Eternal Existence

Chapter 816: Ice Layer

"Hmph, whoever wants to leave can leave. I don't believe there will be any danger."

"Isn't what Chen Feng said a bit exaggerated?"

Although these people were rescued by Chen Feng before, they were all geniuses, and each of them had some hidden means that they had not used. At this time, even if they knew that what Chen Feng said was true, they didn't want to leave like this.

"Ah!" Lan Ling sighed.

Chen Feng, who had already reached a distance, also sighed, but didn't say much. After all, the relationship between him and the other party was limited, and it was not to the extent of mutual trust in life and death.

"Try your best. I hope the danger will come to me." Chen Feng said that the breath of his whole body became more fierce, and the spirit rushed into the sky, condensing into a stream that would not dissipate, and it could be felt even thousands of miles away.

Chen Feng was very fast, constantly flying above the Void Soul Star. Every thousand miles he flew, he would land on the ground and gallop for a while. During this period, he encountered some monsters and immediately went forward to beat them violently. I don't know how many trees were destroyed and how many mountains were flattened.

Chen Feng fully demonstrated his violent side. Fortunately, Lan Ling and others did not see this situation, otherwise they would be frightened again.

A whole day passed, and nothing happened. Although Chen Feng felt a little strange, his inner uneasiness became stronger. Through the sensing talisman, Chen Feng also knew that Lan Ling and others had not left. He couldn't help but laugh at himself: "Haha, nothing has happened until now. Maybe they are laughing at me."

"But if a fairy and a barbarian god whose specific strength is unknown come out, I am afraid that the Void Soul Star will tremble, and it is not impossible to be destroyed. By then, the passage will be destroyed, and it will be impossible to return to the eternal world. You can only float in the endless universe."

"But I can't leave the Void Soul Star now. According to the prediction technique I performed, this trip to the Void Soul Star will have great gains, but there is no sign so far. Could it be that my induction is wrong?" Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.

The prediction technique is a secret technique that Chen Feng recently found out from the Changsheng Zhenjing. After practicing for a period of time, Chen Feng also has some new ones. When entering the Void Soul Star, Chen Feng quietly performed it. He had a vague feeling that this action would have some gains, but he didn't know the specifics.

"Forget it, being on guard all the time can only make my spirit tired. I'd better find a place to relax. If things really come, I can't hide." Chen Feng said and landed directly on the ground.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The place where Chen Feng landed turned out to be a thousand-mile ice field. The ground under his feet was as smooth as a mirror. At a glance, it was white and dazzling, and there was no edge.

"Hey, the temperature here is really abnormal. Not to mention ordinary people, even the cultivators in the secret realm will be frozen to death when they come here. No wonder only some immortals can come to this planet to take risks. Take risks. With such a perverted geographical location, if you are not careful, you will really leave your life here." Chen Feng said a force wandering, and a shock force passed through the soles of his feet on the ice field.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

A series of explosions, countless cracks spread all around, and then another force was released. This time it was volcanic force. The condensed and compressed force suddenly exploded, and the ice layer within a radius of 100 meters exploded immediately. The solid ice was shaken into powder. Chen Feng swept his hand, and a deep hole of dozens of meters appeared. A trace of cold air came out from below and condensed into ice knives and ice spikes.


Chen Feng entered the ice cave and felt it a little: "Good guy, the temperature here is much lower than above, but I don’t know how deep the ice layer is. If it is deep enough, at this level, even a human immortal will be frozen to death."

Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it, and a spiral of energy shot out, rotating continuously towards the ice layer, rotating for dozens of meters in one breath before dissipating.

"The ice here is harder than black iron. Although there are ice layers everywhere, it is a good place for quiet cultivation." Although this temperature can freeze a cultivator to death, it is nothing for Chen Feng. Not to mention using any means, his strong body alone is enough to resist the temperature around him.


Chen Feng opened his mouth and sucked it hard. The ice power around him merged into a tornado and entered Chen Feng's mouth. He absorbed this breath for half an hour, as if Chen Feng had turned into a bottomless pit.

Then he exhaled again, and the airflow condensed like an arrow and drilled into the ice in front of him. This airflow was like an undercurrent on the seabed, rolling and full of stamina. After half an hour, a large hole of hundreds of meters was washed out in front of Chen Feng by the air wave.

Then Chen Feng inhaled and exhaled again. As time went by, the ice cave in front of him became deeper and larger.

Chen Feng was only practicing a very common breathing technique, but because of his high realm and strong body, the spiritual energy he exhaled each time could be described as a vast amount. Under Chen Feng's powerful internal breath, even fine steel and black iron in front of him would be easily penetrated.

The strength of the internal breath represents Chen Feng's strong body and deep potential.

