Eternal Life

Chapter 1100

Chapter 1100

Fang Han turned around and killed Murong.

The body of tall and tall, like the Taikoo Mountain, stands tall, the big hand, the storm of countless eras is spinning, the word “to” appears, and the “Jade Emperor’s Holy Spirit has a great sword” is completely suppressed. live.

In the depths of this long bone, all people have no way to escape.

Especially in the vicinity of the ancient “Bone Tower” murderous land, countless powerful shackles, sealed Space.

Murong Shi lure Fang Han here to prevent him from escaping. But now, it has become Fang Han to kill him, and he wants to escape is impossible.

I want to bring the enemy into the trap, but I fall into the trap.

“What is this? This is the general outline of the Zhuhuang martial arts? The long-lost to the heavens to the Holy High Emperor God to control the true law?” Murong Shi is almost even the eyes of the beads have almost come out of the eye.

Others don’t know the mystery of this Martial art, but he knows it well.

“Zhuhuang Wujing” is a Martial Dao that has been suppressed by the heavens and has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years. Every door has its own way of turning the heavens and the earth, reversing the sun and the moon, and infiltrating the mystery of ghosts and gods.

However, its general outline is even more magical.

It is rumored that the general outline is the source of all Martial art, and it is the Great Dao truth elaborated by the celestial king. However, it has long since been lost, but it has now appeared again.

This Martial art masterpiece, and 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, are the same source. Because of this, Fang Han entered the ancient city of the underground and was not attacked.

Because, the Dao technique thinks that he is the descendant of the sacred king.

“Su Feiyang, Fan Chen, and Wei Dongsheng! You are so courageous, you are here to kill.” Fang Han did not answer the words of Murong Shi, but turned his hand and punched three punches.


Between the three punches, the big waves and the sky, the strength is like a mountain, and countless powerful smashes are crushed. Involved in the fist, bombing the three. All the attacks of all three people were broken.

“Not good, retreat! Close to Murong Prince!”

“This is fierce, and sacrifice magical treasure!”

“Even if we are fierce, we will join forces and we will kill him!”

Su Feiyang and others, a blood almost sprayed out, hard to accept Fang Han a punch, absolutely uncomfortable. However, they must be the petite of the sky, the core seed disciple of the sect, in a hurry, forcing a joint, three-in-one, and repeated changes, offering three powerful magical treasures, all of which have High Grade Immortal Artifact , Fei Teng changes, arrived at the side of Murong Shi.

“You have nothing.”

Fang Han did not pay attention to the three people, and did not attack again. Instead, he turned around and asked the virtual cloud and the “biyuer.”

“Damn, these three people suddenly attacked me!” The fisherman’s face was very sharp: “You three, sooner or later, one day, I will not let you go!” You want to provoke the relationship between the sects. What about war?”

“You don’t have to wait any longer. Today, this group of people will be completely killed, lest they mess up the wind and rain.” Fang Han stood up and looked at the “Su Feiyang”, “Van Chen”, “Mu Rongshi” and “Wei Dongsheng” : “Virtual cloud, which one do you want to refine them? This Murong’s whole body golden fairy rule, all magical treasure, I have to ingest. The other three, one of you pick a refining. The rest One, I want to give a friend of mine a reincarnation.”

The friend Fang Han said is naturally awkward.

阎 Now cultivation, gradually improve the realm, break through 桎梏, can win the reincarnation, Fang Han just to find him a golden fairy body, directly grafted, can cultivation.

He is talking between the four people, as if they were picking pigs.

The imaginary cloud and the fisherman’s eyes widened and looked at Fang Han. For a moment, some reactions did not come. However, in the end, the virtual cloud was discussed with Fang Han, and his face immediately filled with murder. He said with a finger to Su Fei: “That is this person. This Su Feiyang is extremely intelligent. In the beginning of the sword, it is the big genius, cultivation. Wan Shijian, all kinds of Dao techniques, are very profound. If I refine and refine him, I will benefit a lot from myself.”

“Miss Fish, what about you? Which one did you watch? I am giving you a huge fortune this time.” Fang Han asked the fish again.


In the end, the fisherman who met the big world immediately responded: “I want the van Gogh to be good. His great brave ritual is the Divine Ability of the ancient Buddha. It is doped with countless ancient Dao techniques. Very powerful, I refining him, but I was able to reinforce my own great power.”

“Well, you have chosen one person, and I will take them down to you.” Fang Han stands proudly and dominates the world. He shows the style of the hegemony. It seems that the ancient kings have come to the world, and the heavens and the earth are discolored. They are changing between his words.

“Haha, haha!”

Murong Shi made a stern laugh: “You are very arrogant, you have to say, you are very arrogant, we are still, you will treat us as pigs! Do you think you really control the situation?”

