Eternal Life

Chapter 1039

{Today’s five chapters have been more, the red ticket in the early morning is coming up}

The first thousand zero thirty nine chapter

“There is also a move over there!”

“Ah? That is the young master of Gaojia, Gao Quan, he is also a powerful role. He is rumored that he has reached the peak with Sword Qi cultivation. You can transform each other in phase and phase. The law of Ronaldo is full, over two million.”

“Yeah, I just saw him and people do it, they are all together with Sword Qi. How is it now, but someone has broken Sword Qi and was beaten to the ground? A trick is defeated? Now the newcomer is really more than one. Fierce.”

When it was awkward, it immediately attracted a large number of Ascension Sect true disciple to come onlookers.

Everyone saw the little master of the “high family” and was defeated by Fang Han with a finger. Then the dragon claws pressed down and pressed directly into the ground, which was a big surprise.

The nine young masters who came in this time are all stunned by the world, and the only genius characters of the world are weaker. This is the common feeling of many Ascension Sect disciples, but no one has thought that this “wind” is actually between a move, it has defeated the high family and less masters, showing the hidden strength.

“what happened?”

Fang Han and the “high family and less master” high-powered movements have alerted the “Lin Feiyu” and “Gu Yu” who have just confronted each other. Even the “Xiao Shaoyun” and “Xue Lie” experts are alarmed.


“The strength that this wind has just shown?”

“This finger, a dragon claw, is very different from the one that has just been shown! Could it be that he hides his strength when he is playing against Zhang Zhenghui?”

“Deep hidden?”

Everyone has their own ideas, and their eyes are glaring. It seems to be seen through Fang Han’s real Culture Base.

“You are here to kill and die, don’t bother me. I am entering the Ascension Sect. I want to be quiet and cultivation. It is not a fight.” Fang Han defeated the high family and the high power, his face was flat and faint. ,rigid. I am leaving.

“I don’t think you are still an Expert? It has been hidden for so long. It is Expert, it will come out to show one, let me teach one or two.” Overhanging, I can’t be alive, just throwing the old disciple, vomiting blood Hong Zhou, the young master of the family, saw Fang Han’s shot, and the light of excitement came from his eyes. “It doesn’t mean anything to do this. Give me a trick, Stream of Chaos World!”

Even when I said that I shot, I didn’t have any scruples.

Hong Zhou directly made a shocking move, “Stream of Chaos World.”


In the void, a torrent appears, and the space everywhere is cracked. The torrent is reddish, like a mudslide of a mountain flood. The sky, a turbulent Aura appears, full of chaos, killing, Broken, gorgeous Aura.

The sky is cracked, and there is no light in the day.

Aura of this “Stream of Chaos World” swept all the people in.

Hong Zhou, the chief of the Hong family, stood in the middle of the torrent, standing in the tide, like a wave of the times. Turn your hand over the clouds to cover your hands. In the Stream of Chaos World, countless sages of the sages appeared, and they shouted loudly, and the sound of “big bang! 哉! beautiful!”

“This crazy man! Actually trained as a Stream of Chaos World, is it going to sweep everyone in?”

Seeing this scene, even Xiao Shaoyun, Xue Lie, Lin Feiyu, Shi Feng, Gu Yu, and several other young masters were shocked. Hey, after retreating, they also used Magic Force to protect themselves, so as not to be involved. The heart of Stream of Chaos World.

This trick allows all people to shun the house, showing fierce and unmatched, overbearing the world.

“Hong Zhou is flying, but it is indeed qualified. This is the quest of Stream of Chaos World. The rumor is the ancient Heavenly Monarch. It has been flown to the Hong family. Many generations of the Hong family have never been able to refine and reach his hand. Instead, I got a fortuitous encounter and the cultivation succeeded.”

“It’s so powerful! One shot is played, the country is heavy, the world is in the air, and the torrents are raging. Anyone will suffer the catastrophe.”

“And it’s rumored. Stream of Chaos World, the trick, to the limit, can be used to smash eight times the power, it is simply shocking, alive to scare Immortal.”

“You see that he has turned out to have three full shadows. It is the supreme hegemony, three times the strength, and the horror of life. This trick does not know how much energy to consume.”

“Hey, the beginning of his life is strong, I don’t know, that Hongzhou Hongjia, who took advantage of it, has been collecting four or five first-order veins for thousands of years. The remaining second-order, third-order spirits do not count The number is rich, and there is no shortage of the beginning of the Yuan.”

“With three times of fighting power, the wind can’t support it. Even though he is a stranger, he certainly lacks the medicine pill. Even if there is a secret of several times, it has no effect.”

Everyone danced and flew alternately, and flew farther again. Because the power of the “Stream of Chaos World” is getting bigger and bigger, it is finally a devastating dragon that devours the heavens.

