Eternal Life

Chapter 1082

{Five more completed, ask for a red ticket. 8 No. oo chapter begins, today o8 chapter, owes two more, everyone forgives}

The first thousand and eighty-two chapters

“What is this fortuitous encounter? What are the benefits? So arrogant, only promoted the core core disce for thirty years, actually dare to establish the only true religion, buy Elder, attempt to unify the entire core of Ascension Sect? The means are big, incredible “Fang Han didn’t talk, but he was more and more curious about the item that had the High Grade Immortal Artifact “Golden Miro Palace”. Would you like to see who it is?

“Why, don’t you move?”

A core discipline saw that Fang Han was indulged and was already impatient.

“In this case, let him know that it is awesome. Our only true religion is to stand on the core discipline. We must kill people. Although we can’t kill people in this heaven, we can beat him half dead! Wait for him to go out. Find another chance to kill him.”

Another discipline ** naked threat.

“Hands, suppress him, and drive out!”

The head wearing a jade crown, wearing a core seed disciple suddenly screamed, the right hand grabbed, the vitality suddenly collapsed, and there were cracks everywhere, and actually showed a school, “photographing ghosts and ghosts.”

This is another ancient school of Ascension Sect. It is exactly the same as the overlord. It can destroy the ten parties, reverse the way, control the gods, and the ghosts.

This punch, directly killing Fang Han, between the blasts, there is a ruined Aura everywhere, the big ghosts are in the anger, the big sky is shaking.

“Liao Senior Brother’s sacred ghosts are more profound. Rumors of this boxing, driving the ghosts and gods, blasting the world, known for explosive power, the name is too ancient, is one of my Ascension Sect high school.”

“Liao Senior Brother got the guidance of the item “Senior Brother” and taught the Magic Force. Of course, it will rise to the upper limit. Soon, it will be promoted to the upper class. At that time, it will be a fierce player.”

“My only true teaching is not only to establish the majesty of the Ascension Sect core discipline, but also to establish the real majesty in the kings of heaven.”

“Look, Liao Senior Brother has exhibited three times the power, that is, the equivalent of three generations of Jinxian at the same time!”

The section of the jade crown is called “Liao Senior Brother”. Between this fist, Liao Senior Brother even changed, and there were three bodies, and each body showed a “photographing ghost”, rolling in, he played the trend of ghosts and gods, and stood by himself. In the tide, control the ghosts of the heavens and the earth, and kill them.

He also seems to know that Fang Han showed some strength in the core hall, so he used his three-handed force to fight, and the Thunder hit, not giving the opponent a chance to fight back.


The triple-strength “photographing ghosts and ghosts” hits in a blink of an eye, facing Fang Han up and down the three roads, the heaven and earth people’s three points.

Just then, Fang Han moved, his fists were pinched, and he was lifted up. The golden light was three consecutive punches.

These three punches are silent, but every punch has hit a body of “Liao Senior Brother”, booming! After the three punches, Liao Senior Brother’s body exploded, but the sound did not pass out, because Fang Han completely blocked all the Space, what thoughts, God can not pass.

Those disciples outside the peak of the gods, can only watch the “Liao Senior Brother” body blast, seeming to slow down the numerous times of the lens, the horror of the face of Liao Senior Brother, surprise, and hysterical barking clear and distinct.

“Get it!”

Fang Han was only three punches, and it defeated the opponent’s triple power. At the same time, the hand claws were like dragons, deep into the air, and the long forwards were raised. The Liao Senior Brother was brought out.

“You, what is this Culture Base! How can Dao technique not be used to defeat my three-powered shooting?” Liao Senior Brother was screamed by Fang Han.

“There is nothing like this, because my strength is far above you. Today, you are the only true religion of the discipline, I will not kill you, but this will bother me to punish my Culture Base, so that I am from you. Everyone has extracted 10,000 Golden Fairy rules to make up for my own defects!”

Fang Han pressed the palm of his hand and pressed it on the head of Liao Senior Brother.


Liao Senior Brother immediately screamed fiercely, the whole body was trembled, and the golden rule of thumb with the thickness of the thumb was raised and integrated into the body of Fang Han.

There are 10,000 roads, and the 10,000-dollar golden fairy rule is forcibly extracted by Fang Han! Liao Senior Brother The whole person, like a person who is over-excited, has a pale face and no power at all.

The extraction of the 10,000-dollar golden fairy rule is tantamount to directly taking half of his life, and no matter how cultivation will be made up later. Losing most of the Foundation, even if you swallow the Spirit Pill, it will not help.

Qualifications are abolished.

In the future, he will only be able to do ordinary Jinxian, and even learn from the long-term peacekeepers. If he can’t stay, he can only manage and manage some true disciple of half-step Jinxian in front of the mountain gate.

