Eternal Existence

Chapter 849 Treasure

Just when the two were about to go forward and kill Chen Feng, a huge meteorite exploded, and a crystal as big as a hill flew out.

This crystal was wrapped in the meteorite. The meteorite exploded, and the crystal appeared. It was bluish-white and had no specific shape, just like a large crystal or transparent jade.

"Void crystal! Such a large void crystal." The eyes of the demon god and the wandering monk were all bright. They no longer paid attention to Chen Feng, but rushed towards the huge crystal at the same time.


Another meteorite exploded, and this time it was a black crystal. Although the size was not as big as the void crystal just now, it also attracted the purple blood clan monks and the sky fire clan monks who were trying to snatch the immortal weapon.

"It's the essence of black yao!"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

At this time, the monks who had just arrived also saw this scene.

"How can there be such a large ore? This is equivalent to a divine object. Could it be that this is a treasure?"

"It's possible."

The monks who came in took action one after another and smashed all the meteorites around. Sure enough, some ore and spiritual stones flew out.

One of them even found a pond-sized spiritual liquid from a huge meteorite. The spiritual liquid floated, and the breath it exuded made the monks around feel that their souls became much more transparent.

"It's Tianyang True Water, which can only be bred inside a star. I didn't expect it to be found here. The value of this Tianyang True Water is no less than that fairy weapon just now."

"This is a piece of five-colored divine iron. Well, it just so happens that my magic weapon needs to be upgraded. With this piece of five-colored divine iron, everything is done."

More and more treasures were discovered, many of which were divine objects. At this time, Chen Feng had become big and it didn't matter. Even the ancient thunder god halberd was inserted into a meteorite. People no longer robbed the fairy weapon, but continued to smash the meteorites to find more treasures.

"Is there really a treasure here?" Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a fist-sized jade stone in his hand.

"This is the Nine Suns Jade, a divine object." Chen Feng waved his hand and threw the jade stone into the Changsheng Tower, which was instantly refined and absorbed by the Changsheng Tower.

"Unfortunately, it's too small, but it's already very good for me." The tower said with a smile.

"In that case, let's do it." Chen Feng said as he punched out, and the meteorites in front of him were broken one after another, and several more pieces of ore were grabbed by Chen Feng.

"If there weren't so many people robbing, all the treasures would be swallowed by the Changsheng Tower, then the strength of the Changsheng Tower would be able to recover to a higher level." Chen Feng thought to himself.

In order not to rob with these monks, Chen Feng's figure flashed quickly and rushed deeper into the meteorite group. As for how big this meteorite group was, Chen Feng didn't know, but thought that since there were so many treasures in the outer area, wouldn't there be more in the depths.

However, Chen Feng thought of this, and so did others, and some were even faster than Chen Feng.


Another planet-like meteorite was shattered, and this time a giant spiritual stone came out. This spiritual stone was so big that it shocked Chen Feng.

In Chen Feng's opinion, if this spiritual stone was cut into pieces, it would be at least over 10 billion, which is more than a large mineral vein.

More importantly, the spiritual stone in front of him was higher in grade than the immortal crystal.

"This is the Xuanhuang Jade Crystal! My God, such a big piece." Chen Feng, who was born in a noble family, was scared. At this time, Chen Feng no longer cared whether the existence of the Longevity Tower would be exposed. He directly opened the Longevity Tower and swallowed this giant spiritual stone.

This spiritual stone can greatly increase its strength even if it is refined by the Longevity Tower. If it is used for daily cultivation, it will be better than the effect of the immortal crystal.

Xuanhuang Jade Crystal, which contains the innate Xuanhuang Qi, is also a kind of cosmic origin power, and even existed before the universe was formed.

After absorbing it, the cultivator can condense it into the Xuanhuang body. Of course, the success rate is too low, second only to the Chaos Body, but this kind of energy is exactly what Chen Feng needs, and it has infinite benefits for condensing the Wonton Body.

"It's the Xuanhuang Jade Crystal, boy, call it out, and you can be spared from death."

"No, it was the breath of the Longevity Tower just now. The junior should have a very high status in the Longevity Clan. He actually has a replica of the Longevity Tower."

The Longevity Tower was broken in the war a million years ago. This person naturally thought that the Longevity Tower on Chen Feng was a replica later.

Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then laughed. If that's the case, it's even better.

"Tower, quickly refine it!" Chen Feng also felt the crisis of the matter.

"You don't need to say this." The Longevity Tower vibrated rapidly and was rapidly devouring the energy in the Xuanhuang Jade Crystal.

Swish swish swish!

Under the swallowing of the Longevity Tower, the Xuanhuang Jade Crystal shrank rapidly, and Chen Feng gritted his teeth secretly at this speed.

"It seems that there are not many left." Chen Feng was boiling rapidly. Sometimes the meteorites around him would explode wherever he passed, but nothing good happened next, causing a cultivator to catch up with Chen Feng.

"Boy, come here."

