Eternal Life

Chapter 1156

The eight towers of the Futuo are united, and the strength of Fang Han has once again grown, and the state of repression has been volcanic explosions for a long time.

This time, Fang Han’s savings are really reaching the peak. Since he was promoted to Jinxian, he has been devouring all the time. Before and after, Lord did not know how much he was swallowed up. Murong Shi, Jin Xiyu, Cao Zhengyang, the Eight Gods prison, Ouyang Chang’s ancestors, sad bows, ruthless arrows, fragments of artifacts, and just a high-level Immortal Artifact’s eight floats, Tu Gang’s entire Divine Ability rule, jing blood.

All these things add up, even if a hundred golden celestials are also exploded, and there is no bone. However, Fang Han has been accommodated and is now changing.

From quantitative to qualitative.

The realm is elevated.

A Bo-bo’s void ancestral Aura descended, and the beginning of his body was ignited and burned automatically.

Those spirits that contain the king Aura seem to be ignited by the flames, making the Fang Han whole body a great torch that rivals the great day of heaven.

In the endless mountains, the rain and the rain, and the rain, but by the fire of Fang Han, immediately red, all the water vapor is steaming, the ground is dry, the waterfall is in the mud of the dry, even The stones on the ground began to melt.

After a few breaths, the mountain where Fang Han was located turned into a magma, and finally the magma was smelted into nothingness and dust scattered into Space dust.

Fang Han is like a black dng, which keeps condensing, and the flame that blooms on the body can burn everything into nothingness.

The Asahi Son, too Elder Chen Yimei has long escaped. Shocked to see Fang Han: “The Junior Brother, this promotion to Ancestral Immortal, the movement is too big, I don’t know if I can succeed.”

“The wind has changed into se, the earth has become empty, his savings have been too arrogant, and he has been passed down to the bones. He has been promoted to Ancestral Immortal, but he is also more difficult than the average person. He once recorded in the ancient Tao. Many of these big genius are dangerous when they are in the realm of improvement. There are heavens and earth, and even Great Dao does not accommodate you.” Chen Yimei’s face is worried, not optimistic, his hands begin to print layers of seals. Wrap this piece of heaven and earth in order to prevent Aura from leaking out. It is now being troubled by Expert. Although they are unconsciously incarnate as “impermanence” and “Protoss”, they kill the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Discipline, but after all, It’s not a matter of seeing light. It’s being seen, and 1u’s secrets are squandered. It’s a big disaster, and the feathers can’t protect them.

“Let’s take a look first. If it doesn’t work, we also have a few ancient treasures on our body. Even the sacred blood can be used by the assisted junior brother to suppress the spirit. Once the Junior brother is repaired by Ancestral Immortal, then among us. And there is one more top Expert. What time will I see the other big men’s factions? Especially when they go to the Taikoo Market with the sons of Taiyimen, what would they be?”

Dao Xusheng is sincerely hopeful that Fang Han will break through the realm.

“Okay, we are secretly prepared. As long as the Junior brother shows up, it will cost jing blood and display the intermittent feathering of True Qi. Assist he will reconnect with the road!”

The conversation between these two people, Fang Han heard the ear, the feeling of darkness, but did not need the help of the two, what kind of mind is he? All kinds of dangerous situations have come over, let alone now?

The blazing flame is burning, and the flame produced by the beginning of the gas burns his golden fairy law into the Ancestral Immortal rule. The law of the ancestors in the void is passed down, combined with the body, and completely transformed into Aura, the exclusive Ancestral Immortal.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

After the change of Fang Han, the eight floats in the body need not be said to have reached the peak of High Grade Immortal Artifact. Although there is no more promotion for 33 Skies, a ray of light is always turned into a big day in the sky. Shine the heavens. If it wasn’t for Fang Han’s efforts to suppress it, the 33 Skies would really fly to the Nine Miles and turn into the thirty-three rounds of the sun, and compete with the big day of the heavens.

This is the Shinto of Ancestral Immortal.

33 Skies did not advance, but the “wing of freedom” began to change. Fang Han deliberately promoted this treasure when he was promoted, and a large number of Ancestral Immortal rules perfused to reach the pair of wings.


The pair of wings opened fiercely, fanning behind Fang Han, and among the plumes of light blue se, they also lived in many ancestors. In the depths of the distant heavens, a pair of huge wings are looming, passing on the power of various freedoms, so that Fang Han’s wings can be moved anywhere, and nothing can stop freedom.

The wing of freedom is for High Grade Immortal Artifact.

The thunder roared.

The sky is actually black and pressed, and a strip of lightning condense in the dark clouds, actually condensed together, turned into a respectable human form!

Humanoid lightning.

Those humanoid lightnings, each with Ancestral Immortal’s Aura, fell on the top of Fang Han’s head.

