Eternal Existence

Chapter 856 Red Planet

Being stabbed by Chen Feng's bone spear, the Devouring Beast's fate fell to the bottom. Knowing that it was impossible for it to escape, it was furious and thought that it would drag Chen Feng down with it before it died.


The magic flames all over its body began to burn. This was the fire of its life burning, stimulating all its potential. The injuries on its body were completely healed in the blink of an eye. It seemed that the Devouring Beast had returned to normal, but this was at the cost of burning billions of lives. Even if the Longevity Tower let it go, the Devouring Beast would hardly survive.

"Not good!"

Chen Feng felt a strong sense of crisis and knew that it was not good. He used all his strength to activate the Longevity Wings, and his body shape kept flashing and changing, trying to avoid the Devouring Beast's attack range.


However, the full burst of a supreme immortal was enough to destroy a world. Unless Chen Feng completely condensed the Longevity Wings, he would not be able to avoid the opponent's attack.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Eye of the Deep Sea emerged from Chen Feng's body and quickly became tens of thousands of miles long. It wrapped Chen Feng up and rotated rapidly to continuously resist the energy that was impacting.


The Devouring Beast jumped up and punched, and the Eye of the Deep Sea was directly blown up. Chen Feng flew backwards with his body in tatters, like an inconspicuous little meteor in the starry sky.

However, Chen Feng was relieved.

"Fortunately, I can't die." Chen Feng did not move, letting his body slide away under the powerful force, while constantly dissolving the power in his body and repairing his injuries.

"Almost done." Chen Feng whispered.

A ball of cold air burst out from the Devouring Beast's body, and soon completely wrapped the Devouring Beast. Layers of solid ice continued to grow and spread, covering it. This was the explosion of the Ice and Cold Pearl that had been swallowed into the body before.


The ice layer was broken, but at this time the Longevity Tower had already rushed over. When it shook in the air, the void rolled up, the universe was born and died, and the Devouring Beast turned directly into a ball of flesh and blood, but it was still wriggling violently, trying to recover again.


A beam of light swept past, rolling the ball of flesh and blood into the Longevity Tower.

Once it entered the Longevity Tower, the Devouring Beast had no chance to turn over, and no matter how powerful it was, it could not rush out.


The Longevity Tower turned into a stream of light and disappeared into Chen Feng's body. At the same time, the Eye of the Deep Sea and the Sky-piercing Spear Bone Spear that were shattered also entered the Longevity Tower.

Chen Feng was still flying, but there was already a strong energy around him to protect his body, blocking the invasion of harmful substances in the starry sky.

Chen Feng was seriously injured. Although he saved his name, he could not recover in a short time. However, the tower did not take action, but let Chen Feng resolve the injuries in his body by himself.

In fact, Chen Feng's injuries were not bad. With his strong recovery ability, he could recover quickly. The most difficult thing to deal with was the powerful magic that entered his body. Although Chen Feng could continuously devour various energies by practicing the Heaven-Defying Art, it was still difficult for Chen Feng to devour and resolve the attack of an immortal.

So this takes time, just like a furnace fire, Chen Feng refines the energy in his body step by step and repairs his damaged body.

A full year had passed like this. Chen Feng had no idea how long he had been wandering, nor where he had arrived. When Chen Feng opened his eyes again, he felt that he had the flavor of a starry sky wanderer.

"I can now completely impact the level of a high-level human immortal." Chen Feng said as his body shook, and his strength disappeared. He could travel in the starry sky completely with his physical body. Some harmful substances in the universe and the rays that could penetrate the human body were bounced away or dissolved by the power of Chen Feng's physical body before they fell on Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng's physical strength was comparable to that of a terrestrial immortal who had condensed the power of the Great Dao, and even surpassed the other party in some aspects.

"Tower! You have finally been promoted to the level of an immortal weapon." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Longevity Tower fell into his hand. At this time, the Longevity Tower looked the same from the outside, but Chen Feng could clearly feel the earth-shaking changes in the Longevity Tower from before.

Although the power of the Longevity Tower was also very strong before, it was a bit chaotic. Now it became a bit pure, like a piece of crystal that had been refined to remove impurities, crystal clear, perfect and noble.

Of course, what impressed Chen Feng the most were the waves of power laws flowing in the Changsheng Tower. These laws were obviously condensed by the Changsheng Tower recently. They were the laws of immortal tools, but they were higher than the laws of immortal tools.

"But the fifth floor is still not open, and I still need some time to integrate my previous memories. There are some other things that need to be rewoven. If you have nothing to do recently, don't disturb me. Of course, you can still use the power of the Changsheng Tower itself." After the tower said that, there was no movement.

"Now is not the time to sleep. You have to return to the eternal world first." Chen Feng said.

