Eternal Existence

Chapter 842: Altar Divine Weapon

"This protective robe of yours is quite good. If I read it correctly, it should also be a top-grade Taoist weapon. It seems that you have a great background." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's not as good as your endless magic weapons."


At this time, Chen Feng suddenly stopped and punched quickly. A blue light hit Chen Feng's fist, and the lightning exploded, but Chen Feng kept retreating. This was truly like a lightning strike.

Seeing this, Fairy Liandie was about to step forward to hold Chen Feng, but another blue light arrived. Fairy Liandie gave a sweet shout, pushed out with both hands, and all the robes glowed with light, and a small shield condensed from the palm of her hand.


Fairy Liandie was even worse than Chen Feng. She flew backwards under the impact of the blue light, her robes making a sound.

Another monk appeared, still Lei Xiu, his whole body filled with extremely destructive lightning power, his eyes like lightning, sweeping in all directions.

"Real person!"

Chen Feng and Fairy Liandie exclaimed at the same time. This time Lei Xiu was not transformed by the power of thunder and lightning, but a real human being with flesh and blood.

And he is also an Earth Immortal.

"In the realm of human immortals, it turns out that they are just two little guys, but it is not easy to block my attack." Lei Xiu spoke.

"Dare you ask me your senior's name?" Chen Feng stepped forward and asked. At the same time, he was secretly surprised. The Lei Xiu in front of him was at least a middle-level Earth Immortal.

"I used to have the name Kuang Lei Ancestor, but I have been practicing here for many years, and I don't know if anyone in the outside world still remembers me." Lei Xiu said lightly.

Chen Feng thought quickly after hearing this, and a look of surprise immediately appeared in his eyes: "Is it possible that the senior is from the Lei family and has ever killed an evil dragon at the level of a demon?"

"Yes, it's me." Lei Xiu nodded.

"I wonder why senior wants to attack us?" Chen Feng asked the real question.

"It's my turn to be on duty today. You two have to get through me if you want to move forward. Watch out." Kuang Lei Patriarch said and waved his hand, and then two more lightning beams were directed at Chen Feng, one on the left and one on the right. Attack with Fairy Love Butterfly.

Only then did Chen Feng notice that the two lightning beams were condensed and compressed thunder power, which could also be said to be the thunder power cultivated within the body of Kuang Lei Ancestor.

This time, Chen Feng was prepared. He swayed and hid. At the same time, he took one step forward, arrived in front of Kuang Lei Ancestor, and punched him.

"Eh!" Kuang Lei Patriarch was a little surprised that Chen Feng could dodge his attack, but hey, he didn't take it to heart and punched out, colliding with Chen Feng's fist.


Kuang Lei Ancestor's face suddenly turned aside, because the power coming from his fist was violent and fast, beyond his expectation.

"Good boy, it's not easy." Kuang Lei Patriarch looked at Chen Feng who flew backwards and praised. He is a middle-level Earth Immortal and will soon be promoted to a high-level Earth Immortal. Logically speaking, he should be an instant kill when facing a human immortal. But he didn't expect that his punch would be blocked by a mid-level immortal. If other people saw this, they would laugh out loud.

Just as he was about to step forward again to deal with Chen Feng, Fairy Liandie's attack arrived. The black whip flashed and swiped at the eyes of Patriarch Lei Gang.

Fairy Liandie also escaped Lei Gang's attack just now. Seeing Chen Feng being beaten away, he immediately used his magic weapon.

Before Chen Feng landed, his body folded out of thin air, and with a wave of his hand, countless thunder and lightning condensed into threads, wrapping around the Kuang Lei Ancestor from all directions.

"Boy, you are too young." Ancestor Kuang Lei responded to Fairy Love Butterfly's attack while opening his mouth and sucking, and all the lace was swallowed up.

However, Chen Feng also gained time, moved his steps, and reached the head of Kuang Lei Patriarch again, and punched him again.

Chen Feng's own physical body is extremely powerful. Coupled with the refinement of the Seven Apertures Lingling Heart, his strength has been greatly increased, and the acupoints opened in his body serve as the backing and source of strength. Even if Chen Feng fights head-on with the Earthly Immortal, he can't. Can't.

"I capture the lower plate, and you attack from the front." Fairy Liandie secretly communicated with Chen Feng. The long whip in her hand was like a spiritual snake, traveling through the void, wrapping around the lower body of Kuang Lei Ancestor from strange directions, trying to restrain Kuang Lei. Ancestor Lei’s actions.

Fairy Liandie used feminine power to interfere with the opponent's actions, while Chen Feng used violent power. The most powerful force he used was a series of blows.

The two of them, one far away and one close, one strong and the other soft, actually launched hundreds of attacks in one go.


A huge fist shadow appeared, and Chen Feng was blown away. Then Kuang Lei Ancestor reached out and grabbed Fairy Liandie's long whip.

"Hahahahaha. The two juniors are good. My nickname is Kuang Lei Ancestor. I didn't expect to be attacked by a little guy today."


Fairy Liandie's eyes flashed, and the black whip turned into a stream of light and fell into her hand again.


Ancestor Kuang Lei was even more surprised. He glanced at Fairy Liandie and then laughed: "It turns out he is a monk from another world, but there are not many such geniuses in our eternal world."

