Eternal Life

Chapter 1030

“Well, the wing of freedom has finally been promoted to the Immortal Artifact, and I am blessed by the real Saint Grade Freedom Wings. I am not afraid of this generation of Jinxian to kill me.”

Fang Han felt the idea of ​​the emptiness transmitted from the void, and calculated the refining and refining. He suddenly got a lot of martial arts and even a real force of freedom. The power of freedom condensed into A group of characters, can be changed at will, turned into a group of ethereal Martial art.

This Martial art, called “Nine Transformation of Freedom”, is divided into nine strokes. It is the same mysterious style as Seven Styles of Ruling. Every move contains deep mysteries. Fang Han is not able to see Insight thoroughly.

However, his heart is still very happy.

After condensing the legend, I got a set of peerless killings, “Harlan Far Legend.” And the wing of Condensed Freedom got the “Nine Transformation of Freedom”. It’s all Martial art.

“Fang Han, then, if you can promote 33 Skies to the treasures and promote the eight floats to the Immortal Artifact, what changes will it bring? At least the benefits are much stronger than the legendary and free wing. ”


“Yes, but these two giants promoted Immortal Artifact, the materials needed, the Golden Fairy Law is too much, even if all eight King Grade Immortal Pill melt into it, it is not enough.” Fang Han shook his head: ” This will wait until I am a master of the golden fairy, and then slowly refine it.”

Hey! Hey! Hey!

After his cultivation success, the combat power increased again, reaching a level that is almost the limit of the realm. Unfold the wings of freedom, fly at will, fly in the entire evil valley, and try to find treasure to increase your wealth.

All his wisdom savings now have reached the level of Jinxian. What is lacking is only a huge beginning of the Yuan.

Now he has got a total of eight “Divine Pill”, originally nine, gave Tianquanmen a piece. However, he is not ready to swallow immediately, because the power of this medicine pill is too violent, difficult to refine, and must be used to the peace of the beginning of the Yuan, otherwise, it will consume Magic Force to suppress, not worth the candle.

In the fall of the evil valley, looking for treasure, Fang Han refused to let go of every corner, he relied on intuition, this evil valley has other treasures.

This evil valley, countless time and space kingdoms, countless time and space wormholes, tunnels, and some places, as well as witchcraft arrays, are extremely dangerous, but Fang Han got three ancient witches and used it like a fish. It seems that this fallen canyon is his mountain door, free and easy.

At the end of the day, Fang Han’s hand condensed the vitality into a ancestral mirror, which was illuminated on all sides, and the light penetrated around, and no time and space could block the illumination of the light.

“Well? That time and space country, it seems that there is a faint Immortal Dao rule is flashing!”

Suddenly, the ancestral mirror illuminates a seemingly dull time and space, and Fang Han is clues. With a hand grab, the flame shoots out, burning in the space and time, sacrificial refining after three hours, When I banged, a time collapsed and a cave appeared.

This cave, but there is no ancient stone gate, but was blocked by a black fog.

The black mist, free of the powerful fairy squad killing intent, ** eclipse, but Fang Han does not care, between the ancestors and the mirror, the black mist has dissipated and entered their body, but became a nourishing Saint Grade.

As soon as the black mist was opened, it immediately showed the mammoth Immortal Dao rule, which was a huge small universe. In that small universe, a thunder, a long sky, and a strip of Immortal Qi became Galaxy.

The power of violent shocks this small universe.

Those visions are magical treasure manifestations.

“Fortune, wealth. Fang Han, these magical treasures, are Immortal Artifact! Actually sealed so many Immortal Artifact! And still!”

When I blinked my eyes, I almost fell off the drums, and the eyebrows were ecstatic.

“Yes, I finally found a treasure!”

Fang Han is deep in this small universe, facing many visionary Immortal Artifacts. Suddenly, Aura bursts fiercely, suddenly bursting into time and space, and countless visions are suppressed.

The entire small universe suddenly showed its original shape. It was still a cave. On the cave, there were more than a dozen altars. On the altar, a dozen of magical treasures were suppressed with a string of symbols.

The more than ten pieces of magical treasure, the pieces are the original Immortal Artifact, each piece of Immortal Artifact, which is intertwined with the Golden Fairy Rule, apparently the Immortal Artifact made by Jin Xian.

It has some products Immortal Artifact, obviously a sinister, such as a mace, a spiked spike, like the teeth of ancient venomous beasts, with witchcraft, Demonic art portraying the fairy tales, which would have been The pure golden fairy rule is rendered into a dark blue secret color.

But the lethality is indeed amazing.

Fang Han counted a few times. There are a total of fifteen altars. Each of the altars is sealed with a magical treasure of Immortal Artifact. There are mace, serpentine sword, serrated knife, and cane. Everything is extremely evil, not the right way.

