Eternal Life

Chapter 1018

Chapter 1108

Fang Han’s practice in the “Quanquan Quiet Room” has benefited a lot. He has already reached the peak of the legendary Immortal Artifact sacrificial refining, and is likely to be promoted to the point of Immortal Artifact at any time.

Moreover, he refines his Divine Ability again, and with the help of the ancient gas of life, he has accumulated a large amount of the essence of the life, which will be used to break through the time of Jinxian.

If you can always repair the ancient springs of life, Fang Han believes that he has to repair hundreds of thousands of heavenly years, and he will certainly be able to reach Jinxian. Unfortunately, Tianquanmen cannot make him suffer for so long. .

Although the ancient springs of life are very deep, when a golden fairy is promoted, it needs too much energy. After being captured, the ancient fountain of life is also weak, and the gas of the beginning will be thin. For all the disciplines of Tianquanmen. The cultivation is unfavorable.

“Jin Xian! Must be promoted to Jinxian!”

Fang Han has a long sigh, but his footsteps are calm, and he enters the place where many Lord objects gather at Tianquanmen. He looks around and sees hundreds of half-step Jinxian powers, as well as the master of Jinxianmen. It is also a surprise.

In comparison, the entire Mangshan, there is no half-step Jinxian power, but here is a pile.

“I don’t want to move a small friend, please sit down.” On that day, Quanmen Wang Yan was so polite to Fang Han that many of the half-step Jinxian could see that he also showed some taboos and feared Aura.

Fang Han knows clearly that this is because of his own strength, the reason for using the Thunder to instantly defeat the three heavenly courts to monitor the messengers, and on the other hand, he secretly sacrificed the will of Heavenly Monarch, and let these people think that He is the inheritor of Heavenly Monarch.

Although the chaos of Heavenly Monarch’s will, only the pressure on the soul, there is no substantial attack, but it is also equivalent to a “shangfang sword”, you can take the feathers as an arrow.

“Many thanks the doorkeeper, I don’t know what the doorkeeper called me. What’s the matter?” Fang Han sat down on a throne, with a correct end, a gentle temperature, and an eternal temperament.

“Honest immobility, your Culture Base, I am sure I am close to Jinxian. Do not know how many Dalu’s laws?” Wang Shandao, the younger brother of Tianquan.

This Wang Shan, the Law of Da Luo, condensed into Qingyun, very honest, much more powerful than Shangzi Luo.

“I just condense a hundred and eighty thousand.” Fang Han casually said a number.

“What? One hundred and eighty thousand Da Luo’s Law.” The presence of the Expert was shocked, and even the doorkeeper Wang Yan felt incredible.

Half-step golden fairy power, you can concise the Law of Da Luo, but it is also the cultivator of this realm, because of the qualifications, talents, there are fewer and more Da Luo’s laws that can be condensed.

Some cultivators, who have concise more than 100,000, have reached the limit and can no longer concise more. Even if it is the law of plundering others, it will not accommodate the body, at most the sacrificial refining sacrificial refining magical treasure. The body’s capacity is so much, root bone, qualification determines.

And some cultivators, the qualification is extremely high, concise hundreds of thousands of roads.

Generally, after the six or seven hundred thousand Dalu’s Laws, they are the leaders of the cultivator, millions of people, that is the talent of the heavens.

There is no doubt that the more the Law of Ronaldo is concise, the more chance there is to become a golden fairy.

“The doorkeeper, when you were a half-step golden fairy, you also condense more than 900,000 Da Luo’s law.” Another Tianquanmen veteran was shocked.

“Not bad.”

“Extremely terrifying, it’s the talent chosen by the Heavenly Monarch.”

“If you don’t have it now, he can still accumulate cultivation and concise the law, which means that his Culture Base has not reached the limit. If it reaches the limit, how strong will it be?”

Some Experts whispered.

Fang Han smiled, his Law of Da Luo, in fact, far more than 1,800,000. Counting the eight floating sects, 33 Skies is on the treasure of Da Luo, which is close to five million.

Putting the eight floats, 33 Skies, can also be regarded as part of his body, and can continue to advance, with unlimited potential.

“Unfortunately, even if I have five million Da Luo’s Law, it is not the opponent of Jin Xian, because Jin Xianyin contains the ‘Da Luo Jin Xian Law’ quality is thousands of times higher than me.” Fang Han also knows himself and The gap between the real golden fairy.

“Okay, unlimited potential!” Tianquanmen took the topic on the right track: “Do you know that in our Quanzhou, there is a treasure, called the fallen evil valley?”

“Degraded evil valley?”

