Eternal Existence

Chapter 802: Entering Daluo Academy

But soon, Dao Jun's face changed, because his indestructible long sword actually bounced up, and a powerful and irresistible force rebounded along the blade to himself.

A blood mark bloomed on Chen Feng's back, but after Chen Feng twisted his muscles casually twice, the blood mark disappeared.


Chen Feng turned around suddenly, without performing any moves, and hit Dao Jun heavily. Then there was a series of crisp sounds, and Dao Jun fainted. The long sword in his hand was crushed by Chen Feng's slap, and the broken blade was caught by Chen Feng, and then quickly sprinkled out, accompanied by screams and blood mist all over the sky.

"Enjoy it!" Chen Feng was so excited that he resisted another attack, and then condensed the longevity handprint to blast another person away.

Next, Chen Feng was like an ancient humanoid monster. After a collision, these monks broke through one after another, and the formation was quickly broken up. Under Chen Feng's violence, the remaining monks did not dare to attack again.

Actually, these cultivators from Daluo Academy are still very powerful. The reason why they were dealt with so quickly by Chen Feng was mostly due to Chen Feng's abnormal defense. Unless they were Dao weapons, these attacks were almost ineffective against Chen Feng. At most, they could leave a shallow blood mark on Chen Feng, which was the lightest flesh wound.

After dealing with these people, Chen Feng only took one step to the front of Fengliu Shaojun. With a flick of his palm, the Changsheng Sword appeared, and he used the Wind and Thunder Explosion to directly break through Fengliu Shaojun's defense. Then another move of Volcano Force exploded along the long sword. Fengliu Shaojun's face changed drastically, and he retreated repeatedly, and he had no time to attack Lan Ling and the other two.

"Huh! You have some tricks, but you are not my opponent. Get out of here." Chen Feng waved his hand and sneered.

Chen Feng killed people everywhere, violently and violently. Gui Liubing and Lan Hai had already stopped and pushed them aside. Both of them looked at Chen Feng in disbelief, and couldn't believe that what they saw was real.

"This is definitely not a beginner human immortal!"

"Forget it, we hit a wall today, but this matter will not be forgotten. There are too many powerful cultivators in Daluo Academy. Boy, your ability is nothing."

Gui Liubing and Lan Hai took their injured companions and left quickly after leaving a few harsh words.

Chen Feng had no intention of chasing. In Chen Feng's eyes, the only people who were dangerous to him were some top-level human immortals or earth immortals. If Chen Feng used the strongest killing weapon, even earth immortals could be killed. Of course, this would require some price.

After the other party disappeared, Tie Yuan and Feng Jian looked at Chen Feng as if they had seen a ghost. Only Lan Ling was a little surprised, but after all, she had some psychological preparation before.

"A beginner human immortal killed a mid-level human immortal in seconds, and the target was a cultivator in Daluo Academy. If this matter gets out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire cultivation world." Tie Yuan said in shock.

You must know that the four holy places represent the top talents in the cultivation world, and Chen Feng's performance just now has surpassed such talents.

"In fact, I am only strong in defense, but not in other secret arts." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No matter what, defense is also a kind of strength. The most important thing is to defeat the opponent, not to discuss what means are used." Feng Jian said meaningfully.

"Great! I didn't expect you to be so powerful, Chen Feng. You must protect me in the future. There are some guys I don't like. You can help me teach them a lesson in the future." Jian Qingwu jumped up directly.

"Don't talk nonsense." Jian Qingling hurriedly grabbed her sister.

"Let's go. There is plenty of time here in the future. Let's go back to the academy first."

"Not bad, not bad. Junior Brother Chen hasn't reported yet."

"It seems that I can't call you Junior Brother anymore. I should call you Senior Brother."

"Haha, everyone, don't joke with me."

After Chen Feng and his group left, the cultivators on the street started to talk about it with a bang. The content of the discussion was of course the fight just now, and the focus was naturally Chen Feng.

"Who is that young man just now? He is really amazing. He defeated his opponent in just a few moves."

"Yes, Jue Wushen, Lan Hai Daojun and others are quite powerful. They are usually very arrogant, but they didn't expect to suffer such a big loss today."

"Did you notice that the young man just now was a beginner immortal. It's incredible that he actually injured a group of intermediate immortals. Check it out quickly. Another powerful figure has appeared in the cultivation world. This is important news."

"No need to check. The young man just now is Chen Feng, the owner of Donglong Island. He caused a lot of trouble in Xucheng some time ago. He is the most popular young cultivator in the cultivation world."

"It turned out to be Chen Feng. No wonder he is so powerful. But why did he come to Daluo Mountain City? He was accompanied by students from Daluo Academy. Could Chen Feng also be a student of Daluo Academy?"

