As for some of the first-order Primordial Immortal, the eternal aura behind the head is nothing but a firefly.


The robbers thundered and thundered, and the two eventually passed through the robbery. The whole body Ancestral Immortal rule was transformed into Primordial Immortal. The face showed a smile. They were full of energy and stood up, but they were in a state of full prosperity. .

“Many thanks wind brother, if it is not the wind brother, we are afraid to be badly hurt.” Xiaoxuan Huangxuan smashed the feeling of ji.

“True Qi used by Feng brother is simply invincible Spirit Pill. I don’t know what it is. I have never seen it before.” Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu’s ability to recover from True Qi is simply Admire the five bodies to vote.

“This is my occasional encounter with a Saint Grade Immortal Pill, collecting its yao gas, refined treasure.” Fang Han casually found a reason, and reasonable.

“Saint Grade Dan yao!” both exclaimed: “This kind of Dan yao, after taking it, is sanctified. Do you have such a fortuitous encounter? Can you get this kind of Dan yao?”

“Unfortunately, I didn’t get it. The Saint Grade Immortal Pill was extremely tyrannical. After I met it, I was almost defeated by it.” Fang Han said: “I got some yao gas above it, and came back to it. True Qi can fix all the rules of scars and breaks. Unfortunately, it is all exhausted now.”

“Unfortunately, the strength of Saint Grade Dan yao can be compared to the semi-san, killing Primordial Immortal at will, self-cultivation, change to a true saint, full of souls, full of rou. Even more powerful than cultivate Dao people. “The two sighed again and again.

“You can’t wait for it.” Fang Han said: “Now that the two have survived the catastrophe, the real change is Primordial Immortal. Let’s explore this magical cave and see what other treasures are there. Right, When I was refining the ancient demon city, there were dozens of tyrannical demons who fled, and it was a fortune to capture them one by one.”

“Is it necessary for the wind brother to have wealth now? This ancient demon city, which has just been refining, does not know how many treasures, but there are still one hundred and eight first-order veins. I don’t know how many pieces are left in the wind brother now. There must be hundreds of people, even if they are saints, I am afraid that there is no wind brother.”

The envy of the two.

Fang Han’s heart is moving. Indeed, he has just refining the ancient demon city. One hundred and eight kings’ spiritual veins are all in the bag. However, when they have spent the day, they have spent eight, and now they have left. A full hundred.

That is to say, he spent the day of the robbery, which cost almost fifteen kings of the king’s pulse, which is a big result.

However, the violent catastrophe is also beyond his expectations.

Fortunately, nowadays, the robbers have survived, and there is still a wealth of one hundred kings, even some ancient saints can not match. If this kind of wealth goes out, in the Chamber of Commerce of Heaven and Earth, I don’t know how many people will be scared to death.

“This time thanks to True Qi, if True Qi is not enough, I am afraid it will be dead. Now True Qi is almost exhausted. After going out, buy some Buddha fat, this time for the saints. Satan can only be effective. Yes, I am promoted to the realm of Primordial Immortal, and I can refine Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact. The next step is to put 33 Skies into treasure, legends, wings of freedom, and all the eight floats. Turned into Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, this is a huge project.”

As soon as I thought of cultivation so many Peerless Grade Immortal Artifacts, Fang Han couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy. With his current Culture Base, refining is extremely difficult, unless it is once again looking for artifacts, otherwise searching for materials will cost him hundreds of thousands of days.

“You still have to kill Xiao Shihuang and capture the stone of the gods. But the anger of Extreme Unity Sect is hard to resist. Yeah, I will find a chance to capture his stone monument and leave him a life. Cultivation has reached the realm of semi-sacred. But I am the same. Single-on-one, I still have a 10% grasp to kill him. But this person surrendered a detachment left by Cangsheng, if it is really refining, though It’s impossible to be a saint, but the power is probably not really under me…”

Fang Han thought about it.

The reason why I just defeated Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei was because the other party had not completely refining a sacred body.

If fully refining, the power must be doubled at least. At the same time, some of the power of the Fengshen stone was completely waved out. At that time, although Fang Han still had absolute confidence to suppress, it would be a long battle.

“Go, look for the depths of the other magic caves and see if there are any remaining veins.”

Xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang is now advancing with great strength, full of ambition, broken hands, smashing another piece of Space barrier, shuttled through this magical cave, trying to find treasure.

It is a pity that among these caves, there is no more demon, no killing intent, even a Tailored Magic City, no demon city, empty dangdang, seems to be searched by a peerless figure It’s like it.

Fang Han and others walked through the void and reached the deepest part of the magic cave. They saw a dong house, several stone pillars, scattered chains, and a strong seal on the stone pillar.

Obviously, there has been a strong devil sealed here, but it is now saved or killed.

Fang Han walked into the dong government in one step and grabbed a chain of iron. The chain was now forged from an unknown metal. It is a substance left over from the last era. There is no Magic Force, but it is extremely hard.

He grabbed the chain and shook it a little, and immediately the time began to fall back, showing a picture.

In this chain, a demon is blocked, this devil is green, full of white, red eyes, a fierce evil, and Aura, who is full of yin, is scattered from the devil.

“Evil corpse!”

“This is the evil body of Cangsheng!”

Xiaoxuhuang, Xiaoyuhuang both simulated a step back.

“Well? Isn’t Cangsheng cultivation the same three-legged sacred law that was lost in Demon Dao? This corpse is not sealed, but is he killed and abandoned here?” Fang Han at Ascension Sect I don’t know how many books I read. In a book of demons, he knew that there was a holy law in Demon Dao called the Three Corps. 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 , , 成 成 成 成 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D .

“Yes, this is the evil corpse left by the three corpse of Cangsheng cultivation. I couldn’t think of it but was taken away by Xiao Shihuang, and refining into the body. I am afraid that there will be endless troubles.” Sun Shi’s paintings showed a happy color.

“That wouldn’t be, what kind of character is Xiao Shihuang? When the stone monument was used as King Grade Immortal Artifact, it was almost suppressed, it was passed down, and it was unrelenting. And he reintroduced into Extreme Unity Sect, cultivation disaster Heavenly The technique that Monarch passed down has been pointed out by the disaster Heavenly Monarch. There must be a technique for refining the evil body, which is not very important to him.” Xiao Yuhuang shook his head.

Fang Han continues to calculate.

Sure enough, Xiao Shihuang sneaked in and fought against the demon of the seal. The two men’s hands, and they repeatedly collided, suddenly, the thunder burst in the sky, and the devil was shocked and suffocated. Xiao Shihuang succeeded and was included in the stone monument.

Then, Xiao Shihuang circled in this dong cave, and a palm destroyed many stone pillars. From the dark space in the pillars, many powerful magical treasures, Dan Yao, were taken out.

A black iron ruler, a gourd powerful Dan yao, a mountain-shaped picture……. are all included in the bag by Xiao Shihuang. Even Fang Han saw that in the picture of the mountain, many powerful kings were sealed into strokes.

“The sky is cruel!”

“Seven Holy Dan!”

“Cangshan Xiaoyue map!”

Xiaoxuhuang, Xiaoyuhuang, Sun Shihuan shocked, and saw that Xiao Shihuang took away three pieces of magical treasure, and all of them were bleeding. Obviously these three things are hard to find.

Fang Han also saw the strength of these three magical treasures, but they were all taken away by Xiao Shihuang. Only killing each other and taking treasure is the king.

He shook his hand and destroyed the projected picture. When the mouth was sucked, the entire dong government began to collapse. What stone pillars, chains, and spaces were sucked into the mouth.

Then he flew directly and prepared to leave the cave.

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