Fang Han immediately began to search for the huge memory left by Shangzi Luo, and finally found some fragmentary fragments of the fallen evil valley, but he did not say it, just said: “Know some, but I don’t know much, just say It is a sacred demon sect of ancient times, a treasure left over there, and it has many Immortal Artifacts, medicine pills, Taoist books, and symbols…”

“Yes, the fallen evil valley is a place of extreme evil in Quanzhou. It is the legacy of the ancient Tiantian evil gates. The fallen magic sect was later destroyed by the heavens. The sect changed into a ruin, and the gloom was thick. Hundreds of thousands of years, many experts went to look for treasure, some got some benefits, but more died. But rumored that there are many ‘King Grade Immortal Pill’, even Saint Grade Immortal Pill is rumored to have. This time the heavens and the real world war, you must have heard more, the Protoss broke the crystal wall system of the heavens, making the heavens fluctuate, and the fallen evil valley has recently appeared some visions, some of which are killing The intent has suffered damage. It is a good time to go in for treasure hunt.”

Tianquanmen explained.

“So, the door owner wants to pull me in?”

Fang Han heard that there was some movement in the heart. The fallen evil valley, other things don’t say, King Grade Immortal Pill was very eye-catching. It was his cultivation to reach Jinxian, and promoted to “33 Skies” and “Eight Buddhism”. “The legend of the shackles” “wings of freedom” is indispensable.

If there is a large amount of “King Grade Immortal Pill”, it is sooner or later that he is promoted to Jinxian.

“Yes, there are quite a few air transports on your body, and the means are brilliant, the strength is extremely tyrannical, and Jinxian can play one or two. For me to get treasures from Tianquanmen, there are enough aids. I don’t know if you will refuse to go together. “The main road of Jinxianmen.”

“Yes, King Grade Immortal Pill is something that can’t be asked. I have to get some to be able to make a golden fairy.” Fang Han nodded.

“Well, go together, don’t know how to divide your treasure? How many do you want?” The perfect gold Immortal Dao.

“Haha…….” Fang Han laughed. “I remembered a story. Two people saw the geese flying through the sky. They all talked about whether the geese were baked or steamed after they were beaten down. After the discussion, the geese fly. gone.”

After a while of silence, Tianquanmen’s master Jin Xian also laughed happily: “It’s really a character. It’s no wonder that there is air transport on the body. It’s the nature of Lord. I can meet people like you. I am contaminated with a trace of air transport. If you want to dominate the heavens in the future, my Tianquanmen can be your backing.”

This is a heavy word, but everyone present knows that behind Fang Han is a Heavenly Monarch supporting. There is no future in the future, maybe there is a possibility of hegemony.

Now the heavens, the dragons are not, the heavens are weak, and the princes rise. It is a big era of chaos.

“Since the constant immovable friends agreed, then we should not delay, now it is out, the evil spirits are now fluctuating so badly that the sooner the better, if it is late, in case of being sent by other sects… The consequences are unimaginable.” Wang Shandao.

“Okay, let’s go now! You are all here, bring magical treasure, medicine pill, Fuxi, and Heavenly Demon, the beast, and the creatures of your own universe. When you fall into the evil valley, you can arrange the great array to compete. .

Tianquanmen took the order and stood up.


A golden light Great Dao, appeared in the void, he shook his hand, suddenly flying a magical treasure, is an ancient residual map, the above Aura, condensed into a cloud. Aura of countless ancestral gods, spinning on it, a “grandfather” Aura, passed to the heart of Fang Han.

“This is…” Fang Han was shocked: “High Grade Immortal Artifact!”

The product Immortal Artifact requires the rule of the Great Luo Jinxian to be refining, while the High Grade Immortal Artifact requires the more powerful Ancestral Immortal to be successful.

Fang Han has never seen High Grade Immortal Artifact.

Now, the high-grade Immortal Artifact of Tianquanmen is sacrificed. The Aura of the “ancestor”, the law of the ancestors, tears the void of the heavens and protects the people.

“This is the treasure of our Tianquanmen’s town, ‘羲图’.” Seeing the shocked appearance of Fang Han, Tianquanmen had some smugness: “I Tianquanmen also has such a treasure. Repressing Quanzhou does not make other sects peep.”

“This picture does not seem to be able to reach its maximum power, and some are broken.” Fang Han observed for a while.

“Good Eyes, High Grade Immortal Artifact is infinitely endless. Without understanding the realm of the ancestors, it is impossible to give the greatest power, and this map is indeed broken. I used it to fight with a demon. Some of them were destroyed.” Tianquanmen sighed. “I only understand the true meaning of my ancestors and reach the realm of Ancestral Immortal before I can repair this picture and pass it on to future generations.”

“But even if it is a broken map, it is invincible in the hands of the doorkeeper.” Jin Han quietly complimented one sentence.

“This is indeed the case. I don’t have the same High Grade Immortal Artifact. I am invincible.” Tianquan’s master once again shook, and the map enveloped everyone, and in a moment they crossed the infinite space and time and tore the rules of heaven.

In a short while, the time and space in front suddenly became dark and horrible, no longer a storm of time and space, but a killing intent, as if it were an ancient demon.

“The fallen evil valley is here!”

When the map shook, everyone crossed from time and space, and saw the huge gloomy mountains, the deserted valleys, and the dark fog of the forest.

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