Eternal Life

Chapter 1181

Chapter 1 181

Unconsciously, three days have arrived.

Fang Han entered the water moon dong days, and the harvest was huge. The Beginning Era Divine Fist was transformed again and turned into a book of the era, which condensed a history of civilization.

This menFist Arts, as his realm improves, will also rise, and finally it is likely to be 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist. Of course, this must make his realm reach the level of the king.

Absorbed a lot of book demon, the book of the era itself is a wonderful existence of a non-magical treasure like a magical treasure, like Divine Ability. Great power. In particular, the book demon sect born in the last Confucian classic “Da Yi Jing” was automatically incorporated into the book, making the book itself close to the strength of Primordial Immortal.

Fang Han combines the power of this book of the epoch with his own crystal god country. Every crystal god country is full of the greatness of Confucianism, filling the heavens and the earth, pouring grass and wood, and suppressing many evil spirits.

Now he doesn’t know how high he is, but even if he encounters Primordial Immortal, he will never fall.

At Immortal’s realm, the First Layer is harder than the First Layer, and in the end, the leapfrog challenge becomes almost impossible. It is impossible for Jinxian to defeat Ancestral Immortal. Ancestral Immortal is even less likely to defeat Primordial Immortal, but Fang Han now breaks this common sense again and shocks everyone in the world.

Originally his strength has been ruthless, and now it is nearly five or six times stronger than before entering the water month.

At the moment when the Book of the Ages condensed the civilization of Confucianism and Taoism, the Ancestral Immortal rule in his body skyrocketed again, from the original one thousand, to 5,000.

It is the integration of the great Confucianism.

“Dayi Jing” is the manuscript of Confucian menHeavenly Monarch, in which Heavenly Monarch’s jing god will be free to be transformed into infinite law. The old Confucian was born with the will, and incorporated into it, immediately with Fang Han’s Ancestral Immortal rule water ru .jiao melts and strengthens itself.

Now if the Expert of the level of the Emperor of the Emperor is provocative, Fang Han is almost a big state apart, and he can directly kill him by blowing his breath.

“So strong…….”

Feel the running of the newly added chapter of Confucianism and Taoism, and the jing of the great Confucianism. Fang Han still has the joy of powder. The old Confucian is unfathomable, but it is automatically integrated into the book of the epoch, which definitely contains profound meaning. Otherwise, it is impossible to really “reinforce the righteousness”.

“hun1uanHeavenly Monarch is sheltering me, saying that in the future, may it be his hope? The key to this is worthy of scrutiny. Perhaps this old Confucianism inherits the will of the ancient Confucian menHeavenly Monarch, the great righteous Confucian king, and also knows some key Things… The calculation and arrangement of these Lord objects is really too clever, and I can’t figure it out in my current realm. Still forget, go out and say.”

Stepping out of the water month dong days, suddenly Fang Han thought, moving his hand, 33 Skies in the body of the general outline “to the day men”, a figure was arrested.

This figure is the Wei Dongsheng of Taiyimen!

In essence, it is awkward.

“Fang Han, I am now cultivation, I have reached the top of Jinxian. Unfortunately, I can’t build the realm of Ancestral Immortal!” 阎cross-legged sitting, in the eyes, a dragon rushing through, the end of the dragon , the impact of the big day in the sky.

“No problem, I just got a fortuitous encounter, incorporating the book demon born by Heavenly Monarch jing, the strength has reached an incredible point, and now I use the group of Confucian men, Astral Qi, for you, it is nothing. After you are promoted to Ancestral Immortal, I will teach you how to steal the heavens. You really combine with Wei Dongsheng’s body. You can enter Taiyimen by using the reincarnation, and follow the plan to find Hua Tiandu!”

“Hua Tiandu? This xiao character, what are you looking for? Even if he enters the heavens, the most current Culture Base is just that Profound Immortal is at the top, and you can turn him into ashes with a sigh of relief.”

I don’t care. “It’s a smokey day. It may be that I have been recognized by the eternal Heavenly Monarch. This thing has to be investigated.”

“No, Hua Tiandu is not that simple.” Fang Han shook his head. “I showed Zhou Tianyi, but I can’t figure out where he is. This is very unreasonable. If he is just a ultuary Cultivation Base, then it is impossible. Any clues. This shows that he was accommodated by the Lord’s Lord, changing his destiny, and maybe there may be another fortuitous encounter. And when I look at the statue of the feathered men, the statue of Heavenly Monarch, I will actually I am thinking of Hua Tiandu. With my current Culture Base, any thoughts will not be targeted. It definitely contains the heavens and the truth. It can be seen that the emergence of the emergence of the men, the Heavenly Monarch and the Hua Tiandu have some connections, even That Hua Tiandu may be the reincarnation of China Heavenly Monarch.”

