Eternal Life

Chapter 1203

“There is no one here, it is a void, and the front is also empty dangdang. Isn’t Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu here?”

“There is really no one, but the Culture Base of the wind is so inscrutable that the understanding of the Space Way has greatly increased. It seems that Xiao Yuhuang is hiding here.”

“Where is it here? We have participated in thousands of times, nearly 10,000 times of blood test, and have never been to this place in the Taikoo Market. Is this the newly opened field of heaven?”

“Yes, it is the newly opened field of heaven, what hell bats, ancient evil spirits, these fierce beasts, all from the virtual field of this field, we have to be very ignorant.”

When Fang Han stayed in the air and shouted out the words, the saints behind him followed him up and talked and looked at the situation.

“The feathers of the feathers have seen the autumn girl of Xiao Yu Huang Xia.”

Fang Han made another sound, and the space in front of the space was dangdang, and there was no echo.

I shouted a few times, but I still couldn’t see the movement. Many of the son’s eyes showed suspicious huo. Fang Han’s eyes were cold: “I came here this time to unite the Xia Zhiqiu girl and kill Xiao Shihuang Song. The thing that took off is about, the girl wants to test me about the Dao technique, and then decides to join me or not, then I will let you see, about your virtual fantasy, with the fake 1uan method, it is difficult But I.”

Between talking, Fang Han’s five fingers are like a hook, tearing forward.

From his five fingers, Jishe made a hook-shaped Sword light, and directly dong penetrated into the air, and then everyone saw that the Space was directly torn apart by Fang Han, and the large block of Space crystal collapsed. After falling down, and after the Space crystal, a new world emerged.

In the new world, cross-legged sits on an nv, and the eyebrows are noble, the eyes of Danfeng are indispensable.

Suddenly, this sitting nv opened his eyes and directly stabbed Fang Han. Two gods of light, turned into a long river, such as the dragon of yin Yang, began to strangle.

Fang Han laughed and strode forward. The two gods had not collapsed before they reached him, and they could not cause any harm to him at all.

“Well?” The drizzle, the lingering autumn rain, the violent summer rain, the cold winter rain, she always enters the world of rain, melts in nature, and the changes are gone.

“It is the autumn of Xiao Yu Huang Xia, the reincarnation of the ancient Yuhuang.”

“It is her, too sacred to the nine heavens, the sacred nv, the rumor is too up to nine clear days is inherited too Heavenly Monarch’s Dao Lineage, and too Heavenly Monarch is the origin of the king of the discipline, this xiao Yuhuang The predecessor of the Rain Emperor is the proud discrim of Heavenly Monarch. It has incredible power.”

“The Senior Brother is not under her.”

“You noticed that there is no, the Senior Brother is the first to use the peerless Dao technique to figure out where she is, then find it here, and then break her forbidden art in one fell swoop. This means is clearly above her.”

“Between the rain rumors, and the electric mother Heavenly Monarch is a good friend, is one of the most promising cultivation to reach the Heavenly Monarch level. Unfortunately, it has also fallen, this time the reincarnation is coming, it is possible to reach the height of previous life. Actually They have been caught by the wind, and it can be seen that the Senior Brother is definitely not a simple origin. Is it that the Heavenly Monarch is not a reincarnation?”

Many saints think in their hearts, but they dare not say it in their mouths.

“Feathering men, wind edge?”

The nv was forced to open by Fang Han bi: “I can’t think of it, you can actually calculate the place where I came to hide, and also broke the real and false illusion that I arranged outside. The strength is indeed strong, the son of the feathered men. When did you have a character like you?”

“Under the painting, the reincarnation of the sun, the painting of Sun Shi, I have seen the girl in summer.”

Sun Shi painting immediately came forward and bowed to Xia Zhiqiu: “This wind is the outstanding discipline of our feathered men, Closed door meditation practice, this time, the stone broke, swept the world, is the special men to surrender Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei, just after he calculated the girl and Song Tengfei jiao hand, seems to have eaten a little xiaoxiao’s loss, so come and see what can be assassed to get the girl’s place, want to join hands with the girl, kill Xiao Shihuang .”

“Painting a reincarnation? Sun poetry painting? You, this person, there is some fame, I have heard of you.” Xia Zhiqiu looked at some of the saints of the feathered men, “Devil’s Wings? Everyone is captive seals a million heads Hell bat, turned into a demon wing. The strength is steep, this is your masterpiece?”

She swept past the emergence of the men’s discipline, and swept the gods, the Spirit Passage, the many sons of the Taoist, and finally fixed their eyes on Fang Han’s body.

Fang Han is now tall, tall and strongly built, but burly, but each point is delicate, soft, flashing luster, jing secret, the whole person is like the ancestor of the Protoss, using the nameless axe, with the awesome magic The statue of the statue.

