Eternal Existence

Chapter 854: Calculating the Devouring Beast

"Why, it's not possible? Okay, the formation is complete. Just wait for the fish to take the bait. I hope it's a big fish. If it's a water monster, just run away."

"If you have such a plan, why don't you set up a teleportation formation in advance." Tower suggested.

"Your suggestion is good." Chen Feng praised.

So Chen Feng spent some time to set up a teleportation formation. This teleportation formation is not too big and can only teleport millions of miles, but it should be enough for escaping.

Then Chen Feng began to wait. This wait lasted another month. Chen Feng felt that his strength had been adjusted to the best state. Then he stomped his feet and activated the Heaven Devouring Demon Art. Chen Feng did not devour anything, but just released the breath of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

I think the creatures below should be able to feel it.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng exerted the breath of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art to the extreme, there was finally movement in the center of the planet, and the amplitude of the movement was constantly increasing.

"Here it comes." Chen Feng hid aside and waited cautiously.


There was no exaggerated movement on the ground, and a demon-shaped monster appeared on the ground.


As soon as the monster appeared, it fell into the formation arranged by Chen Feng. The layers of formations were chained and activated, and half of the planet was covered.

"It is indeed a devouring beast, but its bloodline is impure. It is not an authentic royal family. It should be a side branch. Although it is powerful, its bloodline is not as good as the devouring beast I met for the first time." Chen Feng practiced the Devouring Heaven Demon Art and was naturally more sensitive to the creatures of the demon world.

"A demon god at the level of the upper fairy, this is not easy to deal with." Tower said.

"Fortunately, it is still the demon god stage. If it is the demon emperor, we can go directly. Now we are very confident to deal with the opponent." Chen Feng said while changing his hand seals and urging the forbidden formation to attack the opponent.

"Little human, still just a human fairy, dare to plot against me, really don't know how to live or die." The devouring beast began to grow larger, and the forbidden formations around it began to explode one after another.

However, these destroyed formations recovered quickly under Chen Feng's leadership and became more tenacious and strict.


The Devouring Beast's body has become as big as a mountain, and more forbidden formations have been destroyed.

In fact, the purpose of Chen Feng's arrangement of this formation is to trap the opponent and consume the opponent's power. With Chen Feng's current strength, the formation he arranged can only do this. As for being able to strangle a demon god with the formation, Chen Feng can't do this. Of course, if Chen Feng is promoted to a terrestrial immortal and comprehends the power of the Great Dao, he can kill the opponent across levels if he arranges it in advance.

The Devouring Beast's power is getting stronger and stronger, and more power bursts out from its body. The formation arranged by Chen Feng is destroyed in pieces.

However, Chen Feng is not nervous. On the contrary, he calmly casts a series of restrictions, and pieces of spirit stones fly out. Under Chen Feng's arrangement, they fall in a certain direction to replenish energy.

"What a pity, some materials are not enough, otherwise, with the help of the power of the Longevity Tower, some killing formations can be arranged." Chen Feng secretly regrets.

"Small formation, you still want to trap me, break it for me."

The huge fist suddenly rushed into the sky, and actually punched a big hole in Chen Feng's formation, but the surrounding power surged, and the big hole closed again in an instant.

"Watch me break the planet."


The powerful force hit the planet, and the purpose of the Devouring Beast was very simple, that is, to blow up the planet with one punch.

"I have been prepared for this trick of yours." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and a stream of power surged from his feet, connecting with the earth. The forbidden runes spread out densely, as if to cover the entire planet.

The power of the Devouring Beast was transmitted to the void through the formation.

The Devouring Beast punched hundreds of punches in one breath. Chen Feng calculated that it consumed tens of millions of immortal crystals to maintain the formation, and he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"I can make up for it after refining the opponent." Chen Feng comforted himself in this way.

The Devouring Beast seemed a little tired and finally stopped moving, but Chen Feng knew that the other party was going to change his moves. After all, the Devouring Beast absorbed the power of the entire planet. Not to mention throwing hundreds of punches, even if it fought for a hundred days, it would not be tired.

Sure enough, the Devouring Beast stopped attacking next. Two black holes appeared on its huge claws, and it began to frantically devour the power of the formation.

The Devouring Heaven Magic Art was activated.

"What a pity, the Devouring Heaven Magic Art practiced by this Devouring Beast is very incomplete, and it is probably not as complete as the one I practiced." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Since you want to devour, let you devour enough." Chen Feng was not worried about the other party absorbing the formation. On the contrary, Chen Feng continued to replenish various energies into it.

After devouring energy for a period of time, the Devouring Beast actually stopped and began to refine the energy in its body.

At this time, Chen Feng began to attack, taking out the Sky-piercing Spear and waving it continuously. The power of the immortal weapon was doubled after the blessing of the formation. The Sky-piercing Spear itself was a magic weapon of the main attack type. At this time, the power increase was already dangerous to the Devouring Beast.

