Eternal Life

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1-28


Wang Yan, the master of Tianquanmen, was also angry. It was also the eternal Jinxian, the hegemon of a state, and the patriarch of the ancestor of Gu Yuanzong, which really made him disdain.

By the time he is in this scene, he will not interfere.

Fang Han is strong, can compete against a golden celestial being, and it is absolutely impossible to compete against the three golden celestial beings, which must be killed. In order to be reasonable, you must be asist.

His body moved, and the attempt was shrouded in the face of the three great Jinxian.

“Hey! Wang Yan, do you dare to block us three people alone? It is simply looking for death! Today we completely destroyed your Tianquanmen and the kid.”

The three masters are not afraid of Wang Yan. After all, they are three people. Together, they can sweep everything.

“I knew that the three of us had just killed the kid. Why bother with him?” Gu Mengxin regretted it.

“You will try it! See if you can kill it?” Tianquanmen said, “I will not move. If you come to the map, I will not believe it. I will do my best.” A force can’t protect you.”

“Tianquanmen’s kindness, my heart is led, I will never move, I will go alone, cross the heavens, and stand alone. I don’t need anyone’s assist. Even if it is a big disaster, I have to fight against myself. I can hone myself.” Fang Han said: “I don’t believe that these three golden cans can kill me.”


Behind him, a pair of light blue wings, flashing constantly, the road signs flowing above the wings, the Law of Ronaldo and even the law of the Golden Fairy, are constantly infused into the wings.

The power above the wings is earth-shaking, and the more time and space, there is a strong bond that breaks free and gets free.

“Wings of Liberty!”

When the three golden quintessers saw it, they all screamed, “How come this magical treasure!”

“No, he is taking advantage of the golden rule of Divine Pill’s Danish, in the wing of the Freedom of Freedom, wanting to change it into the Immortal Artifact. Once it changes, in this fallen evil, we are really It’s hard to catch him!”

Sun Kui’s understanding of it, the wings behind Fang Han, is the “wing of freedom”, boiling changes, simply unable to capture.

Especially in the fallen evil valley, the geographical advantage, coupled with the change of the wing of freedom as the Immortal Artifact, the three golden fairy is really not sure to cause damage to Fang Han.

The three golden sages know that the person who is so horrible to Fang Han got King Grade Immortal Pill. If he didn’t kill him, he would later become a golden fairy, and in turn take revenge. The three sects will surely be destroyed. Can’t exist.

Fang Han Now, it is indeed using the Dan gas to temper the wing of freedom.

The legend of the legend is now changing to the Immortal Artifact. If the wing of freedom also changes, then you are really not afraid of the killing of the Jinxian, you can easily escape, and then retaliate.

A lot of Dan, containing the golden fairy law, rolled into the wing of freedom, the wings turned from light blue to gold, immortal Da Luo eternal thoughts, in its rolling shock, a strong stock only strong, from the air Passed on.

“How much mystery is there in his body? How can he have such treasures?” Tianquanmen thought that Fang Han was on the verge of desperation, but the other time had the opportunity to get out.

This is really doubtful. Is it impossible for him to perish?

“Yes? The wing of freedom, the deity wants to see, can you really get the big freedom, your kid, it is indeed fierce, killing my assassin in the vacuum hometown, and so swaying in and out, get King Grade Immortal Pill .”

The sound of a negative test sounded up. I don’t know where it came from, and I don’t know who came out.


A three-foot-long sword mang, from the deeper part of the evil cave, spurred directly into the back of Fang Han.

Although the swordsman is not long, but the power is enough to penetrate the golden fairy.

The person holding the sword is a black shadow, the whole body is entwined with a poisonous and gloomy flame. The sinister evil is as long as people feel that the whole body is uncomfortable, especially on the swordsman, which is full of bright colors. Color, stinky. Forced, possesses highly toxic.

The assassinated person, who claimed to be the deity, is actually a golden fairy who has passed away. The evil golden fairy is obviously a long-awaited attempt to make a lore.

Sword light is worn, and a sword will kill. When Jianmeng is close to Fang Han, he suddenly picks up the next one and changes it into a lore. There is a full five between the changes in the swordsmanship. The shadow of evil deity, five times the power! A lot of the beginning of the gas, burning from the evil, and even the signs of life burning.

The assassination of the swordsman is also burning, and it is also a bit of Immortal Artifact, but now it is a one-time consumable.

Between a sword, the swords are burning, turning into a desperate blow, five times the power, Jinxian sneak attack.

This means of contempt, against Fang Han, the half-step golden fairy power, even if the existence of Jinxian is afraid to be saved.

“The evil person in the vacuum hometown!”

