Eternal Life

Chapter 1088

“Yes, because for the ghost Supreme Immortal, the prodigy of the Heavenly Monarch, I know it is not very clear, and there are several major sects of the core discipline, but there are some clues. They must be used to gain access to the cemetery of Ghost Wu.”

The imaginary cloud saw Fang Han’s confused eyes and knew what he was thinking.

“Of course, the core disciples of the big sects are pulling me up, too, in order to use my strength to explore for them, so I will let you pay attention to it, adapt to it. Don’t be a substitute for them.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Fang Han’s mouth showed a sneer: “Take me as a substitute. The person who wants to use me has not yet been born. You said, I will know, go.”



Both of them are the best of the Jinxian class. In the twinkling of an hour, they will be separated from the feathered kingdom and reach the outer state.

Each of them converges on Aura, and through the continuous and repeated transition of the state’s ancient city, in a day, through more than a dozen big states, came to a big city near the ocean.

This city, called Haizhou, is a large ancient city near the sea. It is not occupied by a unified gate. It is managed by more than a dozen sects. Each sect occupies a first-order spirit.

Because of the sea, there are so many spiritual veins and they have a long history. The sea’s cultivator is many times more numerous than the inland cultivator. However, it is also very dangerous at sea, because the ocean of heaven is unpredictable, countless powerful monsters, fairy beasts, and Warcraft grows in it. Some World of Warcraft are even comparable to Jinxian, and even more rare is the more Jinxian. Exist, and in groups, don’t fear death. Shock the islands where some cultivators live and plunder the spirits.

Every day in the ocean of the heavens, countless sects have been destroyed, and countless sects have been born.

Of course, there are also some Experts that go deep into the sea. Hunting the monsters, taking the rules of them, Essence Blood, fur refining magical treasure, selling big money. But these Experts, all of them are Lone Rangers, at least half a step above the Powerhouse. Otherwise, if you go deep into it, you will die without a place to die.

Fang Han and the imaginary cloud came out of Haizhou City, and immediately showed the strength of their own Jinxian, tearing the void of the sea, deep into the depths of the sea, flying out of the unknown, not knowing how many megahertz, already inaccessible, even half Stepping Jinxian is not able to go deep into the place, there are a number of islands.

“Here is the Star Island, we meet with the core disciples of several sects, and then go to the sea of ​​chaos. The road to the sea of ​​chaos is far away, and the degree of our tearing the void is at least three days and three nights. It is even more dangerous to encounter the sea where many ferocious monsters exist.”

The illusory cloud led Fang Han to fly to an island.

Fang Han looks at the island, which is about a hundred thousand miles, equal to a small continent. This is a secular, it is already a continent, but in the heavens, it can only be regarded as a “small island.”

Such islands, dotted around the ocean, are everywhere, and the ocean is flowing through it. Under the fierce currents, Fang Han even feels some fierce Aura crouching in it.

His eyes swept, and he saw in the seas that were about a few million miles deep. There were countless mountain caves, and a group of True Immortal-class fish beasts were killing each other and swallowing each other. Deeper, Fang Han even saw a team of Heavenly Immortal monsters that flowed out in many oceans. The Mortal Body is powerful and suitable for water.

The sea of ​​the heavens, no one knows how deep, layer by layer, the water of the heavens is also a special kind of water. If it falls to the secular, it is the treasure that the cultivator has to break the head.

Even in shallow waters, there are hundreds of miles and tens of millions of miles deep. Who is deep, hundreds of millions, billions, hundreds of billions, and even tens of miles are not unusual. Under the rush of huge ocean currents, it has formed countless natural kingdoms, and it has brought the spiritual spirit of the ancient earth.

There are many Experts, reaching the depths of the ocean and collecting the spirits.

But more Experts are buried in the ocean.

“This is still a safer area, belonging to the edge of the sea. If you enter the depths of the sea, the monsters in it will be abnormal. We have a core discipline of Ascension Sect, the Culture Base, and go to sea to complete the mission. As a result, I met a group of cultivation and arrived at the half-step Jinxian glazed ostrich, and was directly surrounded by siege.”

The imaginary clouds landed and waited with Fang Han to talk about the dangers of the sea.

“Glass lingering birds?” Fang Han knows that the kind of god bird is more powerful than human beings. It is a large race, and it also occupies spiritual practice. It is thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Although the golden genius of the eternal generation has an absolute advantage over the half-step Jinxian Daquan, a hundred and a half-step Jinxian will also be killed by a golden celestial, but a thousand and a half steps of Jinxian, 10,000! Swinging up, you can still tear the golden fairy. The torrent of the army is unstoppable.

