Eternal Life

Chapter 1006

Just a punch!

Fang Han played thirty-three times of combat power, and he was unable to make it alive. He also built a half-step golden fairy power. The Ascension Sect disciple with the Law of Da Luo, the Shangzi Luo became a rotten meat. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Thirty-three times the combat power, even if it is a real golden fairy, I am afraid there must be some taboos.

No one can imagine how terrible this scene is.

The remaining six sects, Sectmaster Profound Immortal, were stunned and couldn’t believe their eyes. They are deeply aware of the horror of the commercial son Luo, half-step Jinxian power, almost the peak of the combat power, and he will soon be able to build the legendary true Jinxian.

Ascension Sect is a great king of the king, with a strong foundation. The “hegemonic ascension” is not a worldly study. Under the Seven Styles of Ruling, one hit, such as the hegemony of the world, all things must be surrendered to the domineering Next, don’t dare to move.

However, this school is in the hands of Fang Han. It is simply a child who is a family member and is directly defeated. Even the aftermath is not left.

The remaining six Sectmaster Profound Immortal ancestors were first shocked and stunned. The next moment, all the hysterical screams, completely lost confidence in themselves.

Also, in the face of a punch, the Shangzi Luo, half-step Jinxian can be made into the presence of bolognese, and their poor Dao technique is indeed unsustainable.

At this moment, Chen Yan is in a safe country, staring at everything in front of him. The aftermath of the fight did not involve her, because her body is the kingdom of the gods.

Fang Han has already displayed the kingdom of the gods to protect her, and at the same time let her watch her killing the square.

So hearty, destroying the whole family, no audience, what a pity?

“Fang Han, what is your Martial Dao! I am not willing! Never reconciled! King Grade Immortal Pill! Melting medicinal power!” The unsatisfied voice of the business that was beaten into rotten meat, roaring, shocking At the same time, there was a medicine pill on his body. This medicine pill looks like a god, revealing the domineering power of Gaide, and it is actually a King Grade Immortal Pill.

“Overlord reborn Dan?” Fang Han saw that this medicine pill was rumored to contain the true meaning of the ancient supreme hegemony, never surrender, and succumb to the world’s King Grade Immortal Pill.

“Hey! I want to take medicine pill to re-consolidate and return to the peak state. How is it possible? I won’t give you this chance. This King Grade Immortal Pill has some effect on me. It is your reliance on Jinxian. Bring it to me, steal the claws of the sky, formless formless, I can steal even the sky, can’t take you this little medicine pill?”

Among the King Grade Immortal Pill, there are golden fairy rules, each one is invaluable. Get one, the ordinary Profound Immortal has the hope to peek into the legendary state of Da Luo.

A claw of stealing the sky, silent, and arrived at the group of flesh and blood of the Shangzi Luo, directly took the “hegemonous rebirth Dan”.

Fang Han’s body moved, and the medicine pill, which had a strong medicinal power, reached his hand.

He was shocked and dissipated the blessing of 33 times. At the same time, the medicine pill was swallowed down. The powerful medicinal power formed a vitality cycle in his body. The golden fairy rule in the medicine pill evolved more snail texture and wrapped around his blood. The Ministry of Buddhism, 33 Skies is above the treasure.

He burned a flaming golden fire, and each flame was composed of the Dalu Rune. The skill was deeper and the head was further advanced.

Just now he showed thirty-three times the damage of the Law of the Law of Ronaldo, which was repaired again, and it was stronger and stronger.

“Hey! Thirty-three times of combat power, it really consumes vitality. Just after a blow, I took out the energy of my Yuanshi, and even damaged my own source. Fortunately, I killed Wang Jifeng, the poisonous drug, and Meng Haiting, the sovereign of the town. They got the Yuanshi Dan on their body and they only supported it in one fell swoop.”

Fang Han is in the air.

Thirty-three times the combat power, absolutely can not be easily displayed, to collapse the law of the big Luo, the consumption of the heroic beginning of the gas.


After being robbed and robbed of the overlord, the Shangzi Luo seems to be mad, completely violent, and suddenly, Aura, a life-burning life, is conveyed from his body. This Aura is crazy and dangerous.


In the twinkling of an eye, he was reborn again. The mess of flesh and blood, condense up, turned into a bloody sky, wearing a robes of the hegemony, majestic invincible, and the heavenly hegemony.

“The overlord ascended to heaven, the gods tribute, the big earthquake swayed, the sky bowed down!” Shangzi Luohua body cover the hegemon, once again punched, rolling, and Heaven really bowed in front of him, God also wants to lower the noble head!

This punch is to change the future of the boxing, the rules of the heavens, under one punch, have to retreat, under the boxing style, the rules are retreating.


Fang Han’s body is still motionless, and he raises his left fist: “If I don’t completely defeat you, after you die, you will not be convinced when you become a ghost. But after you die, it must be a god and a ghost. It is impossible.”

Between the words, Fang Han’s end, Beginning Divine Fist, to the Heavenly Law, Seven Styles of Ruling brewed on the fist, punched and slammed together.