Wang Yan, the main gatekeeper of Tianquan, opened his eyes quickly. He did not change at this moment. He could only watch as if Fang Han was about to be assassinated.

Because when his gods reacted, the killing of the evil sages has completely covered Fang Han.

All the people did not expect that the evil sage suddenly appeared and directly assassinated.

“Oh, let the Assassin in the vacuum home get off first.”

“No! That will not move, there must be counter-attacks, we can let them lose both, and then seize King Grade Immortal Pill.”

“Yes, prepare, kill together!”

Fang Kuishan Sun Kuidou, Gu Yuanzong Gu Meng, Shenweimen Li Luowei three people, also beat Fang Han was assassinated, counterattack evil spirits, and then both lose, they are together to take the idea.

However, the next scene made them disappointed.

The huge killing, shrouded, but lost, Fang Han’s body split, with a smile, let the kill and kill, there is no movement at all, the sword kills a phantom, exploding the void.

The “Evil Supreme” made a sharp and harsh cry: “How could it be a phantom? I clearly locked his Aura with a evil sword. It shouldn’t be a phantom. How can he hide my eyes and ears?”

“Hey! Assassin in the vacuum hometown, the immortal gold Immortal Venerable, actually such a shameless attack on me a half-step Jinxian. You can rest assured. I will promote today’s things.”

A voice, passed from the other side of the cave, and the golden blue wings fanned, it was Fang Han: “You lost your life and vitality in vain, and there is a good sword, but it annihilated me a phantom. I should be mad at vomiting blood! Tell me the truth, I have already expected it, you will be robbed by fire. Because the fog of the fallen evil valley is very poisonous for you. For me, it is vitality, it is the eyes and ears. Any movements will hide me.”

Fang Han did anticipate that there were people who had peeped. He had just used the Divine Pill of the war to promote the wing of freedom. Although it did not really evolve into the Immortal Artifact, it also evoked all kinds of wings of freedom. Mysterious, such as a free phantom, was catalyzed.

With the power of freedom, create an ascension, but it has quietly lurked away.

In the current situation of chaos, the Assassin evil spirits in the vacuum hometown have suffered a big loss.

“Do you think you can escape!”

Just as Fang Han spoke, a young man appeared. He was smirked and cruel, and his hands were wide open. He took Wanfang Kyushu and suppressed it from the back of Fang Han.

“The ancient moon patriarch Hu Yihai!”

Everyone saw that this is the Sectmaster of another peerless school in Quanzhou.

“Yes? It’s stupid, Gu Yuezong, vacuum hometown, Shenweimen, Fangzhongshan, and Gu Yuanzong. You all remember these martial art. When I am a master of the golden celestial, I will annihilate you all. You After going back, wash your neck and let me slaughter one by one!”

The ancient hand of the ancient moon, Hu Xiaohai, grabbed it and actually caught a phantom!

The voice of Fang Han, floating in the air, fluttering, no one can hide his shadow, where is it.

“Tianquanmen, you should go back, and when I am a golden fairy, I will help you sweep Quanzhou. This is a Divine Pill, and I will give it to Eldest Young Lady. I hope she can become a golden fairy soon.” Suddenly Between the two, there was an idea, Wang Yan was overjoyed, grabbed with his hand, and suddenly the idea spread out, and it changed into a gourd. Gourd, sitting on a Divine Pill.

Fang Han, but disappeared.

“The doorkeeper! Go away!”

Wang Shan is a big man.

Wang Yan didn’t want to, and he spurted out a bite. “The picture is running, Ancestral Immortal!”

The stunned picture, suddenly, broke open nothing, disappeared without a trace.

The rest of the characters are going to chase, but where can you catch up with this treasure? The reason why Tianquanmen suppressed Quanzhou, the first is to get the life of ancient springs, and the second is to have this map.

“Damn, let this shackle run away!” Gu Meng slammed his feet, can’t wait to vent their grievances.

“桀桀桀桀…….” The evil deity suddenly came out with a smile: “The doormen of the three major sects, are you willing to cooperate with my vacuum hometown? Let’s join hands and do a big business in the heavens?”

The three masters looked at each other. “Evil, I have heard of your name, but this is not the place to talk. Let’s say what happened to the fallen evil valley?”

The evil spirits of the fallen evil valleys are too heavy for their erosion.

“I am very happy to talk to the three masters!” The sorrower laughed again.

The five Experts, the flying of the cockroaches disappeared. When they flew away, they searched for the canyon, but they didn’t have the shadow of Fang Han. Everyone hated to gnash their teeth, but they couldn’t do anything. They could only leave.

At this moment, Fang Han is still in the fall of evil spirits, sitting in a sinister fog, and entering, the wing of freedom behind it is getting bigger and bigger.

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