Eternal Life

Chapter 1227

Although the robbery can be smashed into pieces, as long as the people who are robbing are strong enough, they can ignite the burning Yuanshi, robbing the heavens, consolidating their own rules, and raising the realm.

Fang Han is like this now. I rushed into the pool of the Taikoo Yaozu City and saw the great array of 108 kings. I immediately began to charge, burn, under the powerful Magic Force, in his whole body. Among them, the Ancestral Immortal rule began to concise, and after the head, it gradually revealed a true eternal aura.

Now he is in a state of semi-“Primordial Immortal” and has not yet become a real Primordial Immortal.

However, the next day of robbery, but more and more fierce, every day robbery, can break his skin outside the body, destroying the crystal god country.

Fortunately, he has enough Qi Qi Qi Qi, otherwise, even if he can get through, he will be badly hurt and be taken by other demons.

However, he is now in the best state of his heyday, constantly turning the robbery in the robbery into his own Culture Base, and his eyes are also shot in this ancient demon city. Suddenly, he grabs it. A huge stone pillar was caught.

This stone pillar is actually a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, which is sealed with many powerful monsters, and there is also an invincible aura flashing. It was caught by Fang Han. The eternal aura, the Primordial Immortal rule immediately entered the patch. In the furnace, it was turned into True Qi.

This day, I don’t know how long it will last. If you use it before the day of the robbery, then you can only rely on your own strength to resist, and you will be hurt by the temper. . So now he is looking for all possible rules, and they all melt into True Qi.

Fortunately, in the pool of the ancient demon city, the principle of Primordial Immortal is everywhere, and the law of Ancestral Immortal can be swallowed by him one by one, turning into True Qi, making him even a full-fledged state. .

In this case, no one can challenge his majesty.


Another scorpion came down, and the heavy ones fell on Fang Han. The skin on his body was darkened, and the black flame burned, destroying the crystal gods.

On the top of the skin, all are cracks in the road.

This scorpion seems to be an epee in the air, draws a curvature, and displays Martial art.

In the Thunder lightning, many weapons appeared, when they started to fall down, there were still some 1uan, and Fang Han could completely resist it. But later on, every weapon appeared to be like a cao. Contains the peerless Martial Dao will.

These weapons, the strongest Martial Dao posture in the air, each trick contains the meaning of overbearing, killing, slaughtering, and doing everything that can be destroyed.

Just like this epee, Fang Han saw it clearly.

“Restoration!” True Qi is again playing, and those scorched crystal gods are slightly contaminated, and they become bright and bright.

When he grabbed the big hand, the epee was caught, and the red fire was a sacrificial refining. It was integrated into the body, a mysterious Martial art idea, and dang was in his heart.

At the end of the robbery, the illusionary weapons are powerful, containing Martial Dao Divine Ability, but as long as they can withstand, refining into the body, there will be a natural Martial Dao trace, and increase the Culture Base.

Refining each piece, Martial Dao has more natural traces.

Just refining this epee, immediately in the sky, a spear composed of electric light, assassinated, the spear shadow, the mountains, the wind, like the wind, like a mountain, such as Lin.

Fang Han knows at a glance that the idea of ​​Martial Dao contained in the electric light spear is “Wind Forest Volcano”.

It is like the wind, Xu Rulin, invading like a fire, not moving, this is one of the highest esoteric among Martial art. The electric light spear breaks through the layers of Space and kills the body of Fang Han. Every time the blast is blasted, the crystal powder explodes everywhere. The assassination of the electric light spear contains four ideas, and it is full of blood.

Fang Han continued to shake the dang with both hands, and it was on the spear. It resisted the attack. Suddenly, the center of the spear was broken, and the spear was shattered. Among them, the four Martial Dao thoughts of the Fenglin volcano were forcibly charged by him. Incorporating into the body, the incomprehensible light behind the head is getting stronger and stronger.

The Ancestral Immortal rule of the whole body, don’t cost the condense toward a point.

And the idea of ​​Martial Dao entered the chapter of Wuzhi civilization, which made Fang Han’s Martial Dao civilization history chapter also promoted. Every promotion of this Martial Dao civilization history can add a lot of power and make Fang Han’s body. , boxing, agility, flashing, for Space’s change, comprehension, there is a huge aid.

The thunder flashes, and there are dozens of weapons in the sky. Each weapon has a gun, a knife, a square painting, a Ge, and even Fang Han sees it. An ancient Leicheng appears. Come out, there was a huge cannon in the center of the city.

