Eternal Existence

Chapter 858: One after another appeared

Just behind the man and the woman, a dark cave appeared, connected to the mountain, and no one knew where it led to.

This was the passage into the cave that the two had opened by praying before.

Even if Jiang Zeming and the other four did not reveal their bodies, they would have appeared, because the treasure had been opened now.

"In fact, you four also have a way to go." Ye Lin suddenly said with a smile.

"That is to stay here." Before the four people answered, Ye Lin and Jiang Huo attacked at the same time. Two drops of gem-like blood flew out and suddenly exploded, turning into a thick blood-colored barrier that trapped the four people.

"The essence of the earth immortal!" Jiang Zeming exclaimed.

"Yes, you think you can hide it from us by following us and acting secretly. In fact, you four have been in our calculations." Jiang Huo also laughed.

"Just relying on the two of you, you still want to calculate us, then let us see your methods." Jiang Zeming said and waved his hand, and a sword light exuded a sharp breath and attacked the blood-colored barrier around.

"Go ahead, blast the barrier and capture Jiang Huo."

"You must torture this little beast. You are a slave of our Jiang family. You have reached the top level in cultivation so far, but you still want to push your luck."

"If these four people don't have other means, I'm afraid they can't even break out of the barrier, but I don't think it should be that simple." Chen Feng was observing all this in secret.

Through the situation just now, Chen Feng understood some things. This cultivator named Jiang Huo and Jiang Zeming and Jiang Zefeng should be from the same family, but their status is far inferior to the two. At this time, Jiang Huo and Ye Lin found a treasure, but they were noticed by the other party before they collected it, and then they kept following.

Of course, it is also possible that Jiang Zeming and the other four simply followed to kill Jiang Huo, but Jiang Huo and Ye Lin were well prepared.

Even Chen Feng couldn't tell who would be the winner in the current situation. What was even more interesting was that someone else landed on this planet.

"Interesting, I wonder what kind of treasure it could be, and there is also the Fire God Sect, I remember there is this sect in the Zhoutian World."

"Yes, yes, I said the aura of these people was familiar, it turned out to be similar to the aura of Fairy Liandie, so this place should not be far from the Zhoutian World."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng laughed immediately. He didn't expect that he would just participate in the mission in the academy, but he didn't expect a series of things to happen, and he didn't expect to come to the territory of the Eternal World.

When he thought that this might be the Zhoutian World, Chen Feng was relieved. Since Fairy Liandie could go from the Zhoutian World to the Eternal World, he should be able to do it too.

Of course, whether it is the Zhoutian World still needs further confirmation from Chen Feng.

As for why Chen Feng knew that there was a sect called the Fire God Sect in the Eternal World, it was actually very simple. That is, since he knew that the plane war was about to begin, Chen Feng had looked up some information about the situation in other life worlds and had some understanding, and he had also met some monks from other worlds during the previous expedition.

"Let's see the situation first. Maybe I'll have to take action later." Chen Feng made up his mind and used the art of concealment to the extreme. Even the earthly immortals couldn't find Chen Feng's existence.

After Jiang Zeming and the other four bombarded for a while, they didn't break the blood-colored barrier around them. The four of them didn't panic, but looked at each other, performed the secret technique together, and jointly activated a magic weapon.

This magic weapon is a round bead. Once it is activated, it will stimulate the power of the wind and thunder around the world. These surrounding forces cooperate and transform with each other, and the stimulated power is multiplied.

In just a moment, the barrier set up by the essence and blood of the earthly immortals around cracked, and then exploded with a bang.

The barrier was broken, and the four people came out one after another.

"It's the broken bead! You actually borrowed this magic weapon." Jiang Huo's eyes narrowed.

"It turned out to be a top-grade holy weapon, which contains a faint power of the Great Dao. This power of the Great Dao contains four kinds of power, namely, heaven, earth, wind and thunder. This magic weapon is not bad, but it's a pity that the level is too low." Chen Feng secretly observed. Although the other party only made a brief move, Chen Feng still captured some traces and was more certain that these people were from the Zhoutian World.

"Jiang Huo, since you know it is a broken Gangzhu, do you still want to resist? Now kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy. If you don't wait, I can spare your life. You will be our running dog in the future, hahaha." Jiang Zeming said, and the four of them all laughed.

"You think you can defeat me with the broken Gangzhu, but you don't know that I have already calculated all this." Jiang Huo and Ye Lin all smiled.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing the smiles on Jiang Huo and Ye Lin's faces, the four people instinctively felt something was wrong.

"It means that the four of you are dead today, and no one can save you." Jiang Huo said as a stream of air came out from his head, constantly changing and condensing into a small sword. The small sword was fiery red, and there was no sword energy spreading, but the sword pressure contained in it showed that it was a top-grade holy weapon.

"Top-grade holy weapon!"

