Eternal Existence

Chapter 862: Deep Sea Ghost

After hearing this, Chen Feng immediately laughed. This was not the first time these people invited him. There were four people in total, all of whom were at the high-level human immortal realm. They were a small team that had been formed not long ago. This time they went out to sea for adventure.

After a brief contact with Chen Feng, they began to win over Chen Feng, but Chen Feng refused because Chen Feng's purpose of going out to sea was different from these people.

"Everyone, I said before that I had another purpose for going out to sea this time." Chen Feng refused with a smile.

"Brother Chen, aren't you going to Liuli Island?"

"Of course not."

"That's a pity. Recently, Liuli Island has undergone changes, and more Liuli gems have appeared. Most of the cultivators on this ship are going to Liuli Island."

"Yes, Brother Chen, I think you have a good cultivation. If you form a team with us, you can go to Liuli Island to explore and get some treasures first."

"Let's talk about it later. If we go to Liuli Island, I will definitely join you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Seeing Chen Feng's refusal, although everyone was a little disappointed, they didn't say anything anymore.


At this time, the huge hull suddenly vibrated, as if it was hit by something.

"It should be a water monster again."

Everyone encountered many attacks from water monsters along the way, but because the ship was huge, it had the defensive strength of a Taoist weapon, and there were many monks on the ship, so they were safe all the way.

"I don't know what kind of water monster it is this time." Everyone talked and laughed, but they were not worried.

Bang bang bang bang!

But soon everyone felt something was wrong. The sound of collisions rang out one after another, and the thousand-foot ship began to vibrate violently.


The light flashed, and a thick barrier enveloped the entire ship, and then the barrier began to encounter fierce attacks.

"It seems that the water monster this time is quite powerful." The monk named Sun Ming frowned and said.

This big ship is the industry of a huge chamber of commerce in the Zhoutian World, which is dedicated to providing convenience for those monks who go out to sea for adventure, especially this Taoist weapon-level ship, which has been out to sea many times. Although it has encountered many attacks, it has finally passed safely.

Although they were attacked this time, basically everyone was not too worried.

However, some cultivators with high cultivation still felt something was wrong. This attack seemed to be a little different from the past.

Chen Feng spread his consciousness and easily penetrated the barrier and entered the bottom of the ship. He found that a group of huge monsters were attacking the hull, and more black shadows were attacking in the deep sea.

"What is here!"

At this time, Chen Feng found that a group of black shadows actually went directly into the hull and disappeared. Chen Feng was shocked at first, and then concentrated his consciousness, and sure enough, he found that groups of black shadows broke through the barrier and entered the hull.

"Could it be a deep-sea ghost?"

"If so, it would be a bit troublesome."

Just as Chen Feng was tracking these black shadows, the owner of the big ship, that is, the staff of this chamber of commerce, had already taken action quickly, and everyone's face was very solemn.

"Damn it, I actually encountered a deep-sea ghost."

"This thing is nothing to be afraid of, I'll go and see." One of the high-level immortals said and entered the water through the teleportation array of the hull.

"This guy is really looking for death. The last time he encountered a deep-sea ghost, he suffered heavy casualties. If it weren't for the help of several masters among the passengers, this ship wouldn't have survived until now."

"What should we do?"

"Don't panic first. Search for the number of water monsters and deep-sea ghosts first. If it doesn't work, we still have to ask the passengers to help."

"Water monsters are not scary, but deep-sea ghosts are too scary."

Indeed, Chen Feng has already seen the horror of water ghosts. A black shadow entered the cabin and quickly took over the body of a primary human immortal. The soul fire in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness burned violently. Through the essence of the primary human immortal, he could easily see that the black shadow devoured the other's soul, completely devouring it, which was much more domineering than ordinary possession.

"It's really a deep-sea ghost. Logically, there shouldn't be deep-sea ghosts in the sea here. Is there something wrong?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong?" Sun Ming looked at Chen Feng's expression and asked.

"We seem to be in some trouble this time." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Trouble, what kind of trouble can there be? They are just some water monsters." A cultivator named Shao Wu said disdainfully.

Sun Ming had invited Chen Feng several times, which made Shao Wu feel uncomfortable. At this time, he deliberately mocked him. At the same time, Shao Wu also took action. With a big hand, a water monster outside the boat was caught and killed.

"It's not as simple as these water monsters. It's deep-sea ghosts." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. The space in front of him fluctuated, and the picture emerged. It was the situation in the water. Groups of black shadows kept entering the hull under the cover of the huge water monster.

"Really deep-sea ghosts, there are so many of them." Sun Ming was surprised.

"Let me check it out." Shao Wu said, just like Chen Feng, his consciousness penetrated the barrier and explored the water.

"Sure enough, so many." Shao Wu's face changed after this investigation, but at this time, several groups of black shadows noticed Shao Wu's consciousness and immediately launched an attack. In just one move, Shao Wu's consciousness that extended into the water was eaten away.

