Eternal Life

Chapter 1172

“What? Fengyuan Shengzi is so bold? Actually, the Emperor of the Emperor Chen Zhenghua is here? He dares to say such a big story with a xiaoxiao projection? You must know that the Emperor of the Emperor is not a true one, Gu Changfeng, Yan Xigui is a newly promoted son, but he has participated in countless blood test trials.”

“Heart Emperor Chen Zhenghua is also giving Ma Feng the wind. The wind has to fight back, but when this words come out, the two become enemies.”

“You can watch the show, but I don’t believe it. Fengzi Shengzi can defeat the Emperor’s Son. You must know that when the Emperor’s Son is still Jinxian, it will be with the Heavenly Prison. The law enforcement discipline battle, and later promoted to Ancestral Immortal, Closed door meditation for thousands of years, participated in dozens of blood se trials, I am afraid that has reached the peak of Ancestral Immortal.”

“Many people say he has the possibility of being promoted to Primordial Immortal.”

“There is a fight between the dragons. The two of them have a True fire. We have to look farther. The recent emergence of the men is really a matter of life. Our blood test between the Sons will probably defeat other Men.”

“Look, Chen Zhenghua, the emperor’s son, is angry.”

Many people saw that Fang Han had let the heart of the Emperor Chen Zhenghua also swear, and knew that the two could not be rehabilitated.

Fang Han sealed a three-person, and the emperor’s son Chen Zhenghua came down to seal the seal. Between the two men’s hands, Fang Han’s projection came down. It was already a tit-for-tat trend, and Fang Han even went directly to the Emperor’s Son, and immediately led to a strong murder.

“Haha, hahaha! Let me kneel down? I tell you the truth, even if Primordial Immortal is approaching, it is impossible, let alone you are a xiaoxiao avatar? You angered me, not a good thing, but self-pick Insult, I am going to break your seal today, and also arrest your true body, and lie here, enjoy the same treatment as them.”

The emperor’s son is shouting in the sky, the endless infinite anger, the whole body fluttering, such as Heavenly Dragon riding the wind, he shot out!

The old saint took a shot, the wind changed to se, a piece of Dao technique, the shock dang exploded, twisted into the shape of a dragon, and the impact on Fang Han’s projection.

Bang! Almost all the people have fallen to the ground, and the Emperor’s Son has developed his true strength and is strong! It’s incredible! His Magic Force, with its own center, presents a concentric circle, and the ripples generally spread outward.

All the core seed disciple of the Jinxian level, in contact with this ripple, all of them are directly flew.

At this moment, Chen Zhenghua, the emperor’s son, seems to be an undefeated Demon Soul. Standing on the spot, the Dao technique torrents in both hands filled the world with a vast expanse.

Fang Han’s projection, but stood up, let the Dao technique wash, like the rock under the waterfall, for hundreds of millions of years. Any Dao technique rushed into his body and disappeared without a trace. Instead, his body began to swell, and the skin’s luster was delicate and full, and it seemed to have derived blood rou.

His whole body, the electric light shines, the heaven and earth glory sweeps down, and the big day jing fire on the sky turns into a virtual shadow of thousands of fire dragons, which is poured from the top of his head, making his body gradually change from projection to solid. .

“Look! What is that? The projection of the wind, not afraid of the attack of the Emperor’s Son, but the power to accommodate the Emperor’s Son, what kind of Culture Base?”

“His projections are getting more and more concise, and they have to be changed to entities! What is this horrible Dao technique.”

“The attack on the Emperor’s Son has no effect. Instead, he is directly accommodated by him. Then he is not invincible.”

“This, it seems to be the highest realm of the undefeated great war of the Emperor’s martial arts in the legendary martial arts, swallowing!”

Many people saw this scene, they were shocked and shocked.

The Emperor of the Emperor also changed his face. “This is the undefeated great war of the Emperor. How is it so magical, my heart is the way to the Emperor’s martial arts, and he is equal, how can he be Devouring?”

He did not know that the projection that Fang Han showed was the supreme Shinto of the unmistakable great war.

33 Skies Creation Divine Fist is the way to swallow the heavens. He has already reached the limit and merged into the law of the Emperor, and they complement each other. No one can see the flaws. And in his projection, the core seed of Beginning Era Divine Fist is his own original Martial art, even if it is a saint.

“Heart Emperor, you are so poor, I am invincible. The stronger you attack me, the faster I grow up, I can absorb your attacks and consolidate the body!” The blood of Fang Han’s projection rouAura is getting stronger and stronger, and it is actually derived from blood rou.

“You project this, everything is supported by the will, and I will destroy your will! You will naturally collapse.”

Chen Zhenghua, the emperor’s son, marched again. All Dao techniques were in the body, a strong soul bsp; his body Yuyun took the wind, and the mind bo showed a bo pattern of the green se, and the attack reached Fang Han. Around the projection, it condenses into a great array, strangling inward.