“Lezu’s robbery! How did he have so many humanoid lightnings? I was promoted to Ancestral Immortal, and I was exposed to this Daoist-shaped lightning. This is the robbery of Zulei. The humanoid lightning is equivalent to an Ancestral Immortal. If you support it, you will turn this Daoist-shaped lightning into a real Ancestral Immortal, which is a robbery for everyone. But as far as I know, everyone has only one robbery, how much the Junior brother is so much. ”

Dao Xu Shengzi saw so many humanoid lightnings and was shocked.

At this time, those humanoid lightning, Zu Lei’s robbery went to Fang Han to hit the past. Every time I came into contact with Fang Han’s body, there was an earth-shattering explosion. The Space on all sides was blown into pieces and the glass fell down.

Chen Yimei spurted out the blood, and his forbidden art was also shattered.

Fang Han didn’t have the slightest movement. Every time the impact of humanoid lightning, he spit out a stream of air. This airflow smashed the humanoid lightning and turned it into the body of Fang Han. The crystal god country has added strength, making the ancestors of it even stronger.

This is a robbery in disguise.

There were hundreds of humanoid lightning strikes in front and back, but they were all defeated by Fang Han, swallowed into the body, and once swallowed, Fang Han’s whole body was shining.

“Great Dao can’t let it go, annihilate the alien…”

Suddenly, there was a natural sound in the sky, which seemed to be naturally formed.

A huge Thunder palm grabbed it, and all the palms of the Thunder’s palm were all eyeballs. Each eyeball had countless compound eyes. The light between the flashes destroyed and destroyed. The thunder light bloomed from above. Han steamed whole.

“This is ….” Dao Xu Shengzi saw this thundering hand full of eyeballs, the whole body has been smashed, “This is the hand of punishment! Heaven will destroy the heresy! It is the Junior brother. heresy?”

The hand of punishment!

Covering the palm of your eye, grab it and the Thunder can steam Ancestral Immortal.

“Heavenly Monarch, guarding me! Yi Lei does not invade, listen to me!”

When the hand of the punishment was caught, Fang Han suddenly opened his eyes, and there was even a tall shadow behind him. This virtual body is the eye of the sin, wearing a battle skirt, and even hands. The palms are all eyeballs. It is somewhat similar to the hand of punishment.

“The shape of the Lady of Heavenly Monarch!”

Dao Xu Shengzi and Chen Yimei retreated again and again.

“How could he possibly evolve this form? This Dao technique? Can restrain Thunder…. From then on, the thunder can no longer help him.”

Fang Han is actually taking the illusion of the Lei Di Heavenly Monarch in the memory of Cao Zhengyang and others, and calculated it in Zhou Tianyi. At that time, it was not calculated, but now that the promotion reached the realm of Ancestral Immortal, Zhou Tianyi was also promoted to the High Grade Immortal Artifact when he refining the sad bow. When it was a good arrow, the calculation was also wonderful. Finally, at this time Its own Leifa condense became the shadow of the Radian Heavenly Monarch, simulating the pressure.

The “Leader Heavenly Monarch” behind him pushed out and pressed the “hand of the penalty”. He immediately smashed the “hand of the penalty”, and the thousands of eyeballs flew down. The meteors were generally fallen, all of which were Fang. Han swallowed it.

Fang Han stood up, took seven steps left and right, and stopped firmly. The fingers and the world seemed to be separating the heavens and the earth. The ancestral Aura rotated around itself and dispersed for a long time.

The vitality of the surrounding areas has also calmed down.

The mountains and rivers that have been melted by Fang Han, the earth, have turned into a kind of earth-water fire, and they have been rotated within a few hundred thousand miles. Some creatures and animals have also been born in the fire of the earth.


Dao Xu Shengzi looked at the incredible, the land that had just been destroyed, the mountains and rivers, the rivers were actually restored again in the ground and the fire, even the creatures, but also condense out blood, soul, and re-derived.

“Return to the source, the ancestors returned to the sect….” Fang Han finally sat-legged and sat down. “The heavens and the earth are in one heart, the law is like a thought, reinventing Qiankun.”

Between the heavens and the earth, the smog is smog, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, the sables sing in the trees, the springs flow, and the waterfalls hang down. This day, the world has returned to its original appearance. It has a dreamy taste.

Dao Xushengzi even saw that there was a group of cultivation in the mountains. The White Deer who arrived at the realm of Void Immortal was in the Pentium. Just a group of White Deer, melted into ashes, now re-grows out and still maintains the original posture. . After a careful diet, I realized that I had experienced a change in life and death.

Every detail in this mountain river, even a fish in the water, has been reshaped and everything is restored. Heaven and earth are still the original world.

“Junior brother …. you are this…”

“I was promoted to the realm of Ancestral Immortal, deducting Wanfang, reshaping Qiankun. How? This world is still the original world, I can make mistakes? One grass and one wood, one bird and one stone, one sand and one dust, A cigarette and a rain, there is no difference between the original and the original.” Fang Han confidently said.

“No……. No….” Chen Yimei’s throat seemed to be stuck.

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