“Yeah! It’s too arrogant.” Wei Dongsheng laughed happily: “Mu Rong Prince, this person is indeed crazy, you will show your Assassin, let him know, in fact, he is all in your control.” It.”

“The virtual cloud, do you want to refine me?”

Su Feiyang kills the machine and looks at the virtual cloud. “You want to refine me, then come? I don’t mind to double-build with you, take your Primradial Yin True Qi and take your virginity.”

“Bi fish! I can’t think of you, but I have no problem. After I returned to the martial art, I went to show you the door to you.” Fan Chen also laughed: “Today is just right, I am here, I am born. Rice cooked ripe rice.”

“Wind, you don’t know! The two veins that you absorbed have been arranged forbidden art by me. I will let you die without a burial place as soon as I move.” Murong Shi squeezed a weird print with both hands. Hey, suddenly opened his mouth and spurted out.

However, Fang Han did not react at all.

“What happened?” Murong Shi changed his face.

“Hey! Do you think that you have controlled me with forbidden art? In fact, I have long been unknowingly disintegrated, and arrogant about your mind.” Fang Han grabbed a big hand and caught a group of constantly changing vicious bans. With a pinch, this group of bans disappeared.

“On the contrary, I have controlled you! You probably don’t know. When I gave your lost sword Sword Qi, I have already ambushed the eternal Heart Demon and penetrated into your heart. You can’t show it! I Now let you see and see, the mystery of my Great Heart Demon Technique, and let you know how stupid and fragile you are! Hey! Heart Demon Vientiane!”

Fang Han screamed, and immediately, behind him, there was a Yuan DeHe, the ancestor of Wan Mo, the originator of the ancestors.

This Heart Demon appeared, and Murong Shi was a confrontation. Murong Shi suddenly felt his heart beat, whole body Magic Force retrograde, Divine Ability was ready to move, all kinds of illusions in front of him, even a wow, spit out blood.

“Murray Prince!”


Wei Dongsheng and others were shocked and surrounded them. Murong Shi is now his main heart. If something goes wrong, they are really unimaginable.

“Great Heart Demon Technique! This little means, I want to suppress me! Make me Qi Deviation? This is a delusion!” Murong Shi suddenly screamed, his body burst into flames, spurting out from his heart. A broken ancient mirror, the whole body shrouded, and countless Aura suddenly exploded.


The Yuan De Heart Demon behind Fang Han was shocked and suddenly collapsed.

Murong Shi actually used the magical treasure to break the Great Heart Demon Technique.

“Jade Emperor Mirror! Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact!” The imaginary cloud screamed, and the body retreated backwards and again, fearing that it would be shot by the crystal, and the fish would change color.

“Great Heart Demon Technique can’t be eliminated, you just temporarily suppress it with this broken jade Mirror.” Fang Han shook his head, and the broken heart of the Heart Demon, filled the four sides.


In this long river, countless powerful cockroaches, after being contaminated by the Great Heart Demon Technique, actually stopped flowing, as if to follow the command of Fang Han.

“Wind, in this case, I will fight with you to see who is dead and dead!”

Murong Shi’s eyes showed fierce light, and the body was shocked. Step by step, the palm of the hand appeared the shadow of the Jade Emperor. It played the Wandao Sword Qi, condensed into a Jade Emperor, and the Jade was placed between the fierce and fierce. The emperor is coming! The four sides are all thick golden fairy rules.

Every Golden Fairy rule is the same as Fang Han. There are people who are thick and scary, and the Golden Fairy Law shows the light of jade. It is very concise. It penetrates into its numerous jade, which makes the Golden Fairy Law have one. A kind of momentum that transforms the heavens and the earth into jade.

jade! Representing warmth and honor.

“I don’t see the coffin without tears!” Fang Han looked at Murong Shi out of the jade and killed himself. He couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t feel weak in his hand. He showed Assassin, and the boxing wind turned and made Beginning Era Divine Fist. .

“The world of heaven and earth, far and infinite, the true meaning of the Tao, the eternal creation!”

After Fang Han took a step, there was a new era behind it. In the era of the era, countless alums with the greatness of Great Dao were born. The numerous crystals of the gods in his body turned into a huge heaven, covering the four wildernesses, and even the bone towers of the murderous land almost enveloped them.

“The kingdom of God… is the paradise of all beings, spreading the gospel of eternal life…”

Fang Han spurred Beginning Era Divine Fist while urging the crystal of the gods, enshrined in the world of millions of heavens, and shrouded the world. In many heavens, there are gods born, and he is the father and grandfather of all living beings.


Beginning Era Divine Fist and the Kingdom of God cooperated with each other and collided with each other. They directly punched Murong Shi’s Jade Sword Qi.


Murong Shi was sprayed out of blood.

“Jade Emperor Mirror!” He shouted again, the Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact’s fragments, once again wielding power, countless crystals burst out of the heart, condense in his hand became a mirror of the country.

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