"It is possible. But I think Chen Feng is so powerful and his moves are straightforward and experienced. He doesn't look like a beginner immortal. Maybe he is hiding his strength."

"That makes sense!"

No matter what people are saying, Chen Feng has already come to Daluo Academy with Lan Ling and others. In fact, Daluo Academy is different from what Chen Feng imagined before. The architectural layout here is no different from other cities. It is not as magnificent as Chen Feng imagined. It can be said that it is a bit shabby.

However, what Chen Feng felt was different from other places was the atmosphere here, a kind of high and mighty atmosphere full of fresh power. Chen Feng even felt a trace of the air of the immortal world here.

Chen Feng was already a human immortal at this time, and could communicate with the immortal world. He would not be wrong in sensing this kind of breath. At first, Chen Feng was a little surprised, but soon guessed that this might be caused by immortal weapons.

"Even the first-class sects have immortal weapons sitting in the palace. I think this holy place should have more than one or two immortal weapons sitting in the palace, right?"

"What? Are you a little disappointed?" Lan Ling looked at Chen Feng's expression and said with a smile.

Chen Feng shook his head and said with a smile; "It seems that I will stay here for a long time."

What Chen Feng meant was to use the resources and conditions here to cultivate himself. As for what kind of secrets and techniques he could learn here, Chen Feng was not very interested. You know, the existence of the Changsheng Sutra alone made Chen Feng look down on other exercises, and there were some good exercises in the Changsheng Tower.

Another important thing is that Chen Feng recovered his previous memories and obtained some inheritance from the Changsheng clan. What's more, there is the super old monster of the tower. Chen Feng is afraid that he can't practice it.

Chen Feng thought so at this time, but soon he felt that this idea was still a bit wrong, because Chen Feng did learn some important things during his time in the Daluo Academy.

"Brother Chen is cultivating so fast, maybe he will leave here soon and venture into the outer space." Lan Ling didn't know what Chen Feng was thinking.

"The outer space is too dangerous. Let's talk about it after cultivating to the earthly immortal. The most important thing now is to practice steadily." Chen Feng laughed.

In fact, since he recovered his previous memories, Chen Feng originally wanted to stay quiet on Donglong Island for a while, but now it seems that coming to Daluo Academy is also a good choice.

Besides, Donglong Island has a large teleportation array built. If he wants to go back, he can do it at any time. The spirit stones required for teleportation are nothing to Chen Feng.

Next, Lan Ling led Chen Feng to report. Tieyuan and Fengjian seemed to be stimulated. After saying goodbye to everyone, they went to their residence to practice.

The registration process was very smooth. Daluo Academy accepted Chen Feng as a student and arranged a residence for Chen Feng, a relatively ordinary cave. The other party's arrangement also made sense and was implemented according to Chen Feng's realm.

Chen Feng didn't care. Lan Ling was a little dissatisfied and wanted to tell Chen Feng's true strength and change to a better place, but was stopped by Chen Feng.

For Chen Feng, he could practice anywhere in the Daluo Mountains. He had no shortage of practice resources. The most important thing for him was to practice quickly and improve his practice as quickly as possible.

"Brother Chen, the residence has been arranged, and all kinds of things have been collected. If you want to find me in the future, just use the communication talisman. I should go back to practice now." Lan Ling said goodbye to Chen Feng.

After Lan Ling left, Chen Feng's soul surged, and his consciousness spread quickly, quickly investigating the area of ​​thousands of miles, then breaking the restrictions around him and re-arranging it himself.

This busy work took three days. After everything was done, Chen Feng sat quietly in the cave, touched the ground with his palm, and began to perceive the deep earth veins.

Soon, Chen Feng came into contact with the origin of the earth veins, and a stream of faint but heavy energy was constantly released from the depths of the earth. Penetrating the thick soil layer, nourishing everything.

"It is indeed the power of the origin of the world." Chen Feng was surprised.

In fact, Chen Feng also knew that if he had not refined and absorbed the power of the origin of the world in the past, he would not be able to feel it so easily now.

Of course, being able to feel it is one thing, and being able to refine and absorb it is another.

"It may be a difficult thing for other cultivators, but it should be very simple for me." When Chen Feng said this, his whole body was full of energy. He pressed his palm on the ground and exerted force suddenly. A black hole appeared in his palm, and then a strong suction force began to be generated, quickly absorbing the power of the origin underground.

Chen Feng was performing the Heaven Devouring Demon Art and the Heaven Devouring Absorption Art at this time. The two domineering and powerful skills were performed at the same time. There was no energy in the universe that could not be refined.

Sure enough, as before, a trace of the power of the origin was absorbed from deep underground, and then drilled into Chen Feng's palm, and entered Chen Feng's body along his arm.

Chen Feng did not refine the absorbed power of the origin at the first time, but stored it first, and then refined it when it reached a certain level.

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