Eternal Life

Chapter 1058

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The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters

Fang Han absolutely did not think that his biggest enemy, the dragon race, the genius of the robes, the ruthless man, will be trapped in a great array, resisting hard, and the energy is consumed.

This came out, and when he saw this scene, he was very happy, just like a beggar suddenly appeared, he turned out to be an Emperor.

Yu Shizun is trapped in it and can’t get out of it, but because of the relationship between 33 Skies and the artifact, the great array can’t affect Fang Han at all. This is to make Fang Han go deep into the great array, arbitrarily attack, and even kill. Die the dragon race of this dragon race.

“Air transport! This is the air transport! I just realized a little bit of fate, as if I could explore the tributary of fate. This time gave me a big luck, is it because of the reason why I just learned the fate?”

Fang Han thought about it.

Everything is from the fate.

In the rumor, if you understand the Great Destiny Technique, you can continue to call out the Gate to Eternity to suppress the enemy, and you can change your future destiny, grasp the future, choose the best direction, and get endless luck.

There is no doubt that Fang Han is now hitting the Universiade.

“Ha ha ha, 敖世尊, you absolutely did not think that their own end will be so miserable, trapped by the ancient ancient array, just now you have to chase me to be prestige, now in a blink of an eye has become a funeral dog. Let me come to you and kill you. My eight Buddhism can not only be perfect, but also change to Middle Grade Immortal Artifact, and kill your reward, extremely rich. It is best to be on your body, and With the existence of some powerful spirits, I can be promoted directly to Jinxian.”

Fang Han showed 33 Skies on his head and walked in this “the perfect way to the heavens to the Holy High Emperor God”.

Between walking, he also felt that this fairy squad is powerful, but he can not grasp the veins of this fairy tales. It seems that there is no trace of the arrangement of the array, that is, the manifestation of the emptiness.

“Fang Han, this great array is the manifestation of Heavenly Monarch, and there is no entity. The thought of Heavenly Monarch can completely kill Jinxian and kill it.” He said: “You seem to be a good person, so this fairy The battle won’t hurt you.”

“I naturally know.”

Fang Han took a handful of prints and played 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist against the singer who was trapped in the great array, thirty-three times more.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! 砰砰……. countless intensive sounds like drums.

Originally in the great array, the singularity of the world, which was squandered by Fang Han, was simply worse. The High Grade Immortal Artifact could not spur the greatest strength, and it was a consuming thing. After encountering the shock of Fang Han, the heaven and earth snails flew out and spun in the great array, which could not be controlled by him.

“Who are you? You can actually walk freely in this ‘to the heavens to the Holy High Emperor God’s ruling truth.'” The world’s arrogant and arrogant, fierce convergence power, once again turned into a White robed elegant man.

However, he was incarnate for the man’s three moments, and the white body of the whole body was torn by the power of the great array.

Fang Han forced him to come, like a god of death walking in the void, harvesting everything, a hand knife, actually played out the dust of the sword of Alaiye.

He just refining and destroying artifacts, and Insight went to the existence of Great Dao’s Gate to Eternity. Under this sentiment, the rough class bypassed and realized the true meaning of fate. At the same time, on the Insight Dao technique, all the Dao techniques he encountered were Almost all learn.

This is also the result of the rush of the power of creation.

The sword of Alaya, perhaps in strength, is not enough for the attack of the golden celestial beings, but the attack on the soul is extremely heavy, almost no response, pūchī, the temple of the world is called by Fang Han. The explosion opened up and turned into a golden gold.

“Looking for death! You junior, I am trapped by the great array of lore, I will never be attacked by you, and die in the hands of the little ones.” The world is snarling, the head of the explosion is condense again, more than just now. For the sturdiness, the hands are up, the whole body stands upright, and the strength of this great array is temporarily supported.

At the same time, he strode towards Fang Han, and he was in the palm of his hand. The dragon race Martial art, a huge country of Longwei, came into being, and Fang Han was completely killed.

“Primary, I will kill you first!”

“Where is it so easy, you display the great array and trap me in the dragon world. Now I am suffering from the great array siege. This is a causal contribution. I will report it again.”

Fang Han’s eyes suddenly flashed the power of fate, his hands, direct attack, played all the power of the eight Buddhism, hard to fight the world.

The two men’s Martial art collided, exploding a series of Space Big Bang, the power derived from the expansion of the entire great array.

Fang Han’s body moved slightly, and the whole body showed signs of cracking, but then the power of the raging power surged and the body was repaired. Once again, it’s as good as ever. At this time, Ruan Shizun saw the body of Fang Han, a crystal of the god of the gods, and understood the language of Fang Han.