Jiang Zeming and the other four were a little surprised, but only a little. The Broken Gang Pearl that the four of them activated was also a top-grade holy weapon, and the magic weapon was comparable.

Chen Feng in the dark did not think so. The fire power of this small sword was pure, and it contained the way of fire. It was just around the corner to be promoted to a Taoist weapon, and it was one level higher than the Broken Gang Pearl of the four.

Of course, Chen Feng had a vague feeling that this man and woman should be more than capable of this. Because Chen Feng felt a calm aura from these two people.


Another small sword spurted out from Ye Lin's body. This small sword had the same shape as Jiang Huo's small sword. It was also a top-grade holy weapon, but it was made of the power of water.

"It turned out to be the two swords of water and fire. Now they have the upper hand. These four people are dead." Chen Feng nodded secretly. The two long swords were somewhat similar to the two swords of life and death on his body. They were both formed by condensing the power of the innate source. , it is a spiritual sword as soon as it is formed, and it has great potential for advancement in the future.

Every time the two swords of life and death are fused, they will be directly upgraded to a level, which is more powerful than the strength increased several times.

Sure enough, just as Chen Feng imagined, after Jiang Huo and Ye Lin controlled the fusion of the water and fire swords, a wave of Taoist weapons immediately rose into the sky.

The two small swords merged into one long sword and advanced into a Taoist weapon.

"No, leave quickly!"

Jiang Zeming and the others immediately knew something was wrong and made a decisive decision. They first jointly mobilized the Po Gang Pearl to attack Jiang Huo and the two, and then turned around and fled in four directions.


With a flash of sword light, Po Gang Pearl was split into two halves.


There was another flash of sword light, and Du Haolong was cut in half and died an unexpected death.

"Kill! Leave no one behind."

Jiang Huo's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the expression on his face was a little distorted. This was caused by long-term depression.

The sword light flashed again, and Du Haoqiu was also beheaded.

By this time, Jiang Zeming and Jiang Zefeng had escaped without a trace.

Jiang Huo and Ye Lin connected their hands, and the power of water and fire merged, and the aura of earth immortals bloomed from their bodies. Then they activated the water and fire swords to break through the space to chase Jiang Zeming and the two.

There was only a dark cave entrance left at the scene. Chen Feng hid in the darkness and did not appear or take any action. He just waited calmly.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng was just a little curious about the treasure in front of him, and was not too keen on prying.

Chen Feng didn't take action, so naturally someone else did. Two monks wearing fiery red robes emerged from the space. They looked around before striding towards the entrance of the cave.


Just as the two people approached the entrance of the cave, some hidden restrictions were triggered, and then a big flaming hand suddenly came out of the deep hole, and just grabbed the two people into the hole. The two people didn't even have a chance to resist. None, not even a scream for the time being.

"One of these two people is a junior human immortal, and the other is an intermediate human immortal. They can be easily killed by the other party. This shows that the power of the secret is at least a high-level human immortal, or even higher."

"Maybe it's not a living person, but maybe some methods left behind by someone."


Jiang Huo and Ye Lin came back. Looking at their expressions, it was clear that Jiang Zeming and his two men should have been dealt with.

"Someone was here just now."

"I knew someone was coming back, but it seems like he's dead."

"It's just the right time to die."

Jiang Huo and Ye Lin looked at each other and used a secret technique to collect all the essence and blood of the four people they had just killed, and then sacrificed them again. The big hand in the cave appeared again. After swallowing the essence and blood, the entrance of the cave exploded. There was a change, the power of space fluctuated, the previous entrance to the cave disappeared, and then a simple stone door appeared.

Next, Jiang Huo and Ye Lin simultaneously took out something similar to a medicine spoon and inserted it into the hole in the stone door. The stone door glowed with a soft luster and then slowly opened.

"This is the real entrance, right?" Chen Feng observed secretly.


"Hahahahaha, the treasure of the Yin Yang Saint turns out to be here. It's really lucky. We didn't expect to encounter it. What luck, this is really luck."

At this time, loud laughter came from the sky, and several monks arrived.

"No, someone is here again, go in first."

Jiang Huo and Ye Lin looked at each other, and their expressions really changed this time. They did not stay to fight with each other, but quickly entered the passage.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Four more monks also entered the passage immediately.

These four monks are much stronger than the four Jiang Zemings before them, and one of them is in the realm of a high-level human immortal.

After everything calmed down, Chen Feng finally appeared. However, Chen Feng did not enter it immediately. Instead, he stretched out his hand to grab. The space fluctuated, and a trace of invisible energy was grabbed by Chen Feng. This was Du Haolong who was killed just now. The souls of Du Haoqiu and Du Haoqiu have not completely dissipated.

Of course, this could only be regarded as a soul fragment, but it was enough for Chen Feng, and he quickly got what he wanted to know.

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