Chapter 69 Special Auction

When Ouyang Qiang fell, the Floating Wind Academy was defeated. Anyone who took Chu Hao or Fu Xue could easily defeat the remaining four.

No one expected this result!

In the view of Thousand Wind Academy, their most expert should be Chi Zhong, and in the case of Floating Wind Academy, their most expert is of course Ouyang Qiang. The confrontation between these two Academys is supposed to be a fierce battle between Ouyang Qiang and Chi Zhong. Whoever wins will be able to dominate the entire battle!

But the truth is… both of them have lost!

Moreover, the Thousand Wind Academy won the victory with the help of two extreme experts. How does this make people accept?

Not only did the Floating Wind Academy’s 50 lose its voice, but the Thousand Wind Academy also forgot to cheer.

Chu Hao and Fu Xue are actually powerful in this way!

“The same is genius, but the gap is so big!” In the stands, the eight Noble screams are all talked about, even they can’t understand, obviously Ouyang Qiang and Chi Zhong can reach at least 7th-Grade Great Ascension Realm at this age. That is definitely the genius in genius. Why is it so easy to lose?

If Lady Yun is present, she will definitely be contemptuous. There are many magical Medicines in the world, which can enhance Strength very quickly! For example, Earth Essence Pill, these old people have never heard of it!

Chi Zhong and Ouyang Qiang can reach 7th-Grade and 8th-Grade Great Ascension Realm at a young age. It is not how bad their innate talent is, but they were born in a good Family! Of course, their innate talent is certainly not weak, otherwise the resources of each family are limited. Why should they be used on mediocrity?

“Chu Hao, your strength is making great progress!” Fu Xue’s eyes are shining, “Come, compare with me!”

Chu Hao quickly waved his hand and said: “Today is a little tired, or later!” He didn’t want to play with this Female T-Rex, no matter whether he won or lost! He pushed Tang Xin and said: “Tang Xin’s progress is also great, so let him and Senior Sister have a trick!”

Tang Xin heard, suddenly his face was white, joking, playing with this Female T-Rex? It’s too long! He also quickly waved his hand, and even shook his head, and saw the appearance of a ghost.

Fu Xue couldn’t help but be angry. “Do you have less meat with me? You are here!”

Chu Hao and Tang Xin look at each other and nod.

“Damn!” Fu Xue screamed.

“Come on!” Chu Hao said to Tang Xin, the two immediately slipped away, one was to avoid the female T-Rex, and the other they won on behalf of the floating Thousand Wind Academy, and now they can’t go without leaving. Will definitely be surrounded by enthusiastic girls.

涓嶈 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 鍒 Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong

鈥淐hu Hao 锛屼綘纭疄寰埚己锛屼笉杩囨墦璧(二)垜渚夸笉浠h〃浠€涔堬紒鈥渔uyang Qiang 璇撮死锛屸€滃湪鎴戜滑鏉ョ殑鍦版锛屾瘮鎴戝锛屾瘮鎴戝锛屾瘮鎴戝镄勪镄勪澶澶澶

Chi Zhong 涔熺偣澶达纴阆掳 鈥 Chi Chi Chi Dao 鎷沧墭鎴戠殑浜嬫儏浜嗭紒涓嶈 锛孋 hu Hao 锛孋hi Dao 镄刬nnate talent 鍏跺疄鍦ㄦ垜涔嬩笂锛屼綘杩椤 骞 骞 繘姝ュ緢澶э纴浣咰 繘姝ュ緢澶э纴浣咰 hi Dao 缁濆涓崭 寮 寮 寮

鈥滀綘鍐嶉亣鍒 粬镄勬椂 粬镄勬椂 欙纴蹇呯劧浼氭湁涓 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 锛佲

鈥沧垜浠厛 婅緸浜嗭紒鈥濅袱浜 婅緸浜嗭紒鈥濅袱浜 婅緸浜嗭紒鈥濅袱浜 粨浼 粨浼 屽幓锛岃 屽幓锛岃 屽幓锛岃 屽幓锛岃 粬浠箖鏄鏁岀殑妯 粬浠箖鏄鏁岀殑妯 粬浠箖鏄鏁岀殑妯 粬浠箖鏄鏁岀殑妯 ° ° °銆

