Eternal Existence

Chapter 847: Snatching Food from the Tiger’s Mouth

"Purple Blood Clan, Sky Fire Clan, Chen Feng, what are you talking about? Do you know these people?" Fairy Liandie couldn't help asking again.

In Fairy Liandie's opinion, Chen Feng became more mysterious, and it seemed that he was not just a cultivator from the Eternal World.

"You haven't ascended to the fairyland yet, so this kind of thing is not something you can get involved in. Knowing too much is sometimes not a good thing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Humph, your realm is not as good as mine, so you know more."

"I'm different from you."

"Forget it, it's nothing."


During the fight, the meteorites floating in the starry sky of the universe were affected, and a huge meteorite was knocked away. A cultivator who was watching was unable to dodge and was blown into a pulp.

This was a high-level earth immortal, and he died in the impact. The battle escalated and became more and more fierce. The cultivators watching from a distance felt unsafe, and even the Eternal World would be affected.


Sure enough, the Eternal World seemed to feel threatened. A stream of yellow light emerged from deep underground, and soon formed a huge barrier, which could not stop the waves of power impact from the starry sky.

This is the defense that the will of the Eternal World emits when it encounters danger. With a defense of 10%, it is extremely difficult for cultivators from other worlds to enter except for the cultivators of the Eternal World itself. If they force their way in, they will be attacked by the Eternal World.

Chen Feng's eyes were deep and deep. He looked through the yellow barrier and saw every move of the Eternal World. Because of the outbreak of the will of the Eternal World, powerful benefits were produced. Many cultivators who were practicing at the bottleneck stage broke through one after another. Even Chen Feng felt that his mind was washed by a stream of energy over and over again, which made him have a deeper understanding of the Great Dao.

It can be said that although Chen Feng communicated with the Eternal Heaven and cut off the world's shackles on himself, he had lived in the Eternal World for so many years. In the dark, he still had some connection with the Eternal World.

What's more, he was wrapped in the Eternal Tower and landed in the Eternal World. This was a cause and effect and fate in itself.

In order to snatch the ancient thunder god halberd, the battle became more and more intense, and some people joined in. Two of them exuded a vicissitudes of life. They were star wanderers. It was unknown how long they had practiced in the starry sky. Their cultivation was very condensed and their moves were also domineering and ruthless.

Each of these people had immortal weapons in their hands, and some even had magic weapons that were no less powerful than the ancient thunder god halberd.

"It's chaos, this is a war. I'm afraid that one star field will be destroyed in this melee. Several immortal weapons are constantly colliding. The Eternal World may not be able to hold on." At this time, Chen Feng had already seen the barrier above the Eternal World shaking violently, and it seemed that it would break at any time.

Once the barrier was broken, it was unknown how many cultivators would be killed or injured in the Eternal World. Thinking of this, Chen Feng moved his body and controlled the Eye of the Deep Sea to rush up.

"Chen Feng, you are crazy." Fairy Liandie shouted hurriedly.

"Everyone, if you want to fight, please change the battlefield." Chen Feng roared with his strongest power.

However, it was obvious that Chen Feng's actions did not cause any fluctuations, and the battle continued. A cultivator of Chen Feng's level could not even attract the attention of these people.

Chen Feng roared again, this time it was a strong soul wave that rushed into the battlefield, but the soul wave disappeared as soon as it entered the battlefield.

"Get out of here!"

Finally someone responded, and a sword light slashed at Chen Feng with a wave of his hand.


Another sword light rushed over, and the two sword lights collided and disappeared without a trace. It was Biqing who took action.

"Boy, leave here quickly." Chen Feng received Biqing's voice transmission.

In fact, Biqing was also helpless. It was too difficult to lead these people away. If it was just one or two people fighting, they could go wherever they wanted, but now there were dozens of people, all of whom were immortals who could destroy the world. Biqing was trapped in it and couldn't get out. Just now, he barely rescued Chen Feng.

"Let's go quickly. This level of fighting is not something we can participate in. We can't even watch it." Fairy Liandie was also a little anxious.

To put it bluntly, Fairy Liandie is just a top-level human immortal, and the gap between her and these upper immortals is too big. Just watching the battle from a distance makes her feel a throbbing in her soul. Seeing Chen Feng rushing up, she immediately feels a sense of fear.



At this time, cracks have begun to appear in the barrier above the Eternal World.


Finally, the barrier was broken, and the strong fluctuations generated by the battle rushed into the Eternal World. The strong wind was blown away, and the earth began to sink. In just one breath, the thunder domain of hundreds of thousands of miles disappeared.


"I don't know if Chihuo Hou has left." Chen Feng was shocked.

The thunder domain disappeared, and no cultivators screamed, because everything in the affected area disappeared, including life. Then the residents and cultivators around the thunder domain began to flee in panic.

In this doomsday situation, ordinary people can only scream, and the cultivators just run away. The power just now is more destructive than the power of heaven.

