Eternal Gate

Chapter 189: Border crossing

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Taking advantage of the moonlight, the two went on the road again.

The atmosphere is a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, Zhao Yun is refining his body while he is fast, and he is enlightened by his body.

Looking at Feng Wu, he blushed.

Out of the mountains and forests, there is a Cangyuan.

The further east, the more desolate, mainly the prison, far away from the bustling, has been on the edge of the border, after a hundred miles of the torment, is the border, and the other side of the border is the Great Yuan Dynasty.

"Broken, break for me."

Zhao Yun's low roar was endless.

Having reached the fifth bottleneck, Mou Zujin is about to break into the sixth.

Xu exerted too much force, half of his body was torn by lightning, and half of his body was burning. In the extremely strong breath, there was also a vigorous dragon chant.

"What a freak."

Feng Wu looked sideways more than once.

I watched it secretly, and when I watched it, I didn't remember the previous events.


Zhao Yun found a pill.

The breakthrough is imminent, it is still necessary to use the pill to attack.


Only he could hear this sound.

Finally got his wish and advanced to the sixth level of true spirit.

"This trip is not in vain."

Zhao Yun was so happy, his legs and feet numb a lot.

The sixth one.

The strength is more majestic, and the martial soul is also quite diligent.

If you don't rush to save people, you will find a place to consolidate it.


When he was happy, there was a strange scene:

The sixth stage of advancement just now dropped back to the fifth stage.


Feng Wu couldn't help being taken aback.

They are all advanced, so I still go back!

"Where did it go."

Zhao Yun looked stunned, and looked at him and felt extremely real. There was a powerful force that swallowed his cultivation base, the fifth to sixth level, as if he had been intercepted out of thin air.

Moon God opened his eyes and glanced at Zhao Yun's left index finger.

She looked at the Lord of the Rings, and it was it that swallowed Zhao Yun's heavy cultivation.

"Sure enough, there is demon blood."

The Moon God smiled. He knew that there is something in the Lord of the Rings, and only now I can see clearly that the precious thing is not the Lord of the Rings, but a drop of blood in the Lord of the Rings. It is the blood of the Devil. The defying nature.

It is not accurate to say that the Lord of the Ring swallows Zhao Yun's cultivation base. What really swallows Zhao Yun's cultivation base is that drop of devil blood. It should be because of its master. The technique is surviving and it is swallowed by itself, and does not swallow the true essence. Just swallow repair base.

These are not important anymore.

The important thing is that Zhao Yun is about to usher in a period of good luck.

"Where did it go."

Zhao Yun is still looking for.

A good level of cultivation, why is it gone?


Feng Wu said suddenly.

It's a pity that she was too late to remind her. Zhao Yun, who was smitten, went straight to a huge boulder and smashed to pieces with a bang.

The rubble fell.

Before Zhao Yun got up, he seemed to be stupid, and sat there in a daze.

In fact, he was meditating.

One layer of cultivation base will not disappear for no reason.

After three or five moments, he raised his left hand, gently took off his finger on the magic ring, and stared at it firmly. He had found the source, and it was the ring that sucked his cultivation.

"Curious ring."

Feng Wu's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she smelled the aura of the devil from the ring.


Zhao Yun scolded.

Cultivation! Hard work, you swallow swallow?

For a long time, the Lord of the Rings did not respond.

Reluctantly, Zhao Yun looked at the Moon God, the expressions in his eyes implying everything.

"Swallow it, swallow it, repair it again!"

Luna's response was as casual as always.

Zhao Yun's face became dark, this girl, it really doesn't hurt to speak while standing.

"Wait for a thunderstorm, this **** teaches you to seize good luck."

"Just now, I didn't scare you!"

Zhao Yun stroked the Lord of the Rings, rubbed and wiped them with his sleeves, changing his face faster than he could escape, and could read the meaning of the moon myth. The so-called seizure of good fortune was taken from the hands of the Lord of the Rings. Because, I have to pay some interest back, even the Moon God said that it was good fortune, so it would not be comparable to one level of cultivation.

Moon God squinted at this guy, and he was very happy just cursing?

The gods are all like this, let alone the phoenix dance, looking at Zhao Yun's eyes, it is a bit strange, I always feel that this product has a double personality, perhaps because the acting is too superb.


Not far away, there was a baby crying.

It's a group of refugees. I don't know if they were robbers or famine. They dragged their family around, shouting, babies crying, cows and sheep hiss... very noisy.

They have seen this scene many times along the way.

Also, many villages passing by are basically messy.


Feng Wu whispered, the perceptual Wu Xiu still has a very sensitive sense of smell, the more he goes east, the more a touch of blood.

In addition, there seemed to be shouts of killing.

boom! Rumble!

The tremor caused Zhao Yun and Fengwu to look back.

Entering the eye, you will see dust and smoke billowing, as if thousands of troops are rushing towards this.


Feng Wu whispered softly.

Zhao Yun got up, exhausted the eyes of the sky, and looked at the sky as much as possible. He could see a black cloud covering the sky and the earth, but after taking a closer look, he realized that it was a flying mount, not one or two, but a large area.

It is indeed the army.

The army at the bottom and the air force above.

Like a thousand miles, fast as lightning.

"Quick, get out of the way."

An old man riding a bull hissed loudly.

Why should he say that the people who fled, including Zhao Yun and Feng Wu, gave way, and thousands of horses galloped. If they get in the way, they will be trampled on.

"Yan Tianfeng."