“Well, although it is a sinister, it is a value-for-money thing. I charge it. When it doesn’t work, I will go out and sell it, in exchange for Yuanshi medicine pill, to prepare for my Jinxian.”

Fang Han grabbed it with a big hand, and the seal of the fifteen magical treasures burst and suddenly flew up, and the fierce and fiercely smothered it, and actually turned back.

“court death!”

The wing of freedom flapped, and Fang Han’s body flickered. At the same time, fifteen phantoms appeared at the same time, and all the fifteen pieces of Immortal Artifact were suppressed, and they were oppressed in their own universe.

“The harvest is not small! Look for it again and see if there are any other treasures. If you can find a High Grade Immortal Artifact, then you will be rich. Real money!”

Fang Han wants to get a High Grade Immortal Artifact like “羲图”, so he is looking for it again in the canyon.

It is a pity that this time, nothing can be found anymore. Even with God’s thoughts, I have explored countless Spaces, and there is no such thing.

With intuition, he felt that there was a treasure in this evil valley, but unfortunately, he could not find it.

“Maybe the treasure has not yet come out, wait for my cultivation to come to the eternal Jinxian.” Fang Han secretly shook his head, still not dying, looking for three days and three nights, and finally gave up, flying from the fallen evil valley come out.

“Go! Hey, let’s go to the state, Ascension Sect.”

Fang Han changed his identity, and the avatar became the dull, dull youth man. He showed the half-step of the Cultivation Base of Jinxian Magnificent. He claimed to be the wind, and he once again came to the ancient city of Quanzhou.

This time, it was smooth and smooth. After paying a certain amount of Yuanshidan, it entered the transmission array of Quanzhou Ancient City.

He did not alarm Tianquanmen. Now he is not constant, and Tianquanmen people will not know him. However, when he passed through the transmission array, he saw many cultivators, and he was talking about it. He said that there was a recent Expert called Quantum in the Quanzhou area. He was able to counter the absolute gold with a half-step Cultivation Base. Fairy.

It seems that the reputation of “always do not move” has been passed out.

“The ancient life of the ancient city of Quanzhou is a kind of change. Is it that Wang Yan is in the assist’s own daughter, and it has become a golden fairy? But it seems impossible. Even Wang Hao, Eldest Young Lady, has this war of Divine. Pill, with enough initial energy, still has countless years of submersible, the heat of the epiphany. Jinxian, the giant Powerhouse of the Big Mac, can not be directly promoted by medicine pill and Yuanshi.”

Fang Han stood in the transmission of the ancient array, feeling the direction of the underground veins, heart guess.

This Quanzhou transmission ancient array is also operated by the power of life ancient springs, but it is a business that makes a steady profit. Because each person, once transferred, has to pay 3,000 yuan Yuan Dan. And a single transmission, can send tens of thousands, or even 100,000 cultivator.

With this ancient transmission array, you can bring countless profits to Tianquanmen every year, and you don’t know how many disciplines you can feed.

This transmission of the ancient array was set up by the ancient sages, from Quanzhou to a larger state, “Xuanzhou.” A state of the heavens is vast and vast, with rich landforms, vast mountains, vast oceans, and various sinister areas. Its fairy beasts, some mountains, and fairy beasts, even Profound Immortal can swallow kill. Some people simply do not dare to move around. To enter another city from one city, they must pass through the transmission array.

Even the Culture Base is so deep that it is not afraid of the cultivator of the fairy monster, and because it is too far away, it is not willing to spend time.

Just flying from Quanzhou to Xuanzhou, the golden step of Jinxian will be able to fly for two or three years, and it will continue to fly day and night. If Feifei stops and rests, it will not be able to fly in five years.

Fortunately, when the ancient heavens were flourishing, countless saints set up a transmission array between the ancient cities of the states to facilitate the exchange.

Fang Han’s “winds” incarnation, all the way to the “Xuanzhou” from “Quanzhou”, and then to Wuzhou, Yinzhou ………. experienced a total of twenty or thirty big states, and finally finally arrived “State.”

On this road, he did not know how many heavenly landscapes he experienced, and saw countless cultivators, countless martial art, countless Lord objects, and every big state, there is the existence of the eternal Golden Monarch.

The greatness of this heaven is really to make him feel that he has returned to the era of mortals. When he goes to any place, he has to wading through the mountains and walking hard.

Had it not been in the ancient Heavenly Kingdom, so many transmission arrays were set up, he had to reach the state, and it would not be possible to fly for thousands of years.

According to Shang Ziluo’s memory of the heavens, this has experienced more than 20 large states, but it is a very small corner of the heavens. The regions of more than 20 large states add up. Compared with the whole heaven, it is equal to the sea. A drop of water, a grain of sand.


When Fang Han came out of the state’s huge transmission, he saw the city’s city, and in the depths of the city, countless kingdoms, countless mountains, countless veins, formed a giant sect, Ascension Sect!

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