Eternal Life

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1956

{The sinless road to the sky! There are vip brothers to subscribe to the next field. Together with the brothers who arrive at the vertical and horizontal, we can’t make people laugh. Tell others that the vertical and horizontal subscriptions will not be lower than the starting point}

“What is this Dao technique? Can it be dozens of times more powerful? Our dragon race has this secret?”

White robed The refined man felt his own Dao technique, and his face was shocked and annoyed, but he couldn’t recognize Fang Han’s 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist.

Because Fang Han kept on scrutinizing these days, 33 Skies and the Eight Buddhism were perfectly combined. The power of creation and the power of the dying ancestors, combined with each other, became the dragon of creation. On the surface This is a sacred magical dragon race. If you are not familiar with the power of creation, you can’t see clearly. What kind of technique is it.

It is just right to use the dragon force to cover up the Divine Fist.

Even in the torrent of wealth, Fang Han also has a trick to diversify with the Divine Fist Divine Fist “Beginning Divine Fist”, a huge killing, endless origins bombarded.


White robed The elegant man retired from the world, but did not scatter, but the footsteps of the mysterious footsteps, one step at a time, the body out of thousands of dragons, played the “crowd dragons no” killing tricks.

“Five times the fighting power!”

Between a stroke and a shot, his body was transformed into five, and the body’s veins burned fiercely.

“This secret technique is simply unheard of, and it has never been seen before. It can actually squander dozens of times of combat power! Unfortunately, you are not Jinxian, even if it is dozens of times of combat power, it is limited, if you are gold The realm of immortality, this blow can definitely hurt me and even kill, but now, even hurting me is impossible!”

Five times the fighting power, a violent explosion.

Fang Han’s torrent of prosperity, the ruined ancestors were actually resisted.

Then, it began to collapse, as if it were a dynasty, in the flourishing of flowers and the burning of fire, and suddenly it was destroyed.

“Oops! The gap between Jinxian and the half-step Jinxian is too big. Even if I play thirty-three times the power, it is not the opponent of this world.” Fang Han felt that his True Qi collapsed, he knew The horror of this Dragon race, the powerhouse of Jinxian Peak, is an invincible Demon Soul forever.


After breaking through the thirty-three times of the strength of Fang Han, the world has stepped over and the whole body has a burst of extinct notes. It seems to be a blessing of the heavens and the earth. He has no match with Fang Han. The power of the snails of the heavens and the earth is used, because he feels that it is too much to deal with a half-step gold fairy and use High Grade Immortal Artifact. Self-esteem does not allow him to do so.

But now, he knows that if you don’t use the power of the heavens and the earth, it is very possible that you can’t really kill Fang Han.

Although the other party is not his own opponent, he can escape at any time and cannot catch up. Especially in the bottom of the heavens, the power of the rules is even stronger. There are some difficulties in getting around.

And Fang Han shuttles, like a fish, and it is not blocked at all, which makes it so deep.

“The power of the snails, covering the world!”

All notes, since then blocked time and space. Let Fang Han escape without a fuss.

“Hey! The world is free, let me walk.” Fang Han heart cold snort, the world’s self-contained Wang Fu’s symbol moves again, the notes of the day’s snails seem to meet the nemesis, have retreated, Fang Han body jumped again, entered Deeper in the ground of Space.

Now that Fang Han has become a half-step golden fairy, all kinds of Divine Ability, especially the Three Thousand Great Daos, have been upgraded in essence. The Great Karma Technique is naturally rising, and the world is free to play with the Buddha. A lot of power is coming.

Moreover, Fang Han and the Divine Pill in the war, the Jinxian rule contained in the Dan gas is included in it, the power of this symbol is even more radical, breaking the barrier of Buddhism, has a unique effect.

“How is this going?”

The dragon race was once again shocked by the golden fairy. He did not expect that Fang Han could break the blockade of the heavens and the earth and escape from his own hands. This is already intolerable.

I took High Grade Immortal Artifact myself, and I couldn’t leave a half-step golden fairy. I passed it out, and basically all of my face was lost.

“You can’t escape! Wanlong is down, the soul of the sky! Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, I have to follow you.” Shishi Zun Shi exhibited a superb tracking secret, firmly locked Fang Han.

“Damn, this dragon race is a skeleton of the bones. And it’s so powerful.” Fang Han fled to the ground, calculating his heart, and he sensed the ground, a secret room, the shadow of the artifacts. It is getting stronger and stronger.

Shuā shuā shuā !

Numerous stone chambers have been traversed, and the chase of the dragon race has become more and more urgent.