"I can't find the coordinates in a short time. You can find a way yourself."

"I will find a way myself. I am just a mid-level human immortal, not even a terrestrial immortal."

"Then practice to the terrestrial immortal first."


Then the tower no longer paid attention to Chen Feng. After Chen Feng shouted a few times, he was also a little helpless.

"It seems that the most important thing at the moment is to figure out my current location. Of course, the most important thing is to have a star map."

"I killed several upper immortals before, so there should be some good things on them."

Chen Feng thought about it and immediately started to search. Soon, two star maps appeared in his hands. Chen Feng's spiritual sense swept and imprinted the pictures in the two star maps in his mind.

These two star maps were used to kill the star wanderer before. The maps are still very comprehensive and complex. After all, being able to wander in the starry sky and go to many places that ordinary cultivators cannot compare with.

However, compared with the boundless universe, the two maps marked are just a drop in the ocean, not even a corner of the starry sky.

Soon Chen Feng was disappointed. These two maps were almost useless to Chen Feng.

"It seems that the previous star wanderer should have accidentally wandered to the range of the eternal world, but the main reason is that this place is too far away from the eternal world."

"The most important thing now is to figure out where I am."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Zhoutian compass emerged from his body. The Zhoutian power surged and soon condensed into a small world, and then carried Chen Feng to travel quickly in the starry sky.

When Chen Feng was protected by the Zhoutian Compass, this magic weapon already contained the power of the Great Dao. After following Chen Feng for a long time, it has been promoted to a low-grade Dao weapon after being refined and condensed by Chen Feng. The power of the Eight Diagrams can even evolve into a small world. Of course, this is only an evolution within a small range, which is not even comparable to the Xiaoqian Secret Realm.

But this is also good. Being able to evolve a time means that it has the potential to be promoted to an immortal weapon.

At this time, the Zhoutian Eight Acupoints in Chen Feng's body condensed into the power of the field, which corresponded to the Zhoutian Compass and complemented each other, just like breathing, forming a virtuous cycle, making the communication between Chen Feng and the Zhoutian Compass more intimate. Under the power of the magic weapon, the Zhoutian Eight Acupoints are also more solid and stable, and the power is enhanced.

In this way, Chen Feng traveled in the universe for another three years. The vast starry sky is so vast that sometimes there may not be a planet within a distance of several light years, and as for the life planet, it is even rarer.

However, Chen Feng was lucky. He encountered a large number of planets in the past three years, including some life planets, but these life planets developed too slowly and there were no powerful cultivators on them.

However, for Chen Feng, these life planets added some embellishment to the boring journey. Otherwise, it would be too lonely to fly in the vast starry sky for three years.

"Hey! Another planet appeared in front." At this time, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and then his eyes pierced through the void and found a red planet in the starry sky in front.

At first, Chen Feng felt that it was a star, but after observation, he realized that it was a medium-sized planet with spiritual fluctuations on it. He could not see whether there was life or not. After all, it was too far away, more than 100 million miles away. With Chen Feng's current eyesight, he could only see a rough outline.

"The presence of spiritual energy does not necessarily mean there is life, it's just that the probability is higher. However, this planet is red, the power of fire is very strong, and there are some small planets around it. It seems that the chance of life is not very high."

"But it's okay anyway, you can go and take a look." Then Chen Feng changed the route, the power of the Zhoutian surged, and the Zhoutian compass suddenly accelerated.

A few days later, Chen Feng landed on this red planet. Although this planet looks a bit desolate, there are some plants growing on it, some of which are still very lush. Chen Feng's consciousness spread out and sensed that there are living creatures running.

"It seems to be an ordinary planet." Chen Feng was a little disappointed.

There are indeed many planets in the entire universe, but only a very small part of them have life, and there are very few cultivators among the very few. As for those who can cultivate to a powerful realm, they are even rarer.

Along the way, Chen Feng also encountered several planets with simple life, but there was not much hope at this time.

But then Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the consciousness he exuded suddenly condensed, turning into a spear and stabbing heavily on a mountain peak.

The divine consciousness condensed into substance and penetrated the real object. A big hole was immediately pierced through the mountain thousands of miles away. Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a large piece of fiery red crystal stone.

"Fire spirit stone is equivalent to 10,000 magic crystals. There are only so many on the surface, so what about deep underground." Chen Feng's figure flashed and he was thousands of miles away. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely, and the mountain thousands of feet high was uprooted.

He grabbed it again, and the ground cracked, and a stream of rich spiritual energy emanated from the ground.

"It's a spirit stone mine. There is a part of precious crystals in the deepest part. About 100 million pieces can be mined." Chen Feng's divine consciousness went into the ground and quickly investigated it clearly.

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