Eternal Existence

Chapter 851 Swallowing the Primordial Dazzling Light


The wandering monk groaned, his face was very ugly. His life magic weapon was destroyed. He suffered a great loss because he did not collect the Primordial Dazzling Light.

Others had originally planned to do so, but seeing the fate of this monk, they all became honest. They could only watch the Purple Blood Clan's monks succeed, and they were jealous and envious.

"Hmph, I forgot that the Purple Blood Clan has the Hun Tian Gourd." The monks of Moruotian and the monks of Tianhuo Clan quickly discussed and then took out a small porcelain bottle.

Under the joint efforts of the two, the porcelain bottle opened and began to absorb the Primordial Dazzling Light, but the speed was much slower than the Purple Blood Clan's Hun Tian Gourd.

But it was much better than having no solution.

"This is a magic weapon blessed by a master. I think it should be a true immortal." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Try my Qiankun bag!"

The huge Qiankun bag floated up, which could hold a world, but only a trace of the Primordial Dazzling Light penetrated the Qiankun bag.

Then two more people used magic weapons and successfully collected some of the primordial dazzling light, but the amount was limited and it stopped soon, unlike the Hun Tian Gourd and the porcelain bottle.

"Each strand of the primordial dazzling light weighs billions of pounds, and it also contains the laws of the primordial power of the universe. It is not something that ordinary magic weapons can collect." Chen Feng suddenly laughed when he said this.

"However, although the strength of the Changsheng Tower has fallen seriously, its quality is still there. Not to mention these primordial dazzling lights, even if there are hundreds or thousands of times more, it can still be swallowed."

"Tower, your chance has come. I think after swallowing these energies, you should be able to restore the level of immortal tools, right?"

"Almost." The tower was also a little excited. Without Chen Feng saying much, it automatically flew out and fell into Chen Feng's hands, and then emitted a strong suction force to start swallowing the primordial dazzling light.

In fact, the primordial dazzling light in front of him is not impossible to collect, but the problem is how to store it after collecting it. Although the cultivators present can also take out some immortal tools, they are still not qualified to carry this energy from the beginning of the universe.

Although the Longevity Tower is not as powerful as these immortal weapons, its quality is really high, far beyond the reach of these immortal weapons. It is not for attacking, but for containing these primordial dazzling lights.

Besides, the Longevity Tower does not absorb the primordial dazzling lights for nothing, but quickly refines them to increase its own strength.


"How is it possible!"

At this time, everyone exclaimed. These cultivators are all powerful and have a pure mind. At this time, they all exclaimed when they saw the action of the Longevity Tower.

The Hun Tian Gourd is grown on the innate divine object Zihao Luo vine, but at this time it can only absorb a little bit, while the Longevity Tower absorbs it in streams. The primordial dazzling lights rushing into the Longevity Tower like a stream.

At first, everyone thought that so much primordial dazzling lights would definitely burst the Longevity Tower, and even Chen Feng might be seriously injured or die.

However, the speed of the Longevity Tower's absorption was getting faster and faster, but it remained safe and sound. The Longevity Tower was slightly vibrating in Chen Feng's palm, and a stream of pale yellow light was released. Chen Feng clearly felt that the strength of the Longevity Tower was improving and recovering.

The speed of swallowing was getting faster and faster. At first, it was only the scale of a stream, but soon it became a long river, and then a big river.

"Tower! How is it?"

"It's so cool, it's really too cool. You still have to leave the eternal world and enter the universe to gain something."

As the Longevity Tower swallowed, the light band in front of it began to shrink slowly, and at the same time, the floating island and the hall in the light band began to change.

"Look!" Someone shouted.

There seemed to be waves rising around the floating island, but everyone knew that it was caused by power. The palace also began to flash with light, a trace of new ideas began to grow, and the ancient palace began to exude vitality.

"The palace is about to revive. What is inside?"

"Open the passage quickly."

"Little guy of the Immortal Clan, do you need help?"

"Don't bother everyone. You should wait to enter the palace and collect the treasures next." Chen Feng said loudly.

What a joke. At this time, the Immortal Tower is constantly growing in strength. No one can disturb it. Once the Immortal Tower swallows all the Primordial Dazzle and recovers its strength, there is no need to worry about these cultivators being unfavorable to itself. Who knows, Chen Feng will attack these people at that time.

"Damn it!"

The cultivator of the Purple Blood Clan was secretly angry and hated Chen Feng to the extreme in his heart. If Chen Feng hadn't taken action, the Primordial Dazzle in front of him would not be his.