After a boom, Fang Han once again landed in a deep stone room. The stone room, hidden in a tiny Space dust, is basically not easy to appear, but was moved by Fang Han’s power. .

The stone room is not wide, only a square of three thousand feet square, in the depths of the stone room, is a gateway.

“It’s here.”

Fang Han was excited and looked at the stone room that he had found. The gateway to the stone room contained a strong force of creation.

“Fang Han, this stone room, hidden in the dust of hundreds of millions of Space, is not easy to be seen at present. If you don’t have the power to make it, you can’t feel it. Under this, the expert of the dragon race will not catch up. “Hey, take a breath.”

“Look? The portal in the depths of the stone room is similar to the Heavenly Gate!”

Fang Han did not answer Fang Han’s words. His gaze looked deeply at the portal in the depths of the stone chamber. Every time he saw it, there was a force of creation that rushed out and fainted with his deepest Heavenly Gate. Together.

Zhou Tianyi also showed tens of thousands of rays of light, showing the power of the powerful artifacts behind the door.

“Good! Make up the artifacts!” Fang Han suddenly transported to Heavenly Gate and shuttled in. In the twinkling of an eye, it disappears.

At this moment, at the same time, while Fang Han had just crossed the deep stone portal, it was hidden in the stone chamber of hundreds of millions of Space dust, and the dragon race was born. Observed on all sides.

“Weird, I have been back and forth in this place, searching for countless times, there is no such stone room. How can this person come out, the stone room appears? You know, my current mind is Culture Base, even if it is hundreds of millions. Space The dusty country can’t escape my eyes and ears.” The world’s eyes flashed and looked around. It seemed to be looking for something.

“But there is nothing here. The kid escaped into this stone room. There must be some treasures. I will enter directly, and the treasure will be two!”

On the face of Yan Shizun, there was a sneer, a fierce palm, and he slammed into the stone gate deep in the stone chamber.


Just when his Magic Force touched the stone gate, on the stone gate, a strong glow suddenly appeared. The Xiaguangzhi, a word appeared. This word is the word of the fairy world, a word of “to” .


The word banged, suppressed, and immediately smashed the whole body White robed, all torn, the body actually began to transform the dragon, the scales came out.

“What is this? This is the perfection of the true law of the heavenly kings! How can it appear here? This is the supreme secret of the heavens driving the celestial beings! Who is this, using this secret technique to write this Word! My God! Leave, leave!”

The world is arrogant and arrogant, and wants to try to get rid of this horrible Dao technique, even the heavens and the earth snails are sacrificed.

However, the Xuan Gong font was so powerful that it shrouded and even began to ban his golden fairy law, making his body unable to move, like a mosquito wrapped around a spider.

“The heavens and the earth snail!”

He desperately poured the vitality into the snails of the heavens and the earth, and the sound of the wū wū wū sounded up and swelled in all directions, attempting to blast the horrible “to the heavens to the holy high God to control the true law”, but the more he Rebellion, the more fierce the oppressive force is, there is no way to stop it.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Hehe… The dragon scales on his body are constantly blasting, and there is a halo on the top of the head. Countless Heavenly Dragon phantoms rise in the sky, and rise up against the horrible fairy. , arrogant, violent and desperate.

“How come you encounter such a terrible thing! That person? How can he enter?”

I have never expected that I have just been a steady hunter, hunting prey, hand to hand, but now it has become the prey of others, trapped in the horrible “to the heavens to the Holy High God to control the true law”, Can not get away, a lot of energy is being squandered, even the High Grade Immortal Artifact can not escape.

This is simply a desperate situation.

At this moment, Fang Han has entered the portal and reached a mysterious place.

Behind the portal is a chaotic Space. In Chaos Space, a woman’s illusion is drawn with murals everywhere. This woman is in a variety of poses, like the ancient goddess, the wind and the body are perfect.

Then, in the Chaos Space, there stood a statue of one person high, which showed an unparalleled Divine Strength.

This statue is made up of pieces of artifacts.

It seems that this ancient goddess is about to recover.

“Who is this woman? Which generation of Heavenly Monarch, looking for the fragments of the artifacts, to sculpt this woman?” Fang Han shook his head, looked around, and ran his own power to explore the woman statue. The past.


The woman’s god figure flicked and seemed to feel the same attraction of Divine Strength. Some of the above light, the inch has faded, seems to have met a good person.

Such a large piece of artifact artifacts is simply shocking. Fang Han wants to refine 33 Skies. He doesn’t know how much material to look for, but getting this piece of debris can immediately save countless efforts and resources to find materials. And the general materials are far less than the artifacts of the artifacts.

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