Zhao Yun's eyes are so thief.

From a long distance, I saw City Lord Qingfeng, wearing an armor and a blood-colored cloak, floating in the sky, and the horse under his seat was galloping like light.

On Yan Tianfeng's side, there is also Qing Yao, who has **** her long hair and is also wearing a war suit, like a female general, heroic and unique.

Behind them, there were five thousand people.

You don't need to ask questions, you know that it is Qingfeng City's army, only the Xuanyang realm, which accounts for the majority, there is no lack of Jizo, each look is solemn, and they all have a high fighting spirit.


Yantian Peak, the fastest war horse, has arrived, like Changhong passing by.

After that, it was Qing Yao.

When passing by Zhao Yun and Feng Wu, she still looked sideways and looked at Feng Wu, but she looked at Zhao Yun's eyes and frowned slightly. She seemed to have seen it somewhere before. Perhaps it was a military emergency. She closed her eyes in an instant. , As the wind goes away.

"I haven't seen him for a few days, I actually advanced to the Xuanyang realm."

Zhao Yun murmured, Qing Yao couldn't recognize him, he could recognize Qing Yao's cultivation base, and Yan Tianfeng, who was in the Xuanyang realm when I saw him last time, and had advanced.

"Hurry up."

After Yan Tianfeng and Qing Yao, there were a lot of shouts.

The five thousand army roared like a violent wind, the horses' hoofs were screaming, and the earth trembled. Except for the murderous intent, it was the evil spirit, which caused Zhao Yun and Feng Wu to retreat. Certain evil energy can only be sharpened on the battlefield.

The air force has also arrived.

It is a goshawk that neighs.

The leader is Yang Xiong, the lord of Wangu City, who is also like Yantianfeng, wearing armor and standing on the back of a goshawk like a monument, his eyes are like torches, and his expression is solemn.


The air force also has as many as five thousand.

Seeing the goshawks lined up in a team is like a shady scene.

"A war?"

Zhao Yun frowned again and muttered to himself.

The two cities came out together, with a total of 10,000 troops, and stepped into the martial arts. This is the biggest battle he has ever seen. It is impossible to catch the hairy thief in such a big movement.

Also, I will not invite Daxia's battle flag.

All of these prove one thing: the border is urgent.

According to his guess, not only the ancient city and Qingfeng City, but also the Canglang City and Chiyang City, and the ancient cities that are closer to each other, most of them are also rushing towards the border.

No wonder there is blood.

No wonder there are shouts of killing.

No wonder so many people fled.

Which is the robbery, it is clear that the Yuan Dynasty has committed.


Zhao Yun summoned Dapeng.

You can see farther if you fly higher.

Feng Wu stepped on.

Dapeng spread its wings, like a black light across the void.

"You have to change your clothes."

Zhao Yun took the ink and dyed the black golden-winged roc into a purple miscellaneous bird. By the way, he also posted two fast-moving charms.

"The border is in a hurry."

Feng Wu's cheeks paled a lot.

The sudden change gave her a very ominous premonition.

Zhao Yun overlooked all the way.

There are more refugees below, and in the villages passing by, there is no half of the villagers seen, sometimes two or three figures, old people who are all late, old people, unable to walk, dying, and dying at home, so, it is also regarded as the fallen leaves return to their roots.

"So urgent?"

Zhao Yun closed his eyes and looked to the east.

Here, there are hundreds of miles away from the border, this is the beginning of the escape?

Is it possible that the Dayuan Dynasty has broken through the border?

If so, it would be scary.

There are thousands of miles of city walls on the border of Daxia. How many troops did the Dayuan Dynasty dispatch, really want to breathe... swallow the entire Daxia Long Dynasty?

But he was puzzled.

Dayuan and Daxia have never been at war since the founding of the country.

The reason is that the two countries are equal in strength, have the same vast territory, and both have Tianwu in charge. If it is not about the fundamental interests, the two countries will not go to war easily.

In half a day, Zhao Yunzu changed more than a dozen speed talisman.

I don’t know when, I saw an ancient city, located between two mountains. The city wall is towering, with strong barriers. Two ten-foot-large lions are particularly eye-catching. What is even more eye-catching is the city wall plaque. The two characters are quite deterrent. .

That is the hardship, the place where serious criminals are held.

On weekdays, the city gates are closed tightly to prevent prisoners from fleeing.

Today, the gates of torture prison are wide open, and there are no guards on patrol.

It seems to be an empty city.

Facts have proved that it is indeed an empty city, and the Dapeng easily swept over the city wall. If in normal times, he was afraid of not waiting for it, he would be shot down by a strong crossbow.

"What about people?"

Both Zhao Yun and Feng Wu looked down,

This prison for prisoners was also like the village they had seen before, with no people, no prisoners, and no guards, and it was messy everywhere.


When the two arrived, a figure ran out of an attic, carrying a burden, and looked like a thief, who had just stolen property.

Dapeng descends from the sky.

Zhao Yunshi fixed himself and captured the thief on the spot.

"Where are the prisoners in torment?"

"Nine... I was taken to the border nine days ago."

The thief's face was pale, and under the cold sweat, no one appeared.


Feng Wu's face was paler than that of the thief.

The border is in a hurry, and the border is closed, it is no different to go to the battlefield!


Zhao Yun let out a dry cough in his heart.

I took pains to create a mysterious robe that escaped the world. It was well equipped. In the end, this was an empty city, and no one could be fooled. I knew it was the play, but I killed it that night, and it took so long.

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