Eternal Life: From Refining Puppets to Cultivate for Me

Chapter 297 I have a doll, what do you have?

Huang Song, who should have laughed his teeth off, couldn't smile happily, but his teeth were flying all over the place.

However, it was Su Qing who used the Dao pattern of Photographing Mountains and Seas to suppress his Taoist Locking Seal, which was born out of Photographing Mountains and Seas. It was not suppressed by it, but suppressed it for a moment.

Because Su Qing was busy beating the Shark King at this time, she had no time and was unable to take advantage of this opportunity to attack him, so she could only take advantage of it, wave her tiger claws, and give him a few big blows from a distance.

After several muffled sounds, Huang Song's bloody teeth fell off after being slapped in the face, and his face was swollen and rotten.

It can be regarded as Su Qing avenging Brother Shi, and helping Master Zhifang fulfill his wish to destroy the pretty boy.

Su Qing's beating was so good that Shi Zhifang, the demon disciples below, and even the witch Liu Yun'er watched with great pleasure.

Huang Song was also in pain and pleasure.

But after he was slapped in the face, he became surprisingly furious and showed his golden elixir dharma appearance, which was the flaming sun immortal god's dharma form that shines for hundreds of miles and holds a flag in both hands.

This Dharma image is dancing with the natal magic weapon it took out of the storage bag, the third-level spiritual treasure - the Sunlight Flag.

Huang Song's face was filled with pain and heartache, and the Dharma Flag was flying towards Su Qing with pain and pain.

At this moment, Su Qing happened to kill the shark king, who was thick-skinned, painless and fearless in his violent rage.

When I looked up, I saw that the entire sky was covered with the golden flag of the Dharma. From the flag, the true fire of the Burning Sun surged out, and the golden light of the sun shot out. It was so majestic and brilliant!

The sky is filled with fire, the third-grade Dharma Appearance, Huang Song's natal magic weapon that has been nurtured for hundreds of years, and the third-grade spiritual treasure. The power created together is slightly more powerful than the magic light hand seal condensed by Zhishi Fang.

At this critical moment, the faces of all the cultivators in the audience and the witch were all nervous, wondering how Su Qing could face it.

But who would have thought that at this critical moment of life and death, Su Qing would not think of using any means as soon as possible to block the Dharma Prime's attack.

But he immediately put all the puppets in the arena into storage bags.

Practitioners can't understand it, even Huang Song can't understand it.

Because they didn't know how hard it was for him, Su Qing, to accumulate all this wealth. How could he bear to let Huang Song wipe out his puppets with just one move!

The family's wealth was saved, and then he thought of saving his own life.

It's not difficult.

Just one death!

If people are not afraid of death, why should they die!

Seeing the Tiger King put away his puppet, he calmly faced the burning sun fire and dazzling sunlight.

It made all the cultivators in the audience, especially the foundation-building disciples of the Desire Demon Sect who had also experienced hardships in life, be filled with admiration!

I really want money at the expense of my life!

The Tiger King is probably used to a hard life in the Monster Clan. He is not afraid of death for the sake of the puppet spiritual objects and spiritual crystals and spiritual stones!

No wonder he was able to accumulate such a fortune. I really don't envy him. He deserves it!

After it dies, I will use its spiritual stones and spiritual objects to hold a grand ceremony for it!

A big event, a big event, a great event!

Amid the discussion among the cultivators, the witch Liu Yun'er turned into a red light and wanted to enter the stage to save the tiger.

Not wishing that Master Yubi would be so annoying, he rolled up the dust and blocked him from the stage.

Fellow Taoist, don't do anything without permission. Once you're in the ring, life or death is not a concern. We can't get involved or interfere. We must never violate the rules set by this real person!

What Master Yubi said was reasonable, but the witch refused to listen. She wanted to use another method and rushed to the stage.

But he saw that the tiger king had been submerged in the sun-burning fire and the dazzling light.