Emerald 粈涔堬纻鈥漈 ang Xin chain 変簺杩 硦鍦 硦鍦 硦鍦 硦鍦

鈥滀 鈥滀 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao

Heaven Courtyard 镄勭鐞嗛潪宁涧鏁涧鏁纴骞纴骞椂鍩椂鍩湰涓岖敤铡籄cademy 锛屽彧鏄氦鎺ヤ换锷°€佹垨鏄鍙朏ire Root Pill 镄勬椂 chain欐墠暗瑕佸幓涓€瓒熴€侰hu Hao 鎷垮埌濂栧姳镄勭Н鍒嗗悗锛屽皢涔嫔叏閮ㄦ崲鎴愪简 Fire Root Pill 锛屼粬瑕佸湪Aj 埚唴鍐蹭笂 埚唴鍐蹭笂 Vajra Realm 锛岀劧钖庢湇鐢..arth Spirit Pill 锛屼竴涓 帹杩涘埌 3rd-Grade 锛

湴鎻愬崌 湴鎻愬崌 cultivation base 锛屽繀鐒 阃犳垚镙 阃犳垚镙 阃犳垚镙 阃犳垚镙 阃犳垚镙 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴潵阃 潵阃 簲銆侀敾缁冭嚜宸 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑

Acne tar Stone 涔嫔姏锛屾湇鐢‵ire Root Pill洐璺 纴璁 纴璁 logtrength 鐪熸涓庤嚜宸辫瀺涓 竴浣撱 竴浣撱

镞╁湪绗竴娆’ 镣 镣 殑镞跺 欙纴浠栧彧鏄湪 欙纴浠栧彧鏄湪 欙纴浠栧彧鏄湪 欙纴浠栧彧鏄湪 X X X X X NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM鐭 鐭 鐭 X X X X X X X X X X Bo Bo Bo ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung鐭崇粰铡嫔潖浜呜韩浣撱€

Flying Fire 涔熸湁镙峰镙镙纴鍙纴鍙潃涓鍧楃煶澶鍧楃煶澶鍧楃煶澶huhuhu 镄勫眮 ′ ′ 悗闱纴杩欑煶澶 悗闱纴杩欑煶澶 悗闱纴杩欑煶澶 悗闱纴杩欑煶澶澶э纴闾fā镙风湡鏄浜虹湅寰楀繊涓崭綇瑕佺瑧銆

涓 鏅 鏅 鏅 鏅 鏄竴涓湀镄勬椂闂 鏄竴涓湀镄勬椂闂 鏄竴涓湀镄勬椂闂 鏄竴涓湀镄勬椂闂 鏄竴涓湀镄勬椂闂 鍙湁 鍙湁 鍙湁 NUM NUM NUM NUM 22 澶╀ 锛岃 锛岃 鍙湁 濮嫔彉 濮嫔彉 濮嫔彉 濮嫔彉寰楁 鐑堣捣鏉ワ纴瀹跺鎴 鐑堣捣鏉ワ纴瀹跺鎴 埛閮 埛閮 埛閮 湪涓 湪涓 湪涓 鍑嗗銆 鍑嗗銆 鍑嗗銆

Key 屾渶涓 屾渶涓 浜 浜 娲ヤ箰阆撶殑锛岃嚜鐒 娲ヤ箰阆撶殑锛岃嚜鐒 娲ヤ箰阆撶殑锛岃嚜鐒 ble Noble 浜夊ず鎴桡纴姣忎簲骞 竴娆★纴鍐纴鍐嚭East Cloud City 涓嬩竴chain熺殑涔濆悕Noble 銆

Chu Hao 镄刢ultivation base 宸茬粡杩堣繘浜哫NUMXth-Grade Great Ascension Realm 锛屽湪浠栫帺Forging Technique 镄勮缁冧箣涓嬶纴Strength 涓庤倝浣揿畲缇庡湴铻嶅悎鍒 涓 涓 璧 璧 璧 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 病 eng eng trength 鎻愬崌澶揩瀵 嚧镙 嚧镙 熀涓岖ǔ镄勭幇璞 € €

涓嶈 鐜 鐜 崭笅涓ゆ灇 Earth Essence Pill 涔嫔悗锛岄偅涓嫔瓙椋椤崌 200.000 catties 镄凷trength 锛屼粬灏卞繀椤 锛屼粬灏卞繀椤姳涓娄竴娈 椂闂 椂闂 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑

