Eternal Gate

Chapter 2184: hold on



The gods and demons in the restricted area are overwhelming, and they invade the Supreme City in pieces.

Not a single one of the gods of the gods was cowardly, and they rushed forward one after another.

The two sides fought at one place, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and the world was shattered.

By the time the spectators came over, the entire Sea of ​​Gods was already on fire.

It should be that there are too many Supremes participating in the battle, too much movement, and the terrifying aftermath, forming a halo of light, carrying evil spirits, rushing against the world, and even the spectators were shaken one after another before they actually came to this world. , only the great **** with profound Taoism, with the remaining prestige, rises to the sky.

"How many years have passed, and finally ushered in the fourth war of gods and demons."

"The old man is very surprised. How did the restricted area break through the avenue?"

"It's all broken, and in this battle, the Divine Dynasty may be removed from the world.

More and more people climbed to Jiuxiao, and each held a memory spar. Facing the sea of ​​gods, there was a chattering, bustling. It was so lively here. Wherever one could see, whether it was the sky, mountains, The surface of the sea and the islands are all the figures of the great war, and the blood stained the sky and the earth red.


All eyes were on the sea of ​​gods, as if someone walked sideways by themselves.

Taking a closer look, it was the old way of the hypocrisy who covered himself with the method of non-image.

He didn't come here for sightseeing.

I miss Xiao Zixi, and want to sneak away again.

Unexpectedly, it ran into a battle between gods and demons.

"Boy, you can't have an accident! Grandpa is here to save you."

False sky is like a ghost, passing by like the wind, and glanced at Zhou Tian with his eyes.

He has been here before, and he has seen the extraordinary nature of the sky, so it will be broken if he says it is broken.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

You should drink fewer glasses of flower wine and come earlier.

boom! boom!

In the supreme city, the sky was also raging with flames, and thunder and lightning danced wantonly.

Many mountain peaks have collapsed, and many suspended halls have also fallen.

Gravel, green bricks, and tiles can be seen everywhere, what a mess.

"Hold on."

The water **** is still there, standing on the top of a mountain, wielding the divine sword as best he can.

Although the sky is broken and the enchantment is scattered, there are still magic circles in the city.

And he is in charge of guarding the formation to resist the attack of gods and demons.

"Boom you to death."

On the other mountain, the Demon King kept pointing at the sky with a knife in his hand.

Different from the water god, he is in charge of an attack formation.

Like them, there are more or less human figures standing on every mountain peak, all of them are strong men of the gods, and they all hold up a large formation, trying their best to bombard the invading gods and demons, and even every step of the gods and demons, they have to pay a terrible price. cost.

"The old man wants to see how long you can wait for the ants."

More gods and demons attacked and came in, all with fierce faces.

It was he who seriously underestimated the Divine Dynasty. Without the enchantment of Tianju and Tianhuo, there is so much competition in the city. One or two big formations are nothing, but the formation patterns are all over the mountains and plains, which makes people very headache. Extraordinarily strenuous.



There were too many gods and demons, and the powerful gods in the city were beaten and retreated steadily.

At this moment, most of the Supreme City has fallen, and too many people have lost their blood.

"Damn it, it's okay."

The water **** wolf howled, opened the treasure house of the gods, and elicited rays of divine light.

Oh no, it's not divine light, but knives, spears, swords, seals, and copper furnaces.

That's right, they are all genuine artifacts, and among them, there are many emperor weapons.

Calling them out is not to show off the background of the divine dynasty, but to use it to repel the enemy.


The water **** waved his arms, and the gods and demons were smashed all over the sky.

Then, there were thunderous roars, sweeping with destructive force.



The gods and demons suffered suddenly, were blown up and flew all over the sky, and fell in pieces.

There will always be those who can't resist beatings, their bodies will collapse, their souls will be blown to pieces, and they will go on the road on the spot.

However, this is far from enough, the gods and demons came one after another like chicken blood.

The dynasty was defeated again.

More mountains disintegrated.

More blood flowers bloom.

"Hold on, reinforcements are coming soon."

The water **** drank heavily and coughed up blood.


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a bang, which came from the depths.

Looking sideways, I realized that it was a majestic palace that collapsed suddenly.

Amidst the broken rocks flying, a figure like a ghost came out from inside.

