Eternal Existence

Chapter 836: Thunder Gang Glazed Flower

"Someone has a fairy weapon." Chen Feng was shocked at first, then smiled and said: "It is normal for someone to have a fairy weapon. Just be careful when the time comes. I just don't know who they are. If it is Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others, it will be a bit troublesome."

In Chen Feng's view, just because he has a chance and an opportunity does not mean that others do not have a chance and an opportunity. He is now a mid-level human immortal and has a fairy weapon. Others who have cultivated to high-level human immortals or top-level human immortals should have some luck and opportunities in addition to their own talents.

"I really hope that someone has a fairy weapon, so that I can snatch it and then be swallowed by the Longevity Tower to restore my strength." Chen Feng's eyes flashed with golden light, and even the lightning power around him became chaotic. It scared Chihuo Hou.

"Be careful." Chihuo Hou said as he followed quickly. In fact, other people may have fairy weapons, and he also has some hidden means. Who can snatch Lei Gang Liuli Flower at that time is still uncertain, not to mention that there is a Chen Feng who is hard to see through in secret.

Finally, the sound of water flowing out of the thunder and lightning explosions, everyone was shocked and knew that they had found the real thunder pool, because the thunder and lightning power here had condensed into thunder liquid.

At this time, almost all the cultivators took out magic weapons to resist the thunder and lightning pressure around them, and even Chihuohou had a piece of armor on his body. An armor that was completely condensed by the power of fire exuded the power of the great way of fire. The light on it was rotating, and the runes were flowing. It turned out to be a Taoist armor.

"Everyone be careful, the thunder and lightning level here has reached a limit. If you can't resist it, don't force it. Return quickly and wait for us outside." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said in a deep voice.

At this time, Qingfeng Sword Immortal was also covered with a thick layer of sword light, resisting the thunder and lightning power around him. Looking at other people, some of them had armor on their bodies, or took out some magic weapons to cover themselves. No one could resist the thunder and lightning power around them with their own flesh.

A lake made entirely of thunder liquid appeared in front of everyone. The lake looked very calm, but the destructive power contained in it made people feel terrified and their souls trembled at a glance.

It is easy to imagine that if a person falls into it, he will immediately disappear.

The fact that it can condense into thunder liquid means that the level of thunder and lightning has been raised again. A drop of thunder liquid can penetrate the body of the cultivator present.

"Everyone wait, the Lei Gang Liuli Flower has not yet appeared." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said lightly, standing aside casually, looking at the calm lake.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The cultivators from the other three holy places arrived one after another. After arriving, these people stood separately and fought each other. There were injuries in all four directions. In addition to the four major institutions, cultivators from other forces also arrived. Among them, there are also some powerful independent cultivators.

Of course, the best positions are still occupied by the four major institutions, and even some arrogant first-class forces dare not step forward to provoke.

In the entire Eternal World, the four major institutions are undoubtedly the top existence, because these four major institutions bring together the top and most talented cultivators in the entire cultivation world.

At that moment, many cultivators came forward and wanted to get close to the cultivators of the four academies, say hello, and join in the fun. Some of them also had contacts with the cultivators of the four academies. After all, most of the students in the four academies also came from the lower forces and sects. As for some independent cultivators, although they were powerful, they could only stand aside.

"Hey, the four academies are really powerful and occupy the best position. If there is a Lei Gang Liuli Flower, they will definitely grab it at the first time, which will definitely cause public anger. Even if the strength of the four academies is twice as strong, they can't stop the cultivators present from joining forces. Of course, whether these cultivators can really join forces is still another matter." Chen Feng hid in the dark, watching the situation above the thunder pool.

However, Chen Feng was also secretly searching the surroundings, and soon sensed that there were cultivators hiding in the dark like himself, but with his own strength, he couldn't find the specific location of the other party.

"It seems that there are still masters. It's getting lively now. I heard that there are demon-level thunder beasts in the thunder pool. I don't know how many people will be killed or injured in the fight for the Thunder Gang Glazed Flower."

"The cultivators who can come here are all masters."

The crowd waited for ten days. During this time, some powerful cultivators arrived. Everyone floated quietly above the thunder pool, waiting for the Thunder Gang Glazed Flower to be born.



Finally, the lake formed by the thunder liquid began to stir. In the center of the lake, it seemed that a spring was gushing out. The thunder liquid splashed everywhere, and a ball of thunder liquid began to emerge from the lake.

"The Thunder Gang Glazed Flower is about to appear." Everyone restrained their breath, even their breathing began to pause, and their eyes stopped blinking.

A ball of water rose up like a mound, and when it reached a height of about ten feet, it suddenly exploded, and a blue flower appeared in front of everyone, circling.

Although the flower is blue, it is crystal clear, like colored glass, and it seems to be carved from crystal, but the mysterious power contained in it tells everyone that this flower is extraordinary.