The cultivators of the Sky Fire Clan and Mo Luotian also looked unhappy, but these people had no choice. If they stopped Chen Feng, others would definitely not be willing. Besides, looking at the power of the Immortal Tower, these people were not sure to attack Chen Feng.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the end, the primordial dazzling light began to rush towards the Longevity Tower at a speed of a thousand horses galloping. Finally, when the primordial dazzling light decreased to a certain extent, some holes appeared in the barrier, and soon the holes expanded to form a passage.


The monks who had been waiting immediately took action and rushed through the passage towards the floating island.

"Let's go!"

The purple blood clan could no longer absorb the primordial dazzling light, and after putting away the Hun Tian gourd, they also rushed up. As for the monks of Moruo Tian and Tianhuo clan, they had already rushed in first.

All the cultivators disappeared, only Chen Feng remained motionless, holding the Changsheng Tower and constantly devouring the reputation of the primordial glare.

In Chen Feng's view, the uncertain treasure ahead is far inferior to the primordial glare in front of him, and only the things that can increase strength are good things.

"Good! Very good, I have been promoted to another level, and the fifth floor of the tower will be opened soon."

"It's not far from the level of immortal weapons."

"Hurry up, hurry up, the power is still not enough!"

At this time, the tower became more and more urgent, and Chen Feng's heart also beat violently.

Finally, all the primordial glare was swallowed up, and the Changsheng Tower vibrated violently. Chen Feng and the Changsheng Tower were closely connected, and he could accurately and clearly feel the situation of the Changsheng Tower.

"The energy is still not enough." Chen Feng's excited mood began to fall.

"It's almost possible to restore the power of the immortal weapon. What a pity, but now it should be no problem to suppress the middle-grade immortal weapon, and it is not so difficult to kill these immortals." The tower said with some emotion.

"That's good, that's good." Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

The Longevity Tower is different from other immortal artifacts. If an immortal artifact absorbs and refines so much energy, it is not a problem to upgrade to a higher grade, but for the Longevity Tower, it is just to restore some power.

However, what makes Chen Feng happy is that the dense gaps on the tower have disappeared a lot, and most of the places have become smooth, making the Longevity Tower look less shabby and more spiritual.

"I didn't expect that the first treasure of the clan is in my hands." Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"Tower, what is on the fifth floor?"

"Ah! Actually, there is nothing. I was almost broken in a big battle at that time. What else can be left?" The tower sighed.

But then the tower changed the topic and said: "But there are still some things left."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up immediately. The Longevity Tower is at least a powerful existence in the heavens. A little bit of something left is enough to digest.

"What is it?" Chen Feng asked anxiously.

"Let me think about it. Oh, I really can't remember it. Forget it. I'll know it naturally when I open the fifth floor." The tower kept it a secret at this time. Chen Feng had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

It was his own fault that he didn't have enough strength, otherwise he could force it open.

"In that case, forget it. Let's go see what's ahead. If we can get some treasures to swallow, the strength will naturally be enough. If it doesn't work, kill all these people and strengthen our strength." Chen Feng said, and rushed towards the floating island.

"You are really ruthless." The tower said with a smile.

"It has to be ruthless. The news that the Changsheng Tower still exists has been known by the guys in the Great Brahma. It's hard to guarantee that these people will not doubt it. There will definitely be big trouble next, but my strength is still far from enough." Chen Feng felt a headache when he thought about it.

Before Chen Feng entered the hall, he heard the sound of fighting and snatching coming from inside, and the whole floating island began to shake.

Chen Feng landed on the floating island, and then he found that the entire floating island was carved from a huge meteorite, and the mysterious power was growing and reviving.

"This floating island is a treasure. I wonder who left it?"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Under the struggle of the crowd, cracks began to appear in the palace, and chaotic power clashed out.

"This palace has existed for too long, and the power of the ban has been greatly weakened." Chen Feng did not rush forward, but just waited outside.

Because Chen Feng felt that the fight in the palace had become white-hot, and several people had begun to fight desperately. It was not a good time to go in at this time.


Finally, a big hole was punched through a wall of the palace, and a monk rushed out of it in a mess. This person was beaten out.

This is a starry sky wanderer.

Chen Feng strode forward, and the sky-piercing spear had appeared in his hand. He stabbed it fiercely, and with a puff, the sky-piercing spear penetrated the opponent's body.


The starry sky wanderer felt the vitality in his body was rapidly fading away, and the tyrannical force was still destroying the vitality in his body, and even cracks appeared in his soul.

If he had not been injured, he could still disintegrate and escape from the true spirit, but now he felt powerless.

"Spare me." This person could only beg for mercy.

"No." Chen Feng answered very straightforwardly, and with a wave of his hand, the cultivator came to the Longevity Tower, and then with a bang, he was killed by the power of the Longevity Tower, and turned into rolling energy and merged into the Longevity Tower.

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