Eternal Life

Chapter 1194

Zhao Fenghua was released by Fang Han, constantly struggling, and between the big roar, he threw his last card.

After he was captured by Fang Han, he knew that there was not much time, but he still had a glimpse of his own, and he proposed his own backstage, the “Emperor of Heaven”.

“What?” I heard the words “狞皇”, Sun Shihua, Xu Bingqing, Xu Yunyun, Dao Xushengzi and others were shocked and looked at Fang Han.

“You really got the rumor of the emperor. In the rumor, the emperor is the most ferocious, most sultry, yin invincible, sinister son, how can you have to beat his inheritance. “Sun Shi painting asked with a trembling voice.”

“Ha ha ha ha! You are afraid! You are afraid.” Zhao Fenghua saw many people with a look of fear, and his heart was very happy: “I will tell you personally, I am a si son of the Emperor, he is from Xiao I was sent to Taiyimen, not showing my relationship to all people. And he personally condensed the corner of Heavenly Monarch and entered my body! If you are not good to me, you will know after going out. What is called sinking.”

“Wind, this………”

Sun Shi’s paintings flickered, and said to Fang Han: “I don’t think that he is actually a si son of the emperor. This is not good, even though it is said that in the Taikoo, the blood test, kill any saint. It won’t be pursued, but it will not be blatantly traced. Some yin cold tricks can still be used. If we kill him, we will definitely offend the Emperor.”

“The emperor, the means of sinister, is the mysterious Supreme Immortal emperor in the heavens. When he hears his name, he can make the saints feel sorrowful.” Xu Bingqing’s face is very ugly.

“What’s hard to do? Just let him go? Isn’t this the same as putting the tiger back to the mountain?” St. Nv is the Yingdao.

“But, killing this person is definitely not able to kill.” Sun Shi painting muttered: “Even if it is a saint, offending the emperor, it is not as good as death.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha!” Zhao Fenghua laughed wildly: “You also know that you have offended the emperor, and you are not as good as death. Very good, very good, let me go, after I go out, it is not difficult for you. Also, Sun Shi painting, you know the current affairs, know that I can not kill. I will tell you good words in front of the emperor. You can even change the court and invest in the majesty of the emperor. As for you, Ren Ying! You actually said me Let me put it back to the mountain, you are completely finished. Now kneel! Give me the wrong, then let me pick you up, become my nv, you can not die!”

Between this time, Ren Ying’s face became extremely difficult to look at.

The saints who were present did not dare to say anything more, and the fierceness of the emperor had already shocked the people. Judging from the title given by Heaven, with the slogan as the number, you can see the cruelty and embarrassment of this emperor.

Zhao Fenghua’s remarks firstly took Sun’s poetry and painting, and then gave Ren Ying’s vicious attitude. The purpose was to dispel the hearts of many people who had emerged, and caused their guilt.

“Wind, you are very good, it is a big genius, I will report it to the Emperor, he will definitely give you enough benefits.” Zhao Fenghua said again: “If you don’t let me go, then this is the ancient market, that is Your death.”

“Now how do you look!”

Zhao Fenghua took the lead and stood in a gesture of xiong.

“Wind brother, this matter….” Sun Shi’s face hesitated.

“Wind Senior Brother.” Ren Ying looked at Fang Han and looked for help.

“Hey! Hey! Can you scare me?” Fang Han suddenly remembered hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, and this Heavenly Monarch sheltered himself. Even if the disaster Heavenly Monarch personally shot, he couldn’t help himself, let alone the district. A singer?

“Even if it’s a disaster Heavenly Monarch, I’m not afraid! You dare to threaten me to paint the men’s holy nv, that is the end of the end! I see that the emperor can help me?” Fang Han’s answer, let Zhao Fenghua’s face se It was stagnant between the moments.

“Wind brother!” Sun Shihuai shouted, and Fang Han waved his hand: “You don’t have to say much, the Emperor is nothing to me.”

“It is true that the Emperor of the Emperor is really nothing about the existence behind the Wind Senior Brother.” The virtual cloud talked at this time, and the Tao Xuzi also nodded again and again: “This Zhao Fenghua took the Emperor, It also threatens us that it is sin to die, and you will refining him quickly, so as not to have a long night dream.”

“it is good!”

Fang Han Suddenly, Zhangkou spit, a Sword Qi long river, the history of the martial arts civilization, appeared around Zhao Fenghua, a strangled, Zhao Fenghua’s body is blood rou blurred.

“You, you dare to refine me, and you will let you die without a place to die.”

Zhao Fenghua was shocked and his face showed a sly face: “You, it’s daring.” He waved his hands, the whole body was broken, but the powerful thoughts kept going back to dang. “You guys! You want all All of them are dead, I am the son of Emperor Huang, the grandson of the disaster Heavenly Monarch, you dare to kill me, you are mad!”