“Hey! The 10,000-dollar golden fairy rule… It’s so refreshing, but this person’s golden fairy law is too thin, and 10,000 condenses up, but it adds me hundreds!”

Fang Han refining the extracted golden fairy rule, but there are more than three hundred in the body. The other party’s 10,000 roads are equivalent to three hundred of their own. The gap is evident.

“You! Do you still want to run?”

Throwing the “Liao Senior Brother” on the mountain, dead dog, Fang Han looked at the other “only true religion” discipline.

“How is this person so fierce!”

“Liao Senior Brother was defeated by him. And he hasn’t shown any peerless Divine Ability, is it a genie?”

“Well, this person is ferocious, actually dare to come true, has already ruined the Liao Senior Brother. Liao Senior Brother directly lost 10,000 Golden Law, I am afraid that the status will not be guaranteed.”

“Senior Brother, shot, save us.”

“It’s not good. The murderer of the wind has blocked the entire void. I don’t know what the magic is. We can’t escape.” The remaining disciplines must be evaded, but they can’t fly now. Flying out of the “God Peak” is a thousand miles away.

“I want to run? It is impossible. Let you run away like this. How can I stand on the future? The only true teacher who wants to take my Li Wei, I just want to take your Li Wei and let all the core seed disciple know. My style is also a first-class Powerhouse.” Fang Han stood on the peak of the gods, flying heads, looking at a group of flying missiles, like watching a group of flies, “Give me all the time!”

In the body, suddenly the peacock flew out more than a dozen Changhong.

Changhong sweeps over and flies to those disciplines. If they are bundled together, they must learn their golden rule. Abolished them. Fang Han now knows that in Ascension Sect, the more you are afraid of you, the more vulnerable you are, the more you will be bullied. Originally, Heaven is a World of Powerhouse, the core discipline of Ascension Sect, and a World of Powerhouse competition. If you can’t stand it, you can go to a gate outside Dangdang to manage, manage a huge outer door, inner door, really pass on many disciplines, still like the wind, but one will stop here, there is no way to break through, and finally die.

Jin Xian is not a life essence, it will die. Under the long days of the heavens, everything will be ruined by Heavenly Monarch.

“Senior Brother, come to rescue us.”

“The only true religion, the only true God! A really Senior Brother, you come to save us!”

There are two disciplines that were filled by Fang Han with the golden light of Changhong. They couldn’t move at all. The whole body Jinxian rule was pumped away. The vitality passed and suddenly became mad.

It seems that I heard their call, bang! In the sky, there was a loud noise, and the mountains of countless feathered kingdoms were shaking. When Fang Han whole body was shocked, I felt that a tremendous force in the sky came down and suppressed, as if I had to suppress myself until the ages. Completely addicted.

He looked up at the sky.

I saw a huge palace, where the magic is, and the sanctuary. The palace is full of splendor, the powerful god is outside the palace, patrolling and swimming, this is like the king of Wanxian, the palace of the residence of the king of the king, descending into the world. Above the palace, a little movement, Aura, which was shot out, disintegrated the Scorpio and collapsed the four poles. The “Ancestral Aura” Aura on the top of the road made the many elements of the Feather of Heaven boil.

High Grade Immortal Artifact “Golden Miro Palace”!

Fang Han is cold! I saw the crack of the peak of the gods under my feet. The power of the High Grade Immortal Artifact was to crush myself and the whole mountain into dust, arrogance, overbearing, and only. Can’t be alive! This is how the High Grade Immortal Artifact feels when it comes to Fang Han.

Originally, High Grade Immortal Artifact Fang Han has seen three pieces, “羲图”, “天地法螺” and this one in front of you. However, these three High Grade Immortal Artifacts are the most powerful and majestic in front of this “Golden Memoire Palace”.

“Wind! You are a newcomer, dare to disobey my will, and humiliate the messengers I sent. Are you aware of my authority?”

The High Grade Immortal Artifact conveys the voice of a king of gods, very cold, very calm, without a trace of anger, and some just trial and punishment. Trim all those who violate his will and punish all who challenge his majesty.

“Do you really think that you are the only true God? You are just a core discipline of Ascension Sect!” Fang Han said: “The tone is as wild as Heavenly Monarch, without any self-knowledge, since such a blatant provoke me On the head, I will let you know what is called the real Divine Ability, the only true God!”

His body was shaking, rising from the sky, and the fists were shaking, and it became extremely huge. He shot the Far Legend. The epic of the hero came out of the dusty history and sang a legendary glory.

The huge “Golden Miro Palace” swayed and was shocked by Fang Han. Like a stormy ship, it must be subverted at any time.

“The person who challenges me majesty must die! My true life is the only true God! The first of the golden fairy!” The palace, spurred a more expanse of light.

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