"What a powerful coercion."

Not only the powerhouses of the gods, but even the gods and demons who attacked could not help but be surprised.

Because of him, the whole world fell into darkness, and evil spirits swept across the universe.

It is also because of the cover of evil spirit that no one can see clearly.

It wasn't until the man walked out that he showed his honor.

"Lu Chang?"

When the Demon King saw it, he was stunned, and the strong men couldn't believe it.

How did that guy break through the seal, and where did such a powerful coercion come from.

"It's not Lu Chang."

The water **** has a higher vision and can see the clues at a glance.

The physical body is Lu Chang, but the primordial spirit is another person.


When all the strong people watched, another mountain collapsed, and it was trampled down by Lu Chang.

It was also at this moment that his body trembled and a supreme brilliance bloomed.

What followed was the wailing sound of the ghost, which resounded like a curse.

"The ancestor of the undead?"

The old turtle squinted his eyes, and saw his real body through Lu Chang's skin.

You can't make a mistake, it is undoubtedly the ancestor of the undead, but how is this possible? Wasn't the ancestor of the undead destroyed in the mortal world in the past? How could it be in the supreme city, how could it be in Lu Chang's physical body, what the **** is going on.

No one gave him an answer, and all the powerful gods were at a loss.

What a shocking surprise, the ancestor of the undead is still alive.

It doesn't matter if he is alive, he is still hiding in the Supreme City, no one will notice.

The room leak happened to rain all night, and when the gods were in danger, such an easter egg?

"very good."

Compared with the powers of the gods, the eyes of the gods and demons all over the sky are extraordinarily bright.

What a surprise! The ancestor of the undead is still alive, and he is the enemy of the gods.

The former Supreme God, what an existence.

With such help, He Chou will never be broken.

"What a wonderful blood."

The ancestor of the undead smiled, and sucked in a sudden breath, blood filled his body.

As for him, his face was full of satisfaction, as if he had eaten a gluttonous feast.

As for why he is still alive, it is nothing more than a heaven-defying supernatural power to enter the body of the descendant. He was once a supreme god, and he can do it completely. He wanted to sleep for a few more days, but tonight is obviously a good day , Luna is not there, and the Supreme City has been broken, it is very suitable for him to go out.


The old tortoise had already crossed the sky, and he swung his divine sword to strike in the air.

The ancestor of the undead was full of contempt, and swept across the void with a palm.


The old turtle was bleeding, the divine sword broke, and he also rolled over.

The ancestor of the undead stepped forward in one step and landed on the peak of the Zhao family.

It is heard that Zhao Yun has three children, all of whom are of proper ancestor-level blood.

Ancestor class is good! Swallowing it can prolong his life and become nourishment for his body.

"Damn it."

The Huntian Demon King swung his magic knife, and all the powerful gods also besieged from all directions.

However, before they could kill them, the ancestor of the undead appeared sideways.

All the strong men were stunned, and the gods and demons raised their eyebrows slightly. They saw the ancestor of the undead flying over their heads, smashing a palace into pieces.

"I said that the left eyelid keeps twitching tonight? It's you, an old bastard." Under the eyes of everyone, a person walked out of the mountain with a majestic aura.

There is no doubt that the hypocrites are old-fashioned. Before the ancestor of the undead woke up, he had already arrived.

It's better to come early than to be in time. If someone is pretending to be aggressive here, what's the deal?

"Who is this?"

The devil looked at the water god, and the water **** looked at the old turtle.

The old tortoise was also interesting, and turned to look at the gods and demons in the sky.

The **** demon frowned slightly, why does this guy look so familiar?

"Mo Xuan."

The ancestor of the undead has already fixed his body, and his smiling expression has turned into a ferocious one.

He is really out of shape! What's more, his eyes were not working well, there was an old friend hiding in the mountains, he didn't see it, he didn't even smell a breath, this slap was really aggrieved.

"It's your grandfather and me."

The old man cursed at him, and killed him with the guy in his hand.

He's not helping the gods, it's just that he's not happy with this product.

Back then, if it wasn't for this **** thing, why would his bloodline change unexpectedly.

Back then, if it wasn't for the strange change in his blood, why would he be half dead in turbulence.

As the saying goes, revenge for revenge, revenge for hatred, tonight, he was very angry.

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