This thunderbolt, there are some immortal ancient cannons similar to Fang Qingxue, which are constantly brewing, countless fines move towards the body of the thunderbolt condense, destroying the Aura of xing from it, not hitting it, a blow Earth-shattering.

“not good!”

Fang Han felt the Aura of the thunderbolt and knew that the attack was very fierce, but he could not escape. This day, Aura was closely related to him. No matter where he fled, the robbery would come down and bombard him.

Dozens of weapons first landed down, a thunder, under the pressure, also contains the idea of ​​Martial Dao, a move “Tenfang Cloud” contains the mystery of Space change, to make Fang Han a Space Pizza, but by Fang Han When you raise your hand, you will directly explode. Grabbed it down.

A True fire clock, followed by a cover, scattered all kinds of Aura everywhere, the sound is melodious, the note turned into a thunder fire, is also a Martial Dao “nine days of thunder.”

Fang Han looked at the situation urgently, and shouted, the bell of God broke and was sucked into his mouth. But at this time, True fire, Fang Tian’s paintings, and other weapons, all fell on his head.

It’s awkward!

His head suffered such a fierce bombardment, and he was dizzy, and the whole body was almost unable to meet up with True Qi. Even the 33 Skies in the body had cracks on the eight floats.

This blow made him hurt.

“Awesome catastrophe! If it is Xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang will be completely killed. Fortunately, it is me!” Fang Han’s head was bombarded with so many weapons, and the average person has long been labeled The rotten watermelon, but his head has a burst of aperture, and when they are twisted up, they are all smashed into the Heavenly Gate on top of the head.


After smashing so many weapons, I got a sigh of Martial Dao, just to breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the airflow shook and the huge guns exploded. Fang Han’s eyes were bright and his eyes could not open. Come.

“Oops, the thunderbolt is moving!”

Immediately, his heart was alert, and he was hit hard in the body. The bursting of the crystal body of the whole body was almost destroyed.

In the sky, in the sky, the huge Thunderbolt cannon, the radiant radiance, dong wears the eternal explosion on his body and tears his body apart.

“The power of creation, to make up the sky!”

Fang Han stunned, among the whole body, burst out of the rich Tian Qi, in the body to fill the furnace, almost all of the Tian Qi True Qi began to boil, all flew out, completely repaired.

The crystal gods that burst on the body repair the growth with rapid speed.

The light beam of the thunderbolt kept hitting him, blasting his body, and his body was constantly repairing, and it was shocking to see people.

“This person………this person is so strong.”

Dozens of powerful demons watched Fang Han in the thunder, accepting the bombardment of the thunderbolt, repairing it quickly, becoming more and more tyrannical, and all of them were shocked and the chin almost fell to the ground.

Originally, they also thought about rushing into the robbery cloud and killing Fang Han. It doesn’t matter if they risked it, but Fang Han didn’t give them a chance, because every time he was shocked, Fang Han could be in the blink of an eye. The fastest recovery. In the heyday, it is undoubtedly looking for death.

Seeing Fang Han, these demons are afraid to enter.

“What to do? If he is promoted to the realm of Primordial Immortal, we are afraid that all of them will not escape his clutches.” Demon Dao.

“You pay attention, I can see it clearly. This person has a weird True Qi on his body. He can quickly recover the damaged body and even show it. However, as he goes on, his catastrophe will become more and more powerful, and True Qi is sure. Limited, can’t be repaired indefinitely, or else he will be invincible.” White robed, a powerful genie of white peacocks, said: “We took advantage of his True Qi, showing exhaustion, killing in one fell swoop, killing It will naturally disappear.”

“This is the best choice. It is a pity that some of the treasures in the ancient demon city are forged by us, and there are 108 kings.” Devil Dao.

“There is nothing here.” The woman in purple clothes said: “The value of this person is far greater than the ancient demon city.”


Just as the woman’s voice just fell, and suddenly the robbery came out, Fang Han’s bang broke out, and his right hand extended, move towards the sky, and the huge True Qi slammed out and put the sky in the sky. Leicheng gave bombing, and the thunderbolt also exploded into countless elites, shooting everywhere 1uan.

The explosion of Astral Qi splashed everywhere, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

“Retreat! The robbery is too fierce!”

These demons saw True fire Astral Qi coming in and immediately retreated. Knowing that it was powerful, there was a demon who retreated a bit slower. On the spot, it was involved in the explosion of Astral Qi, and there was a scream, death, and even that. The immortal aura, the Primordial Immortal rule, was buried in the thunderstorm.

Can you see how powerful Fang Han’s catastrophe is?

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