This kind of god is generally temperament, so that people can only look up, at first glance, there is no contempt in the heart.

His big hand contains terrifying and violent power, and his shoulders support the spirit of the sky.

Xia Zhiqiu gradually gazed his eyes. “Wind, you calculated that I have just fought with Xiao Shihuang?”

“Not bad.” Fang Han said: “The last blow of Xiao Shihuang actually shot the geographical image of the 100,000-strong state of the heavens. The stone gas is concentrated and the power is involved in Divine Ability Power. I originally wanted to kill him alone, but this A trick is displayed, fearing that both loses and hurts, so that others take advantage of it, so come to you and kill this person together, then it will be ten and steady. Nothing is missing.”

“His trick is to inherit from the memory of the ancient times, to evolve with stone gas, to swallow Wanzhou, it is difficult to resist.” Xia Zhiqiu said: “However, you have to cooperate with me to kill Xiao Shihuang, what do I rely on? Can you believe me? Don’t you want to borrow my hand and use me? Moreover, I finally found the location of Xiao Shihuang, but I didn’t count on him. Now he is very alert and will definitely show his secret skills. Lifespan to cover up whereabouts, and then promote to Primordial Immortal. Once promoted, you know how powerful it is.”

“Our feathered men and the Taishang nine clear days united, are big men’s big factions, will not be deceitful, and I say that one is one, say two is two, if you say good, you will not use it, and you will not use it. Emperor’s identity, wisdom, who can use you? Xiao Shihuang’s trace, he hides deeper, I can also calculate it.” Fang Han smiled.

“Okay, in this case, we will form an alliance for the time being. This alliance will start from now on. After killing Xiao Shihuang, it will be automatically lifted. If there is any problem, I have to make it clear now. Kill Xiaoshihuang, I To his body, King Grade Immortal Artifact’s stone, everything else, can be yours.” Summer autumn coldly said.

“Yes, jiao is easy to set up.” Fang Han is very refreshing: “I am killing Xiao Shihuang anyway, but it doesn’t mean anything. It is for me to remove a powerful enemy. Any Divine Ability, I don’t care. I am the strongest myself.”

“Wind brother, you have reached an agreement with her? This nv is greedy, actually want to seal the stone monument, do not know that Xiao Shihuang is the most powerful, the most honorable is the body of this King Grade Immortal Artifact? Is it killing? Did Xiao Shihuang really give this stone to her? That is a pity.”

Sun Shihua immediately passed the mind to Fang Han: “We killed Zhao Fenghua, the son of Emperor Huang. After that, the Emperor will definitely look for trouble. If you are promoted to reach Primordial Immortal, then refine the stone monument. Immortal Artifact, the grasp of escape is much bigger. Absolutely can’t give this nv.”

“This nv is very difficult to get entangled.” Fang Han passed a message in the past: “First promise her condition, don’t make unnecessary arguments here, 1ang takes time. When killing Xiao Shihuang, each skill is And, let me say. This nv will not believe my promise, certainly own calculations.”

“Or the brothers are clean and neat, brothers and I admire.” Until now, Sun Shi paintings have completely admired Fang Han, and things have never been muddy, and the style is simple.

Xiao Yu Huang Xiaqiu stood quietly. Hearing Fang Han’s answer, he simply nodded and then said: “Since the alliance is reached, please start to recalculate the hiding place of Xiao Shihuang. Absolutely can’t Then he will delay, otherwise he will become a Primordial Immortal and he will not be able to subdue him.”

“no problem.”

Fang Han nodded. When it was a step, Astral Qi was filled. His mouth spurted out a Sword light. In the air, 1uan painted, and jiao woven a picture. The raging flames burned everywhere, and hot 1ang was everywhere.

Subsequently, a vaguely emptiness of the long river appeared in the flame, and many of the images were changed.

“What is this Dao technique? What?”

When I saw Fang Han, I showed the menDao technique and started to calculate. The eyes of Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu’s eyes began to look very casual, but gradually, her mind seemed to move, it seems to be remembered: “This menDao technique, The feeling of familiarity seems to be? But it is not like, there are some similarities, in essence… There are some mysteries of fate hidden in it, how to see him this menDao technique, I think of the Megatron world, many Heavenly Monarch Are you stunned by the sorrowful sacred fate?”

Fang Han is deliberately putting his own ecstasy, slightly doping the mystery of some xiao fate surgery in it, to see the reaction of Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu, he is profound.

Rumors, Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu in the past life, when the rain emperor, and the electric mother Heavenly Monarch is a good friend, it must be familiar with xiao fate. It caused the curiosity of this nv, and when it was time to kill Xiao Shihuang Song, there was an advantage.

Moreover, Fang Han can also use this hand to open this nv’s psychological defense line and get some ancient mysteries about the electrician Heavenly Monarch.

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