Eternal Life

Chapter 1079

{Today’s mood is good, the state is also very good, the code is very smooth. The third is also coded. Next 16 points}

The first thousand zero seventy-nine chapter

Fang Han suddenly, the unpredictable “as pure as jade and as clean as ice” shot.

Although it is not suitable for “Chang Changfeng” to do Life and Death fight, but this cloud always said that he is not as good as “Gu Changfeng”, he also heard a little bit of a small calculation, so he directly shot, let this and “Gu Changfeng “The people who are similar know that they are powerful.”

How refined is he? It has long been seen that this “as pure as jade and as clean as ice” woman is very simple, I am afraid it belongs to the upper layer of the seed disciple. Strong strength, Jinxian peak, seeing his potential, want to recruit himself to her majesty. Now it just shows some strength, let her know that she is not so good to recruit, to recruit, must pay a lot of benefits.

Otherwise, what dangerous missions do you take yourself as cannon fodder, what does it look like? It’s very unfavorable to make yourself kill again in the future.

Fang Han This is a light grip, it seems very flat, there is no Magic Force fluctuation, natural and natural, but like an antelope hanging corner, no trace, full of a taste of nature.

He implied the idea of ​​stealing the sky, as well as Seven Styles of Ruling, dragon race Martial art, Beginning Divine Fist, the reincarnation of the heavens, the end of the way… the mystery of countless Divine Ability, but not a hodgepodge, but a melting pot The essence.

Since he was promoted to Jinxian, his realm has improved. All Martial art has made a qualitative leap, and his vision has broadened. The realm has risen. The understanding of Martial art has also raised a new height. Now what Martial art is. All of them are hand-in-hand, and they don’t think about it.


As pure as jade and as clean as ice, Yun Han did not expect that Fang Han would suddenly attack her.

That catching and pinching her wrist actually made her feel like she couldn’t dodge at all. It seems that every change in her body is counted by the other party. Any force is controlled and resolved by the other party.

This move is almost impossible to resist, to be 100% grasped.

“It’s so powerful, I looked down on him! He also hides a lot of strength, no wonder dare to challenge Gu Changfeng. How can a newcomer have such a sturdy Cultural Base? But can become a seed disciple, life experience Incomparably innocent, it can’t be a hidden character.”

Between the electric stone fire, as pure as jade and as clean as ice, Yun Yun finally showed her tyrannical strength, enchanting general wisdom and reaction.


Her wrists shook, and a circle of cold air came out, actually forming Yin and Yang Taiji, and each Yin and Yang Taiji is a cold and sturdy country.

“The country of the cold, the realm of Xuan Ming!”

The defense of these cold countries was to freeze Fang Han’s claws and prevent him from catching.

“Sure enough.” Fang Han smiled and saw his palms snapped into the buckle. Between the shuttles, the kingdom of the cold, the realm of Xuan Ming began to collapse, and then the palms of the fish were still caught.

As pure as jade and as clean as ice, Jin Yun’s heart sank, his face was shocked again, his eyes flashed with anger, his palm turned, his fingertips were a little bit condense.


Fang Han immediately felt that the heavens and the earth seemed to collapse and collapse. It seemed that the universe was shattered. To condense into a small point, they all condense toward the fingertips of Jinyun.

His gods read it, and the whole person has completely disappeared. The only thing left is the jade. It is a finger to destroy the world.

The idea of ​​”Yunyun” is rippling in the cold void: “Wind, you are too arrogant, I don’t know what to do! I am forced to show this funeral. My body, no man can be jealous.”

That one finger is called “the burial fairy strike”, rumored, once it is displayed, bury all Immortal. Cleaning the heavens, the world has never had a fairy. It was created by a cynical and supreme power in ancient times.

Burial fairy!

“Sure enough!” Fang Han showed a smile on his face, and did not move. In the face of this finger, he also pointed out that a golden fairy law in the body suddenly collapsed, turning into absolute power, condense into a small point. , a small day!

Heaven Origin Strike !

Hongmeng Daoist’s topless school.

Even the Assassin, who is jealous of the immortal king, is the slaying hand of the Expert who has seriously injured the level of the ancestor of the Protoss.


Two fingers collide together.

The heavens and the earth are still the original heaven and earth. The core temple is still the core temple. There is no slight fluctuation, but the body of Jinyun is obviously shaking, the pale color of his face appears, and Fang Han’s eyes are blurred, and the chic step back, the body The clothes are windless, and the hunting sounds.

His body is still standing straight, like a banner, flying in the air.


Jinyun’s face returned to normal, watching Fang Han seem to see ghosts. This refers to the fact that Fang Han can really stand up against her. All previous contempts have vanished.

“What is this Martial art? You can resist my funeral!”

Her thoughts passed into the mind of Fang Han.