Everyone knows that such a powerful power, the wind is under this attack, certainly can not survive.

“Hey! Stream of Chaos World, what a great thing, see my final judgment!”

Suddenly, in the torrent, Fang Han went up against the stream, and suddenly there was a long shot in his hand. This long gun combined with a testimony of the sky, the shape of the body, the idea of ​​countless trials, appeared in Long shots, countless Daxian techniques, running around the gun body, Taikoo’s thunder and punishment, the empty thunder, are wrapped around the gun body.

Fang Han took a shot and made a trial. When the air trembled, the shot went through the world and cut the “Stream of Chaos World” directly.


Stream of Chaos World, the shadow of Hongzhou’s three-fold battle force, all of which were robbed and blasted to explode.

“In the chaos of the world, the spirits are chaotic, only the trial can end the troubled times!” Fang Han between the eyebrows, the Law of Ronaldo condense, full of more than three million, and he showed enough control over the law of Da Luo ability.

Holding the illusion of the gun of judgment, he is as a god who presides in the trial and stabs again.


That Hong Zhou was shot on the spot by him, and it fell into the sky, hitting a huge crystal stone pillar on the Ascension Sect Square, smashing the pillars, and then collapsed.

“Waste one, what Hongjia less master, what Stream of Chaos World, can’t be vulnerable, dare to leave me? I am low-key, want to quietly practice, but does not mean that I have no strength.”

Fang Han took a shot with both hands, and the shadow of the gun of the trial dissipated, turning into countless vitality, and the law of Da Luo was included in the body.

“The gun of judgment? That is the illusion of King Grade Immortal Artifact, the gun of judgment? What was he just doing?”

“Hung Zhou has lost three times his fighting power?”

“How strong is this man? I thought his strength was the weakest, but he did not expect that he was the most tyrannical one?”…

Many people hardly believe in their own vision, Hong Zhou was actually defeated by the “wind”!

In particular, “Xue Lie”, “Xiao Shaoyun”, “Shi Feng” and “Gu Yu” all trembled slightly, not knowing whether it was excitement or another emotion.

“Xue Lie, it seems that your vision is not good. This wind power is so strong that he does not use the power of the body, but deliberately appears clumsy.” Xiao Shaoyun after a long time, suddenly laughed, on Xue Lie.

“Well, I admit that I am wrong.” Xue Lie nodded: “Strong, very strong! This wind is indeed very strong, able to use all kinds of Movements skillfully, and to reach the peak of the law in the body. And being good at hiding is a huge competitor we will promote to the seed in the future.”

“I also admit that he has caused a major threat to us.”

The ancient silent road.

Seeing the tyranny of Fang Han, he felt that he had no thoughts of fighting, to be more cultivating, and to defeat this person.

“It’s really an eye-opener.” The shock of Lin Feiyu’s heart has been overwhelming. The ten newcomers who came in this time, one more fierce than the one, made him feel pressure: “Beat Hong Zhou, this winds It has become a popular candidate for the competition seed disciple. As long as it is promoted to the golden celestial, you can enter our Ascension Sect in the highest institution of heaven, and compete with the previous seed disciple to compete for the Son! The status is true. It is the top of our Ascension Sect, only the existence that we look up to.”

Everyone has the hope of climbing up. The rule of Ascension Sect is that in many true disciples, genius is chosen, called “seed”, and then many “seeds” enter the high-level institutions together, and then select and train, and their outstanding, It is the “son”.

Lin Feiyu originally felt that he was very hopeful, but now Fang Han’s strength has made him feel shocked.

Almost all genius felt a strong threat, and in the subconscious, Fang Han was his own enemy.

Fang Han also felt these deep hostility, but he knew that in Ascension Sect, the more fierce, overbearing, and showing strength, the more he would feel the respect of the top.

“No one is coming to stop me again.” Fang Han looked at the scenes around him and watched him fly. He also fell into the ground, Hong Zhou, Gao Quan, two major masters, smiled lightly, turned back and went to Jiangshan. hospital.

Sure enough, no one stopped him.

That Xue Lie, Xiao Shaoyun’s fingers, while playing a bit, seems to be blocked by the Great Immortal, but until the back of Fang Han disappeared, still did not come out.

Because both of them felt that there was no absolute certainty to defeat Fang Han.

“Very good, very good. I have a strong opponent in the future. I am very excited.” Xue Lie coldly said, “The current battle is really nothing. See who is promoted to the golden sage, it is the real Powerhouse. Less than Jinxian, genius is pure, Lord is also a small servant.”

“Let’s take a look, who will be promoted to the golden sage.”

Xiao Shaoyun shouted and the body flew up.

“Hey! Experts always have a place in the age of generations!” The ancient 巽 is also not interested in fighting people, rising from the ground.

Many genius less masters have left.

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