Eternal Life

Chapter 1209

“Your lord is… in the next Xuanyuan family, the person said that Xiaoxuanhuangxuan smashed, I don’t know your name.”

“xiaoxuhuang” Xuanyuan broke through for a long time, finally came back to God, watching Fang Han, the general body of the giant man has some restless trembling, talking very polite, this is in front of strong strength The oppression.

Later, his gaze saw the “xiao Yu Huang” flying over and the feathers, the gods, and the Spirit Passage.

“xiao Yuhuang.”

His eyes swelled in the blink of an eye.

He did not look at it, nor did he greet the paintings of the sun poetry that painted the reincarnation of the world. It did not seem to be in the eye. The people present, only Xiao Yuhuang and Fang Han are the ones who can talk to him.

“This is the sacred wind of the feathered men, just saved you. Kill this group of wishful demon.” Xiao Yuhuang flew over, and xiaoxuhuangxuan smashed: “How? Means? You xiao The Divine Strength is always higher than the top. Is this a person who admire?”

“Is this the son of the feathered men?”

Xiaoxuan Huangxuan smashed and looked at Fang Han. His figure was a few feet taller than Fang Han. His eyes were condescending, but there was always a feeling in his heart that Fang Han’s body was much taller than himself. It seems that the Saint Statue in the cloud cannot compete.

“Yes, Xuanyuan brother, in the next is the sacred son of the feathered men, occasionally passing by, seeing this group of wishful demon trapped Xuanyuan brother, so shot to kill it, how? Xuanyuan brother will not blame the next smash.” Fang Han spoke politely, but he didn’t have swallowed a group of wishful demon, and even the hundreds of millions of miles of space swallowed the fierceness.

“No, no…” Hearing Fang Han, Xuanyuan hurriedly waved his hand: “No squatting, no squatting, just right, many thanks, brothers help, I have been trapped here by this group of wishful demon.” Half an hour, no way can break through, I can’t think of the wind brother, it will be clean, it is simply a charcoal in the snow, how can it be a slamming? Many thanks wind brother to save.”

“Haha.” Fang Han smiled and waved his sleeves: “I have heard Xuanyuan broken brother for a long time. It is the rumored reincarnation of the axe, born Divine Strength, xing love is bold and bold, straightforward, today sees the same. Why not explore the void of this life and death coffin together?”

“This xiao Yuhuang…” Xuanyuan looked at the summer autumn.

“Oh, the girl of Xia Zhiqiu and the boy of Xiaoshihuang, who is too one of the men, was injured. I found her, just two or two cooperation, I want to hurt Xiaoshihuang, and then give her the stone.” Xiao Shihuang is the biggest enemy of my feathering men. I don’t want to kill the civilians. I went to the Taikoo Market to participate in the blood test, which is to fight with her.” Fang Han does not endlessly, through 1u I came out with my own meaning.

“You want to die with Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei?” Xiaoxuan Huangxuan broke the road: “This person is very powerful. When I came in, I found the stone stone of King Xian Immortal Artifact of my former life, and it was shocking. The realm of Primordial Immortal, once the impact is successful, is equal to being invincible in many saints.”

“So, I hope that Xuanyuan brothers and I, as long as I killed this person, I am willing to share with you many of the treasures in his body.” Fang Han threw an olive branch.

“This…” Xuanyuan broke the giant body and turned his body. His eyes flickered. Although he looks like a giant god, it does not mean that he is not smart. In fact, his wisdom is very deep, and he immediately understands Fang Han. Pulling.

“I entered the life and death coffin this time, but also to see the Xiao Shihuang’s stone emperor’s way, come to my axe, the real spirit, the infinite fighting spirit in the body.” Xuanyuan broke: “Since the wind brother so sincere invitation, then I am disrespectful, can’t toast and don’t eat and drink fine wine, and I will deal with this with the brothers.”

“Okay, there is another brother.”

Fang Han swept his eyes and looked at Xiao Yuhuang. “It is more sure to kill Xiao Shihuang. I hope that when I encounter this encounter, I will compete with him. The Xia girl sweeps the rest of the Son.” ”

“No problem.” Xiao Yuhuang summer nodded.

“I have already calculated the true position of Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei. He entered the depths of this life-and-death coffin space. It seems to be looking for a powerful demon of imprisonment. He is getting closer.” Fang Han I figured it out again.

“What?” Xiaoxu Huangda was shocked. “So, this person has found the place where the ancient Demon Dao was imprisoned!”

“Demon Dao Cangsheng, how can you be imprisoned here?” Fang Han glimpsed, he knows that Demon Dao is the most ancient, the first holy, who did not know what year and month, is called Cangsheng, once in the world Among them, Xuanhuangda World has left a mountain range, respected as Demon Dao Cangshan Cangshan. Later, Cangshan wrapped up the Innate Great Emperor and should fly in advance, not knowing where to go to heaven.