“There is nothing, but it is a way of lore, how? You think now, I am still a newcomer, a proud newcomer? Not qualified to fight with Gu Changfeng?” Fang Han This Heaven Origin Strike, very Cleverly hidden in all kinds of Martial art, it makes it impossible to know what it is.

“I read you wrong, you are very strong. No wonder so confident. Also, anyone who is directly promoted to the core core of the seed can reach this golden fairy realm with his perseverance cultivation. No one is ordinary.” Tao, has already produced a feeling of equal sitting on the wind: “With your hand, it is enough to compete with Gu Changfeng, of course, this is not your true strength!”

“Yes, this is not my true strength. Even after three months, killing Gu Changfeng, I will not show real strength, because he is not qualified to show me.” Fang Han said proudly.

“This person still doesn’t know that I am a worldly flying. It is easy to practice in heaven. It is Longevity Mysteries Realm when I was born. It is difficult, but not impossible, to practice Jinxian. The lower world is secular, it is an ordinary person, one step from Mortal Body. , reaching Divine Ability, then Longevity, and finally becoming a fairy, how hard is every step? I can go to this step today, what can’t I wear?” Fang Han thought as he thought.

Those who can fly from the lower bound to reach the heavens, after entering the heavens, the degree of practice is very fast, and the people who are born and raised by the heavens do not know how much faster, because those who can rise from the lower bounds are soaring, which one has not experienced thousands of robberies. People?

“Yes? Gu Changfeng is not qualified to show you the real strength, this is a bit too big.” Jin Yun’s face changed again, because she felt that Fang Han is not like bragging, If this is the case, then to what extent is the opponent’s Gaoming? However, she still chose not to believe this, because if I believe, it is simply impossible to believe that there is such a person.

“Since your strength is so strong, you can stand on many seed disciple.” When Yunyun moves, he will leave.

“Slow, I came to see it, and the truth is still a newcomer. For some of the forces of the Ascension Sect seed core disciples, the rules are not very clear, but I want you to carry more.” Fang Han suddenly turned.

“Is it? I thought that you would be an expert like this.” Yunyun turned and smiled on his face: “Well, let’s talk while walking.”

In this fight, Fang Han broke the other’s “burial fairy” with Heaven Origin Strike, and immediately got the respect of Jinyun, and the two talked. Going to the depths of the core temple.

Some of the Elders in the core hall were stunned, but the conversation between Yunyun and Fang Han was understated. It did not show momentum. Only the parties knew the danger. They all thought that Fang Han and Jinyun could try their hands at any time.

“This newcomer can directly face Gu Changfeng and compete with as pure as jade and as clean as ice. Although it is a faint hand, it does not fall, it is simply boundless.”

“Yeah, as pure as jade and as clean as ice, is also a terrorist role, she is in the seed disciple, on the upper level, called the enchanting, Cultural Base horror. And the ambition is great, there is a horror behind The family supports her, and she seems to want to win over the wind. After all, this newcomer is also outstanding.”

“The imaginary cloud she wants to be promoted to the saint of the Son, the son of the Ascension Sect, the status of the saint, very high, even the spokesperson of Sectmaster, who wants to be promoted.”

“Or, I wanted to give this new person a little more cultivation, but now it seems that it is not done. I have to take the best spirituality, or else I will offend the illusory cloud, and the consequences will be disastrous.”

“The newcomer is also a sly character. When he comes in, he will fight the Yingying half-dead, and then confront Gu Changfeng. If he offends him, the days are not good.”

Elder, a few core temples, saw the imaginary clouds and Fang Han coming, and immediately greeted them.

“Wind, you take out your token, we arrange the spiritual residence of the practice for you, the Huayang Mountain Range, geographically just, close to the King Grade Spirit, the most suitable for cultivation.”

An Elder Road.

“Huayang Mountain Range?” The imaginary cloud frowned. “This mountain is not very geographical. So, you have assigned him to the mountain that I live in, ‘Nine Xuan Tianshan’, I don’t remember, Is there a few empty cave houses inside?”

“Nine Xuan Tianshan?” A few Elder glanced at the face of the illusory cloud, an Elder embarrassed road: “Miss Yunyun, the nine caves of the nine Xuan Tianshan, were occupied by people. ”

“Who? Whoever occupies it, such a courage, a person actually dares to occupy a few caves?” The illusion of the cloud is a cold: “I only got out of this, I have such a thing?”

“It’s a true, seed disciple that was promoted 30 years ago. I think Yunyun girl knows him.” An Elder said, “Although he is a newcomer, the Culture Base is unfathomable. Recently it was outside. I received two gold Fairy children as a small donkey, so I occupied two caves. You also know that the seed disciple, as long as the Magic Force is deep, all of them are fierce, we can only report the above, generally as long as it is not too troublesome. It will not be restrained, and we have no way.”

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