This practice lasted for several days. Chen Feng was breathing while running the Zhoutian secret technique. In the end, heat waves were generated, emanating from Chen Feng's body in waves, just like a volcano suddenly erupting from the ice layer. The surrounding ice first turned into water flow, and then turned into a neat stream, erupting from the cave mouth, forming a smoke column of thousands of meters outside.

"Ten days have passed, and the sense of crisis has disappeared. It's really strange." Chen Feng was a little puzzled, and then took out the induction talisman. Only then was he surprised to find that the effect of the induction talisman had disappeared, and he could not contact Lan Ling and others at all. people.

"It's the power here that affects the induction talisman." Chen Feng's mind moved and he took out the Qianxun Mirror. The power of his soul was integrated into it. The Qianxun Mirror immediately began to operate, constantly searching for the surrounding situation.

At this time, the Qianxun Mirror has been promoted to the level of a fourth-grade holy weapon. Although it is nothing among the many magic weapons on Chen Feng's body, its tracking and detection effect is still good.

Sure enough, the Qianxun Mirror was affected by a strange force. Chen Feng increased the intensity of his soul. Light began to flicker on the Qianxun Mirror. Chen Feng was finally able to capture something.

"It's a pity that the grade of the Qianxun Mirror is too low. Although it is refined with the Immortal Weapon Condensation Technique, its essence is still not of high quality. Next, we need to find a way to mix in some materials."

"It should be in this direction. I want to see what is here." Chen Feng said, using the power of water to activate the power of ice in his body, and his whole body melted into the ice.

Walking through the ice is like walking on flat ground, this is an escape technique.

Although Chen Feng was walking through the ice, the pores in his body were open and he was constantly absorbing the power of the ice around him. Chen Feng did not forget to practice while walking.


At this time, a crack appeared in the Qianxun Mirror, and it was put away by Chen Feng. At this time, you could feel an unusual power without using the Qianxun Mirror.

The dark eyes opened and his gaze passed through the thick ice. Chen Feng saw a small palace sealed in the ice.

"Hey! It's really strange that a palace appears here. Could it be the cave where the old man of the Skyfire Clan is hiding, but I guess the other party wouldn't hide the cave in the land of ice."

At this time, Chen Feng also felt the changes in the surrounding ice. At this time, the density of the ice had reached an unimaginable level. Chen Feng could no longer withstand the low temperature around him with his physical body. A trace of fire power erupted from his pores and enveloped him. Chen Feng turned Chen Feng into a furnace-like existence in order to resist the severe cold around him.

Finally, the restriction appeared. Layers of dotted lines and countless dense runes flickered in the ice. Just by checking, Chen Feng was sure that it was not the method of the Skyfire clan.

"It should also be a method used by the Immortal. It is much more powerful than the restrictions around the cave left by the old man before. It seems that this should be a powerful Immortal."

"Tower. It seems that my luck is still so good. This time I have gained something again, and it is a big gain. The palace in front of me must be at least an immortal weapon." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It shouldn't be that simple. You'll know if you take a look in front of you."

"It's easy to say. This is a restriction imposed by the Immortal. I'm still just a human immortal now."

At this time, the conversation between Chen Feng and Ta had returned to its previous state.

"If we are destined, even immortals can get close to us."

"Hey! This is all nonsense, it's like saying it in vain." Chen Feng said and directly took out the Sky-piercing Spear and started to break the restriction.

"Don't mess around. Look clearly. These restrictions are not broken casually. If one of them is bad, I'm afraid it will trigger a rebound from the other party. I don't have enough strength now. If the other party flies away directly, you won't be able to catch up."

"There's nothing you can do about it, but you should have some experience after breaking so many restrictions." Chen Feng said, stabbing with the spear in his hand, and several runes were shattered.

It had an effect, but Chen Feng frowned. The weapon in his hand was an immortal weapon. It could pierce even planets when it exploded with full force. But just now, it only broke a few runes. If it goes according to this situation, all these forbidden runes will be broken. Come on, I don’t know if it’s the Year of the Monkey or the Horse. In Chen Feng’s opinion, it’s impossible to do it in a year. Besides, no one can tell what changes there will be.

"Stupid, what kind of place is this? It contains the power of ice. Don't you have two ice beads on your body?" Tower reminded at this time.

"Yeah, how could I forget this?" Chen Feng patted his head and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

As soon as an Ice Nether Cold Bead is taken out, it immediately begins to absorb the power of ice in the surrounding ice. This is a top-grade Taoist artifact. It contains the avenue of ice. In the blink of an eye, it can contain the power of ice for miles. They were all swallowed up cleanly, the ice layer corroded, and then began to collapse and dissipate. Soon a huge space appeared in front of Chen Feng, and this space was still expanding.

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