Seeing this situation, the witch felt extremely cold all over her body, and she gave the real person Yubi a cold look. Her heart trembled when she saw the real person who had been dead for thousands of years.

I secretly thought that even after thousands of years, the female nuns in this spiritual world are still as unreasonable and ferocious as before!

At this time, all the cultivators believed that the Tiger King was dead, especially Huang Song, who was confident in the power of his Dharma Treasure.

Just when he was about to put away the Dharma image, he heard a loud shout in his ears, which frightened him so much that he reflexively closed his mouth and covered his face with his hands.

Wow, you thief cultivator, you dare to bully Xiaohu with the law, I will not tolerate you today!

The Overlord Tiger roared and exploded in the arena, attracting the attention of all the cultivators.

But he saw the tiger king who was supposed to be dead, with all his beard and tail, appearing mysteriously behind Huang Song.

This kind of method made all the golden elixir masters in the audience feel cold all over.

They couldn't see how the Tiger King could escape Huang Song's Dharma attack.

What’s even more worrying is the Tiger King’s unpredictable ability to approach Dharma practitioners!

Although due to the restrictions of the arena, Fa Xiu is at a disadvantage compared to the physical cultivator monster in this arena, and cannot maintain a safe distance of more than dozens of miles from the physical cultivator monster as usual.

But Huang Song knew that the Tiger King was powerful at close range, so he summoned the spiritual beast early in the morning to tie down the Tiger King's hands and feet, soared into the air, and within the limit of the range that the Vientiane Talisman Paper could affect, he was several miles away from the Tiger King.

There is a body-protecting spiritual light around him. If the Tiger King comes close, he will definitely be blocked by the spiritual light. There is no way he can be approached so easily.

With Huang Song's ability, except for Jia Chunqiu, who didn't know the depth of his skills, and who kept his master's respect hidden, and Taoist Tong, who had many powerful talismans, none of the other Jindan masters could compare with him. If this tiger king could approach Huang Song, then You can approach them!

Being killed by two third-level spirit beasts with one force, but the Tiger King who is still alive and vigor is close to him, which is the nightmare of every Jindan Master.

The cultivators in the audience were frightened just thinking about it, and Huang Song on the stage was even more panicked.

He activated the stalemate flag and attacked the Tiger King again to delay. He wore a dragon and phoenix belt and a Hongmeng robe, respectively showing the shadow of the fire, phoenix, water dragon and the light of the sun and stars.

These were his two protective magical weapons besides the red veil. After activating the magical weapons and protecting himself, he suddenly calmed down and looked fiercely at the Tiger King who was attacked and killed by the magician again. .

This time, he wanted to see how the Tiger King managed to escape!

How Su Qing managed to escape was unknown even to the witch who was in such trouble with him and fell in love with him.

It's a stand-in doll!

When the witch was refining the fire phoenix, Smart Xiong Er pulled out hundreds of golden roc feathers for him, plus the hundreds of golden roc feathers he collected throughout Baiyun Fairy City in the next two years.

In total, 812 stand-in dolls were made.

This is his biggest trump card to save his life.

However, since the substitute doll was only at the second level, he had no way of knowing how it would perform when attacked by Master Jindan.

In addition, he is kind to others, has a pure heart, and rarely fights with others. So far, he has never had a chance to use this doll.

This time he took the opportunity to try it, but it made him feel heartbroken and bleeding.

When he dealt with Huang Song's attack just now, others saw that he was able to dodge and escape swiftly.

But I don’t know how many stand-in dolls sacrificed themselves for the Savior at that moment and died unexpectedly.

One hundred and eight!

One hundred and eight heroes helped him, Su Qing, block this disaster!

He had lost so many stand-in dolls. Huang Song deserved to die. Now that he used the stand-in doll to escape to him, he still didn't put away the dharma image, put down the magic weapon and surrendered. He wanted to use the dharma image to attack and kill him. How could he? Bear it any longer!