Fang Han The whole person, the spirit of flying, the wind is spinning outside the body, the world changes, the dragon and the dragon spread, he is like the Heavenly Monarch, once again, the whole body golden light, there are a few traces of the heavenly Lord.

The Aura of the merchant’s Luo whole body was oppressed. The whole person seems to be a trapped beast, in the battle of death.

“Not dead yet?”

Fang Han strode forward, showing the trend of repression, the dragon and the tiger step, there is the ancient meaning of Wanshou as Hengsha, countless countries, appearing around his body, flashing out, his big hand flip, another punch, kneel The body of Shangzi Luo.


The whole body of Shangzi Luo was blown up into a group of flesh and blood, leaving only one head, floating up and down in flesh and blood, trying to restore his body again, a pair of hateful eyes, staring at Fang Han, full of endless hatred.

Fang Han grabbed the big hand and grabbed the head of Shangzi Luo, and the golden flame bombarded it.

There is no hint of mercy under his hand.

“Fang Han, you killed me, Ascension Sect will retaliate against you. You are not in the heavens.” Shangzi Luo shouted.

“Hey, in the lower bound, I am the Sectmaster of Ascension Sect. In the heavens, I will also be mixed into Ascension Sect in the future, and I will be a generation of Sectmaster. Now Tianting knows me, I am afraid that Ascension Sect will kill me?” Fang Han grabs Then, the head of Shangziluo was pinched, and then the countless seals were printed on both hands. All the ideas, Divine Ability, spells, Essence Blood, and rules of Shangzilu were sealed and turned into a huge golden ball. It shines brightly.

“Take the stove, give it to me, store it first, wait for me to refine!”

On the head of Fang Han, the shadow of the great Great Pill Cauldron appeared, and the merchants were charged.

The invisible heavenly supervision, the Ascension Sect’s genius genius, half-step Jinxian Magna was thus abolished. Fang Han is now sealing him, waiting to collect his treasure stored in his own country. In his capacity, Yuan Shidan, various materials, medicine pill, certainly not a minority.

Fang Han came to the heavens, and he was poor and white. He did not kill a few “rich households” to plunder. It was really hard to continue by relying on his own hard work.

“Wait for an opportunity to refine the business. I think Magic Force can go further. I want to see, what is the Ascension Sect in this heaven?”

Sealed by Shangzi Luo, Fang Han turned around and faced the remaining six Sectmasters. He smiled slightly: “You, do you do it yourself, or let me kill? Of course, if you don’t want to voluntarily, I You will seal you like Shangzi Luo, and then let you see your martial art one by one. You can’t think of it, because your actions will plague the whole family.”

“You! You are a demon!”

The Sectmaster of the Great Hall, Ji Feng roared: “We rushed out!”


His voice has just fallen, and the whole person has been beaten, as if the five horses were separated, the bodies were scattered. Shocked in shock.

I simply can’t see how Fang Han shot.

“Give me a seal.” Fang Han raised his hand and sealed the Profound Immortal, which was suffocating and suffocating.

Even Chen Yan, who is safe and secure in the kingdom of the gods, couldn’t help but tremble with her legs. She absolutely did not think that Fang Han was so ferocious and hot, it was the most ancient and fierce era. Demon overlord.


A Profound Immortal ancestor fell, Chen Yan knows, he is called Tuoyeye, is the gatekeeper of the Golden Gate, Jindingmen, a total of more than a dozen Profound Immortal Expert sitting in the town, has a huge thread.

At the same time, he is also one of the vice-presidents of the Manggu League.

The ally of the Manggu League is the Shanggongzi. There have been no real lords in the past. They were all convened by some ancestors.

“Rare life, Fang Han ancestors, forgiveness, I worked hard, cultivation to Profound Immortal, it is not easy, you will spare me, I willing to live forever, be your slave, sign the ancient contract.” He pleaded .

“It is no longer necessary to sign the ancient contract, you will change into my embarrassment! Great Puppet Technique!” In the hands of Fang Han, a pair of original couples appeared, directly into the other’s body, and immediately the extension field stood up. “Master, your faithful slave, and the wilderness is heard from you.”

“it is good!”

Fang Han turned and scorned the rest of the four Profound Immortal ancestors.

“If you want us to change into a shackle, we will never be reconciled, fight, and blew!”

At the moment, a Profound Immortal ancestors screamed, the whole body swelled, and actually blew himself up and rushed to Fang Han.

“Want to blew? Where is it so easy, I want you to die, you will die, if you want to be born, you will have to live!” Fang Han grabbed it with one hand, the horrible palm, constantly expanding, between the breath, the bond is tight, actually The opponent’s self-destruction was oppressed and the life was caught on the palm of his hand.

“Ah! I can’t really control my life and death.” This Profound Immortal ancestor is going crazy.

“I am too lazy to marry you!”

Fang Han waved again, and the rest of the three, all blasted, turned into a bloody Changhong, and put into the Tiantian furnace.

“Okay. Chen Yan, these people are all solved. Now you follow me and see how I have destroyed their martial art. A small group of Profound Immortal, actually dare to take me injured and sway in front of me.” Fang Han waved, The kingdom of the gods was lifted.

Hey! Chen Yan’s legs were soft and almost fell to the ground.

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