Eternal Life

Chapter 1063

The first thousand zero sixty-three chapter

Fang Han does not run. After he was promoted to Jinxian, he completely absorbed the Essence Blood of the “Sui Shizun”. The Golden Fairy Rule is equivalent to getting all of his Cultural Base. The eight floats are turned into Middle Grade Immortal Artifact. For the dragon race, the restraining power is greater. The only fly in the ointment is that there is no spirit, and it is impossible to support him to display thirty-three times of his combat power.

But now he is completely above the two dragon races, and he has restrained the magical treasure, and there is a reason to escape.

I am going to fight.

It is best to kill two dragon races and get a fortune again.

He released his own golden fairy law, and a straight and thick golden light hit the sky, as if to straighten the big day of the heavens.

A loud noise.

The forbidden art in the arrangement of Yu Shilie broke down and could not block any Space.

However, the “Dragons in the Sky” played by Yushitu, he did not care at all, the eight floating festivals came out, when the air was a rotation, the dragons showed the invincible Aura, and the thousands of dragons were composed. The big hand shocked and exploded on the spot. This makes the old dragon of the world map retreat.

“He was promoted to the realm of Jinxian, the strength of tyranny! The golden fairy law on his body is thick and big, like a chain, there is no mistake, that is the golden fairy law of the world. In the early years, he received a fortuitous encounter. His golden fairy law is more than us, it is strong. It is directly refining by him.”

Yu Shitu was surprised and couldn’t believe his eyes.

However, he finally understood in his heart that Fang Han was indeed refining the world.

“How can he accommodate so many golden fairy rules! What is his constitution? Even if he is promoted to the golden celestial being, it is only a few hundred. After that, he will slowly cultivate and refining the body. If you take so much, you will explode and die.” Yu Shilie did not believe it, because Fang Han completely violated the common sense of cultivation.

“Even if he is fierce, it is just a primary golden fairy. The unfamiliarity of the use of the Golden Fairy Law is doomed to his fate. This is a fatal flaw. All eight floats have been made into Middle by him. Grade Immortal Artifact, the value is much larger than the search for the snails of the heavens and the earth, we join hands and kill him, at all costs.”

“Yes, at all costs!”

“Life and death, here is a move. If you get him, we will display the sacrificial offerings. Hopefully resurrected the world.”


“敖世烈” and “敖世图” two dragon races, in the twinkling of an eye, exchanged a look at each other’s eyes, suddenly violently, the life of a strand of material above the body began to burn, a golden texture intertwined, The sky mark, the sky track, the day penalty… in which it alternates, hehe! The two swooped at Fang Han.

At the same time, the dragon power of the stalwart came from the sky.

“敖世烈” transported his whole body Immortal Qi into a long rainbow, sweeping the eight floating budes in the air, and the flood of the road seal was shot from his palm, seemingly using life and glory and dignity. Seal this piece of treasure.

The “Sui Shi Tu” is desperately calling, seems to be exerting an ancient summoning technique, summoning a powerful existence, crossing time and space, and coming to help.

The attack of the two men was fierce and strong, ruthless and cold, and full of heroism and never going back.

Even if it is a powerful Jin Xian, in the face of the two people’s blows, they must be in a hurry, and they will be killed in a blink of an eye. If this time, the eleven Jinxian of Hongweilou are here, I am afraid that the birds and beasts will be scattered by a single blow, and then they will be killed one after another.

The two dragon races are old and antique, and even the more Jinxian, the direct source of the “ancestor”.

But Fang Han was not afraid, cold smile, burly figure, Heavenly Monarch stood up, Aura was strong, there was a killing sound behind it, and countless black clouds condensed into various Demon Soul, powerful, It’s all the Powerhouses that he once killed. It seems to have appeared one by one and helped him out.

His hand was lifted, and the dark clouds behind it were finally settled on the body of a thousand-year-old Taikoo Golden Dragon. This is the most powerful existence that Fang Han has smashed so far.

“You want to seal my eight Buddhism and kill me at the same time? It’s just a delusion.” Fang Han stepped out, carrying the rolling Tianwei, the strength of the ancestors, when the air shook, the legend of the hand became a group The rune is motivated by its own golden fairy law, which swells in a blink of an eye, suddenly expands, and when it explodes, it turns into countless heroic epics, blood and fire, steel and the legend of the will.

“Far Far Legend” was shot by Fang Han.

Now this trick, after the origin of the Golden Immortal Law, the power is really swept out, the power of the legend of the heroic epic in the void, wrapped Fang Han.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fang Han’s head flutters behind her, the whole body is burning with golden flames, playing Far Legend, forcing the world, pointing to the flaws of his whole body.

At this time, the world has summoned the ancient power, and there are also various Demon Souls, even the mysterious altars in the void. The power is pushed to the extreme and fights with Fang Han.


