Eternal Existence

Chapter 844: Biqing

Chen Feng finally took out the Eye of the Deep Sea, which was huge. "You want to snatch my thunder bead." Chen Feng sneered.

"I'm not snatching it, I just don't want you to kill anyone. Now you should stay here honestly." The high-level earth immortal refined the thunder bead with one hand and suppressed Chen Feng with the other hand.

"Hahaha, kid, you die." The Thunder Whip Ancestor seized the opportunity, thinking that he could turn over, and swung the Thunder Whip at Chen Feng.



Fairy Liandie stood up and was about to help, but a terrifying pressure rushed out from Chen Feng's hand, and Fairy Liandie calmed down again.

"These two people are dead."

The Eye of the Sea was like a black hole in the universe, swallowing the Thunder Whip Ancestor directly. In the blink of an eye, the Thunder Whip Ancestor's breath disappeared.


Next, the Eye of the Deep Sea swept towards the high-level earth immortal just now. Since it took action, it killed this person in one breath.

"Top-grade Dao weapon!"

The high-level earth immortal's face changed. His palm had been smashed into pieces. Feeling the destructive power in the huge vortex, the high-level earth immortal immediately let go of the thunder bead, and his body shot out, like a thunder and lightning explosion, hiding far away.

"It's too late to leave now. Since you've made a move, die here." Chen Feng sneered, strode forward, and the Eye of the Deep Sea chased after him.

"Young man, stop it."

The more powerful cultivator finally spoke. This was a top-level earth immortal. He hadn't made a move yet. As soon as he spoke, Chen Feng felt his soul vibrate, and even the Eye of the Deep Sea slowed down.

"Die!" Chen Feng ignored the other party's obstruction, and the Eye of the Deep Sea turned violently again, bombarding the high-level earth immortal.

"Ah! Save me!" The high-level earth immortal was directly pulled into the eye of the sea, but he was not refined immediately.

"How dare you!"

The top earth immortal finally got angry. He just stretched out his hand and a gust of wind pierced through the rapidly rotating Eye of the Deep Sea, and then pulled the high-level earth immortal out.

Chen Feng flashed and rushed forward with the Thunder Pearl in his hand. The high-level earth immortal had just escaped from danger and was just happy. He was directly attacked by the Thunder Pearl, and then it was torn into pieces with a bang. A huge Thunder Hand stretched out from the Thunder Pearl and grabbed and swallowed the man.

"Looking for death!"

The top earth immortal stood up. This person was wearing a gray robe and was not very tall, but when he stood up, he filled the world. The mental oppression made Chen Feng feel that his soul was about to break.

The top earth immortal is the top existence in the Eternal World. Once promoted, he will be an upper immortal. The strength of the upper immortal will be rejected by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and then ascend to the Immortal Realm. Under normal circumstances, cultivators of this level will enter the outer space to venture, because it is difficult to make progress without opportunities in the world.

"An expert of this level can only use immortal weapons, and they need a tower to activate them. I am no match for them at all." Although Chen Feng has participated in the fights between the immortals, that was not his own power at all, but the power of magic weapons.

Just when Chen Feng was considering whether to take out the immortal weapon to fight, a sword light suddenly appeared. Just a slash seemed to break the sky and the earth, and the void was cut open. The aura created by the top earth immortal in gray robes was immediately cut into pieces. Then the sword light suddenly broke again, turning into starlight from all directions to attack the gray-robed earth immortal.

The gray-robed earth immortal waved his hand, and the space broke, forming a dark hole. The black hole emitted a strong suction force, swallowing up all the sword lights.


But at this time, another sword light slashed over, and this sword light was more domineering and more unpredictable. The previous sword could split the sky and the earth, but this sword could shatter the starry sky.

"Huantian Compass!" The gray-robed earth immortal stretched out his body, pushed his hands in the air, and vibrated tens of thousands of times in an instant. A huge compass appeared. This compass was chaotic and simple, exuding the breath of the universe and time and space.


The sword light slashed on the compass, the compass broke, and the gray-robed earth immortal flew backwards.

"Wait a minute!" The gray-robed earth immortal shouted, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Only then did everyone realize that the person who made the move was the green-robed cultivator who was sitting cross-legged and practicing. This cultivator was dressed in green, with a long sword on his back, a wine pot hanging on his waist, and a thin face. Except for his long eyebrows, there was nothing surprising.

But when everyone saw that it was the green-robed man who made the move, they all sighed in secret.

"It turned out that this person made the move. It seems that the ancestor Hun Tian will not get it this time."

This gray-robed earth immortal is the famous ancestor Hun Tian in the entire cultivation world. He is a top earth immortal from the Hun Tian Pavilion. His cultivation is very profound and he is one of the top masters in the entire Eternal World.

No one knew where this man in green came from, but everyone knew his unfathomable strength. In everyone's opinion, although Patriarch Hun Tian was powerful and close to the realm of the immortal, he was still a little behind this man in green.

