Eternal Life

Chapter 1165

An altar of wine.

Among them are Aura with red dust and Aura with heaven.

The red dust is the color of Hong Fen, and the heaven is the green color se. Two pairs of hun together, let people get drunk. A sip of wine, the soul and the soul are all shuttled back and forth between the red dust and the heavens. This wine is the wine of Enlightenment and the wine of enjoyment.

Only when the love of the South Palace is sad, will this wine be brewed.

Looking at this jar of wine, Dao Xushengzi, Chen Yimei is too elder, imaginary cloud is amazement.

“Junior brother, I don’t think you have such a big source. There is no shelter for Heavenly Monarch. Was it the hun1uanHeavenly Monarch that once rebelled against heaven? This Heavenly Monarch, together with eternity, hun chaos, disaster, used to be heaven four One of the great patrons, the most Powerhouse under the sacred king of Xian, each of them lived a lot of hun chaotic epochs.”

Dao Xu Shengzi was trembling, and he was moved: “I don’t think we were lucky enough to see a legendary Heavenly Monarch. Even in our capacity, it is impossible to see Heavenly Monarch.”

“The status of hun1uanHeavenly Monarch is still above the status of our feathering master, Heavenly Monarch.” Chen Yimei is too elder to calmly say: “With his Junior brother, we will be strong in the future.” What is the point?”

“Heavenly Monarch…” The imaginary cloud is completely silly.

At this moment, the three looked at Fang Han’s eyes and they all changed completely.

“hun1uanHeavenly Monarch is a good guardian for me, but the specific practice depends on myself.” Fang Han shook his head: “And the future heavens will become more and more hun1uan. If this thing happens 1u goes out, I want to be the target of heaven.” .”

“Yes, this thing must be tight-lipped, but since the hun1uanHeavenly Monarch predecessor appeared, there must be means. We can’t speculate on his mind.” Dao Xu Shengzi also knows great, hun1uanHeavenly Monarch is the first of heaven A big enemy, if this thing makes the heavens know, it is very likely that the feathered men will be destroyed by the heavens the next day.

Although the Tianting group has no dragons, the sacred king has disappeared, but after all, the three ruling giants are still there, and the Lei Di Heavenly Monarch has added the position of the original hun1uanHeavenly Monarch.

The majesty and order of the heavens, as long as there is no major change, will not be a fundamental change in the future billions of years.

These people are all xiao characters, mixed in it, especially xiaoxin.

Under this general trend, the feathering men are also a xiaomen faction.

“This thing, we should not be born, completely forgotten. Sometimes know too much, not a good thing.” Dao Xu Shengzi suddenly moved, actually erased this memory from his mind.

Chen Yimei is too elder, and the virtual cloud is also a move, clearing his own memory. However, they have eliminated the physical memory of hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, or know that there is a Lord behind Fang Han.

“Hey, this altar red dust heavenly wine is the strongest yao brewed by the sadness of the Holy South Palace. It is really shocked to give it to you.”

No one dares to mention anything about hun1uanHeavenly Monarch. The words then fall on the red dust.

The red dust Tiandao wine is used by Nangong to use millions of celestial years, collecting hundreds of millions of spiritual yao, using the laws of saints, brewing them, every drop is extremely precious.

Now the whole altar is given to Fang Han, apparently on the face of hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, and a good relationship. The value of the future is far above this altar.

In the words of Heavenly Monarch, I don’t know how much value.

“The virtual cloud, you are promoted to Ancestral Immortal is still lacking in tempering, but since there is this altar red wine, and I have some saints, I will completely improve you, promote you directly to Ancestral Immortal! Become a saint, and in the future, in the virtual home, completely defeat the virtual master!”

Fang Han did not leave immediately.

He took the altar and walked around the sky. Immediately, the mountains and rivers below began to change shape and became a huge battle. The mood of the smoke and rain was even stronger. He really turned the mountains and rivers into a picture. picture.

“You want assist, I am promoted to the realm of Ancestral Immortal?” The imaginary cloud can’t believe its ears.

“There is nothing. I have this ability now.” Fang Han smiled, and in the jar, a red dusty sky drove out of the wine and entered the body of the imaginary cloud, suddenly the virtual body seemed to be drunk. It is.

Her yu bone ice muscles have a new luster, and the whole body is turned into a yunv, which is a real yunv. The chill of Sensen came out from above.

“The realm of impact!” Fang Han took the first bang to drink, and the illusion of cloud waking up from intoxication, sitting cross-legged. At the beginning of the rush, Aura of the ancestral spirit appeared on the top of the head.

Fang Han stretched out his hand to cover the sky, and it was too big to measure. The black pressure covered the mountain, and in the palm of his hand, an eyeball appeared, and the body facing the virtual cloud began to shine.

The eyeballs reflect the yu bone ice muscles, which are clear and clear, and there is a tendency to be innocent.

The sage Buddha lamp oil appeared on the top of Fang Han, and the flames broke into the body of the imaginary cloud.

The virtual cloud is bright and bright.

