Eternal Life

Chapter 1035

{Today’s five more red tickets pick up}

Chapter 1350

“Heavenly Immortal Cultivation Base’s station, come with me. Divine Immortal Cultivation Base, go with him. Profound Immortal’s right, follow the Senior Brother, half-step Jinxian Magnificent, please go directly Steps, go to the inside of the mountain gate to accept the assessment of true disciple!”

As the Ascension Sect’s discipline appeared, a young Expert’s gaze shot across the square, it was cold, and all of them were silent, and even the gods did not dare to disperse.

This is also a half-step golden fairy power, Fang Han heartbeat, because he now has the rule of the Luo in the Expert body, actually passed two million.

This is already a horror that cannot be described in words.

“It seems that I still look at genius from a worldly perspective. In fact, when it comes to heaven, genius is really worthless.” Fang Han heart secretly said, “genius, genius, is the wizard of the birth of God, but here is the heaven Everyone is outstanding, and it is born with the aura of heaven. Heaven is the biggest stage, and you can’t be a hero.”

“This is Lin Feiyu of Ascension Sect. He is nicknamed a sword. It is rumored that he went to the ancient ruins with many disciples of Ascension Sect three years ago. He suffered a sinister golden fairy. After a sword broke, he escorted countless escorts. Junior brother junior sister fled, and he fought with the eternal Jinxian, seriously injured and died, and escaped. This was passed down as a miracle by heaven. Even the heavens sent rewards.”

“After escorting the Junior brother junior sister, I was alone in a sword, but I was able to succumb to the death of the eternal Jinxian. I was seriously injured and fled. What strength is this? What talent?”

“Indeed, I have heard of this rumor.”………

Seeing this young translator, the half-step golden fairy who wants to participate in the “true disciple” assessment, all of them are faintly fluctuating.

Fang Han felt these words, and he was shocked. He thought that only he could maintain the balance under the golden celestial being. This is a miracle miracle, but he can’t think of it. Some people can escape from the golden hand of the eternal generation. .

From this we can see that there is more than one person who has the air transport, and it is everywhere in the gates of the heavens.

“Well, each of them arranged the team according to the Culture Base.” Lin Feiyu, who was “sword of death”, shot everyone in the eye, especially for Fang Han, a group of half-step Jinxian could shoot more. many.

Because this group of people is to assess the true disciple, if it can pass, it will be the same as him in the future. Ascension Sect every few decades, for hundreds of years, will have a supreme disciplinary, in the many characters, stand out, and then get trained to become “seed”.

This “seed” will naturally be favored by the sects, resources will be piled up on the body, and the golden celestial being built will be just around the corner. ,

Fang Han is also very clear about this. Before 30 years of age, Ascension Sect produced a “seed” called Xiang Yizhen, which was successfully promoted to the golden celestial. Since then, Ascension Sect’s many disciplines have once again competed for the status of the “seed” discipline. Talented people, countless Magic Force Powerhouses fight each other for thirty days.

That Shangzi Luo, although known as genius, but in many disciplines, that is, equal, but behind him, is a mysterious family business people. So I got more training in Ascension Sect, and I also got a position in the heavenly supervision.

Ascension Sect’s assessment is based on the Culture Base, and the Heavenly Immortal level is the lowest level of chores. Prepare the discipline.

At the Divine Immortal level, it is the outer sect disciple.

Profound Immortal, you can evaluate the inner sect disciple.

As for the half-step golden fairy power, you can directly check the true disciple.

Many “true disciple”, every once in a while, compete for the glory of “seed disciple” and get trained. stand out. This is like a secular, three-year scientific test, the same as the champion.

If it is a golden sage, it is the guest of the whole martial art. Of course, all the golden celestial beings are the supreme hegemons, the celestial princes, the people who lead the state, all of them are high, but they will not come to be a discipline of Ascension Sect.

If you are willing, you can go directly to the heavens to get a good position.

According to the memory of Shangzi Luo, the difference between Ascension Sect “prepare discipline”, “outer sect disciple”, “inner sect disciple” and “true disciple” is not calculated in a way. Of course, the degree of assessment is also more difficult than one. Especially true disciple, each one has to be carefully reviewed, in addition to being innocent, it is indeed the potential of peerless genius. In the future, you must be loyal to the martial art before you can be reused.

Fang Han is now entering the crowd of people, all of which are half-step Jinxian Magnificent, most of them are Quanzhou Wangjia, such a big family discipline, each Magic Force is extremely tyrannical, more hidden with powerful magical treasure, horror, genius Excessive.

These characters are all competing for the Ascension Sect true disciple position. It is conceivable that the next battle will be very intense.