鈥淐hu Hao 锛佲€漈ang Xin 绐佺劧璺戜 杩囨潵銆

Hao胡 Hao said with a smile 銆

杩椤浼欎笉鐭ラ 璇 璇 澶 澶 澶 澶 皯娆¤鍑哄煄铡嗙粌锛屽彲姣忔鎯 皯娆¤鍑哄煄铡嗙粌锛屽彲姣忔鎯 皯娆¤鍑哄煄铡嗙粌锛屽彲姣忔鎯  伔婧滃嚭鍩庨兘琚姄浜嗗洖铡 伔婧滃嚭鍩庨兘琚姄浜嗗洖铡 伔婧滃嚭鍩庨兘琚姄浜嗗洖铡 伔婧滃嚭鍩庨兘琚姄浜嗗洖铡纴镊 粖杩樻槸鈥滃 粖杩樻槸鈥滃 岃 岃 岃 岃 岃 岃 岃 岃 浜嗐 浜嗐

鈥滃埆鎻愪 锛佲 漈 漈 漈 Xin 婊¤劯澶 湜锛岀溂鐪嬬潃浠栦笌 湜锛岀溂鐪嬬潃浠栦笌 Chu Hao 銆丗u Xue 镄勫 璺濊秺鏉ヨ秺澶э纴鍙疧 Lord Lord Lord Tang 瀛愯缮鏄垗涓嶅缑鏀句粬鍑洪棬铡嗙粌銆


鈥滃樋锛岃窡鎴戞潵锛佲€漈ang Xin 绐佺劧鍙堟湁浜嗗叴镊达纴鎷栬捣Chu Hao 灏辫蛋銆

鈥滃杺锽 杺锛屽幓鍝晩锛熲 滳 Hao Hao Hao Hao 琚姩 Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire夌嫾镫楄埇镄勫ぇ灏忥纴瓒婃潵瓒婅嫳姝”泟楠忋€

鈥滃幓浜嗕綘灏 煡阆 煡阆 漈 漈 漈 漈 漈 Xin 涓岖瓟銆

鈥滀綘姣忔璇 镙 Umbrella 镙 殑璇濓纴鎴戦兘 殑璇濓纴鎴戦兘 chain 夌涓嶈镄勯镒燂紒鈥


鍦═ang Xin 镄勬媺 箣涓嬶纴涓や 箣涓嬶纴涓や 箣涓嬶纴涓や 璞 璞 璞 璞 緢蹇 緢蹇 緢蹇 緢蹇 緢蹇 伞 伞 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝锛屾湁镣 儚鏄湅鎴忕殑鍙 儚鏄湅鎴忕殑鍙 瓙锛屽彴瀛愬ぇ姒 瓙锛屽彴瀛愬ぇ姒 簲绫 簲绫 簲绫 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫涓鸿涓婂幓涓婂幓链塪艒ng d艒ng d艒ng 镄勫0 阔炽€

杩欎 鍙 鍙 瓙镄勪笅闱纴绌 瓙镄勪笅闱纴绌 澶 澶 澶 澶 涓ょ 镄勮窛绂 镄勮窛绂 镄勮窛绂 鎺掓帓镄勬瀛悫 鎺掓帓镄勬瀛悫 斿緢 斿緢 斿緢 斿緢 斿緢彴銆

鈥滀綘宁《垜鏉ョ湅澶ф垙钖楋纻链夎伞涔堥棽鎴戣缮涓嶅锲炲淇偧锛佲€滳hu Hao 鎽囧ご璇撮死銆

鈥滀笉瑕佷竴澶╁埌鏅 鈥滀笉瑕佷竴澶╁埌鏅 鎯 偧锛岃繜镞╄ 偧锛岃繜镞╄ 偧锛岃繜镞╄ 偧锛岃繜镞╄ cultivation deviation 锛佲 漈 漈 漈 漈 漈 Xin 鍡や 涓 涓 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹勮叞锛岄 锛屸 滃啀杩嘪 滃啀杩嘪 滃啀杩嘪 滃啀杩嘪 滃啀杩嘪 滃啀杩嘪 滃啀杩嘪 滃啀杩嘪 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM

“so what?”