“You are several times stronger than the previous one. At the back of that door, what did you get? What? I arranged the great array in the dragon world to kill you? Who are you? Don’t you, you are Fang Han! That’s it.” Make people!”

“Yes, it’s me. You should know that at that time, it was Profound Immortal’s Culture Base, you can escape the catastrophe of Heavenly Monarch’s son. Now my strength is more than ten thousand times stronger than before! You are again great The array is trapped. It must die.”

Fang Han hardly picks up the palm of the hand, and the small damage, and then repair, can see his body, compared to just not knowing how much tyranny.

Refining and refining the high-quality artifacts of the artifacts is extremely incomparable to his benefits.

Fang Han showed his true face, and he was shocked by the dragon race’s eternal golden fairy. When he was fluctuating in his heart, Fang Han held a palm and smacked it out. The world is extinct.


The country created by Yu Shizun collapsed again, and his whole body was involved in the great array. The body kept spinning and could not control himself.

The “great array” of the “God to the Holy High Emperor’s ruling truth” evolved more and more fiercely. In the end, there was a shadow of lore, one shadow after another, like the heavenly Lord, which appeared one after another and issued a trial ruling. Declaration.

砰砰砰…… The dragon scales on the world’s body blew up again, and changed to the shape of a half man and a half dragon.

He is really hurt, and the golden fairy law in his body is broken everywhere, in a state of exhaustion.

“Senior, I will not let you go, you want to take advantage of me, I will be self-destructive, but also pull you on the road, the dignity of my dragon race, can not be violated. My dragon race is a noble race!”

The world’s long-distance screams, the body burns, and the dragon race is once again in the air. Desperate against Fang Han.

“Hey! You are willing to self-destruct? Your dragon, cultivation has reached the dragon race level. After thousands of hardships, how can you give up your life so easily? Want to lie to me? Is that impossible?” Fang Han knows This is the world’s eager to force yourself to open, and then display the last dragon race secret, in an attempt to break the great array to escape.

However, he did not move, and his hands again hit thirty-three times of the fighting power, so that all the hopes of the world’s glory were shattered.

Thirty-three times the fighting power and the dragons do not collide together, once again into individual ripples and bubbles, each bubble is a fleeting universe.

In this fight, Yu Shizun and Fang Han created countless universes and destroyed countless universes. This is the power of Jinxian.

Kā chā kā chā

Fang Han’s body cracked again, but the power of the air passed through the air to repair it again.

Yan Shizun’s eyes are straight: “How strong your body is! In the first moment, you are still very fragile. What kind of fortuitous encounter you have.”

“I just got a piece of fragmentation of the artifact, and it was directly refining.” Fang Han repaired the body, not giving the world a chance to kill, killing in a row, the trick of lore is like a storm, with the cooperation The power of the great array of “to the heavens to the Holy High Emperor God’s control of the true law”, the body wanders, destroying the other’s body of the Golden Fairy law chain.

In the body of Yu Shizun, the law of Jinxian is sturdy and thick, and it is twisted into a chain of strands, which is strong and powerful. Farther than the ordinary Jinxian. This kind of character, and the general Jinxian slightly collided, the other party will be defeated and directly killed.

“Give me off!”

At the last moment of Fang Han, the eyes of the gods were displayed, and it was clear that in the world of the world, there is a thick golden fairy rule behind it, like the spine, running through and supporting the spine of the heavens and the earth, sparkling, supporting Everything in the body works. He immediately displayed the wing of freedom, flickering, and suddenly hit, directly interrupted the spine.


The world screamed and the body softened first. The great array felt that he had lost his last resistance. He suddenly converges and reverts to a fairy word “to”, which is engraved on his eyebrows and put him The suppression of life.


The Heaven and Earth snails also fell to the ground. This High Grade Immortal Artifact, Yuan Ling, was all controlled by 敖世尊. When the world was defeated, it closed and lost some spiritual knowledge.

However, High Grade Immortal Artifact is High Grade Immortal Artifact. There is a mysterious and mysterious machine. After falling into the ground, it still wants to struggle and fly away, but Fang Han can tolerate it. When it is empty, it will be It was paid to Heavenly Gate.

Originally, Fang Han was very difficult to suppress a High Grade Immortal Artifact, but now the refining of the artifacts of the artifacts, 33 Skies is not enough to be destroyed, it is almost impossible to be destroyed, and the heaven and earth snails are included in it, High Grade Immortal Artifact encountered Aura, the artifact of creation, and did not dare to move.

“Yu Shizun, you finally fell into my hands, you absolutely did not think, actually will be taken by my small servant material.” Fang Han expanded to Heavenly Gate, so that the world is also loaded, then eight Futuo suppressed it.

“Fang Han, not good, there are two big dragons flying over.”

I am in a hurry.


Fang Han flew up immediately.

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