Eternal Existence

Chapter 840: Hard Resistance

"We are partners. If you ask, I will definitely help you." Fairy Liandie said with a smile.

"If we are partners, I will help you without asking." Chen Feng stood up suddenly, as if a star that had existed for billions of years exploded in his body, and his aura condensed into a stream and soared into the sky.

Lightning flashed, wind and waves flowed, wind and thunder intertwined, and mines were derived. Chen Feng shouted and punched the sky fiercely. At this moment, the power of the thunder bead was completely stimulated.

The Eye of the Deep Sea had already been spiritual, and felt the pressure from the outside world. Under Chen Feng's urging, it suddenly became larger, and the huge sea eye really covered the entire thunder pool.

Chen Feng did not use other magic weapons, nor did he take out immortal weapons. He actually used his own strength to resist the attacks of hundreds of cultivators outside.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All the acupoints in Chen Feng's body were activated, constantly exploding and beating, like volcanoes, and like cosmic black holes.

"Ha! Come on, let me see how capable these people are."

"Crazy, this guy is a lunatic."

Seeing that Chen Feng actually resisted these attacks, the fairy Liandie's eyes were full of light waves, and she was surprised, but the fairy Liandie also took action, and the long whip on her waist shook violently, expanding in circles, and unexpectedly formed a huge hole. At the same time, the butterflies on her clothes danced and broke away, flying in the long whip. Every time a butterfly flickered its wings, a hurricane was generated.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Finally, all the attacks landed, and the powerful force all hit the Eye of the Sea God, and was transmitted to the Thunder Pearl along the thunder water.

However, Chen Feng's fist print rushed up to the sky, directly breaking through the water surface, mixed with an indomitable momentum, smashed several attacks, and rushed into the crowd.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

A series of explosions, several monks were blown up by Chen Feng's punch.

The overwhelming pressure acted on Chen Feng, and Chen Feng trembled all over, his bones creaked, and even his muscles were about to tear.

The Thunder Bead began to crack, and only the Eye of the Deep Sea was still rotating rapidly, but the range of rotation was constantly shrinking.

After the Thunder Bead cracked, it immediately absorbed a large amount of lightning power, and then healed in an instant, but soon more cracks appeared.

Under the strong pressure, the Thunder Bead began to descend, as if there was a towering mountain suppressing it. In just a breath of time, the Thunder Bead fell thousands of meters, and some powerful thunder beasts were killed by the powerful force before they got out from below.

Chen Feng quickly activated the Blood Gathering Bead, and the rolling suction force swallowed up all the blood and qi left by the dead thunder beasts.

"Another Taoist weapon." Fairy Liandie was not so relaxed at this time. The long whip she swung out was also constantly descending, and the range was still shrinking. The butterflies that flew out had exploded one after another.

Chen Feng felt it carefully and was secretly surprised that the 100% pressure from above was actually divided by Fairy Liandie.

"This woman is really not simple." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Finally, the pressure was getting smaller and smaller, and Chen Feng and Fairy Liandie also descended tens of thousands of miles. The power of thunder and lightning here was already strong to an unimaginable level.

However, Chen Feng didn't care. On the contrary, the stronger the power of thunder and lightning here was, the better it was for him, because Chen Feng had already felt that the power of the thunder bead had reached several critical points and was about to be upgraded to a high-level Taoist weapon.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and Fairy Liandie also entered the thunder bead.

"Your thunder magic weapon is not bad. The power of the Tao is pure. It took a long time to refine it, and it has to be upgraded again now."

"However, it is still far behind this sea eye." Fairy Liandie looked around.

"It's not a magic weapon I refined myself, so there's nothing strange about it." Chen Feng was retracting all his strength, and finally the violent momentum disappeared and he returned to normal.

"I think the cultivators above should come down next." Fairy Liandie said.

"If you want to cause trouble, I will kill them one by one." Chen Feng didn't care. In the previous attack, no powerful magic weapon appeared. Chen Feng was not disappointed, but became more alert.

"These people are all geniuses in your eternal world. The plane war is about to begin. It's a loss if one of them dies." Fairy Liandie said with a smile.

"The cultivation world is so big that the death of a few people will not have much impact. Of course, if these people don't attack me, I won't kill them."

"Okay, don't say more. I want to go deep into the thunder pool to see what's underneath."

"You are really crazy. It is said that even earth immortals have never entered here, but I want to go and see it."

Sure enough, Chen Feng soon felt the movement from above, and knew that the cultivators above began to enter the thunder water. Although the power of thunder and lightning in the thunder pool can tear and kill the cultivators who enter it, there are also masters among the cultivators present. Chen Feng is not the only one who can enter. Some cultivators use the power of magic weapons and even descend very quickly.

"Hey, we have plundered all the Leifang Glazed Flowers. If these people catch up with us, they will definitely fight to the death." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand. Lightning shot up into the sky, forming an undercurrent wave again.

"Chen Feng, I know it's you. You are offending all the cultivators in the world by doing this." At this time, the voice of Qingfeng Sword Immortal came down.

