Eternal Existence

Chapter 813: Strange Race

"Thank you!" Although he was rescued, Tie Yuan's throat was still a little hoarse when he opened his mouth. After all, the sky fire is not an ordinary fire, otherwise Tie Yuan would have been alive and well with the Yuanchen Crystal Water.

"You're welcome. Although your life is saved now, the flame just now is too high-grade and destructive. Some fire poison has not been completely eliminated in your body. If you want to fully recover, you need to practice slowly in the future." Chen Feng said.

"It's a pity that I can't continue to venture out now. Staying here will also drag everyone back." Tie Yuan shook his head and struggled to sit up.

"Come again next time." Feng Jian comforted.

After everyone divided the things in the cave, they jointly arranged a small teleportation array and sent Tie Yuan to the large space teleportation array leading to the eternal world.

"Although Senior Brother Tie was injured, everyone gained a lot this time. So many fairy crystals are enough for everyone to practice for a while." Feng Jian said.

"Yes, I didn't expect that I could get one million pieces of immortal crystals. These are immortal crystals. When I usually communicate with the immortal world, the immortal energy is not enough, so I can only use holy crystals instead, which has caused my cultivation to progress slowly recently. Now, with these immortal crystals, my realm can be improved in a short time." Hu Xian'er said excitedly.

"Brother Chen, why don't you want the immortal crystals, but choose this branch?" Lan Ling looked at Chen Feng with some doubts.

When everyone was dividing things, Chen Feng did not accept the immortal crystals, but chose a fiery red branch. The branch was fiery red, and the power of fire flowed, as if it was completely condensed by flames.

Although the power of fire was strong, no one thought it could match the value of these immortal crystals.

Only Chen Feng was born in the Changsheng clan, and he had some understanding of the situation in other heavens. He knew that this branch came from the Tianhuo God Tree of the Tianhuo clan, and like the Changsheng Tree of the Changsheng clan, these were the roots and birthplaces of various clans.

In other words, the value of this tree branch was almost the same as the branch of the Changsheng Tree.

"This is a branch of the Sky Fire Tree. It's a good thing. Although you have a lot of fairy crystals, you can't buy this thing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Everyone shook their heads. It didn't matter whether what Chen Feng said was true or not. Anyway, relatively speaking, what everyone needed most was these fairy crystals, not a branch in Chen Feng's hand whose use and origin were unknown.

"Tower, this branch contains the origin law of the Sky Fire Tree. You should be able to gain something by swallowing it." Chen Feng asked secretly.

"It's not very useful. The main reason is that this branch is too small, and it's still the end of the branch. You should keep it and absorb some of the fire power." Tower rejected Chen Feng's kindness.

"The old man just now is not dead, and he hasn't left the Void Soul Star. I'm afraid he will appear again to attack us. I suggest that everyone leave here, or return to the big world, or try to find other caves of the old man." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Other caves, yes, that old man must have other caves. If we can get some more immortal crystals, it would be even better."

"I'm afraid there will be dangers."

"The road of cultivation is full of dangers. This time is such a good opportunity, we can give it a try. Besides, we may not be able to find the other party's cave."

"Makes sense."

"In that case, let's get going." Everyone quickly reached a consensus, dispersed, and began to search around. They would contact each other immediately if there was any movement.

Everyone used their own methods and soon went their separate ways. Chen Feng's pupil technique surged, and he kept sweeping and releasing it, but nothing was found after a few days.

The Void Soul Star is too big. Even if the old man has a cave, it is hidden deep. It is indeed difficult to find it.

Everyone was not discouraged. Anyway, everyone came here to experience adventure. In addition to finding caves, there are other things, such as encountering some monsters or dangerous terrain, or encountering the murderous intentions of cultivators from other holy places.

But everyone has the same idea, that is, they will not call their companions unless it is absolutely necessary.

Ten days passed quickly, and everyone was summoned by Chen Xing'er.

Everyone quickly found Chen Xing'er with the help of the sensing jade talisman. At this time, Chen Xing'er was hiding at the bottom of a remote valley, and there was no fighting scene as everyone had imagined before.

"Quickly restrain your breath." Chen Xing'er quickly transmitted the message.

Everyone was shocked, and immediately restrained their breath, looking at Chen Xing'er in confusion.

"What happened? Did you find the cave?"

"The cave was not found, but I found something strange, you see."

Following Chen Xing'er's guidance, everyone soon saw a group of humans not far away.

