Eternal Existence

Chapter 807 Star Soul Flying Dragon

Hu Xianer had been interested in Chen Feng since they were on Donglong Island. At this time, Chen Feng's aura became more ethereal, and his cultivation was more profound, which made him more attractive to Hu Xianer. In Hu Xianer's opinion, Chen Feng was much stronger than the vast majority of elite students in Daluo Academy.

The road of cultivation is long and endless, and everyone has to endure loneliness and indifference. If you can find a suitable partner to practice with, it will undoubtedly make the process of cultivation more colorful. More importantly, finding a strong partner can also be regarded as a strong support.

Every cultivator who enters the holy land to practice is a person of amazing talent. No one is arrogant in their hearts and does not take the world's cultivators in their eyes. Hu Xianer is no exception. Although there are many male cultivators in Daluo Academy who confess their love openly or secretly, they are not seen by Hu Xianer.

Since meeting Chen Feng, Hu Xianer feels that this is her ideal partner, powerful, with amazing potential, and exuding an inexplicable charm.

So Hu Xianer wanted to seize this opportunity, but seeing Chen Feng's calm and indifferent look, Hu Xianer felt a little discouraged.

"I found it by accident." Chen Feng smiled faintly. Even a blind person could see Hu Xian'er's feelings for him, let alone himself.

Speaking of which, Hu Xian'er is indeed an excellent female cultivator. She is beautiful, hot, has a good figure, and has a high level of cultivation. I don't know how many male cultivators dream of her. Chen Feng believes that she is charming, but for him, she lacks a feeling.

Xuhun Star is an independent life planet. Although it is different from the laws of heaven and earth in the eternal world, everyone is in the realm of human immortals and cultivates the laws of immortals. These laws of heaven and earth have little effect on themselves.

What really affects everyone is the ferocious monsters here and the harsh geographical environment.

For example, now, everyone entered a huge volcano to look for fire spirit stones. Just as they had some gains, they encountered a group of fire monsters. There are hundreds of these fire monsters that have reached the level of monster kings. So after a brief fight, everyone fled.

"The Void Soul Star is indeed special. No wonder so many cultivators come here to take risks." Chen Feng held a round demon core in his hand. The demon core was full of fire power. It was obtained by killing the fire demon beast just now. It was best used for cultivation. Chen Feng also got some, but threw them all to the ancient flame beetle as food.

However, the ancient flame beetle has advanced to the realm of the initial earth fairy. These fire powers are just a toothpick, which has little effect on the progress of his cultivation.

Of course, if Chen Feng had released the ancient flame beetle just now, it would be enough to defeat all these fire demon beasts. The reason why Chen Feng did not do so was that he did not want to expose these hidden things casually, and on the other hand, Chen Feng vaguely felt that there was a more powerful existence in the depths of the volcano.

Demon fairy!

Chen Feng's sensitivity was amazing. He felt the breath of the demon fairy deep underground. Although Chen Feng was not afraid, he was not alone after all. So many people came to take risks together. If they confronted the demon fairy right away, it would probably not be a good thing.

"I didn't expect to get something right after arriving. It's a pity that there are too many monsters here." Chen Xing'er said excitedly.

The crowd is not as wealthy as Chen Feng, and getting some monster cores of monster kings is already a big gain.

"There is a fight in the distance, someone is fighting."

"Let's go and see!"

The six people did not hesitate, changed direction and sped up. Chen Feng wanted to stop them, but in the end he didn't speak.

Because Chen Feng sensed that the battle in the distance was unusual, and there was a fluctuation of the power of the law of the Great Dao, he knew that there were powerful people among them.

"It's the students of Tianjian Academy who are besieging and killing a high-level monster king."

More than a dozen immortal cultivators are surrounding a monster that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, and looks like a dragon but not a dragon. This monster is actually a top-level monster king, with a huge body, swallowing clouds and spitting out mist, boiling and changing, and unpredictable means. There is a trace of the power of the Great Dao flowing on his body.

This monster king actually began to comprehend the power of the Great Dao and is evolving towards the level of a monster fairy.

Although this demon king was extremely ferocious, it continued to attack under the siege of a group of cultivators. The strongest cultivators of these Tianjian Academy were only mid-level immortals, but the strength they could exert was enough to match that of ordinary high-level immortals. Moreover, most of these people had spiritual roots and spiritual bodies, plus they had some powerful magic weapons in their hands. With their cooperation, killing this high-level demon king was nothing.

"What should we do? Should we destroy it?" Hu Xian'er said.

You should know that the four holy places are on par with each other, but the competition between them is also fierce. This kind of competition is sometimes more intense than that of the major sects.

However, the benefits of this competition are indeed great, that is, the strength of the four holy places is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more masters are being created.

"Wait and see, wait until they finish fighting." Fengjian said after thinking for a while.