"Yes, there are so many cultivators present, each of them is very important. You actually want to possess the Lei Gang Liuli Flower alone. Do you want your Donglong Island to be destroyed?" The voice of Tianhuoxian also sounded.

"Threatening me is really funny. I will kill you first." Chen Feng said as he activated the Eye of the Deep Sea, and a strong undercurrent immediately rushed out.

"I'll do it!"

The power of the Great Dao began to fluctuate, and the sword aura was crisscrossed, and it actually cut off the undercurrent emitted by the Eye of the Deep Sea.

"Top-grade Dao weapon!" Chen Feng was a little surprised: "Finally revealed the trump card."

"Chen Feng, do you think you are the only one with the Dao weapon? This time we are fully prepared. Not only will we snatch the Lei Gang Liuli Flower, but we will also kill you." Qingfeng Sword Immortal shouted.

"Haha. Killing me is really a joke. Just relying on you few, you don't know whether to live or die." Then Chen Feng stopped talking, but controlled the Thunder Pearl to continue to descend. The pressure here is a big challenge for others, but for Chen Feng, it is reduced by half. After all, the Thunder Pearl itself contains the power of the Great Dao of Thunder and Lightning.


Seeing Chen Feng's descent speed getting faster and faster, the Water and Fire Immortal and the Green Sword Immortal looked at each other and launched an attack at the same time.

The Green Sword Immortal sent out a sword aura that was a hundred feet long. This sword aura was green, condensed, and sharp. It pierced through the heavy thunder and water, and wanted to cut the thunder bead into two pieces with one sword.

And the Water and Fire Immortal had an extra Water and Fire Spear in his hand. This spear was green and red. Just a slight wave, the thunder and water around were suppressed and rolled around.

It turned out to be a top-grade Taoist weapon.

At this time, the Water and Fire Immortal waved his hand, and the Water and Fire Spear flew out of his hand. The spear rotated quickly, and the Water and Fire Avenue condensed. The attack power actually exceeded the sword aura of the Green Sword Immortal, and it was the first to arrive and pierced the thunder bead.

Just a contact, the thunder bead began to explode, and the sea of ​​thunder in the thunder bead began to roll back.

"Not good!"

Chen Feng's face changed, knowing that if he didn't handle it properly, the Thunder Pearl would be shattered by the opponent. After all, the opponent's spear was higher in rank than the Thunder Pearl, not to mention that there was a sword aura on the side.

"The immortal weapon cannot be used for the time being, it is a trump card, and the Longevity Tower cannot be taken out. In this case, then."

"Open the space."

Chen Feng began to open the passage of the Longevity Tower, and the Water and Fire Spear and the Sword Aura flashed and disappeared.

Even if the immortal weapon entered the Longevity Tower, it would be suppressed, not to mention that this was a Taoist weapon. Besides, the current Longevity Tower is a level stronger than before.

After the Water and Fire Spear and the Sword Aura entered the Longevity Tower, they immediately became obedient, and there was no need to suppress them. Because the pressure emitted by the Sky-piercing Spear and the Bone Spear alone was enough to make these two Taoist weapons surrender quietly.

"What! What happened? Where's my Water and Fire Spear?" The Water and Fire Little Immortal was horrified. He felt that the deep sea had become empty and he had lost contact with the Water and Fire Spear. Then his whole body shook, his soul rolled, and blood surged up, gushing out from his seven orifices.

"My Qinghong Sword Gang!" Qingfeng Sword Immortal also shouted. Although the long sword in his hand was not lost, the sword gang just now contained the power of a Taoist weapon.

After resolving the opponent's attack, Chen Feng sucked it in suddenly, and the thunder and lightning power in the thunder pool poured into the thunder bead. In an instant, the thunder bead returned to normal, and Chen Feng punched out.

The waves hit the shore, the thunder and water rolled, and the huge fist condensed by the thunder and lightning force collided with the thunder bead and blasted towards the Water and Fire Little Immortal and the Qingfeng Sword Immortal.

Just as they were about to kill the two, the Sky Fire Immortal came out, and the huge fist condensed by the fire power collided with Chen Feng's thunder fist.

The shock wave that erupted sent the monks who followed behind flying again.


The thunder bead flashed and disappeared in the distance, and began to shuttle continuously in the depths of the thunder pool.

"Chen Feng, how did you do it? You can actually collect the best Taoist artifacts. Do you have a Qiankun bag of the fairy level?" Fairy Liandie was a little dazed watching the scene just now.

Originally, seeing that Chen Feng could not resist, she wanted to take action, but she did not expect the situation to turn around in an instant.

"It's just a small trick." Chen Feng sat upright in the thunder bead, his mind immersed in the Longevity Tower.

"This water and fire spear is indeed a top-grade Taoist artifact, but it has a brand restriction left by the earth immortal. I thought it was not condensed by the little Taoist of water and fire himself." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the water and fire spear fell into his hand. After vibrating slightly twice, it became quiet. With two fairy artifacts guarding on one side, this Taoist artifact could only obey.

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