The consciousness was swallowed alive, causing Shao Wu's soul to be injured, and all seven orifices began to bleed.

"Shao Wu, how are you?" Sun Ming and his companions immediately stepped forward to ask.

"Sure enough, there is a deep-sea ghost. I was attacked." Shao Wu recovered quickly after being treated by everyone, but his face was still a little pale.

"Deep-sea ghosts, this trip to the sea is really not going well. I wonder if Haiyun Chamber of Commerce can handle it."

"I think it's difficult. If it's a water monster, no matter how many there are, it's easy to deal with, but these deep-sea ghosts come and go without a trace, and can secretly take over people's bodies."

"And there are a lot of them." Shao Wu continued.

"Be prepared for battle."

Not only Chen Feng and others noticed the existence of deep-sea ghosts, but many other people also discovered it, and it spread quickly. Soon, all the monks on the ship knew that they were in big trouble this time.

"Be prepared for battle."

"We are passengers and have paid. Of course, this matter should be handled by the people of Haiyun Chamber of Commerce."

"Yes, I paid a lot of money to go to sea. We can't deal with such a terrifying existence as deep-sea ghosts."

"Don't panic, let's see what happens."

"Who is panicking? I'm just a little dissatisfied."


The situation on the whole ship was slightly chaotic, but at this time, with a bang, a beginner immortal monk hiding in the corner appeared and a black shadow emerged from his body, and then quickly entered another person's body.

"It's a deep-sea ghost!"

Several monks attacked at the same time, and the possessed monk was quickly killed. A black shadow was surrounded by everyone, and then a ball of fire came forward to wrap it, and the black shadow screamed immediately.

"This kind of thing is afraid of fire, monks who practice fire power should act quickly."

"Haha, I caught a deep-sea ghost. Although this thing is terrifying, it is also a treasure, a tonic, and can be used to refine medicine and magic weapons." Someone took out a magic weapon and captured a deep-sea ghost.

Under normal circumstances, the value of an ordinary deep-sea ghost is equivalent to a mid-grade holy weapon, or even higher.

Although some people continue to successfully kill deep-sea ghosts, more deep-sea ghosts have lurked in the big ship, and the number of monks injured and killed is even greater.

What's more, there are still a large number of water monsters outside constantly bombarding the barrier of the big ship. As the number of water monsters increases, cracks begin to appear in the barrier.


A sword light boils and changes, and water monsters are killed wherever it passes. Then a top-level human immortal appears outside the barrier, and a long sword falls into his hand. He rushes in with a long roar, but is soon submerged in the group of sea monsters.

"It's the cultivators of Haiyun Chamber of Commerce who took action, the top-level human immortal king Chaofeng."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several more people broke out of the barrier and fought with the water monsters.


The big ship shook, and a thick beam of light swept across. Wherever the beam of light passed, all the water monsters were evaporated.

"It's the formation on the ship that has been activated. This is a beam of light condensed by the power of extreme yang, which can even burn the void."

The beam of light swept back and forth, and soon hundreds of huge water monsters were killed.

However, the beam of light only lasted for a breath and disappeared. These few times consumed a lot of energy. Even the Taoist instruments could not afford the long-term consumption.

Boom! Boom!

The ship accelerated its speed, but after advancing thousands of miles, it slowed down again, because there were more water monsters around, and the space in the deep sea was a bit strange. There was a strong thunder of destruction in the sky, which could even destroy the Taoist tools. This was why everyone chose to take the ship to move forward on the water.

Relatively speaking, the biggest threat was the deep-sea ghost. If there were no deep-sea ghosts, it would be no problem for everyone to gather strength and fight their way out.

At this time, the interior of the ship was destroyed by the deep-sea ghosts, and some people were constantly possessed, causing the speed of the ship to slow down. After a long time, it was possible to stop completely.


A group of black shadows emerged from the ground and pounced on Chen Feng like lightning.

"Be careful!" Sun Ming exclaimed.

However, as soon as the black shadow approached Chen Feng, its speed slowed down. This was because it fell into the Zhoutian domain displayed by Chen Feng. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the black shadow.

"This is the deep-sea ghost!" A cultivator named Ma Heng saw this kind of thing for the first time and felt a little curious.

At first glance, this black shadow seems to be composed entirely of energy, but if you look closely, you can see the shape of it. However, the shape is constantly wriggling and changing, like a colloid creature in the deep sea.

"The power of water, the power of shadow, and it seems to have a strange power." Chen Feng grabbed the deep-sea ghost in his hand, and no matter how hard the other party struggled, it could not break free from Chen Feng's grasp.

"Put it away first, and study it carefully when you have time." Chen Feng waved his hand and put the deep-sea ghost away.

"Although the deep-sea ghost is dangerous, it is very valuable. Many people specialize in buying this kind of thing at a high price." Sun Ming said on the side.

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