Eternal Life

Chapter 1225

The appearance of the robbery means that Fang Han did reach a critical point between Ancestral Immortal and Primordial Immortal. Just a little bit, he could condense the inexhaustible light, return to heaven and earth, and reach the realm of Primordial Immortal.

If you say, Ancestral Immortal is a sect of the sect.

Then the status of Primordial Immortal can be upgraded again, almost as a deputy Sectmaster of a martial art.

Fang Han also felt his own robbery. When he opened the eyes of dong Tianshen, he saw the depths of the heavens. The law of heaven and earth is brewing. It seems that a sword is hanging on top of his head, and he will come down at any time. kill.

“My robbery is very powerful. Now I can only suppress Aura, and I will not let the laws of heaven and earth fall down in advance. Because I have not collected enough Yuanshiqi, if the robbery comes down at this time, then I am really fierce.” “Fang Han immediately secretly, running the realm of heaven and earth, suppressing the boiling energy of the body.”

It is necessary to collect the Yuanshi Aura of the eight kings of the spirits before they can finally rob the number, quench the shape, and condense the whole body rule into a little inexhaustible light.

Otherwise, if you don’t have enough energy, you will die immediately.

The ordinary people, the robbery came, can not be suppressed, but he is different, the realm of heaven and earth, you can mobilize the laws of heaven and earth at any time.

So everyone saw a strange scene. On the long river where Fang Han was incarnate, the clouds were densely covered, the Thunder flashed, and countless humanoid lightnings shuttled through it, like a big army, but it could not land.

“The number of robberies in this wind is really huge. You see, in the dark clouds, the army of humanoid lightning, as well as electric spears, electric swords, electric guns, electric drums….”

Xiaoxuhuang, Xiaoyuhuang left Fang Han a little farther away, and they were terrified. They were also the people who reached the tipping point. They were afraid that Fang Han’s robbery Aura would affect them, and the robbery would come and cry out.

They looked at the dark clouds above the long river that Fang Han turned into, and the lightning was condensed incessantly. It turned into a army of humanoid lightning. It seemed to be a heavenly soldier, landed and strangled, and numerous huge lightning weapons, condense formed, Swords, towers, tripods, furnaces, bells, drums… The sound is huge, if one falls, I am afraid that the entire magic cave will be drowned by lightning.

Even some of the lightnings have turned into holy maps, showing the Wanli River and the mountains, the splendid Qiankun, and some lightning, turning into a heavenly palace and suppressing it.

This kind of robbery, if it comes down, Xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang feels that their imperial brand must be wiped out, they can not resist such a powerful robbery.

However, the number of robberies in the sky is increasing and more and more clear. It is necessary to shake the space of the aliens and come down, but there is no way to really come.

“He has the realm of heaven and earth, and can suppress Aura. However, the more it is suppressed, the more violent the robbery is. Even if he can get through it, he will be hurt in a certain period of time.”

“He seems to have a lack of spirituality. He must collect more kings and spirits before he can be promoted. Fortunately, he entered this ancient market. If it is outside, such a powerful promotion to Primordial Immortal, a king’s party will also be promoted by him. Nong is poor.”

“Our spirit is enough. How is promotion now?” Xiao Yuhuang said to Xiaoxu.

“Still wait, wait until the winds are promoted and succeed. Then, if all three of us are in the promotion, Xiao Shihuang suddenly comes out to attack, then we all have to die. After being refining, I am afraid that he will be able to stand up. St. is lawless.”

“Well, if the wind is promoted successfully, and we protect the law, it must be foolproof.”

“Look, there is another Taikoo Magic City destroyed in front, and an old demon ‘鲧虎’ was killed by him.”

Between the two talking, the long river in which Fang Han was invaded drowned the Kyushu. The whole magical cave seemed to be submerged by the Yangtze River. Wherever he went, the grass was not born, and a trace of Aura was not left behind.

In the distance, it was a Taikoo magic city that was directly rolled up by Fang Han, thrown on the high 1ang head, and then shattered. One of them was a “small tiger” demon, roaring again and again, but was flooded by 1ang’s head. Among them, there was a disaster of extinction.

Even the Taikoo Magic City was broken by Fang Han’s 1ang head and turned into a powder.

The long river that Fang Han turned into is not really water bo, but a torrent of crystal torrents. These crystals are like sands, sweeping between each other, rubbing each other, great strength, even the eternal light of Primordial Immortal. Can be broken.

This long river, which is doped with the bos of fate, the mystery of fate, cleans everything. Dissolve everything.

The Taikoo Magic City was broken, and one of the king’s spiritual veins flew out, like a dragon, moving through the river.

Fang Han Suddenly, there was a long shout, and there were three full dragons in the river, and they were tumbling in it. Each dragon was a kingly spirit.