Now Fang Han got the news that Cang Sheng was actually imprisoned in the Taikoo Market. This surprise is not the same. If so, isn’t it possible to encounter Innate Great Emperor?

However, it should not be congenital, it is impossible to enter this ancient market.

“What? Demon Dao Seven Holy First Cangsheng was imprisoned here? This is a bit embarrassing, although the heavenly courts have exiled a lot of demons, evil mencultivator entered, but it seems that no one has heard of Cangsheng being sealed ” Xiao Yu Huang feels that things are embarrassing. “This thing is still a little bit better.”

“In any case, find Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei and say it.” Fang Han built 33 Skies into a treasure, turned into High Grade Immortal Artifact, the strength of the body rose again, as long as you can find enough kings, you can rob yourself, again The promotion reached the realm of Primordial Immortal, and it was revealed that God killed God and saw the power of Buddha to kill the Buddha.

Now the power of Fang Han has changed from High-Level Immortal Artifact to 33 Skies. Every inch of crystal is filled with the power of creation, and every move has the power of the ancient king of heaven to make the king.

“Wind brother first, here is getting more and more powerful, there are some tyrannical demons, I am afraid that you need to be able to suppress the wind brother.” Xiaoxuan Huangxuan smashed the big axe in the handle and hid behind it, pointing to the front Killing intent: “Tian Ting’s wishful demon is also here. It is conceivable that there are even more powerful ancient beasts, such as 梼杌, 大鲧,良强……. Going to the middle level, even the high level, or the peak of the Primordial Immortal. So the realm we encounter is also fierce.”

When Fang Han heard his words, he knew that this person was fine and not ignorant.

However, his current strength is enough to face any difficulties with confidence.

The crowd flew again, the light connected into a piece, and it broke into the depths. The killing intent was washed away. Fang Han, at this time, faced the demon hidden in the killing intent, and did not keep their hands. In the past, those killing intents were directly steamed, showing the hidden demon form in the killing intent, and no matter how powerful the demon, or the savage beasts in the group, under the eyes, they all steamed. Enter the body for the dragon shape.

Along the way, it is simply to let Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu, Xiao Ao Huang has no chance to shoot, has been killed by Fang Han a powerful monster.

Fang Han’s shot is amazing.

Xiao Yu Huang Xiaqiu three times and five times want to snatch the demon with Fang Han, but often True Qi has just been brewing, the thoughts move, the front of the demon has already vanished.

This made her have some sorrow, her strength is strong, entered this, want to kill a few powerful monsters to refine some magical treasure and Dao technique, but there are Fang Han, almost no chance to even shoot.

Fang Han is like a god of harvesting souls. When he comes to the world, wherever he goes, where life begins to disappear, no life can survive in his gaze.

Xiaoxuan Huangxuan smashed his mouth and looked at Fang Han, his mouth groaning: “Is this person a reincarnation of Taikoo Pluto? Last time I listened to Xuanyuan Akasaka, the xiaozi said that it was the stalk of this feathered men. His fiancee is ready to find this person to challenge and kill him. Isn’t this a self-death? If you forget, he will tell him after he returns, lest he cause a big disaster.”

“Xuanyuan Senior Brother.” Since the emergence of Xiaoxuanhuangxuan, the virtual cloud has paid close attention to it. After all, the virtual family has given her a Xuanyuan family. Now she will retreat. In the future, she will definitely form a feud with the Xuanyuan family. Encounter, and certainly must be a great war, now it is just a good relationship with Xuanyuan broke nong, you can also take the opportunity to resolve this grievance.

Xiaoxuan Huangxuan broke through the status of Xuanyuan family, very high, and useful.

“How? You are a virtual cloud, originally prepared to marry Xuanyuan Akasaka that Xiaozi.” Xuanyuan broke the virtual cloud and said: “Now that Xiaozi still said that the virtual family retired and lost his face. Prepared to make a big move, and even alerted his teacher, Tianyue Shenzong, to come to the feathers to raise the door to ask the sin.”

“I also look forward to the Xuanyuan Senior Brother from the middle.” The virtual cloud quickly said, her face se is not good-looking, “Tianyue Shenzong” is a large-scale faction, the strength is majestic, almost not under the Makino family. Although there is no Heavenly Monarch in men, many Supreme Immortal emperors, ancient saints, comprehensive strength, can be destroyed.

“No matter what, Tianyue Shenzong, as long as I dare to find Men, I will let them come back.” Fang Han said slowly: “This time their definition seems to have entered the Taikoo Market for blood test. Then all kill.”

“Don’t, the wind brothers don’t want to be impulsive.” Xuanyuan broke quickly and said: “In the Tianyue Shenzong, extremely short-term protection, many Supreme Immortal emperors gathered, if they kill their fragments, eternal life will not take a break.”

“Hey, a men’s group without the Heavenly Monarch guardian is so arrogant.” Dao Xu Shengzi said: “They dare to come to me to feather the men to try? Love St. Nangong sad, come to trouble, just as scared.”

“What?” Xuanyuan was shocked.

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