Hold the Fu Dao Sect's most precious Talisman Seal in your hand, and use the Fu Dao Sect's true Fu Sheng Wanxiang Technique to activate this treasure.

The treasure seal matches the true biography.

That's a match made in heaven!

Even though his magic power is far inferior to that of Shi Fang, the talisman light that lights up from this talisman seal is also comparable to Shi Zofang's.

What makes him even better than Shi Zhifang is that his outstanding attainments in runes far surpass those of the treasure hall group.

The Fu Sheng Seal is originally a treasure that cooperates with the Fu Sheng Wanxiang Skill, and has the ability to amplify this skill.

He, Su Qing, urged the meditating dolls to practice this skill day and night. He has entered the chapter of building the foundation of Tongfu. With such hard work, when Fu Dao Sect was prosperous in the past, he could still be the true disciple of this sect. able.

In addition, Wanxiang Talisman Paper has a preference for Fu Sheng Seal and Fu Sheng Wanxiang Kung.

In this arena, Su Qing can turn the many runes he has mastered while studying puppets into wonderful fighting techniques.

The fourth-level bionic runes imitate big monsters. It’s hard to tell whether they are real or not. They are both fierce and strange!

The fourth-level divine beast rune gave birth to the divine bird Bi Fang, a white bird with one leg, and its divine power is overwhelming!

The third-level soul and ghost rune represents the evil ghosts of the underworld, hundreds of ghosts and souls, and menacing ghosts.


It is the Spring Wood Rune, Living Gold Rune and other runes that he has not mastered. Because these runes are already imprinted in the Talisman Seal, some of their power can be shown when activated by his Talisman All-Seeing Skill.

The spring wood runes bless the tiger's body, with green seedlings falling on the tiger's head, and the seedlings hanging with life, transforming into the tiger emperor of spring, not afraid of the burning sun's fire, nor the dazzling sunlight.

Living gold runes fell on his body, six hands and three spears, wind and thunder with nine tails, and black tiger golden wings all seemed to be plated with gold, making his attack stronger and defense stronger.

The runes of the mother river flowed into the tiger's mouth, and they were sweet and refreshing. They instantly transformed the unbearable fetus into the body of a tiger king. It became as heavy as a dragon's spirit and a tiger's, and could be hardened for a moment.

There are also fourth-level intelligent runes, like an invisible hand, the king of all runes, controlling all runes, either attacking or defending, hiding or rushing, or combining in pairs, or in groups of three or three, moving towards Huang in an orderly manner. Song attacked.

Seeing how powerful this seal was, Su Qing couldn't help but look at the master in front of the audience gratefully.

Although brother Zhi Fang has impure motives for the witch and is poor in licking skills, he is still a good person. If he did not give this talisman a seal, he, Su Qing, would not be so powerful.

It is rare to have such a big heart to let a tiger who is your love rival show off his authority and be in the limelight. This friend is worth making.

It's a pity that although this Talisman Seal is very suitable for him, it is easy to borrow and return, so he can use it this time. After he steps down, he will have to return it to Brother Fang.

After thinking about it, Su Qing's mood waned. Only when he saw Huang Song, who was trembling and worried due to the thousands of runes, did his mood calm down.

He is worthy of being the second generation richest man in Xihai, the Qilin son of the Huang family in Penglai.

It was Su Qing who was like a cheat, summoning thousands of runes to attack and kill Huang Song after experiencing the initial panic.

He also used many means to cope with it.

He used the dragon and phoenix belt, the Hongmeng robe, various magic weapons, several spiritual beasts, and even the other Fire Golden Crow that he had been reluctant to use on the Tiger King before, and merged into the Taoist Yao Sun Golden Crow, Fire Crow Transformed into a golden crow, and immediately broke most of the runes.

At this time, his Dharma Minister no longer cared about attacking Su Qing. He waved the flag of scorching sun and sky and only cared about the Savior.

In this way, using all his strength, Huang Song finally blocked the Tiger King's rune offensive.

