Eternal Existence

Chapter 883 Return to Beiyuan

"Chen Feng, I knew you would come back, but I didn't know you would bring so many people." Jian Xiaotian, Wen Shaoxiu and other friends who were close to Chen Feng appeared one after another.

The reason why these people came so quickly was because Chen Feng sent a message to them as soon as he arrived here.

"Haha, Chen Feng, long time no see, your cultivation has improved too fast." Wen Shaoxiu stepped forward and laughed.

Wen Shaoxiu and others were still at the level of the initial human immortal, but Chen Feng had already reached the high level, leaving everyone behind.

"It is not necessarily a good thing to improve your cultivation quickly. Your cultivation is condensed and steady, and it is only a matter of time before you advance." Chen Feng laughed.

"You should know the purpose of my coming, right?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course I know. Although Beiyuan is far away from here, it is also a cultivation world after all. How could we not know such a big thing? Brother Chen, don't worry, no matter what the sect is planning, we, the companions, will immediately follow you back to Beiyuan without saying anything as long as you say a word." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

"I won't say much, just one sentence, thank you all." Chen Feng said solemnly.

"Brother Chen is very generous this time, but with Brother Chen's current strength and status, plus his identity in the sect, I think the top leaders of our sect should make a reasonable choice." Jian Xiao said.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In a flash, a total of four earthly immortals appeared in front of Chen Feng at the same time.

These are the cultivators sent by the Tianjian Sect to receive Chen Feng. No matter what, Chen Feng is now a hegemon, occupying millions of miles of sea area, with many subordinates and countless sea monsters. He has some influence in the entire cultivation world and is the object of active wooing by major sects and forces.

The Tianjian Sect has always been on good terms with Chen Feng, and Chen Feng is also the honorary elder of the Tianjian Sect. If there is no important cultivator to receive him when he arrives with so many people at this time, he will be laughed at if it is spread out.

"Elder Chen, the headmaster invites you." One of them stepped forward and said.

Looking at the dense crowd of cultivators in the teleportation square, the four earthly immortals also had complicated expressions. You know, when Chen Feng first came to Tianjian Sect, he was not even a human immortal, but just a small heavenly immortal. But now, not long ago, he has actually cultivated to a high-level human immortal, entered the Daluo Academy to cultivate, and even established a large territory overseas.

These four people have a sharp eye. They also saw that more than a hundred of these cultivators have high qualifications. They are students of the Daluo Academy. They can borrow so many people from the Daluo Academy. The four people immediately know that Chen Feng is doing well in the Daluo Academy.

Of course, everyone does not know about Chen Feng's previous fight with the elders in the Daluo Academy, otherwise they would be even more shocked.

The headmaster of the Tianjian Sect has a strong cultivation level and is attacking the earthly immortal. That is, the leader of the Tianjian Sect is just a human immortal.

Under normal circumstances, these earthly immortals do not care about worldly affairs unless something important happens. Generally speaking, after being promoted to earthly immortals, everyone begins to concentrate on cultivation, or go to the outside world to venture out and start working hard to ascend to the immortal world.

Chen Feng went to see the headmaster of the Tianjian Sect, and Jian Xiaotian and others also began to mobilize their own forces to win over some fellow disciples or friends with whom they had a good relationship.

When Chen Feng came back, Jian Xiaotian and others had gathered around hundreds of people, most of whom were cultivators in the human immortal realm.

"Chen Feng, how is it?" Jian Xiaotian immediately stepped forward and asked.

"The headmaster promised to send a group of cultivators." Chen Feng showed a smile on his face.

"Twenty human immortals, one thousand heavenly immortals, and two earthly immortals sitting in secret."

"Tsk, the headmaster is really stingy." Jian Xiaotian curled his lips.

"Yeah, it's not as good as the friends we brought." Wen Shaoxiu also said the same thing.

"Haha, everyone is joking. I am very happy that I can get reinforcements this time. In addition to thanking everyone, I can't be too stingy." Chen Feng waved his hand and a mountain appeared in the square, a mountain made entirely of spirit stones.

20 million immortal crystals.

The spiritual stones that Chen Feng took out were all immortal crystals. Twenty million pieces of immortal crystals piled together were so shocking that I believe none of the cultivators present had ever seen them. Even the two earth immortals who were secretly in charge shook and almost revealed their bodies.

"This kid is really generous. Where did he get so many immortal crystals? There shouldn't be any immortal crystal veins in our big world."

"He should have obtained a treasure, but this kid is really generous. Even earth immortals would want to snatch so many immortal crystals. Look at this kid, he didn't change his expression."

"Everyone is helping me this time. I won't say much more. Let's divide these spiritual stones." Chen Feng's voice sounded.


The scene was boiling.