Apart from this, many xiaolong, also swaying in the river, there are hundreds of thousands of people, a big bang, these xiaolong, also condense became a big dragon, but there is no king Aura.

These Xiaolongs are the first-order spirits collected by Fang Han. They can be compared with a king-level spirit, but the quality is lacking the king Aura. Fortunately, when the days of the robbery are burned, the same can be used. Get it.

Now, Fang Han has the strength of five king-level spiritual veins, tumbling in the long river of Jingsha, and the five dragons rise from the water.

All the way forward, on the ground, more killing intent The long river also flew up, entered the crystal sand long river, slightly rolled, killing intent all washed away, still turned into a strip of Xiaolong.

In a short while, hundreds of thousands of first-order spirits were once again turned into a big dragon.

The beginning of the six kings of the spiritual pulse number.

Fang Han is doing his best. In this dong dong cave, collecting the spirits, no matter what the demon, he goes straight up, using his own crystal god country to twist, immediately smash. There are some powerful demons, and there are also spiritual veins in the body, which are all plundered and acquired by him.

He is desperately trying to see the power, it is unstoppable!

“A lot of good wishes.”

Suddenly in front, there was a huge and incomparable demon city. This demon city was actually composed of dense and sturdy, and suppressed all the ancient magic city.

A lot of wishful demon, flew out from the pool of the demon city.

Ruyi Tian Yao is the king of the demon kingdom.

“My God, in the demon city, how many wishful demon in the end.” Xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang shocked: “However, in the demon city of the demon, the strong Aura, Many kings have a spiritual pulse.” When they saw it, they saw it. In the pool of the demon city, there was a king-like vein, like an vine. It’s crazy to see.

If this ancient demon city pool reaches the heavens, I don’t know how many winds and rains will be picked up.

Seen as Xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang, and the three sects of the Son of the Virgin are all bloodline spray.

However, next, the densely-loved genius, but their blood became cold, so many demon, entering is simply to find death, even if Primordial Immortal is immediately split, no bones.

However, Fang Han’s crystal long river, but not afraid at all, facing a group of powerful wishful demon, full of tens of thousands of heads, cover the sky, the locusts, by his long river, twisted, all strangled, encountering the top disaster.

However, more of the wishful demon flew out, it is endless, these demon, some incarnation became a wishful, some arranged into a seat of the great array, suddenly moving, hundreds of millions of torrents of the great immortality bombarded from it Come out, it’s just a matter of opening up, there is a feeling of going through the ancient times.

It is a pity that these great sects of torrents flow into the long river of crystals and disappear without a trace. It seems that mud cows have entered the sea.

Fang Han’s incarnation of the crystal sand is long, and all the law is swallowed.


Among those who wished to be in the army of the demon, the great torrent of sound was conveyed, and the scorpion ruptured, and more scorpions filled the air, and the attack violently rose again.

“Broken!” Fang Han Jingsha Changhe violently jumped up, there was a bo pattern on it, countless crystals ji shot, turned into a respected crystal ancestor, these crystal ancestors, one by one body, full body full A delicate luster, holding a variety of weapons in hand, directly rushed to the wishful demon army.


These ancestors are all made up of crystal gods, their bodies are hard and incomparable, and they are invincible, shuā shuā shuā 唰唰… countless wishful demon, all worn by the ancestors dong, blasted in the air.

Ruyi Tianlu is a large army, Fang Han is also a large army, a ancestral army that is a crystal god of the country, covering the sky, reflecting the glory, and the wishful demon mutual jiao battle.

The body of the wishful demon is extremely hard, but compared with the crystal of the creation, it still differs a lot, and is worn by dong.

Every wishful demon is an extremely powerful existence. In the body, more or less contains a first-order vein, which is completely killed by Fang Han, and all these veins are acquired.

In the meantime, among the long rivers of Jingsha, there were many more Xiaolongs, and they were turned into giant dragons.

A total of seven king-level spiritual pulse of the beginning of the gas.

Moreover, every time you kill a wishful demon, the ancestors of the crystal gods turned into the devotees of this dream, and once again grow a point.

Fang Han fights out the crystal ancestors, the more fierce the Vietnam War, the more powerful the war, the killing of the sky in the sky, the wind and the clouds are generally sweeping dang.


Suddenly, in the pool of the ancient demon city, a horrible roar rushed into the sky, a formless force, passed out, suddenly thousands of wishful demon, composed a huge palm, volley caught. Above the huge palm, the eyes of the demon appeared.

Obviously, the powerful characters in the wishful demon are shot.

Fang Han All the crystals of the ancestors have gathered together, and they have been turned into a big hand, and they are directly in the palm of their hand. With a bang, the palm of the hand was blown up, and then grabbed, and even went straight to the center of the ancient demon city, and grabbed the king’s veins that were entangled in the vines.

As long as they can get these kings, Fang Han can immediately pass through the robbery.

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