“Impossible, Heavenly Monarch reincarnation, different from Xiao. In the world, it can quickly become a cultivation.” Unbelievable said: “How could it be oppressed by you? That one is called the night. The reincarnation of the emperor, but in fact, I don’t think it is the same thing. It may be the reincarnation of a mondivine of the night emperor, or the Aura of the emperor. It’s really the reincarnation of the emperor, and the Culture Base overbearing has long since you see Fang. Qingxue knows that although she is just a reincarnation of the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch, her strength is faster than you can.”

“Hua Tiandu, this person has a lot of secrets. Checking is a must.” Fang Han thought for a while: “And, with the depth of the Cultivation Base, many old friends are in heaven, the son of the killing of the court, It is very likely that Meng Shaobai! These people are all coming.”

“Your Zhou Tianyi is promoted to High Grade Immortal Artifact, can you estimate the white feathers, and the Immortal Venerable news? There are also people, the Heart Demon, the Red Devil. These people are not good. When you come to heaven, you will definitely go ahead with leaps and bounds. If you can unite with them, our power will be much bigger.” It is a kind of nostalgia in the world, the power of the men.

In the secular, Fang Han surrendered to the Mozong and Immortal Dao to form a masculine man. He dominated the world and was invincible. But now he came to heaven, but he became a xiao character. I don’t know when and how he can regain it in the world. The wind and the clouds, the invincible feeling of heaven and earth.

“Exquisite Immortal Venerable, there is the inheritance of HongmengDaoist, the true Hongmeng secret, in the heavens, if they fly up, they will definitely get the inheritance of Hongmeng secret, not weak where to go. Absolutely not Become a xiao character.” Fang Han said: “HungmengDaoist laid out the pieces, I can’t figure it out, their fate is covered up by people’s distortions.”

Between the talks, Fang Han suddenly shot, and a vast Ancestral Immortal rule entered the body of the cockroach. Immediately, the whole body Astral Qi was stunned, and the singularity turned into white light, which rushed to the end and turned into countless scriptures. The whole body is bloody, meridian, and countless Yuanshiqi gas is burned and is thrown into the body of the dragonfly.

Before Fang Han did not integrate the old Confucianism, there was no such extravagance for the 阎assist, but now it is different. The Ancestral Immortal rule is arrogant, and a random shot is equivalent to the power of a sacred son.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! 砰….The full thirty-six explosions came, and the body of Wei Dongsheng, who was leaning over, exploded, turned into a creepy blood rou, and then recombined again, a new one. Wei Dongsheng appeared, Aura was more perfect, and Aura covered the aura of 阎, 不to shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones.

“Good!” Fang Han once again had a large sleeve and re-entered the cockroach into the heavenly man, slowly calming down the blood, and after waiting for it, it was Supreme Anncestral Immortal.

When he strode a step, he came out from the depths of the water moon, reached the mouth of the men, pushed away the heavy stone men, and walked out of it.


The stone men were pushed open, and the two guarded men of Men’s mouth opened their eyes and saw Fang Han coming out of it. They only nodded at first, but the more they saw it, the more surprised they were because they were now coming out of Fang Han, Aura. Deep and vast, it seems to have experienced the existence of countless civilizations in ancient times, it is like a long-lasting heaven, always looking down on everything, watching the sun and the moon collapse, the world is growing.

The two Primordial Immortal-level veterans showed a fearful god on their faces.

This kind of Aura, they are hard to see from some saints, only a little in front of some of the portraits of Heavenly Monarch, and the statue of the feathered mentor, Heavenly Monarch.

At this time, Aura in Fang Han is equal to Heavenly Monarch who has lived a lot of hun chaos.

Just Aura, you can let people go back without fighting.

“You…….” An old man hesitated: “This, you have been staying for three days and three nights, how can Aura change so powerful? To shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones?”

“You have raised the realm? No, you are still in the realm of Ancestral Immortal, but this Aura.” Another old man looked sharp.

“There is nothing. I killed some powerful book demon among them, cleaned it up, and reorganized my Dao technique, and some new insights.” Fang Han smiled and said: ” I have benefited a lot from the three-day Closed door meditation. I would like to thank the two, and it will be beneficial in the coming days.”


Between Fang Han’s speech, one of the old men pointed out, and the fingertips were swift and swayed. The dong wore time and space, solidified now, and concentrated on one point, like Heaven Origin Strike, which came to the eyebrows of Fang Han.

The sword mang looked like the turtle was slow, but it was lightning fast. In the face of this sword, Fang Han’s god had an unstoppable taste.

This is the means of Primordial Immortal. All the rules are returned to the Yuan, and they are turned into the supreme point. The power condense, the dong wears the void of the heavens, and the dong wears a distance from a big state to kill people.

The power of Ancestral Immortal is also scattered 1uan, there is no real return.

Only when you reach Primordial Immortal, all the power will be truly infinitely concise and turned into a meta point, similar to Heaven Origin Strike.

This blow was not able to withstand the realm of Ancestral Immortal.

Sword Qi reached Fang Han’s eyebrows and slammed his head and flew up.

Oh! Fang Han’s eyebrows also showed a Sword light. This Sword light is not a sword, but a concentrated kendo civilization that swallows this Sword Qi directly.

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