At this time, the cultivators of Tianjian Academy also discovered the appearance of Lan Ling and others, and they panicked and launched more fierce attacks. This time, the demon king couldn't stand it, and there were several dangers and he was almost beaten to death.


The spirit and energy in the demon king's body were all burning, and he exploded with several times the usual strength, knocking away two monks, breaking through a gap, changing his body shape, and rushing out directly.

I don't know if this demon king was confused, the direction he rushed out was exactly where Chen Feng and others were.


Tie Yuan and Feng Jian attacked at the same time, killing the demon king in a few moves, and then put the demon king away.

"What! Hand it over."

"Hand over the Star Soul Flying Dragon."

The students of Tianjian Academy shouted and surrounded them at the same time, their faces full of hostility.

What a joke. They fought desperately to kill the demon king, but in the end, the students of Daluo Academy took advantage of it. How could it be so easy?

"I advise you to hand over the things, and let today's matter go." A monk in a blue battle suit from Tianjian Academy came out and said.

Although there are many people in Tianjian Academy, some forces have been consumed after the fight just now. If they fight, they will win, but there will definitely be damage. This is not what everyone wants to see, so a peaceful solution is the best way.

"Hahaha, what a joke, we killed this Star Soul Flying Dragon." Tieyuan laughed.

"Bullshit, it was clearly us who killed it." Everyone in Tianjian Academy was angry.

"But it died in our hands." Tieyuan did not give in.

"We can't reach an agreement. If that's the case, then let's do it. You have to want it. If you do, you will all die."

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability. If you kill us, most of you will be killed or injured."

"We in Tianjian Academy have never been afraid of others, especially those from your Daluo Academy. Go ahead and kill them."


Tie Yuan shouted coldly. Without fighting, he actually fled to a distance first. Feng Jian Lan Ling and others followed. Seeing these people's familiar movements, Chen Feng smiled immediately.

"Where to go!"

More than a dozen students from Tianjian Academy were all furious and chased after them.

"Get on the chariot and chase them."

"Yes, trying to rob our things is simply courting death."

Tianjian Academy actually took out three gorgeous chariots at once, and the speed soared, leaving rolling air waves in the air.

"Not good, the other party actually has a chariot, this is a mistake." Tie Yuan and others were shocked. They didn't expect the other party to have a chariot in hand. In this case, they couldn't escape the other party's pursuit at all.

"Forget it, why don't we give them the things?"

"Hey, it's not that simple. Even if we fight back, they won't let us go."

"I'll cover you, you go first." Feng Jian said as he turned around abruptly, and pushed with both hands. The wind surged, and the strong wind attacked the pursuers behind like a wall.


The chariots collided and were invincible. The air wall created by Feng Jian was directly smashed. A chariot violently crashed into Feng Jian. Once it hit, Feng Jian would definitely be torn into pieces.


Chen Feng flashed past and grabbed Feng Jian to escape.

"Huh! I was scared to death. The chariot they were riding was actually a top-grade holy weapon-level chariot. They definitely can't get away this time." Feng Jian said with lingering fear.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, another chariot crashed into the two of them, and the other two chariots chased Lan Ling and others.

"Don't worry!" Chen Feng performed the Qilin Step, and the whole person seemed to merge with the void. Every time he flashed, he changed his position. The speed generated by the explosion even exceeded the chariot.

"Such a fast speed!" Feng Jian, who was caught by Chen Feng, opened his eyes wide in surprise, and the students of Tianjian Academy on the chariot were even more stunned.

In terms of speed, he is still a human being. I have never heard of such a perverted guy in Daluo Academy.

Immortal Handprint!


Chen Feng slapped the chariot with a slap, and the chariot was directly whipped away. Although the chariot did not break, the students in it were all dizzy.



Two more Immortal Handprints, one in front and one behind, sent the other two chariots flying.


Feng Jian took a breath of cold air. Chen Feng's method was really too perverted.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng did not go forward to chase and kill, but took Feng Jian to catch up with Lan Ling and others.

"The other party shouldn't chase us now." Lan Ling also breathed a sigh of relief.

"No!" Chen Feng's face was solemn, because there was a strong breath rising from the back.

"Hey! Why are they catching up again? They really don't know how to live or die. Senior Brother Chen, kill them." Hu Xian'er shouted.

"It's really wrong. They are running for their lives." Feng Jian said in a deep voice.

The students of Tianjian Academy were desperately driving the chariots, rushing towards everyone in a crazy manner, as if they were crazy.

"It doesn't look like it's coming for us." Chen Xing'er also said in confusion.


The space in the distance cracked, and a monster that was thousands of miles long emerged from the void. Just a roar, and the people tens of thousands of miles away felt their hearts and minds shaken, confused, and unable to control themselves. The group of students from Tianjian Academy who were closest to them were bleeding from all seven orifices, and they were extremely miserable.

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