Eternal Life

Chapter 1097

The first thousand and ninety-seven chapters

The sea of ​​chaos has finally arrived.

Fang Han, a group of people, shuttled at sea, almost a few days and nights, before they reached the mysterious battlefield of the Taikoo battlefield.

This chaos of the sea looked at the past, the layers of darkness, there is always a mist in the envelope, this fog gathers and does not disperse, wandering around, a bit similar to the evil fog of Quanzhou’s fallen evil valley.

This is a sea. In fact, it is not entirely an endless sea, but a floating continent. Many continents with hundreds of millions of miles and even billions of miles float in the infinite black fog.

The gust of wind whispers through the ocean, and the fog inside is scattered, but it never fades.

This ancient battlefield is always in the mystery of the mist.

The ancient spirits, wandering in it, the ancient souls, roaring in them. Mysterious and dangerous, Fang Han faintly looked at the past, and now on some continents, the bones are piled up, the mountains are mysterious, and the mysterious and horrible gods are in their minds. It seems that there is some kind of hegemonic level hidden in it, feel free to give People take a fatal blow.

“The sea of ​​chaos is even more dangerous. The hidden demon is powerful and incomparable. There are some undead dead spirits floating in it, and you can kill Jin Xian at any time. We must be careful and be careful. And, rumored, The protoss army also entered the chaos of the sea, and also looked for the cemetery of the ghost Wu Shengjun…”

Murong Shi’s face was completely dignified, and a pure and transparent jade-like Sword light appeared on the body, showing a strong horizontal protection ability and lethality.

“Mu Rong Prince, you are the person of Tianting Yufu, this time invited us to come, surely there is a map of the tomb of the ghost Wu Shengjun. Otherwise, we are looking around in this chaotic sea, aimless, met the protoss army, There are also various demons, the dead spirits of the Taikoo, which are extremely dangerous.”

Fang Han said directly: “It is better to take out the map. Let’s take a closer look. First find the cemetery of Ghost Wu Shengjun, go deep into it, get all kinds of treasures, and the fragments of the ghost Wusheng map.”

Fang Han has long seen it, and this chaotic sea is indeed extremely dangerous. It is absolutely fierce for Jinxian to enter. He is not willing to spend more time with him.

“Well?” I heard that Fang Han asked himself to take out the map of the Ghost War cemetery. Murong Shi had a murder on his face, but it was fleeting.


Su Feiyang spoke: “Wind, you said this is a big rebellion. This time is the head of Murong, leading us to complete the mission of heaven. All things should be arranged by the Prince. You should not be In the battle with the god turtle king beast, you get a fortuitous encounter, Sword Qi who has received four lost swords, you should give your hands to Murong Prince, and then let the distribution, but you still say a lot, charge him Revenge, you should be devastated by the heart! Now dare to force the Prince Murong to take out the map of the ghost martyrdom cemetery? What do you want to do?”

Su Feiyang’s words were sharp, and the sentences were all for the sake of Murong Shi, but they were full of provocations.

“Is there something for you to talk about here?” Fang Han stepped forward, “Give me Get Lost! Otherwise I will marry you now!”

“You!” Su Feiyang’s gloomy sneer: “The wind, one day, I will let you know how powerful I am.”

“Now I want to know how powerful the Wan Jian Jian Zong is.” Fang Han grabbed his hand and grabbed it toward Su Feiyang. “I am just making a suggestion. You are so provocative, bad intentions, it seems that I have to Kill you, you will be completely quiet for a while.”


Murong Shi shot this time.

He put his fingers together, and when Sword light spurred out, he smothered it on Fang Han’s big hand, and suddenly the golden light was scattered, and Fang Han’s lightning-like handle shrank back. Put on a loss of appearance.

“Mu Rong Prince, you!”

Fang Han just knew that Murong Shi will shoot, but he did not really want to kill Su Feiyang, just want to test Murong Shi’s “Jade Emperor’s Holy Spirit has a big sword” is how powerful.

Just after a collision, he felt that the golden fairy law of his body had a danger of being pierced by the cut. However, although he can resolve it, he deliberately retreats and paralyzes.

“Okay! This thing, I am going to be the master.” Murong Shi looked at Fang Han’s reaction. Even Fang Han’s surprised eyes were filled with heart and felt very satisfied. “Nothing wrong, I really have a ghost Wu Shengjun. The map of the cemetery, this is the reason for convening you this time, but it can’t be watched for you, because this is a secret of heaven, and once it is leaked, it will be punished. You will follow me, and you will never let you suffer. .”

“I am willing to follow.”

“I am willing.”

Wei Dongsheng, the morning of the burning, quickly echoed.

“Hey! Prince Murong, your Jade Emperor’s Holy Spirit has a great sword. It seems so wonderful. It seems that I sold Sword Qi of two lost swords to you is a wrong choice. Well, you are commanded, we Go to the tomb of Ghost Wu Shengjun!”