By this time, it was no longer possible for his Dharma to continue to bless him, his weakness had receded, and his means were few and far between, not as generous as before.

But after he took out a bottle of third-level Qingqing Dan from the storage bag and regained his full mana, he took out a fourth-level talisman paper from the storage bag. Su Qinghu's face sank when he saw it, thinking secretly about this immortal The second generation has too many tricks and is really difficult to kill.

Not knowing what the power of the talisman in his hand was, Su Qing did not dare to give him the power of the talisman.

Tanzhao bent his hand and used all his strength to move the mountains and seas. At the same time, a yin-yang spiritual light burst out from his claws, but it was the Yin-Yang Breathless Slash touched from the witch.

In this way, he was still afraid that Huang Song would not die, and he would explode all the flowers on the other side that had been quietly arranged around Huang Song. It didn't matter whether he could be hurt or not, he only needed to use the power of the netherworld to stir up the spiritual power around him, making it difficult for him to It’s enough to instantly activate the fourth-level talisman!

The mountains and seas were so heavy that Huang Song couldn't move. The flowers on the other shore were so explosive that he couldn't mobilize his spiritual power freely. The speed of the yin and yang dying light was too fast and its power was too strong.

Yu Huangsong was so frightened that he was unwilling to die, and his heart was crying when there was still no way out.

The yin and yang extinguished light broke through its spiritual light shield and cut off its head.

The three-color golden elixir energy escaped from the place where Huang Song's head was severed and spread throughout the arena.

A fourth-level talisman slowly fell in the air, and was quickly captured by the Tiger King with his sharp eyes and claws.

As for the storage bag that Huang Song dropped, many magic weapon puppets, and even Huang Song's severed head and remains, they were all taken by the Tiger King as his own.

At this moment, all the cultivators in the audience reacted.

A high-ranking Jindan cultivator with a distinguished family background in the Penglai Sect was actually killed by a first- and third-level monster, a witch spirit beast, on the dragon-tiger talisman platform in front of them.

At this time, when it comes to happiness, the witch is the happiest. No matter how much she hopes for Su Qing, she just wants him to help her plunder the formation and let her kill Huang Song. She never thought that he would be independent. Kill Huang Song in front of him!

To say he was sad, Shi Zhifang was the saddest. Seeing Yun'er staring at the Tiger King on the stage for a moment, he only regretted why he couldn't last long before and let the Tiger King avenge Yun'er and stand up for Yun'er. A presence that steals the limelight.

This tiger king can kill Huang Song, and he has some merit...

Shi Zhifang didn't want the Tiger King to stand alone, so he spoke to Liu Yun'er, wanting him to know that if he hadn't come on stage first and consumed Huang Song for a while, even if the Tiger King could win, he would never be able to win like this. easy.

Well, fellow Taoist master is also very good. Liu Yun'er was perfunctory and didn't even look at him. She only looked at Su Qing with her eyes, fearing that he would consume too much mana and reveal too many tricks and be picked off by others. After seeing Taozi, he even had the urge to let him give up the Talisman inheritance first, get off the ring first, and then go on stage to help him fight for the Talisman inheritance.

Shi Zhifang saw that Yun'er's brows were tightening and relaxing. No matter how slow he was, he still knew how to lick.

The majesty of the Tiger King, exalt the prestige of our Yumo Sect. If any fellow Taoist dares to deceive me, the Tiger King, who is powerless and wants to challenge him in a chariot, all the monks of our Yumo Sect will not agree. If anyone dares to come on stage again, our Yumo Sect will definitely accompany him to the end. , let’s see today, who has the most family members!”

The young master of the Demon Sect, Zhi Fang, spoke out and promised to protect the Tiger King.

Unexpectedly, this move was rarely recognized by his father, the master.

How did Shi Lijing know that Shi Zhifang was trying to lick the witch Liu Yun'er.