鈥淴NUMX宀佸Ammonia 鎴愬 浜嗭纴鍙 浜嗭纴鍙 ang Xin 婊¤劯鏆ф槯镄勮〃鎯呫€

鈥滃杺锛屼綘鏄笉鏄彂鏄ヤ 锛熲

鈥滃彂浣犲镄勬槬锛佲€漈ang Xin 鎹 浠栦竴鎷 浠栦竴鎷 浠栦竴鎷 浠栦竴鎷 曚綘鍏夐 曚綘鍏夐 曚綘鍏夐 镌 镌 缁冩锛屾唻鍑 缁冩锛屾唻鍑 缁冩锛屾唻鍑 缁冩锛屾唻鍑 缁冩锛屾唻鍑屾墍浠ュ甫浣犺 鏉ョ湅鐪嬶纴绛変 鏉ョ湅鐪嬶纴绛変 鏉ョ湅鐪嬶纴绛変 浣犺鐪嬩腑鍝﹄竴涓纴灏 浣犺鐪嬩腑鍝﹄竴涓纴灏 浣犺鐪嬩腑鍝﹄竴涓纴灏 浣犺鐪嬩腑鍝﹄竴涓纴灏 浜嗗甫锲炲幓锛佷笉鏄垜璇 浜嗗甫锲炲幓锛佷笉鏄垜璇 浜嗗甫锲炲幓锛佷笉鏄垜璇涓嶅ぇ鍙篃涓嶅皬锛屼笉鑳 粈涔堟椿閮 粈涔堟椿閮  Yu Bo 涓 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄


鈥滀綘浠婂ぉ鑴戝瓙鐑у潖浜嗭纻鈥滳hu Hao said with a smile 銆

鈥滃潗涓嬶纴鍧愪笅锛岀瓑浼 綘灏 綘灏 漈 漈 漈 漈 漈 hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu锛孎lying Fire 镊︻劧涔熸湁镙 镙 镙 纴璺 纴璺 寮犳瀛愪笂鍧愪 寮犳瀛愪笂鍧愪 寮犳瀛愪笂鍧愪 寮犳瀛愪笂鍧愪 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃 涓嬫潵锛岃Twisted argon

浜 笎娓愬浜呜捣鏉ワ纴澶 笎娓愬浜呜捣鏉ワ纴澶 儴浠 儴浠 儴浠 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢 NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM 2nd-Grade Lesser Ascension Realm灏 妸浣岖 妸浣岖 妸浣岖 妸浣岖 鍧愭 鍧愭 鍧愭 锛屽悗鏉ョ殑浜哄 锛屽悗鏉ョ殑浜哄

鈥滃杺锛屼綘浠袱涓纴蹇杩椤彧澶х尗涓嫔幓锛佲€濅竴浜鸿蛋浜呜Tattoo pet beast lying Fire 鍗犳嵁镄勪綅缃€

Flying Fire 椤挎椂澶ф伡锛屼绠澹 board拞鍝捣鏉ャ

瀹冭槠鐒 缮娌 缮娌 湁闀垮ぇ锛屽 湁闀垮ぇ锛屽 湁闀垮ぇ锛屽 緷鐒跺緢瀚╋纴鍙瘯绔熸槸 緷鐒跺緢瀚╋纴鍙瘯绔熸槸 NUM 5th-Grade Great Ascension Realm 屼笖 屼笖 cious Vicious Beast 潵灏眛 errifying 锛岃 涓 涓 钖 钖 钖 椤挎椂钖揿缑涓 椤挎椂钖揿缑涓 椤挎椂钖揿缑涓 椤挎椂钖揿缑涓 椤挎椂钖揿缑涓 椤挎椂钖揿缑涓 灞佽偂鍧愬埌浜嗗湴涓婏纴杩炴粴 灞佽偂鍧愬埌浜嗗湴涓婏纴杩炴粴 灞佽偂鍧愬埌浜嗗湴涓婏纴杩炴粴 灞佽偂鍧愬埌浜嗗湴涓婏纴杩炴粴 灞佽偂鍧愬埌浜嗗湴涓婏纴杩炴粴 灞佽偂鍧愬埌浜嗗湴涓婏纴杩炴粴 埇鍦

Chu Hao 鍜孴ang Xin 涓岖敱鍦 瑧浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鑻ユ槸姝や 瑧浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鑻ユ槸姝や 濂 濂 锛孋 Hao Hao Hao Hao Chain Flying Fire 璁╀笅浣岖锛屽彲鍐茬潃瀵 锛屽彲鍐茬潃瀵 闾 闾 闾 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸

杩囦 涓 浼 浼 浼 纴 変竴钖峏 変竴钖峏 変竴钖峏 old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old鏄鏂 灏呜呖锛屾彁鍓岖澶 灏呜呖锛屾彁鍓岖澶 鏂 鏂 濂 濂 濂 濂 € € € €


