Eternal Existence

Chapter 878: Cangming Realm

"Immortal weapon, this guy has an immortal weapon in his hand."

"No wonder Chen Feng is so arrogant and has an immortal weapon in his hand."

"So what? If there are immortal weapons, I'm afraid they will be suppressed."

"It's hard to say. An immortal weapon is so easy to suppress. At worst, you can escape from here. Hey! Didn't you see? Just a slight collision just caused so much damage. If the real fight continues, the entire world will be destroyed. We still don’t know how Luo Xuefu will be destroyed.”

While everyone was discussing, Shanheyin launched two more attacks, but they were all shattered by Chen Feng using the Sky-piercing Spear. The damage caused caused the ground to drop hundreds of feet.

"This Mountain and River Seal is only a low-grade immortal weapon, so it's not something to be afraid of. However, the other party has several earthly immortals urging it to use it. The power it emits will exceed mine. After a few more attacks, I won't be able to withstand it."

Thinking that the Eternal Life Wings behind Chen Feng had been stretched out, the Eternal Life Wings at this time became more solid. At first glance, they didn't look like phantoms, but looked like wings condensed by the energy of the true energy. The runes on them were flashing and the patterns were Circulation, with a slight shock, Chen Feng disappeared on the spot.

When the Eternal Life Wing has been cultivated to the stage of perfection, it can transcend the boundaries of time and space. Even if it is not the first in the entire universe and starry sky, it is still among the top divine skills.

Coupled with the Longevity Steps, the power displayed is almost unsurpassed by any speed.

The next moment, Chen Feng appeared under the mountain and river seal, and Chen Feng's figure was still flashing. However, under the suppression of the mountain and river seal, it was a little difficult to rush up again.


Chen Feng took the initiative, and the sky-piercing spear bloomed with rolling spear shadows, all of which hit the mountain and river seal.


The Earth Immortal on the Mountain and River Seal smiled coldly, and produced a series of seals in his hands, which were connected to the immortal weapon. Under the urging of several Earth Immortals, the powerful power of the Immortal Artifact of the Mountain and River Seal suddenly knocked Chen Feng down from the sky. go.


Chen Feng just landed on the ground with the spear in hand, but the power of the mountain and river seal followed Chen Feng and acted on the ground.

Then the earth cracked, as if the most powerful earthquake had occurred, and all the ground in a radius of thousands of miles rolled over.

Chen Feng also felt uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for the secret blessing of the Eternal Life Tower just now, Chen Feng would have turned into dust. This was a collision of immortal weapons. Chen Feng's current strength could not resist it, but even so, Chen Feng's body was still full of energy. The yellow energy will also dissipate.

"You are all sure to start a battle with me here." Chen Feng's figure swayed and reached a mountain peak tens of thousands of miles away.

Seeing Chen Feng's arrival, all the monks on the mountain peak ran for their lives in fear. This was too abnormal. They were fighting with immortal weapons. If they ran slowly, in the aftermath of the immortal weapons, everyone's death would be in vain.

Seeing Chen Feng changing places, the elders above the mountain and river seals jumped.

"Chen Feng, hand over the weapons now, there is still a chance of survival." One of the elders said.

Chen Feng knew that this person, this elder, was the figure behind Qingfeng Sword Immortal.

"Then let's continue to take action." Chen Feng said, raising the sky-piercing spear and swinging it gently, and the mountain peaks under his feet immediately began to shake.

"Since you want to destroy the Daluo Mountains, just go ahead and do it."

"You alone can't destroy the Daluo Mountains, because you will be captured next."

"Really? I don't believe it."

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, he saw a layer of water curtain rising around him. The water curtain quickly closed and formed an inverted bowl shape, covering Chen Feng.

"Immortal Weapon, Cangming Realm"

"Chen Feng, you can't get out even if you have the immortal weapon."

"I'll catch you quickly."

Seeing this scene, the faces of Chihuo Hou and others changed again: "This is another immortal weapon from the Cangming Realm. Now Chen Feng really can't get out."

"The Cangming Realm is said to be condensed from the Cangming Yuan Qi. The Cangming Yuan Qi is said to come from the Cangming Great World. This is an existence that surpasses the Eternal Great World. It is developing rapidly. If it had not been destroyed hundreds of millions of years ago, it would now be Even if his strength is not comparable to that of the Immortal Realm, it should be similar to the Demonic Realm and the Underworld." The voice of Marquis Chihuo was quickly conveyed to Chen Feng.

"Is it the great world of Cangming? I know this, and I also know that the destruction of this great world is related to our world of heavens. However, the energy contained in this great world is indeed good, and Cangming's vitality is comparable to immortal weapons. "

"This magic weapon is more than just Cangming's vitality. It also contains the original power of Cangming World and some laws of heaven and earth. I don't know who left this magic weapon. Could it be from Cangming World? Monk, I know there are still many descendants surviving in this world."

Although he was trapped in it, Chen Feng did not look worried or panicked. Instead, he searched for information about the big world of Cangming in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Da Luo Academy has some background. I used to underestimate these so-called holy places." Chen Feng felt the movement around him and stabbed him with the spear in his hand.