"Patriarch Hun Tian has hit a wall."

Everyone was talking about it, but Chen Feng's eyes widened because he knew the monk in green in front of him.

"It's him!"

Chen Feng was surprised at first, and then became excited.

When Chen Feng was still very weak, he once met a man in green. At that time, the other party gave Chen Feng a bowl of fine wine, and then increased Chen Feng's cultivation by a hundred years. Over the years, Chen Feng has been asking about the other party, and even secretly guessing the other party's cultivation. As Chen Feng's cultivation became stronger and stronger, in Chen Feng's view, the other party was only at the level of human immortals. This time, when he suddenly saw him, Chen Feng realized that his previous guess was wrong.

A top earth immortal was chopped away by a sword, which explained everything.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I don't know if this kid has any history with you." The old ancestor Hun Tian saw that the green-clothed cultivator did not react, but became more panicked.


The green-clothed man waved his hand, and there was another sword light. This sword light was different from the previous two. This sword light was extremely strong, yang, and great, and it contained rolling thunder and lightning. Under this sword light, everyone felt that they had become insignificant.


The old man Hun Tian spat out blood and flew backwards, with an incredible look in his eyes. Everyone knew that this man in green was powerful, but no one thought that he was so powerful that he could seriously injure a top-level earth immortal with a wave of his hand, or that the man in green didn't want to kill the other party at all.

Thinking of this, everyone became more curious about the origin of the man in green.

"Senior!" Chen Feng walked over excitedly. The monk in green was still exactly the same as when Chen Feng first saw him, and even his aura had not changed. Chen Feng even doubted whether the scene he just saw was true.

The man in green was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking at Chen Feng with his eyes, revealing a smile: "Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect that you have grown to this point after not seeing you for several years. It seems that I was not wrong back then."

"I also want to thank you, senior." Chen Feng said respectfully.

"It's just a bowl of wine, nothing." The man in green waved his hand, and then his eyes suddenly lit up and stared at Chen Feng. This look scared Chen Feng, and he didn't understand what happened.

"No wonder, no wonder, it turns out that you are a cultivator of the Changsheng clan." The words of the monk in green shocked Chen Feng.

"Senior, you?" Chen Feng's face changed a little.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions. I didn't see it back then. I think you should have communicated with the immortal heaven now." The green-clothed monk pondered for a while and immediately understood the reason.

"Hello, senior."

When Chen Feng was about to ask again, Fairy Liandie came over and saluted respectfully.

"No need to be polite, not bad, not bad, the little girl seems to be a top genius in the Zhoutian World. After this experience, it seems that she will be able to break through to the earthly immortal after returning." The green-clothed monk saw the origin of Fairy Liandie at a glance.

On the other side, after the old ancestor Hun Tian recovered some of his injuries, he immediately hid aside honestly, and didn't even dare to look up. Under the sword light just now, only the old ancestor Hun Tian himself could clearly feel the horror of the green-clothed monk. It was indeed the other party who showed mercy just now, otherwise he could kill him with one move.

They are both top earthly immortals, but the gap is a world of difference.

"It seems that these two little guys will stand firm here in the future."

"How long has the senior been here?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's been nearly ten years. I've made great progress in my cultivation over the past ten years, but it's extremely difficult to take this immortal weapon away."

"By the way, what's your name, senior?"


"Biqing?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"This guy is a cultivator from Biluotian, and according to my guess, he should be reincarnated in the Eternal World." The tower said secretly.

"Biluotian." Chen Feng was shocked and immediately understood why the other party could tell that he was from the Changsheng clan. First, the other party's strength was much stronger than his, and second, it was because everyone came from the various heavenly realms.

"Then can you calculate the other party's cultivation in his previous life?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"If you want to be reborn and recover your memory in a short time, so that your cultivation can be greatly improved, then you must at least be a true immortal. I think this person should have been a celestial immortal in his previous life."

"True immortal, celestial immortal." Chen Feng nodded. If Chen Feng didn't know this before recovering his memory, but now he knew that these two realms were above the upper immortal.

Above the upper immortal is the true immortal, and above the true immortal is the celestial immortal.

From the perspective of the Eternal World, cultivating to the level of a Supreme Immortal will allow one to ascend to the Immortal Realm. As for a True Immortal, one is already considered a powerful force in the Immortal Realm, and a Heavenly Immortal can be considered a hegemon.

"I am Liandie, and I am honored to meet Senior Biqing. I just comprehended the Great Way of Thunder and encountered some confusion. I hope you can give me some advice." Just when Chen Feng wanted to ask some questions, Fairy Liandie began to ask questions about cultivation, which made Chen Feng feel a little funny.

Biqing just smiled and did not refuse. Then she began to explain the Great Way. Chen Feng shook his head, walked to the side, took out the Thunder Bead, and began to cultivate.

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