This is the power of the mind, directly at the bottom of the chou salary, destroying the will of Fang Han, and all the vitality will collapse.

“The world of heaven!”

Fang Han’s projection faced the smashing of this mind, and punched it out, and actually exhibited the Beginning Era Divine Fist of Insight for a long time. Between the moments, one after another, the history of civilization emerged in the boxing style, A Lai The history of civilization of yeah, the history of civilization of witchcraft, the history of civilization of Buddhism, the history of civilization of dragon race, the history of civilization of the Protoss, the history of civilization of Xuanhuangda world… all flickered.

Every era has countless civilizations. The era of Fang Han is to re-emerge these civilizations. In the end, they constantly create new civilizations.

This Divine Ability, the era of creation, always stands on netbsp; there are many people present, in an instant, it seems that the world does not exist, one civilization after another flashes in front of their own eyes, the whole person is completely lost In the history of countless civilizations, accept the impact of the vast heavenly consciousness. Everyone’s head has a tendency to explode.

This is Fang Han attacking the history of civilization and directly carrying out the sea blasting. No one can resist it.

“not good!”

The Emperor of the Heart retreats again and again, and all the laws are printed. The change was to cover a group of green se light balls on his body and protect himself from infringement. He did not expect that Fang Han’s fist was so fierce, and he made a thousand civilization history.

This punch is not powerful, nor True Qi, but a boxing.

Chen Zhenghua, the emperor’s son, feels that he is isolated and helpless. He stands between the heavens and the earth. Facing the past and the present, the impact of the vast history of civilization is almost the consciousness to be submerged in the long river of civilization and encounter the disaster.

Fist invincible!

Beginning Era Divine Fist.

Fang Han’s projection, Magic Force naturally does not have his tyrannical, but Beginning Era Divine Fist is an original method, the will crosses the hun chaotic era, enough to defeat any Expert’s spiritual defense, and finally fell, completely surrendered.

“Where there is such a powerful Fist Arts, the history of civilization is integrated into the boxing. This is what horror Martial Dao! Even if it is recorded in the martial arts of the Emperor, it is not so powerful.”

The heart of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Heart accepts the impact of the history of civilization and is supported by it. Suddenly launched a counterattack: “The Emperor of the Heart destroys the devil, there is no treasure! All civilizations are all shattered!”

The power of his soul, once again exploding, into the storm of destruction, to destroy the history of the thousands of civilizations of Beginning Era Divine Fist.

“The era is endless, civilization is immortal, epic is endless!”

Fang Han’s projection once again stepped out, and it was a shot from the air. It suddenly fell into the sky, the ghosts in the sky were crying, and the blood rain of the pieces fell down. Every piece of blood rain showed a joy and joy, and the bitterness. Mourning, life and death, Jin Ge Tie Ma, Qian Qiu rise and fall…….

Fang Han’s body, like the hero who came out of the legend, his fist, is the Divine Fist who created the era, with his own power, tearing the shackles, making the heavens and the earth sublimate and reaching a new civilization.

“Hero! Hero!” Some of the disciplines were shocked by Fang Han’s boxing style and mad. The emptiness of the sky is dang, the sun and the moon are shattered, and the earth is reborn.


Chen Zhenghua, the emperor’s son, whipped up all the will of the soul and raised the power to the maximum. Against Fang Han’s Beginning Era Divine Fist, it was a punch.

Two Experts, in the air, a fight, the power spread out, do not know how many physical formlesss are destroyed.


The face of the Emperor’s Son was pale, and a blood spurted out, and the body glided in the air for a long time. The shape of Fang Han is cracked. This projection is blurred and seems to be dissipated between heaven and earth.

However, at the moment when it is about to dissipate, the will of one will be blessed again. It is the body of Fang Han who re-emerges. The projection suddenly screams in the sky: “I want to order the gods, condense the true form for me! My will, To control the heavens to the holy, to plunder the jing gas, for my condense immortal body!”


The Scorpio is shaken, and in the kingdom of the kingdom, many of the spirits that have been blocked by the forbidden art have exploded and turned into True Dragon, which is injected into the projection of Fang Han.

This projection, more and more clear, more and more powerful, came out from the void and turned into reality. Compared with the fact that it was twice as strong as he was, he walked and walked, and Astral Qi condensed into an altar under his feet. It makes him seem to be the immortal ancestor on the altar of the ages.

“Heart Emperor Chen Zhenghua, give me a sigh!”

Behind Fang Han’s projection, a pair of wings spread out and stretched into the imaginary sky for a hundred billion miles. A little flashing, it brought a strong Space storm.

He came directly to the front of the Emperor Chen Zhenghua, and the palm of his hand showed the ten-clawed ancestors. In the palm of his hand, the dragon scales of the film were like Demon Soul’s eyeballs, and Beginning Era Divine Fist, once again, was suppressed.

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