The reason why they are called humans is that they are very different from the monks they usually see.

There are quite a few people on the other side, as many as a hundred people, some wearing animal skins, some naked, some skinny, some muscular, but without exception, all of these people have powerful power in their bodies.

At first glance, everyone thought that this was a group of barbarians or barbarian monks worshiping some holy objects here.

The worship process was very complicated, and no one knew which demon god was being worshipped, but the offering was somewhat unusual. It turned out to be a student from a holy land who came to undergo training.

These students included students from four holy lands. Each of them was tied up in a special way, and their cultivation was also restrained. In addition, there were people watching over them, so it was impossible for them to escape.

A strange language sounded, and the worship ceremony reached its climax. One by one, the students from the holy land were killed, and the spirits and spirits that were ejected all rushed out and fell on the altar. Although the spirits and spirits struggled and roared, they could not avoid the fate of being devoured.

The space shook, and a passage appeared. The spirits and spirits of these monks all entered the passage, and then there was no movement, as if they were devoured by the monster hidden behind the passage.

These captured monks were all miserable. They were bound by restrictions and could not even make a sound. They could only watch the fear continue to fall.

"Who are these people? They look like monks from the Savage World." Chen Feng and others quickly communicated.

"There are some differences. I don't think they are like the cultivators of the Savage World. The cultivators of the Savage World cultivate the power of the wilderness. Although they are sometimes a little barbaric, the cultivation methods are upright and not as evil as these people in front of us."

"Yes, I think the rituals performed by these people are like the actions of demons from hell."

"Let's not talk about these things for now. What should we do? Among these captured cultivators, there are students from our Daluo Academy."

"Of course we have to take action and kill these people."

"Don't be impulsive. The other party has a large number of people and strong strength. They can capture so many cultivators. It's useless for us to go up. I'm afraid we will end up like this in the end."

"What should we do? Can we just watch the students in our academy being cruelly killed by the other party?"

"We need to think of a good way. Hey! Where is Chen Feng?" When everyone was discussing, they suddenly found that Chen Feng was missing. They were all surprised. Chen Feng left quietly and no one noticed it at all.

"Nothing will go wrong, right?"

"It shouldn't. Chen Feng is very strong. He can fight with the immortals. There will be no problem."

"Maybe Chen Feng found something and didn't have time to inform us."

"Be careful!" At this time, Feng Jian, who was at the highest level, finally felt the changes in the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth. It was too late to warn.

The surrounding space fluctuated, and the vision in front of him began to blur. Countless strange runes and forbidden lines were like mountains and rivers suppressing everyone.

Just one contact, several people fell down, only one person was fine, that was Chen Xing'er.

"What's going on?" Lan Ling shouted.

Chen Xing'er smiled, and the smile was very strange. Just when everyone felt cold in their hearts, Chen Xing'er quickly took action, using a special method to control Lan Ling and the other two, and then stretched out her hand to grab the three people and brought them to the altar.

"Xing'er, what's wrong with you?" Hu Xian'er shouted.

"She is not Xing'er, look over there." Lan Ling said on the side.

At this time, the three people found that not far away, there was another Chen Xing'er tied up and kneeling on the ground, and the eyes of this Chen Xing'er looking at them were all worried and nervous.

"Two Chen Xing'er, exactly the same, what's going on?"

"Only one is real, the one who captured us must be fake."

"Yes, I am fake." 'Chen Xing'er' laughed, and even her voice changed at this time. The air flow around her body surged, and the previous Chen Xing'er disappeared, turning into a completely unfamiliar female cultivator.

This female cultivator was tall and strong, and even exuded a fierce aura. From her clothes, it can be seen that this female cultivator is a companion of the more than 100 people in front of her.

"Who are you?" Fengjian shouted loudly.

"I didn't expect to fail this time. One of them escaped, but he couldn't run far. This time you are unlucky. All the cultivators who came to Xuhun Star will die here."

"Of course, you didn't die in vain. You can say that you died gloriously. You sacrificed your lives for the great adults. From another perspective, you will get eternal life after death."

When saying these words, the tall female cultivator had a very solemn expression, and even the other beast skin cultivators were infected and shouted at the same time. This time, the syllables of the shouting were a bit strange, and Lan Ling and others didn't understand a word.

"It seems that we can only wait for Chen Feng to save us."

"Yes, it's really shameful to say that I didn't expect to encounter so many strange things when I came to Xingxuhun Star this time. Fortunately, there is Chen Feng, otherwise we would be miserable."

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