Eternal Life

Chapter 1071

The first thousand seventy-one chapter

“Gossip old man, please also stop, this is just a contest between the differences, and that is Li Honghao first shot, then again, the fight between the juniors, you as a Jinxian Powerhouse, directly intervened, for the ** Share.”

Chang Ping Zun finally couldn’t help it.

The wind edge is the most promising genius disciple in Ascension Sect. Although it has been fierce, it is the fault of the other party and the counterattack.

Now in the gates of Ascension Sect, he can’t watch a promising discipline like this being forced by the other party’s Kim Immortal.

He stood up and showed a barrier that was blocked in front of Fang Han.

“Wind, you are not coming back soon? So arbitrarily, Ascension Sect will punish you later.” Another Ascension Sect’s Golden Fairy Lord, though it is a punishment, but it is maintenance, let Fang Han Come over immediately, don’t be abandoned by Jin Xian.

“How? Do you want Ascension Sect to care for short?” The old man looked cold and stopped. He saw the barrier blocking Fang Han. His face showed sneer. “Changping, you think, your barrier, Can you stop me? When I am in the world, you are still a small servant. I don’t want to make trouble in the Hall of Ascension Sect’s Hall of Fame today, but the evil eye Li Honghao must give me the pure land of Shenzhou. One account, otherwise, my pure land in China will not only cooperate with Ascension Sect, but also become an enemy!”

Although he did not move, but the Aura scattered on his body became more and more intense, the anger behind him was like the king of the Buddha, and he created the King of the Void, and the main battle was to kill.

“Gossip old man, you are indeed the golden fairy of the older generation.” Several Experts of Ascension Sect looked at each other and seemed to be communicating with each other. It is obvious that the old man of the gossip gave them a lot of pressure.

The old man of Gossip is a Jinxian very early and very early. He said it well. When he was promoted to Jinxian, Changping and others have not yet begun to practice.

The same is Jinxian, which is also divided into three or six, etc., of which the top Jinxian and the ordinary Jinxian, the gap can not be counted.

For example, the golden fairy like Fang Han, killing the golden fairy like the Tianquan master, can kill more than one hundred.

Chang Ping Zun and others are very jealous of the “gossip old man”.

“However, things between the differences, you don’t have to move such a big fire.” A senior executive of Yuhua lost his smile: “The two sides are angry, there are things to discuss, and everything must be paid attention to. This time, obviously, Li Honghao first started, the evil eyes are not the same as the small ones, and the winds are only ready to fight back. You must give an account, my Ascension Sect can give compensation for the cooperation of both parties.”

“Don’t make any compensation, you must kill the kid and avenge me!” Li Honghao’s vicious curse of his eyes: “We are pure land in China, nothing is missing, but what is the poor state of Zhongzhou? We must kill the kid.” Die, take all his Divine Ability and plunder it into my body to compensate me for the loss!”

“Yes, we are pure land in China, nothing is missing. We want magical treasure to have magical treasure. We must have a spiritual pulse, and countless wealth. All we want is a Justice, surrender the murderer!”

A few young people around Li Honghao.

These young people, the murderous machine, the body of vision. There is a whole body that flashes a lot of colorful light, the voice of the sages overflows in the pores, and every inch of his skin has a wonderful and solemn Aura.

“This is, there is no Eucharist!”

“It’s a natural physique!”

“That person, you see him, there is a fairy root, he is a congenital ancestor!”

“That is? Great wild warfare! Good tyrannical system! In the rumor, the founder of the Makino family, the king of Heavenly Monarch, is this system.”

A few young people, the vision of boiling, the vision that appears, are actually rare physique of the heavens, all have the potential of earth-shattering, and later become the Foundation of Lord.

This is the enchanting root bone, the natural starting line is far more common cultivator.

“How do you say? Hand over the murderer of the wind.” The old man said: “Otherwise, I personally shot, you can’t resist my capture.”

“Huangfu princess, you come to comment on who is who?” Several Lord’s Lord of Scension Sect suddenly said.

The imperial princess, who has been quietly standing up, stood up, and all the eyes of the people were on her body. After all, she was the principal.

“I don’t think that Ascension Sect has such a genius disciple. It’s good. It’s very good. But no matter the reason, I have abandoned a discipline of my pure land in China. If I don’t care, my Shenzhou Pure Land has lost a lot of reputation since then.” Princess looked at Fang Han, staring at his gaze and smiling slightly: “However, it is not that this is a must.”

“Huangfu princess, what do you want to do? Make a charter.” Changping said.

“In this way, I have ten first-order veins! Give you Ascension Sect, you give this discipline, the wind edge to me. How?” Huangfu princess suddenly, the words are amazing.

“What? You have to go this wind?”