He only knows that these words will confirm that the Tiger King is the Tiger King of his Desire Demon Sect. The sect will give him the strength to help him win the Talisman Dao inheritance. After the Tiger King steps down, will he be able to seal the Talisman Dao inheritance? Give your share to the sect?

It doesn't matter if it doesn't understand the worldly nature of people, Liu Yun'er should understand.

But Shi Zhifang spoke for the witch, and Shi Lijing nodded for the sect.

The master and apprentice, father and son, have expressed their opinions. The elders and disciples of the Demon Sect know how to do it.

The Tiger King is a real Tiger King, and winning is a real skill. Such skills must not be taken advantage of by the young ones!

Tiger King and our Desire Demon Sect are locked up. It's useless for anyone to come. If anyone dares to come on stage, my Desire Demon disciples won't agree!

From the sect master to the elders, from the elders to the disciples, I, the monk of the Desire Demon Sect, dare to fight and die. If the sect master dies, the elders come on, and if the elders lose the disciples, who dares to wait for me to fight!

The disciples of the Demon Sect are not as sharp-tongued as Liang Haishun and other casual cultivators, but they are much better than Liang Haishun and other casual cultivators in terms of hanging out in the sect, shouting slogans to show determination, and bullying those with more people than others.

At this moment, the momentum was created and a stage was set up to perform, which immediately caused a few monks who had made some changes to feel relieved.

In fact, regardless of whether the Demon Sect monks want to fight with each other, there are not many monks who are interested in the inheritance of Talisman Dao.

Tong Laodao has the ability and talisman power to compete, but today he is only interested in the Five Old Taoist Immortal God Ice and has little interest in the talisman inheritance. In addition, he also knows the background of the Tiger King and is willing to give Su Qing this face. No plans to take the stage.

Gao Erqiang had cooperated with Su Qing, and the cooperation was quite pleasant. Although he did not want to be evil and wanted to practice with others, so he was somewhat interested in the inheritance of Talisman Dao, but he was afraid that Su Qing would use it to kill the sect leader Bai Mei. Tyrant of the Deep.

Only those who have witnessed such horrific killings will know the horror of those puppets. In order to avoid losing a small amount, he took the five old Taoist patterns after they were broken. Therefore, when the tiger swept over him on the stage, he just nodded and smiled at it, indicating that I have no intention of competing with him.

The two evil cultivators from the Demon Tree Fairy Kingdom had suffered the loss of being rude and one of their companions had died. They felt that they were already stretched thin to complete the mission of Master Earth Demon Heaven, so how could they dare to cause more trouble.

The people in Xiashan Mountain had the same general idea. The only orders Yunshan Laoxie gave him were the Five Old Dao Patterns and the markings of Su Qing and Gao Erqiang who were carrying evil Dao Patterns. Other than that, their Yunshan Sect didn’t even want their own inheritance. Now, all the disciples are about to die, so what’s the use of inheriting the Fu Dao Sect?

Um? Su Qing? Five old Taoist patterns!

The Xiashan native suddenly reacted and looked at the Tiger King on the ring with burning eyes, but still had no intention of going on stage.

The only one who wanted to be on stage was Jia Chunqiu. After Huang Song died, this old devil's face turned cold.

He spent countless efforts to climb the high branches of the Huang family, and invited Huang Song here because he wanted to give him the opportunity to make great achievements again, so that he could win the favor of the Huang family and become the elder of Penglai's guest minister.

But now, everything is ruined. Not only did Huang Song get no benefit, but he died. This debt must be recorded on the culprit, the Tiger King, but with the domineering temperament of the Huang family, they invited Huang Song to come out and die. He will certainly not be spared!

To be chased by the Huang family means to extirpate oneself from the Xihai practice world!

Everything he, Jia Chunqiu, had planned for many years was ruined, destroyed by the Tiger King.

No, it was destroyed by the owner of the Tiger King, the damned remnant of the Liu family!

Jia Chunqiu glared at Liu Yun'er fiercely, wishing to eat her alive on the spot.

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