This blow could have destroyed a small country outside, but it did not have much effect in the Cangming world. In the end, the power of the immortal weapon sent by Chen Feng melted into this world. Chen Feng knew This was an attack in which the power of Cangming Realm swallowed up his own.

Cangming Realm, as the name suggests, is a world inside.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. I am only in the realm of human immortals now, and my cultivation is far from keeping up. If I cultivated to the level of earth immortals, I could snatch this magic weapon and refine it into my own world."

"But with my current strength, it is simply impossible to open up my own world."


Chen Feng launched two more attacks, but they still didn't work, so he stopped and observed the situation around him while secretly analyzing the situation in front of him.

However, the elders of Daluo Academy would not give Chen Feng time.

Several more elders appeared, scattered around Cangming Realm, and urged the restrictions in them to suppress Chen Feng.

"Hey! Two immortal weapons were dispatched just to capture Chen Feng. It seems that the order was indeed issued by the dean." Lan Ling sighed.

"Chen Feng is doomed this time."

"But after today, the name Chen Feng has become more famous in the entire cultivation world."

"Yes, using two immortal weapons and dispatching so many elders, but the academy's approach is really too much."

"Hey! If it were me, I wouldn't surrender. I hope Chen Feng can get out."

"Getting out is even more difficult."


Chen Feng kept swinging the Sky-piercing Spear, but he gradually couldn't resist under the suppression of the Cangming Realm.

At this time, the Mountain and River Seal turned into a stream of light and entered the Cangming Realm. There were a total of fourteen earthly immortals and two immortal weapons, which could easily destroy a planet with life.

Chen Feng knew that unless he was promoted to the earthly immortal realm immediately, he would not be a match for these people at all.

He also had immortal weapons, but he couldn't use his own strength to exert the strongest power.

The laws of the Dao in the Cangming Realm were constantly changing. Although Chen Feng had immortal weapons to protect him, he felt the pressure getting stronger and stronger. Under this situation, the Mountain and River Seal was not needed, and the Cangming Realm alone could suppress Chen Feng.

What's more, the Mountain and River Seal had already turned into a world to suppress Chen Feng.

Chen Feng became stiff, the yellow airflow that protected him dissipated, and his tall body began to gradually compress. Chen Feng would be crushed in half a breath.

"Oh! I'm so depressed." Chen Feng was somewhat helpless. His body shook, and the shadow of the Longevity Tower emerged, covering Chen Feng in the middle.


The Mountain and River Seal fell heavily on Chen Feng's head.

"It's over, Chen Feng is dead, these people are cruel enough, and they can kill Chen Feng directly with their realm." Chihuo Hou couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Lan Ling and several female cultivators were even more shocked and exclaimed. No matter how powerful Chen Feng was, he couldn't resist the suppression of the immortal weapon.

But then, everyone found that things didn't seem to be what they imagined. The Mountain and River Seal did fall on Chen Feng's head, but the result was that the Mountain and River Seal was bounced up.

Although Chen Feng turned into a bloody man, he looked energetic and didn't look like he was seriously injured.

Fortunately, the previous blow was in the Cangming Realm, otherwise the land within a radius of tens of thousands of miles would have become ruins.

"Although the Longevity Tower blocked the opponent's attack, there is still a force shock coming in." Chen Feng circulated his true energy, and the wounds on his body recovered in the blink of an eye, and the blood on his body was evaporated cleanly.


Chen Feng held a spear in his hand, and the shadow of the Longevity Tower vibrated. Chen Feng was on the Mountain and River Seal the next moment.

"Everyone, it should be very comfortable to hide here." Chen Feng said as he thrust the Sky-piercing Spear in his hand. With a bang, a mountain in front of him was blown to pieces, and an elder on it flew up.

Chen Feng raised his hand, and the Immortal Binding Rope floated over, flashing with golden light, and tied up the earth immortal.

The Immortal Binding Rope in Chen Feng's hand was a combination of multiple materials. After Chen Feng's continuous condensation and forging, this magic weapon was close to a mid-grade Taoist weapon.

After capturing the opponent, Chen Feng waved his hand to collect this person and suppressed him in the Longevity Tower. Even the immortals couldn't get out.


Another mountain was lifted up, but this time the opponent's attack was also going to be strong. The power of mountains and rivers was applied to Chen Feng, slowing down Chen Feng's speed.

A ribbon floated over, blocking the void, surrounding Chen Feng in the middle, making Chen Feng lose his sense of direction.

This ribbon was transformed from the Cangming Yuanqi in the Cangming Realm, which contained the power of clouds, water, and wood. The function of the three original powers was to capture Chen Feng.


The sky-piercing spear flashed, and a big hole was pierced through the ribbon. But it soon merged again, and the binding force swept Chen Feng in waves, and at the same time, a mountain fell from his head.

This mountain is not an ordinary mountain. It is transformed by the power of the immortal weapon in the Mountain and River Seal, just like the incarnation of the Mountain and River Seal.


Chen Feng was dizzy again, but fortunately he blocked the attack of the mountain again.

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