Fang Han put on a very embarrassing look.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Murong Shi smiled: “I have a great sword in the Jade Emperor. Once I practice it, it is almost invincible in Jinxian. You are very good, A wise man submits to circumstances. If You will continue to be stubborn, and I will resist you. My sword will reach the limit and you will be able to kill you.”

“Hey!” Fang Han snorted twice, seemingly unwilling to retreat. The heart secretly transports the Great Heart Demon Technique and steals the heavens. It is exploring the mystery of the body of Murongshi and seeing where the map of the tomb of the ghost Wujun is.

“Wind, his jade emperor’s holy road has a great sword, it is indeed powerful, you can kill the golden fairy law. You still have to avoid its edge.” Xu Yunyun saw Fang Han seems to have eaten a small loss, quickly Pass the mind to read.

“No problem, he wants to pay me a lot, but also pays a lot of price. Here, he does not dare to shoot at any time, otherwise I will die, it will also make him seriously injured. By then let the demon here take advantage.” Fang Han Deliberately speaking, the voice is a little angry and angry.

“You have to be careful…….” The fisherman said, “It is best not to move the King Grade Immortal Pill and the Spirit that he trades with you….”

“Well?” Fang Han glanced at the fisherman deeply: “This woman, not simple, actually saw that there is a hidden forbidden art.”

“Mu Rong Prince, since Sword Qi Dacheng, there is the majesty of the Jade Emperor, it is better to simply destroy this wind, and he has made the limelight along the way.” Wei Dongsheng also secretly passed the mind to Murong Shi: “And He is very likely to snatch the remnants of Ghost Wu.

“Hey! He can’t reach the grave of the ghost Wu Shengjun. And I want to kill him, can’t do it so obviously.” Murong Shidao: “He is the person of Ascension Sect after all, there is a virtual cloud guarding. Although the virtual cloud is counted Nothing, but she is a virtual family. The power of the virtual family is not that big. But you can rest assured that they can’t reach the graveyard of Ghost Wu, I will lead them to the Jedi and find an excuse to kill! The imaginary cloud can be let go, this wind must be dying, his Divine Ability is extremely tyrannical, I want to imprison him, slowly refining, so that he is not as good as death, actually dare to blackmail me. I lost two First order spirit!”

“Mu Rong Prince is wise!”

“It is indeed wise! This is a very strong method, but it will stop here. This time he completely ruined him.”

“The golden fairy law on his body is so thick, I want his body to refine medicine pill! King Grade Immortal Pill.”

“No problem, he is already a dead man. Since I just made the Jade Emperor’s sacred sacred sword, I have already died.” Murong Shi once again looked at Fang Han and said: “Go, enter. Chaos of the sea!”

Everyone shuttled, the electric flashed into the air, and entered a thick fog, flying in the mainland of the seat.

As soon as he entered the sea of ​​chaos, Fang Han immediately felt a whirlwind. The body trembles involuntarily, because in the chaos of the sea, the turbulence of time and space is too strong, not at all seen outside.

The time and space inside, layered, can’t see what is inside. The powerful necromancer laughs, and the hooligans are always in the ear of the people, lingering.

Fang Han and others feel that there are some huge shadows, just behind the scenes, they must attack themselves at any time, but look back, but nothing.

It’s okay!

Time and space are getting more and more distorted. There is no way. Everyone can only land down, fly at low altitude, do not shuttle through Space, and gradually deepen into the depths of the sea of ​​chaos. On the mainland, a long white river flows directly and appears. In front of everyone.

“That is!”

The imaginary cloud was shocked, pointing to the long white river that did not know how many billions of miles in the front. What is actually flowing inside is not water, but countless, I don’t know how many billions of white bones, white hoes.

A long river formed by white bones and white skulls is blocked in front of everyone.

This kind of situation is very strange.

I also know how many white bones come from.

“Attention! Here is the bone river, the vastness is boundless, the rumors are the ancient heavens and protoss, and the various skeletons left by the demon race, after the glory of the smoldering, formed this endless river. The bone river, it hides the tomb of the ghost Wu Shengjun.” Murong Shida shouted, let everyone stay, stand on the shore, watching the long bones flowing under the feet, the hoe rolling in it, flowing to the distance, do not know Where are you?

The yin wind whimpered, blowing the skull of the long bones of the white bones, the ghosts of the empty caves, and the sound of ghosts and wolverines everywhere.

No one dares to go deep into the white bones.

This bone river is really weird. Fang Han explored it with his thoughts, and he couldn’t explore the margins at all, and he didn’t know how long.

Kā chā !

Suddenly, in the long bones of the white bones, a hoe near the shore suddenly flew up from the river, and Zhangkou bite to Murong Shi.

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