“There is still such a thing, it is indeed careful, a single monster, we are not afraid of it. When encountering a group of people, it is really difficult to deal with.” Fang Han imagined.


At this moment, the sky’s void trembled, and countless white clouds were shattered into a smash, and a Changhong-like Sword Qi landed. The fierce momentum made Fang Han’s clothes sizzle.

Sword Qi is like a wave, rushing like a stream, going to the east, it is vast. But as soon as it landed on the ground, it suddenly converges, showing a silver man.

This man’s sword sleeves, riding boots, carrying a sword behind him, majestic, facing the sea, there is a momentum of leadership.

When the silver man came down, he saw the imaginary cloud, nodded, and had a bit of triumphant color, but then he saw Fang Han around the imaginary cloud, his face sank and his eyes flashed a bit.

Fang Han is very keen to capture this, but he is quiet.

“Wind, this is Su Feiyang of Wanshi Jianzong, Sword Qi is famous in all directions. The golden sage!” imaginary cloud introduced Fang Han.

“Su Feiyang, this is the new core seed disciple of our Ascension Sect.”

“Oh?” Su Fei raised his eyebrows and moved. “Newcomers? The virtual world, we are going to find the tomb of the ghost Wu Shengjun. It is dangerous, but don’t be burdened. The general Jinxian is everywhere. Besides, we have agreed You can’t bring another person into the team. If you have a bad idea, the consequences are hard to predict.”

“Reassured, this is a powerful helper I called. Gu Changfeng of our martial art, bare-handed Tianzun, you know, and the wind has a conflict, but the two sides are equally divided.”

“And the bare-handed Tianzun Gu Changfeng evenly divides the autumn color?” The silver-shirted man Su Feiyan’s eyes suddenly sharply sharp, flying sword in general, can see Wan Jianqi from his pupil, the shadow of various swords, this person’s Cultural Base, In particular, the Culture Base of the swordsmanship is simply the pinnacle.

Fang Han nodded and looked at himself.


At this time, on another island, Space suddenly exploded, a golden godland, slowly appeared, and then walked out of a woman, the woman wearing yellow clothes, is actually an unfathomable level of gold Fairy.

“Bi fish, you are finally here, we are waiting for you for a long time.” Looking at the woman in the yellow dress, the imaginary cloud laughed, and a thought passed to Fang Han’s mind: “This is the king’s big school, Eldest Senior sister, the core of Yanhou Houmen, and Gu Changfeng, Xiang Yizhen and others are all a level of existence, belonging to the enchanting enchanting.”

“I came early, but I saw the deep sea, lurking a cultivation to the golden sacred fish, so I went to it, killed it, and got its inner and golden fairy rules for a little while. Kung Fu.” This fish smiled and walked in. He looked at Fang Han deeply, but did not ask anything.

But Fang Han felt that this woman did have a fearful pressure from the depths of her soul.

This woman’s hand is playing with a pure gold bead. The beads are entwined with the thick golden fairy law, which radiates the violent Magic Force fluctuations and is worthless. Apparently the inner Dan and the Golden Rule of the Great Wilderness She had just killed.

Yan Shen Hou Men is a king of the king who does not belong to Ascension Sect. He also has a strong influence in Tianting. This woman is free to look for, killing the golden fairy beast, the strength is sturdy.

“Extreme Unity Sect Wei Dongsheng, how did Van Gonzing van Gogh not come yet? Also, this time, the host of the Yufu Yufu, who took over the task of the ghost Wushengjun cemetery, did not appear. Do you want to wait here?”

Su Feiyang spurred a Sword Qi in the air, it seems to be out of information, then Sword Qi penetrated into the void, suddenly exploded, followed by countless Sword Intent.

“Su Feiyang, don’t be so anxious, we are here!”

There were three people walking silently in the sky, one of them, the head with a slight purple luster, fluttering behind the head, showing the distinguished Aura, Purple Qi from the East. Is a man, the Prince of Heavenly Yufu, Murong Shi! The rest of the two, one person’s body, there is disaster Aura, actually the Heaven Unit Extreme Sect’s discipline, and one, wearing a robe, is also a king’s cultivator, Van Gogh’s van Gogh.

“Wind, we, now is the Murong Shi, is the inside of the heavenly court, the Prince of Yufu. Yufu is the heavenly court, an important institution, the capital of Yufu, the high weight, is the more Jinxian The existence, rumored, he can have the opportunity to see a few Lord’s Lord’s Lord Lord Monarch. The news about the ghost martial cemetery of the sacred sea is that he got it, so he joined us. The cloud once again explained to Fang Han: “This person must not be offended.”

“How come there is an outsider?”

The Yufu Prince of the Yufu, who had a purple luster, suddenly saw Fang Han and looked unhappy.

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