"I wonder if senior can let us pass?" Chen Feng asked.

"If you want to get over, simply defeat me." Kuang Lei Patriarch said and bumped his fists together, and a wave of thunder swept towards Chen Feng like a horse.

Chen Feng waved his hand and took Lei Gang into the thunder beads.

"Since senior won't give way, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, grabbing the Kuang Lei Ancestor with the big hand seal of longevity.

Fairy Love Butterfly also waved her long whip, and the butterflies fluttered and flickered in the space, forming a unique power between them.


The shadow of the wings behind Chen Feng flickered, making Kuang Lei Patriarch unable to catch any trace of Chen Feng.

"What kind of movement is this? It simply transcends time and space." Seeing Chen Feng's state, Patriarch Kuang Lei and Fairy Lian Die were both surprised.

At this time, Chen Feng had not yet condensed the Immortal Wings, but a little bit of fur raised Chen Feng's body skills to an unpredictable level, surpassing Qilin Steps.

The Immortal Wing is considered to be the top divine art in the world of heavens, but only the Immortal clan can practice it.

"Senior, once my magic technique is activated, not even the Earth Immortal can catch me, but I can keep attacking." Chen Feng's voice sounded from all directions, making people confused.

"Really? Then I'd like to see it."

"The sea of ​​thunder roars!"

Kuang Lei Ancestor stood still, but a steady stream of thunder and lightning power swept out of his body, continuously impacting the surroundings. With Kuang Lei Ancestor at the center, the surroundings completely turned into a world of thunder and lightning.

Fairy Liandie knew how powerful she was. She waved her long whip and quickly retreated. Only butterflies enveloped her body, resisting the power of thunder and lightning.


Kuang Lei Patriarch strode forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, the space solidified, and Chen Feng revealed his figure.


The shadow of the Eternal Wings behind Chen Feng became more condensed. The wings vibrated, directly dispersing the solidified void. With a flash of his body, Chen Feng disappeared again.

Ancestor Kuang Lei seemed to be going crazy this time, and the aura in his whole body became chaotic. He stamped his feet violently, and the heaven and earth came to a standstill.

"Kuailei, what's going on? It's not settled yet." At this time, a young monk who looked a little thin came over.

Seeing someone appear, Kuang Lei Ancestor groaned and withdrew all his attacks and attacks, while Chen Feng turned around and stood in front of Fairy Liandie.

"A mid-level immortal, a top-level immortal, I said Kuang Lei, how long has it been? Are you here for fun?" The visitor had a smile on his face, but his words were not polite at all.

"Otherwise, if you come, these two little guys are not simple. I won't be able to suppress each other in a short time." Kuang Lei Ancestor said calmly.

"Oh! Really." The young man's eyes were bright, he looked at Chen Feng and the two, and then smiled: "In this case, we will count them as passed."

"Let's go."

"Where to go?" Chen Feng asked.

"Since you have passed our test, it means that you are qualified to see the existence ahead." Kuang Lei Patriarch turned around and left after speaking. Chen Feng and Fairy Liandie looked at each other and followed.

"I want to see what's in front of me. There's actually an Earth Immortal guarding here."

After advancing thousands of miles, the scene in front of me suddenly changed, and a huge altar appeared. This altar was thousands of miles high and had a radius of thousands of miles. It was shrouded and burning with fairy weapons, and there were flashes of thunder and countless talismans. Wen shone on the altar.

In fact, these are nothing. What makes Chen Feng and Fairy Liandie the most is that there is a huge weapon inserted in the center of the altar. This weapon is wild in shape, thousands of miles high, and penetrates directly into the void space. The power of thunder and lightning swam on the weapon, and one could tell that it was an ancient divine weapon.

This is a spurge!

"Immortal weapon!"

Chen Feng and Fairy Liandie said at the same time, there is no need to say more, just take a look and feel it to know that this is an immortal weapon.

Chen Feng secretly compared the big halberd in front of him with the sky-piercing spear of the Eternal Life Tower. Chen Feng immediately understood that there was no comparison between the two.

"This euphorbia is at least a middle-grade immortal weapon." Chen Feng said.

"How is it? Are you surprised?" the young monk asked with a smile.

"I'm very surprised. I didn't expect that there was an immortal weapon under the thunder pool. It seems that the thunder field was created because of this weapon." Chen Feng nodded.

"Yes, your guess is correct." The young monk said and ignored Chen Feng and the two, but walked aside, sat on the ground, and began to comprehend.

Only then did Chen Feng and Fairy Liandie see that there were several monks surrounding the altar. All of these monks were advanced in cultivation, and the ones with the lowest strength were elementary earth immortals. Some of them even had a completely integrated aura, which made Chen Feng stunned just by looking at them. It felt like a lightning strike.

"These people are all practicing here. Yes, this is an immortal weapon. Even if you can understand one law, it will be a huge gain." Chen Feng looked at the altar and felt the rune brand on the altar flickering, mysterious and bitter. Understand, the soul will be swallowed up.

After finally calming down, she saw that Fairy Liandie was entranced and walked straight to the altar. Her eyes were burning and she was already immersed in the practice.

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