"It's too late. I don't know how many people will die this time." Chen Feng waved his hand and pushed Fairy Liandie thousands of miles away.

"Leave here." After Chen Feng spoke, the sea eye turned suddenly, and Chen Feng actually rushed towards the ancient thunder god halberd.

"This guy is really crazy." Fairy Liandie could only say this after seeing Chen Feng's actions.

The monks who were fighting naturally discovered Chen Feng's actions, but no one tried to stop him. In everyone's opinion, a small monk of Chen Feng's level could not even get close to the Chaos Ancient Thunder Halberd.

Sure enough, after reaching a certain range, Chen Feng could no longer get close.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and communicated with the Eternal Heaven Realm. The power of the Eternal Heaven Realm was immediately added, which made Chen Feng's overall cultivation level continue to rise. Now Chen Feng even felt that he could fully exert the power of the Eye of the Deep Sea.

But it was not enough, because this immortal weapon was snatched by everyone and its power had been stimulated. Chen Feng's current level was only able to get close, and it was simply impossible to pick it up.

"Tower, help me activate the power of the Sky-piercing Spear."

At this time, Chen Feng also fought hard. According to Chen Feng's original intention, he did not want to expose his strength, but now it was no longer possible. Every time he delayed for a minute, the Eternal World would be severely damaged, and I don't know how many people would be killed or injured.


The power of the immortal weapon wrapped around his whole body, and Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the Chaos Ancient Thunder Halberd.


The fighting immortals were all stunned, and even stopped fighting, looking at Chen Feng with surprised and shocked eyes.

"How is it possible? This kid is just a human immortal. How can he pick up this ancient immortal weapon?"


Chen Feng grabbed the ancient thunder god halberd and turned into a stream of light, flying quickly to the distance. In just a blink of an eye, he was 100,000 miles away. After a few eyes, he could go farther and farther, without stopping, and his speed was even faster.

"This kid originally had an immortal weapon to protect himself. We were careless. It's really funny. Today, he was tricked by a little human immortal."

"Just a little human immortal."

The cultivator who attacked Chen Feng before attacked again. A sword light flashed, crossed the void, and instantly reached a million miles away, and slashed at Chen Feng with undiminished power.

"You are looking for death." Bi Qing was furious and stepped forward to fight with this man.

This is a wanderer in the universe and the stars. He has real cultivation and his combat power is even better than Biqing. After all, Biqing only relied on the power of the Biluo Heavenly Realm to reach the level of the upper immortal in a short period of time.

Seeing that the sword light was about to fall on Chen Feng, with a bang, a passage appeared in the void. Chen Feng entered it and immediately disappeared. The sword light just now fell into the air. When Chen Feng appeared again, he had traveled millions of miles.


"No matter how powerful this kid is, he is only a human immortal. This immortal weapon can't be taken away by this kid no matter what."

"Yes, the immortal weapon is a small matter, but the face is big. If this kid takes the immortal weapon under our noses, how can we survive in the future."

These upper immortals are not worried that the immortal weapon will fall into Chen Feng's hands, because in their eyes, they can snatch it at any time.


One of them took a step and reached a distance of 100,000 miles away. He took a few steps to shorten the distance between him and Chen Feng. This kind of action of stepping forward in the starry sky to shorten the void can only be done by the upper immortals at least.

Boom! ‘

Another person was like a burning meteor, quickly cutting through the void, and soon surpassed the cultivator who had stepped forward before.


Another person punched a passage in the void, entered it, and appeared again a million miles away.

Everyone used their magical powers to shuttle through the starry sky at an extremely fast speed, and meteorites from the surrounding planets kept floating by.

“Hurry up!”

Chen Feng had already taken out the Sky-piercing Spear. Every time he waved the spear, he would open a passage and then shuttle through it. This was of course with the help of the power of the Longevity Tower. Even so, the immortals behind him were getting closer and closer, and Chen Feng felt a strong sense of crisis.

At this time, I don’t know how far I have traveled, maybe more than 100 million miles.

In fact, Chen Feng had already relaxed in his heart. Being away from the eternal world, it didn’t matter if he fought again. Of course, Chen Feng also felt a little exhausted at this time.

"It's no use throwing out the Chaos Ancient Thunder God Halberd now. These guys are already angry and will definitely kill me." Chen Feng smiled bitterly, feeling that his previous actions were a bit impulsive, but Chen Feng didn't regret it at all. If it happened again, he would do it again.

"It turned out to be a little guy from the Changsheng clan. He dared to snatch food from the tiger's mouth at the human immortal realm. He is really bold." At this time, some people had sensed Chen Feng's origins and were a little surprised.


Another ray of light attacked Chen Feng. Chen Feng tried his best to swing the Chaos Ancient Thunder God Halberd and swept it across. With a bang, the light was shattered, and Chen Feng's body was also shaken violently, and the power of the immortal weapon on his body was about to be shaken off.

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