This is the Lei Gang Colored Glass Flower. Taking it directly can strengthen the body and make the body contain the power of thunder and lightning. The pressure of crossing the tribulation in the future will be greatly reduced. If you take enough Lei Gang Colored Glass Flowers, you can also condense into a Lei Gang physique. It will be easy to absorb the power of thunder and lightning in the future. Of course, it is more attractive to some cultivators who have practiced thunder-related techniques.

As soon as the Lei Gang Liuli Flower appeared, it immediately ignited the atmosphere on the scene. Everyone risked their lives to come here just to get a Lei Gang Liuli Flower. Who could still endure it at this time?

The four universities were the strongest, and they seemed to have communicated well before. The four parties immediately sent out some monks to attack and block the other monks behind them, and each family had two monks rushing towards the Lei Gang Liuli Flower above the lake.

Eight people from four parties scrambled for it. These eight monks were not necessarily the strongest, but they were the fastest. In just a moment, before others could react, the eight people arrived in front of the Lei Gang Liuli Flower and reached out to grab it at the same time.


At this moment, a black light flashed, as if a long whip actually wrapped around the Lei Gang Liuli Flower. In just a flash, the Lei Gang Liuli Flower was swept away.

"What, someone is hiding in the dark, attack."

"Looking for death!"

"Damn it, you don't know how to live or die."

Snatching things from the four major universities is really snatching food from the tiger's mouth. I don't know who is so bold to snatch the Lei Gang Liuli Flower at the critical moment, which immediately aroused the anger of dozens of cultivators from the four major universities. Several top human immortals attacked at the same time, and their attacks were earth-shaking. There was lightning liquid splashing on the lake, like a tsunami. The lightning power around was dispersed. Some unlucky cultivators were caught in it and were seriously injured immediately.

Swish, swish, swish!

The black whip circled quickly, outlining a mysterious trajectory, as if the universe was rotating, and it actually blocked all attacks. But the black whip also disappeared, and the Lei Gang Liuli Flower had disappeared without a trace.


This situation is simply a slap in the face. Some cultivators present couldn't help laughing, and even Chen Feng in the dark almost laughed out loud. This time the four major universities are a bit embarrassed.

However, Chen Feng was also secretly surprised. It seemed that the person who was hiding in the dark and attacking was not an ordinary person. The black long whip just now was clearly a Taoist weapon, and the opponent's concealment skills and speed were also top-notch. Being able to break through the defense of so many people and snatch the Lei Gang Liuli Flower itself was a powerful strength.

"I don't know who it is, but it's powerful. Even my dark magic pupil didn't see it, but this is also the reason why my pupil technique has not been fully deployed." Chen Feng hid in the dark and still had no intention of attacking. In Chen Feng's view, this was just the beginning, and he would wait until the atmosphere became hot.

The soul power kept sweeping, and found several cultivators hiding in the dark. Unfortunately, without the person who attacked, Chen Feng did not dare to move, for fear of being discovered.

"Humph." The cultivators of the four universities looked ugly, but they could only endure it temporarily, because there was another abnormality on the lake surface, and another Lei Gang Liuli Flower was about to appear.

"Everyone, be careful. If anyone attacks again this time, kill them immediately."

The cultivators of the four academies all released a strong aura, which connected together to form a thick barrier, blocking everyone outside.

"Domineering, too domineering."

"Arrogant, too arrogant."

Everyone was angry, but there was nothing they could do. The power of the four academies was too strong, and no one wanted to be the first to attack.


The water rolled, and finally another Lei Gang Liuli Flower emerged.

Swish, swish, swish!

The four cultivators attacked again and started to snatch it.

But at this time, the change happened again. A delicate white palm suddenly broke the barrier created by everyone, and grabbed the Lei Gang Liuli Flower in his hand.

Then the palm shrank and disappeared.

After the palm disappeared, everyone's attacks also arrived, but all fell into vain.

"Who, who is it!"

"Die! Die! Die! This is simply courting death."

The eyes of the cultivators from the four academies were red. Being robbed for the first time was understandable, but being robbed again for the second time was not just a slap in the face, but a step on the face, a great shame. The fact that they did not vomit blood was a sign of high cultivation.

Chen Feng hid in the dark, his body trembling. He could no longer bear it and wanted to laugh up to the sky. This feeling of wanting to laugh but not being able to laugh was too uncomfortable.

Too funny, too funny.

"Hahahaha, robbed again, you deserve it!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's too funny, you see the cultivators from the four academies are all green."

Chen Feng tried not to laugh, but that didn't mean that all the cultivators present could. Seeing the Thunder Wolf Glazed Flower being robbed, everyone was stunned at first, and then a few people laughed with gloating.

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