“Kill you to kill you, there are so many nonsense!” Fang Han whole body Sword Qi twisted, and immediately twisted him into a fuzzy blood rou, only the corner of Heavenly Monarch did not smash. It is still tough, and even the materialized dragons have no effect on it.

In a group of vague blood rou, Zhao Fenghua’s own crystal god country rotates in it, and is captured by Fang Han. The spirit of the strip is directly captured, and there are more than 50,000 first-order Spiritual pulse.

“A lot of wealth, you Ansstral Immortal, you can have so many first-order spirits.” Fang Han took more than 50,000 first-order spirits into the bag, haha ​​smiled: “These threads are not enough for me.” Insight Primordial Immortal is a man-mao, but it is also a wealth of money.”


Zhao Fenghua was roaring, hysterical, but his body was smashed into a blood rou by Fang Han, and he could not give power.

“Beginning Era Divine Fist, give me a break!”

Fang Han punches several times in a row, bombarding Zhao Fenghua’s body blood rou, the blood of the group suddenly began to steam, turned into a series of blood dragons, into the body of Fang Han, those Ancestral Immortal rules, powerful spirituality, It also spurred Fang Han’s 33 Skies to create the final metamorphosis.


33 Skies has two treasures and is re-introduced into High Grade Immortal Artifact.

In the screams and screams, Zhao Fenghua was truly ruined, and even his own kingdom of God was completely swallowed up and disappeared. Really absorbed by Fang Han.

Fang Han is now killing Ancestral Immortal, the law of absorption, it is not 1ang a little power, but the corner of Heavenly Monarch, but it has never melted.

“Wind, you want to kill me, it is simply delusional.” In the corner of Heavenly Monarch, there is the shadow of Zhao Fenghua, his soul brand, can not be erased. The corner of Heavenly Monarch firmly protected him. Make him harmless: “My soul is branded. In the corner of Heavenly Monarch, you can’t refine this corner, so I am immortal.”


Fang Han suddenly showed the means of heaven and earth, and turned into a crystal light. He began to change the dang around the corner of Heavenly Monarch. The white horn had a crack in the unicorn, and there was a tendency to break.

“What is this Dao technique, can you refine the corner of Heavenly Monarch?” Sun Shihua and others all widened their eyes and couldn’t recognize the realm of Fang Han’s display.

Fang Han Since the condensed book of the epoch, basically the Culture Base has skyrocketed and can cover up everything. Now, the realm of heaven and earth is displayed. It is very mysterious, and the existence of his realm cannot see his true Divine Ability.

After half an hour passed, the cracks on the corner of Heavenly Monarch were getting more and more deeper and deeper. Among them, Zhao Fenghua’s soul branding has also begun to crack.

“How is it possible, how the corner of Heavenly Monarch may be destroyed.” Zhao Fenghua’s soul-printed face shows a horrible god, and in his body, there are many black spots, which are signs of collapse and destruction.


Fang Han Finally, a word was thrown out, and the corner of Heavenly Monarch of white se suddenly exploded, turning into countless pieces of white se. The soul fragments of Zhao Fenghua that existed in it completely collapsed and disappeared.

And all the white seHeavenly Monarch’s horn fragments, after blasting, were absorbed into the body of Fang Han, and immediately Fang Han’s body began to rotate, and countless crystals of the gods splashed everywhere, seemingly to explode, absorb at all Not so much the amount of violent violence.

“Good violent power!”

Fang Han was taken aback. There is a very strong rule in the corner of Heavenly Monarch, and there is an extremely cruel, yin poisonous, awkward idea, but all are disintegrated by Fang Han. The law is Supreme Immortal. The law, after decomposition, turned into a torrent of Ancestral Immortal’s law, and the whistling dang rushed into the 33 Skies.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Hey…

Some Immortal Artifacts in 33 Skies have changed to High Grade Immortal Artifact.

After the corner of Heavenly Monarch is refining, it is simply unbeatable! More powerful than any Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, which is equivalent to the sum of twenty or thirty Peerless Grade Immortal Artifacts.

Refining the corner of this Heavenly Monarch, Fang Han is equivalent to refining twenty or thirty pieces of Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact.

33 Skies All the treasures except the “Today Men” are changed to High Grade Immortal Artifact. Among the High Grade Immortal Artifacts, there is a powerful force and the Ancestral Immortal rule!

“Good things, good things! The corner of Heavenly Monarch, powerful! Unfortunately, it is a pity that Zhao Fenghua has no way to use all the power of this Heavenly Monarch. If I can wave it all, I will kill him. I have to get some 1ang fees.” Fang Han was ecstatic.

33 Skies has only changed from “the best” to “the best”. Once it changes, it may be that when you promote to Primordial Immortal, you will have to reach a critical point even if you can’t promote Primordial Immortal.

33 Skies is fully converted into High Grade Immortal Artifact, which will definitely make your strength more than double.

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