鐪嬬潃鈥滀竴涓 濅簲浜 濅簲浜 濅簲浜 濅簲浜  笂浜嗗彴鈥斺 笂浜嗗彴鈥斺 笂浜嗗彴鈥斺 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 斾粬浠殑鑴 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾悓镙风粦镌€锛屼研究鏄病浜虹湅镌€涔熷緢闅鹃€冭窇鈥斺€擟hu Hao 缁堜簬鏄庣槠杩欐槸浠€涔埚湴鏂 简


East Cloud City 闄や No Noble 涔嫔锛岀粷澶ч儴浠 閮 閮 閮 槸骞 槸骞 皯锛屼絾涔熸湁灏戞暟浜 皯锛屼絾涔熸湁灏戞暟浜 皯锛屼絾涔熸湁灏戞暟浜 皯锛屼絾涔熸湁灏戞暟浜 皯锛屼絾涔熸湁灏戞暟浜 皯锛屼絾涔熸湁灏戞暟浜 鍩庤锛岃 鍩庤锛岃侀 侀 镄勭綒阍卞姞 镄勭綒阍卞姞 嶆锷犺 嶆锷犺 锛屽啀 锛屽啀 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € €

鐗 埆涓ラ 埆涓ラ 镄勭 镄勭 琛岃缮浼氱ジ鍙婂浜 琛岃缮浼氱ジ鍙婂浜 琛岃缮浼氱ジ鍙婂浜 琛岃缮浼氱ジ鍙婂浜 紒

鍙 灏 灏 灏 槸鍦ㄦ枟鍏 槸鍦ㄦ枟鍏 槸鍦ㄦ枟鍏 満璧岃緭镄勭 満璧岃緭镄勭 浜 浜 浜 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 鍎垮瓙 负 负 负 负 负 负 负 负 负 负


Slave 娌°C 湁浠讳綍鏉冨姏锛屼笌鍏 鏄 鏄 锛屽 掍笉濡傝鏄竴浠 掍笉濡傝鏄竴浠 掍笉濡傝鏄竴浠 掍笉濡傝鏄竴浠 揣鐗╋纴涓崭絾鍙 揣鐗╋纴涓崭絾鍙 揣鐗╋纴涓崭絾鍙 揣鐗╋纴涓崭絾鍙 揣鐗╋纴涓崭絾鍙 揣鐗╋纴涓崭絾鍙鏄 滃纰鍧忎 滃纰鍧忎 滃纰鍧忎 鈥濅篃娌 粈涔堥夯鐑 粈涔堥夯鐑 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏


After hosting the auctioneer to open the reserve price, it was only after several rounds of bidding that the five people were successfully sold, and the price was only 300 two silvers!

300 two silver to buy five people!

Chu Hao’s heart has a feeling of incomprehensibility, I don’t know what it is. He looked at Tang Xin and saw the other person’s appearance as it should be by rights. Obviously, he did not feel that there was anything wrong with this approach.

After all, I am still Earth!

Chu Hao nodded in his heart, and on the one hand he had adapted to the cruelty here, and Slaughter was like a routine! On the other hand, he still retains the ideas and attitudes of the Earth people.

It’s just that with his current strength, he can’t change it all at all – in fact, he is invincible in the world, and it’s not a day or two to change the status quo. After all, such a system has gone through thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. , which may be easily overthrown.

After several batches of robot man, it was the turn of the female servant.

The younger ones are only fifteen or sixteen years old, and the oldest ones are the most forty or fifty years old. It is natural that young and beautiful people have taken high prices, and old people who are not beautiful are much cheaper.

Tang Xin constantly squats Chu Hao to buy a beautiful maid, saying that he should have a woman at this age, otherwise the “fire” is too big to be conducive to cultivation, easy to get sick.

Chu Hao snorted and said, “Why don’t you buy it?”

“First, I have only 17 years old, and secondly, my family is not lacking young and beautiful maids!” Tang Xin said with a finger.

Chu Hao shook his head and ignored him.

When the young and the women were auctioned, they turned to old men and children. When looking at the children who were still in the face, Chu Hao couldn’t help but start bidding.

He wants to give these children freedom.

(Sorry, I have overslept! Thank you for the dream of the dragon’s dream life yesterday)

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