Among the sandbars, a stretch of sandbanks with a length of 100 billion miles steamed in a flash.

That is to say, Fang Han and Yu Shitu fight together and destroy the entire Mangshan Mountains.

However, the sand dunes of hundreds of billions of miles are equivalent to a drop of water in the sea for the entire sandbank. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed and will not affect any imbalance.

The masterpiece of the golden celestial beings can only be unscrupulous in the heavens. If it is in the secular, I don’t know how many big worlds are broken, and countless stars are destroyed.

A loud bang, while the sand dunes were ruined, all the Astral Qi, the celestial techniques, and the killings of the sacred world were smashed by Fang Han. The whole person was turned into a dragon, spurting blood, and flying out, he Actually defeated by Fang Han.

“Yin and Yang are serial, seamlessly killing!”

Just as Fang Han’s body trembled a little, the countless gods in the body trembled, and the power had not recovered. Qu Shilie appeared behind him and broke through the protection of the eight floating sluts. The face showed a sneer, whole body The power is concentrated on the palm of your hand, and the entire dragon claw is cut into a sharp blade.

“No one can escape the Yin and Yang chain that we both cooperate with, seamlessly killing, your old power is broken, the new force is not born, let me come to you! Once, there is a gold fairy who is stronger than you. And it will die between our seamless counterattacks.”

The voice of 敖世烈, like the temptation of the devil, the vows of the gods, the singer of the Buddha, the inscriptions of the celestial beings, the destruction of the human mind, the will, the sound, even the Jinxian Expert will even feel despair, thus Give up the will to resist.

Seamless counterattack!

It is the two dragon races that have long been well matched.

The sharp hand knife cut into Fang Han’s whole body, and it was devastating. But the next moment, Fang Han’s body suddenly exploded, and a huge “to” character appeared first. Then, the shadows of 33 Skies all exploded, and evolved into a torrent of torrents. The hand knife gave a shock to the inch.

“That is! To the heavens to the Holy High Emperor God to control the true law! And, the legendary 33 Skies!”

Yu Shilie’s whole body was counterattacked and retreated backwards. The seamless counterattack failed. He was about to prepare for the second counterattack, but saw the illusion of 33 Skies and the whole body.

“The world map, retreat, this person is invincible! He is Fang Han, who has made a fortune.”

Qu Shilie also woke up.

At this moment, the map of the world was restored from the earthquake, and it was necessary to cooperate with the seamless killing of Shishilie, but the light of 33 Skies forced him not to be close.

Originally, the two people joined forces to seamlessly kill, and the serial attack, no one can cope with the endless killing, but now it is completely unable to get close to Fang Han.

Fang Han’s 33 Skies combines the power of the huge “to” character.

“Go!” The picture of the world is also arrogant.

“This time, go, late, know my secret, do you want to go?” Fang Han spread his hands, the whole body suddenly exploded, turned into a crystal of hundreds of millions of gods, filled the void, and took the whole void all over the body. Blocked.

“Your body is not a flesh and blood, but a crystal god! This is a sign that the artifacts are!”

Struggling to tear the Space, the two old dragons did not help, and could not escape, could not help but be surprised.

“Do you understand the realm of heaven and earth and refine your body into a magical treasure!”

Fang Han faced the violent thinking fluctuations of the two old dragons, desperately resisting, and did not answer. His current body was turned into a crystal of the gods and wrapped around the square.

Every crystal in the country of God has a rolling sound.

“The kingdom of God, walking on the earth, in the hearts of all people…”

“The kingdom of God, wrapped in glory, at the top of order…”

“The kingdom of God is the paradise of all beings, conveying the gospel of eternal life…”

Among the crystals of the gods, the voices of the gods are singing, and praises are made of poetry and sacred texts.

Fang Han put his own crystals of the gods in a group and arranged them to reach the ultimate in capturing the world. This is his ability to comprehend after he became a golden fairy. Now, even if he does not rely on the eight floats, 33 Skies As for the treasure, it is possible to kill the existence of the same realm with its own crystal of the gods and its own Dao technique.

God country deduction.

The kingdom of God!

The power of the operation of the kingdom of God is completely imprisoned. Eight Buddhism, 33 Skies, and even the snails of the heavens and the earth, the legendary shackles, the wings of freedom, are also in the endless kingdom of God, bursting out of tyrannical power.

“He really wants to trap us and refine us all!”

The man in the linen is alive.

The man in black screamed with madness and sorrow in his eyes: “I don’t want to be a man of good fortune, refining the world, even let us not let go!”

“Speaking that nothing can make him succeed! Fight!”


The two dragon races and old antiques were finally forced to the end of the road, and the time when the bayonet saw red was coming.

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