Before the Ascension Sect, the Immortal was divided into four streams, followed by the discipline, in their respective directions, into the depths of the Ascension Sect.

Fang Han and other half-step golden fairy power, the top step of the walk, there is a high above, overlooking the feelings of all beings, every step up, the entire state of the ancient city can see clearly.

Ascension Sect’s mountain gate is the highest place in the ancient city of the state.

Fang Han was on the steps of the mountain gate and looked at the magnificent ancient city of the state. There was also a heartfelt shock in the heart. It is rumored that there are a total of 84,000 streets in the ancient city of the state, and each street is as long as megahertz. The same infinity. Above the ancient city of the state, only flying to a certain height, can not fly upwards, because the sky is covered by forbidden art, so it is impossible to see the face of the ancient city.

Want to see the face of the entire state of the ancient city, only stand on the gate of the Ascension Sect can be seen.

“Lin Senior Brother, this time there are a lot of people who come to participate in the true disciple assessment, especially if you see Xue Xue’s grandson of the Xue family coming, rumored that his strength has entered an unfathomable situation, Da Luo The law is deep in the heart, free to move, densely whole body, mindfulness, all condense into dust. Our Ascension Sect is about to start every 30 years of seed disciple campaign. It is very likely that he is also directed at this. .”

Fang Han and others walked on the steps, and the leader who led the team was the real disciple of Ascension Sect. They were also talking about it.

“This is our Ascension Sect. Since the Protoss attacked the heavens, the first foreign recruitment discipline, some big families know the chaos of the heavens now, I am afraid it will last for a long time, then the princes will start, the king will compete, the dragon snake will fight for hegemony. So I sent the discipline to my Ascension Sect. The first is to make a good relationship. The second is to protect the fire, so that the house is not destroyed, and I can reserve the seed for revenge. Only my Ascension Sect is the king’s party, no one dares to move.”

Lin Feiyu smiled coldly and said: “But these people, I want to compete with me for the position of the seed, it is still a little earlier. This session of the seed must be me. I can be a master of the golden fairy. Enter the deepest part of the Ascension Sect, and the cultivation of the stagnation.”

“Senior Brother, you still can’t take it lightly, have you seen it? The Shao family’s young master, Xiao Shaoyun is also there. It is rumored that he had a fortuitous encounter in his early years, entered a cave of the ancient cultivation, and got a saint. The inheritance of the bloodline. Now his system has been transformed into the Eucharist.” An Ascension Sect disciple murmured.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s always a half-step golden fairy. But when I wait for the assessment, I have to see how powerful these people are.” Lin Feiyu blinked.

Fang Han is quiet, he has long seen that this time to assess the true disciple has a lot of powerful roles, but he is in the chest, not afraid of any flaws.

He now wants to know who the Headmaster of Ascension Sect is.

Ascension Sect is too big, as a king of the big faction, managing the Quartet, countless mysterious places. Shangzi Luo has never seen the Headmaster Supreme, even the name does not know.

It is rumored that the Headmaster Supreme of Ascension Sect is not at the door, but in the mysterious land of heaven, assisting some giant Heavenly Monarch in power. It can be seen that the Headmaster Supreme of Ascension Sect is obviously far beyond the existence of Jinxian.


Another bell rang, and the clouds shrouded on the steps of the high places. Fang Han then waited for someone to come to a sky square. The square is made of crystal stone, piece by piece, very strong. However, the above has also been stepped on a deep footprint, and some Sword Qi gully, apparently caused by some Experts fighting.

As soon as I came to the square, many half-steps of Jinxian’s powerful gaze looked at the depths of the square at the same time. A person sitting on the throne stand, the whole body Jinguang, the golden fairy law was strong, and it was condensed on the top of the head. The clouds, the changing of the flowers, the bright lights, the cymbals, the umbrella cover… the vision.

This quintessential golden fairy is actually much more powerful than all the golden celestials that Fang Han has ever met.

That Wang Yan, Sun Kuidou, and even evil deities, Hu Yuhai, Gu Meng, Li Luowei, and the absolute sages are far less than the singular Jin Xian.

“Maybe this is the Changping Supreme who presided over the true disciple assessment.” Fang Han has long heard of Hongqilou, who knows who the assessment is.

“You, I am the Changping Supreme who presided over this true disciple recruitment assessment.” The Jinxian scorpion opened his eyes and swept the many half-step Jinxian abilities that were present. Everyone feels their eyes pierced. It seems that any secret can’t be kept: “Many of you are from the big family of the states, the big door. I personally have communication with your fathers and even my ancestors, but this In the second assessment, I will definitely not smuggle the law. You each come up with the true ability, right here, compete.”

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