Fang Han spit out, and many scriptures flew out and turned into notes. Under the strong notes, the imaginary clouds hit the pass over and over again.

Suddenly, the sky was yin, and many of the thunders came down again. It was a robbery.

The realm above Jinxian interferes with the operation of the creation of the heavens and the earth. In the midst of it, there will naturally be many robberies falling down, there will be water and fire, and there will be thunder.

The imaginary cloud has also been robbed. First, a respected Heart Demon, manifested itself, to contaminate her body of yu bone ice muscles, and then there is boundless suffocation, falling from the sky.

But she was resolved by herself.

With Fang Han’s assist, she is simply breaking through. In the twinkling of an eye, they communicated the laws of the ancestors above the sky and began to transform their own rules of the Golden Fairy.

Fang Han’s big sleeves, the long river’s general beginning of the gas into a fire dragon, broke into her body, assist her concise. At the same time, all the changes in the body of this imaginary cloud are in the hands of Fang Han.

“Yu ice muscles, beautiful people like water, natural gods, and sure enough, there is a taste.”

Fang Qi’s True Qi, entered the body of the virtual cloud, finally felt the other side’s mysterious mystery. From a certain point of view, the imaginary cloud is also a genius, the gods derived from the heavens and the earth, are genius, such as ghost eyes evil spirits, Xuan Huo Jin Yu……. are all air transporters. Their physique is concentrated in the heavens and the earth, and the same is true.

In the process of imaginary cloud rushing under the assist, Fang Han also really explored the powerful body that reached the yu bone ice muscle.

Yu bone ice muscle body, until now, it is actually the real power. In the process of rushing off the cloud, a yu mass flow rushed out, and the surrounding time and space were all transformed into a kind of yu quality, yu country, yu world, yu universe.

Fang Han secretly calculated that his own crystal god country also brought a kind of yuse, his current Culture Base, can use the power of creation, simulation to create a yu bone ice muscle.

“In the rumor, the ancient Taoist scriptures, there are 100,000 kinds of gods between heaven and earth, and each kind of god has a mysterious and unpredictable mystery. If I dong has all the mysteries of the gods, I will combine them for my own Culture. Base, the comprehension of creation, must have many benefits.”

Fang Han thought in his heart.

Among the heavens, 100,000 gods, yu bone ice muscles, Xuan Huo Jin Yu… all of them, every kind of god has a place that Fang Han is worth learning.

After getting the mystery of the yu bone ice body, he blended into the Beginning Era Divine Fist and unexpectedly expanded. And its own crystal god country has some wonderful insights that are unknown.

These insights are the beginning of his Insight Great Dao.

The yu light in the body of the imaginary cloud is getting stronger and stronger. Finally, it rises up and shatters a humanoid lightning into the body. All the golden fairy rules change to the Ancestral Immortal rule.

The Ancestral Immortal rule, all of which began to change, became a ray of light.

One, two, three…. There are thirteen Ancestral Immortal rules condense, and every rule shows yuse, a long river of yu quality, unpredictable.

“It’s finally succeeded!” said Dao Xushengzi: “The Jinyun junior sister is indeed a natural god. When he was promoted to Ancestral Immortal, he had 13 Ancestral Immortal rules. I am now forty-eight.”

The strength of Ancestral Immortal is also determined by the number of Ancestral Immortal rules. There are more than 100,000 Golden Fairy Rules in the imaginary cloud. When they were promoted to Ancestral Immortal, they merged into 13 lines and they are already strong.

Among the early Ancestral Immortal, it is also a leader.

Fang Han was immersed in his own body, and now he has a thousand Anceslal Immortal rules, each of which seems to be a long river of fate, condense together, turned into a pillar of the sky.

The Asahi Son is the middle of Ancestral Immortal, and there are only forty Ancestral Immortal rules. And Fang Han has a thousand, it is more than twenty times his! This is spread out, to scare people to life.

“Wind, I can’t think of it, I will be promoted to the realm of Ancestral Immortal one day!” The imaginary cloud slowly recovered: “The virtual master has only twelve Ancestral Immortal rules, and I can now go back and defeat him.”

“It’s still a period of time to practice and consolidate the Foundation.” Fang Han, despite the smashing of the clouds, completely got the mystery of the yu bone ice body, but it lost a lot of King Grade spirit.

“Junior brother, let’s go back first, notify the top executives in the feathering men, determine the identity of your son, improve your status, and this is the real name.” Chen Yimei was too embarrassed to see things are right, immediately.

“Good! Go.” Fang Han also felt that there was nothing to stay outside. Go back to the feathering men and see what characters are in the Son.

The son of the feathered men is the real high level.

The four turned to the opposite side. After a day, they arrived at Zhongzhou from the transmission of the ancient state of the state, and entered the feathered kingdom. Finally returned to the feathering men.

Just after returning to the feathering door, Fang Han heard a few amazing news.

“Senior Brother, the breakthrough of the realm of Ancestral Immortal, has been promoted to the Son.”

“Gu Changfeng, Yanxi returned to the two Senior Brothers, and also broke through.” ………. Many disciplines are in talks.

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