The one who made the move was a cultivator from the Great Brahma Heaven. This cultivator was powerful and used the Great Brahma Heaven Palm. With one grab, the starry sky was blocked, and the meteorites covered by the palm power exploded one after another.


Chen Feng swung the Sky-piercing Spear with all his strength, opened a passage, and quickly jumped onto a fast-moving meteorite.

"Let's see how long you can hold on." The cultivator from the Great Brahma Heaven made another move, still grabbing lightly, but Chen Feng felt that he was willing but not strong enough.

The sky-piercing spear in his hand was swung several times without breaking the opponent's defense.

"Come here." The man's palm had already landed on Chen Feng's shoulder.

"Tower!" Chen Feng shouted.


The shadow of the Eternal Life Tower suddenly appeared, and its tyrannical power unfolded, directly pulling the monks of Brahma into the Eternal Life Tower.



Another phantom of the Eternal Life Tower appeared inside the Eternal Life Tower, heavily suppressing the person. At the same time, the 100,000-strong formation rotated rapidly, and countless silk thread networks densely bound the person's body.

"Ah! How is it possible to suppress me?" The monk of Brahma struggled violently, and powerful forces conflicted from his body.

The third floor of the Eternal Life Tower opened, and countless laws of power flew out from it, falling on the shadow of the Eternal Life Tower, making the shadow of the Eternal Life Tower become thicker.

The fourth floor of the Eternal Life Tower also opened with a bang, and a flashing talisman fell on the shadow of the Eternal Life Tower, and finally turned into a Zhen character.


The monks of Great Brahma began to crack all over their bodies, as if they could not withstand the suppressive power of the Eternal Life Tower.

The tower flew over and stood in front of this person. He stretched out his palm and pressed it on the shadow of the Eternal Life Tower. A look of horror immediately appeared on the face of the Brahma monk: "How is it possible? This is the original body of the Eternal Life Tower. Hasn't the Eternal Life Tower been destroyed?" What will happen again?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the monk of Brahma exploded completely, and his body turned into streams of pure energy and was completely swallowed up by the Tower of Eternal Life.

"So what if you kill me? This is just an incarnation of me. Hahahaha. The Tower of Eternal Life is born. I deserve to make great contributions. No, no, it is my great opportunity. I will come to collect the Tower of Eternal Life again." The spiritual consciousness of the monk named Brahma is still fluctuating.

"Fortunately, the other party is not me, and only has the strength of a junior immortal. But in this way, the news of my existence will be exposed." Ta said lightly, not surprised that he did not devour an immortal.

"There is nothing we can do. We can only use troops to cover up the water and the earth." Chen Feng said, his body flashed quickly, and he collected another huge piece of ore, which was a piece of five elements fine gold.


When the monks behind him saw this scene, they slowed down in surprise. In the eyes of these people, Chen Feng used a magic weapon to suppress the Brahma monk, and then the monk never came out again.

"Everyone, if you are chasing, don't blame me for being rude. Although my level is low, I still have no problem killing a few people." Chen Feng's voice continued to float among the meteorites.

"It's easy to stop us. Just take out the black yellow jade crystal."

"With such a good thing, why don't you take out the Nine Heavens Chiyao Stone you just got." Chen Feng sneered and ignored the other party.

Since the Eternal Life Tower can kill one person, it can kill a second person, so Chen Feng is not too worried now.

With so many immortals taking action, pieces of meteorites exploded, and treasures kept appearing. Fortunately, this group of meteorites was large enough, otherwise they would have been wiped out by these people long ago.

"How big is this meteorite group? It has no end yet. I think it won't be that simple." Chen Feng moved forward quickly. Fortunately, treasures appeared frequently. Some other immortals stopped chasing Chen Feng for the time being, and let him Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a pity. I don't know whose hands the Ancient Thunder God's Great Halberd fell into. If it can be broken and refined, the power of the Eternal Life Tower can be increased." Chen Feng felt a little pity.

"No need to be pity, there are a lot of good things here. The shadow of the Eternal Life Tower emerges from the body, constantly swallowing the spiritual objects exploded from the meteorite. Anyway, the Eternal Life Tower has been exposed, and there is no point in hiding it. What do you mean? Besides, except for the monks from Brahma who just killed, the other people present are just characters. This is an imitation. What’s more, there are only a few people from the world of immortality who can recognize the Tower of Eternal Life. Immortal weapons and No matter how powerful the monks in the demon world are, they still don’t know the origin of the Tower of Eternal Life.

"Okay, my strength has returned to another level now." The shadow of the Eternal Life Tower became somewhat condensed, and the dark yellow tower body began to shine and flow.

"Hey! There's a bright light ahead." At this time, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, his eyes widened, and all the meteorites began to float around according to a certain pattern.

Soon, a wide and fluttering light band with no end appeared in front of Chen Feng. This light band floated in an arc and was light yellow. It blocked all the meteorites from outside. Chen Feng even saw a small mountain-like piece of light. The meteorite was shattered into pieces before it even got close to the light belt, leaving not even the hard ore inside.

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