After an attack, the Devouring Beast had several more scars on his body.

Having devoured too much energy before, it was difficult to devour the power of the immortal weapon now.

"It's just a low-grade immortal weapon, come here." The Devouring Beast grabbed it with its big hand, and the power it devoured in its body suddenly gushed out, breaking the restrictions in front of it one after another, and the huge palm actually penetrated the layers of magic array and grabbed Chen Feng.

"Just in time!"

When the big hand stirred, Chen Feng felt that the world was turning upside down, and time and space were in disorder. He knew that this was the power of the immortal, suppressing his mind in terms of realm.


Chen Feng communicated with the Changsheng Heaven Realm again, and at the same time, the Devouring Heaven Demon Art and the Devouring Heaven Absorption Technique in his body started to work at the same time.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Sky-piercing Spear pierced out like lightning, but still couldn't resist the power from the big hand, but Chen Feng also successfully swallowed some power from the opponent's big hand.

Chen Feng certainly wouldn't refine these powers, and he didn't have time to refine them now. Instead, he stored them in the Changsheng Tower and would refine them later when he had time, or they would be directly swallowed by the Changsheng Tower.

"Demon Art of Devouring Heaven. You actually practiced the Demon Art of Devouring Heaven, it's impossible, you're just a human. Just now, it was the breath of the Demon Art of Devouring Heaven that attracted me." The Devouring Beast shouted, trying to take back the big hand.

"Nothing is impossible."

The Changsheng Tower flew out of Chen Feng's body, and a stream of light shot out, condensing into a talisman. Although it didn't really fix the Devouring Beast's big hand, it slowed down the opponent's movements.

During this, Chen Feng took the Sky-piercing Spear and quickly pierced a blood hole in the opponent's palm, and then a large amount of blood and blood gushed out.

When the Devouring Beast roared and retracted its palm, the entire palm had completely shriveled, and spread to its limbs, and the blood and blood in it were completely devoured.

Unexpectedly, the Devouring Beast suddenly calmed down from its rage, and the blood and qi flowed, and the shriveled palm returned to normal again, with full flesh and blood, looking as if it had not been injured.


The Devouring Beast's body began to shrink, and finally turned into two meters tall, the long hair on its body retracted into its body, revealing strong muscles, fangs and claws began to retract, and the facial features became clear, and soon the Devouring Beast turned into a strong human monk.

The huge change, the quiet Devouring Beast gave Chen Feng a more dangerous feeling.

"Human, I think we should have a good talk." The Devouring Beast calmed down and actually began to communicate with Chen Feng.

"Oh! What's there to talk about? My goal this time is to kill you and devour all your blood and essence." Chen Feng smiled, and his hands kept moving to repair the magic array that had just been destroyed.

The Devouring Beast did not stop Chen Feng's actions, which made Chen Feng more alert.

"It's very simple. As long as you hand over the Heaven Devouring Demon Art you practiced, I won't kill you." The Devouring Beast said with a smile.

"Kill me, how can you kill me in this state? My goal today is to kill you." Chen Feng waved his hand, and tens of thousands of fairy crystals flew out and disappeared in the array in an instant, replenishing the energy for the array.

"Boy, although you have also practiced the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, your cultivation is too low after all. Although you have used the array and magic weapons, you are far from my strength. The most important thing is that I didn't use all my strength just now." The Devouring Beast talked quietly, looking like a businessman.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are only a demon god. If you reach the level of a demon emperor, I might hand over the Heaven Devouring Demon Art."

"It seems that you have confidence in yourself. I can completely break these little tricks you set up, but I don't want to waste that energy. This is the last chance. Hand over the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, otherwise you will die."

"Let's do it." Chen Feng said lightly, his feet slammed heavily, and the whole planet seemed to shake. The layers of formations were fully activated, constantly strangling the Devouring Beast.

"In this case, I will let you see my power." The Devouring Beast stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The restrictions in front of him exploded one after another. Then the Devouring Beast opened its mouth and sucked it, and all the chaotic energy was absorbed.


Another grab, another pop, the restrictions exploded again, and then the exploded power was swallowed again.



A punch was thrown, and the fist force completely penetrated the magic circle. The magic flames began to burn, and the magic circle arranged by Chen Feng quickly melted.

"Devil flames burn the sky!"

More devil flames gushed out from the Devouring Beast. This was a black flame. Under this flame, hard rocks, the spiritual energy in the void, and the spiritual consciousness condensed by the cultivators would all be burned out.

Chen Feng's face was calm. With a wave of his hand, two ice cold beads flew out. One kept spinning in Chen Feng's hand, emitting rolling cold air to wrap the devil flames. The other flew out quickly and suppressed the Devouring Beast. Wherever it passed, the cold air was filled and the space began to crystallize.

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