Several Lord’s Lords of Ascension Sect were taken aback. “I am afraid this is not appropriate. The wind is the discipline of our Ascension Sect. How can I buy and sell at will? Ten first-order spirits… This price is indeed amazing.”

“Oh! It’s not right, it’s not appropriate for the old man to force his shot. I will take this kid and say it again.” The old man of Gossip stepped forward again, with a palm of his hand, a boxing style, from the end of the ages, on the spot, he arranged the Changping The barrier that came down shook the earthquake.

Chang Ping’s face was pale and took a step back.

“The gossip god, close the gossip!”

The gossip old man broke the barrier, grabbed it with a big hand, and took it on the spot. For example, the eagle in the sky swooped down and directly killed Fang Han. It seems that I have to break the bones of Fang Han whole body.

“Gossip old man! You can do it again, just to challenge the majesty of my Ascension Sect, I will ring Heaven and Earth Bell, when the Expert in the depths of Ascension Sect will come out, it is difficult to get rid of it!”

Ascension Sect, a high-level executive, quickly came out of the light and once again blocked the old man in the gossip. Ascension Sect is not without Expert, but they don’t want to make things big.

“Hey! I have to look at it. What are some of the great characters of your Ascension Sect Expert?” Next to the princess of the emperor, an old man spoke again. “I want to see and see!” Gossip, don’t be jealous. Take the kid and talk to Ascension Sect.”

The old man, shouting, sound wave shock, actually shattered the light.

“Okay, very good, eight knowledge! You are very good.” Gossip old man laughed, palms and hands, facing Fang Han sneer again and again: “Boy, don’t resist again, you and our Chinese pure land confrontation, is the wrong choice. Now the imperial princess wants you, even if you are a Ascension Sect executive, you are useless.”

“You thought, I am a kid? This old guy, just killing a punch.” Fang Han pays, even if he does not display thirty-three times the combat power, he can also kill the old man of the gossip with one punch. . This old man, although tyrannical, is not as good as the atmosphere, and far less than the proud three dragons.

Just then, suddenly, in the distance, there is no endless void, a mountain, hehe!

Numerous golden lights rose up.

A dark brilliance, rushing out of the golden light, out of the ethereal and ethereal voice: “Shenzhou Pure Land? Is it amazing? Come to my Ascension Sect? I want to see, what are you relying on? I Ascension Sect’s Expert is hidden, there is no time to pay attention to you. Let me see what you have in the end? Gossip old man! Don’t rely on old and old, I will fight with you, if you lose, today’s things are written off. ”

“That is!”

“That is the peak of the dusty heart!”

“The strong law of Jinxian! He actually closed the door meditation, a strong vision! He built a golden fairy!”

“Sure enough, I was promoted to Jinxian, tyrannical! It is too strong. In fact, he was promoted to Jinxian. It is not unexpected. As early as 30 years ago, he can be promoted, but he lost in the first round of Jin Yimi. In the hands of the High Grade Immortal Artifact, there will be some depression in the will, and now it has suddenly re-opened. Since then, nothing has stopped him.”

“Great! This child is actually a direct breakthrough. He is now the real true disciple first person. Even the next seed disciple contest does not have to participate, and can be promoted directly to the feathered country space.”

The old man of Gossip stopped and looked at the golden and black light that fell in the sky. His eyes were sharp.

Huangfu princess also looked at the sky with great interest, his eyes flashed a dignified.

The birth of a golden fairy represents another hegemony in the heavens.

“This dust is actually promoted to Jinxian? Is his sword of Alaya perfect?” Fang Han also took a few steps back and waited for the situation to change, without showing his true strength.


The dusty heart descended into the Hall of the Invaluable, and several Jinxian high-rises of the Changping Supreme: “I am late, because the final step of the Closed door meditation, breaking through the Golden Immortal, finally fulfilled the mission.”

“Good, good, good! Dust heart, you broke through! Finally broke through! I immediately went to the higher level and sent the message into the feathering country.” A golden gold Immortal Dao.

“Well, you have bothered, and the little things in the pure land of Shenzhou, let me solve it.” Aura at this time is very different from the previous one. There is a kind of good and evil sustenance, perfect taste.

“Let you solve it? A big tone!” Gossip said: “You are just a junior golden fairy. For someone like you, I can solve ten.”

“Some people are destined to be strong.” Dust said: “I just said something, don’t you know that you heard it? Fight with me! You have failed, today’s things, a write-off, if you win, ask casually You mention! How?”

“Good! The old man will let you know that the tall and thick boy, look at what is called tyranny!” Gossip looked at the emperor princess.

“Okay, this is the case.” Huangfu princess said: “You lost, you and the wind will follow me, I give Ascension Sect some compensation.”

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