This time, there were only more than 20,000 people who followed Chen Feng to Beiyuan, of which more than half were cultivators from Donglong Island. It was also very objective to divide these immortal crystals into everyone's hands.

Of course, this was not an equal division, but was determined according to the cultivation level.

Even so, almost all the Tianren Realm cultivators present were extremely happy after getting the immortal crystals. For the Tianren Realm cultivators, immortal crystals are already top-level spiritual stones, and some have never used them at all.

20 million immortal crystals were quickly divided up, and Chen Feng remained calm. This situation once again surprised some people secretly.

In fact, for Chen Feng, the immortal crystals piled up in the Longevity Tower were calculated in billions, not to mention that there were some spiritual stones with better quality than immortal crystals.

For example, although the Longevity Tower swallowed up a part of the Xuanhuang Jade Crystal, it still left a part for Chen Feng.

"We haven't seen each other for several years, Brother Chen, you really impressed us." Wen Shaoxiu said with some envy.

"I also got it by chance, but it was a harvest in the outer space. It was also a life-threatening journey." Chen Feng smiled and shook his head.

After the manpower was complete, Chen Feng led many cultivators to use the large teleportation array of the Tianjian Sect to travel through space.

The destination was Beiyuan.

When Chen Feng led a large number of cultivators to Beiyuan, the situation of Taiyi Sect was already precarious.

The overlords of Beiyuan were Jiuxiao Lingxiao Zixiao Sect, each of which was stronger than Taiyi Sect. At this time, the three sects joined forces, and other sects took advantage of the fire to rob. The sects that had a good relationship with Taiyi Sect or even allied with it did not dare to intervene, but simply distanced themselves from it, for fear of getting burned.

Because everyone saw clearly at the beginning of the war that if there were no accidents, the Taiyi Sect, which had been passed down for tens of thousands of years, would probably be destroyed this time.

Some other sects gloated over the misfortune, some were secretly worried, and some were indifferent. Even the Jian Ge, which was usually tough and did not take Jiuxiao Palace seriously, became quiet.

A large-scale war? Jian Ge did not dare to participate casually.

Of course, such a large-scale war between first-class sects could not be ended in a short time. Although Taiyi Sect suffered heavy casualties and lost a large area of ​​territory, it was still resisting stubbornly and did not collapse.

Of course, under such circumstances, there was no room for collapse. The only outcome of a collapse and escape was death.

Under the life and death of the sect, Taiyi Sect also erupted with unprecedented powerful strength. Some senior monks who lived in seclusion and even earth immortals who ventured outside the domain came back one after another. It was because of the existence of these powerful killing weapons that the destruction of Taiyi Sect was slowed down.

But it was only a slowdown. Over time, destruction was inevitable.


Wangyou City.

This is a large city managed by several forces.

This large city naturally has a large teleportation array and a spacious teleportation square.

Rows of soldiers guard it, and there are constantly cultivators coming out of the teleportation array, or a large number of cultivators queue up to enter the teleportation array.

The teleportation square in this city has always been very lively.


At this time, a large teleportation array fluctuated, and after the light flashed, hundreds of cultivators appeared in it.

These cultivators have not yet walked out, and the powerful aura naturally emanating from their bodies has already enveloped the entire city.

"What! Such a powerful aura."

"So many human immortals, more than a hundred people are all human immortals, what happened?"

"Where did this force come from? It looks very strange."

"Oh my God, hundreds of human immortals gathered together, is this going to change the world?"

Although Wangyou City is a large city, generally speaking, there are very few human immortals. Since cultivators of this level have the word immortal in them, they are destined to be high and mighty.

At this time, hundreds of human immortals appeared together, and the impact was too strong.

Just as everyone was in doubt and talking about it, the teleportation array next to them began to flash, and then hundreds of cultivators appeared in the teleportation array.

When these cultivators walked out of the teleportation array one after another, some of the cultivators present had already fainted.

"Am I dazzled? These, these are all immortals. Oh my god, there are more than two hundred immortals."

"Two hundred immortals, what is going on? Are they going to occupy this city?"

"Bah! Although Wangyou City is also a large city, it is not enough to alarm so many immortals. Two hundred immortals can destroy this city in one breath."

"Hurry up and report to the city lord."

"I think the city lord doesn't dare to show up."

"Hey! What are these people doing?"

At this time, something even more surprising happened. After the two hundred immortals came out of the teleportation array, they immediately dispersed and formed a circle, just surrounding the teleportation array.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several of them attacked at the same time, hitting many laws and prohibitions. Soon the space began to distort sharply, and a larger space channel was formed.

"What are these people doing?"

"Are you stupid? This is clearly to open up a space channel."

"Aren't these people already teleported here? Why do they need to open up a channel? Could it be?" When the onlookers said this, they covered their mouths in surprise.

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