Eternal Existence

Chapter 789 Attracting monks

"I don't know who will take action first. I hope it can attract some real masters." Chen Feng left the city very slowly and did not speed up after arriving outside the city.

Although some people had already guessed that Chen Feng deliberately lured people out, some people still couldn't bear it anymore.

However, to Chen Feng's surprise, the first few immortals who came out had no intention of taking action, but instead took out some things to exchange with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was a little helpless and had no choice but to take out a few drops of Yuanchen crystal water and send the other party away.

As soon as the Yuanchen Crystal Water appeared, the monk hiding in the dark finally couldn't bear it anymore. The first one to take action was the old man with white hair and beard. This time the old man didn't come by himself, but invited two helpers.

A young man and a middle-aged monk.

Including the old man, there were a total of three high-level immortals. This appearance immediately stunned the other monks. Even Chen Feng was secretly surprised. Three high-level immortals were really difficult to deal with.

The first time Chen Feng used the Blood Gathering Bead to protect himself, he performed the Longevity Step, dodging two attacks from the opponent, and then with a flash of his body, he reached the sky thousands of feet high.

"The three seniors are also high-level immortals after all. Not to mention bullying the younger ones, but even if they bully the younger ones, aren't they afraid of being embarrassed?" Chen Feng sneered, but he didn't care about the situation in front of him at all.

As soon as Chen Feng said this, all three of them blushed. Indeed, the behavior in front of them was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"Boy, as long as you hand over the Yuanchen Crystal Water, I promise it won't be difficult for you." The old man said.

"Then it depends on what the three of you can come up with that satisfies me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It seems that you don't intend to hand it over. In this case, don't blame me for bullying the young." The old man said, breaking the space with the long stick in his hand, stirring up the wind and clouds, and smashed it towards Chen Feng.

"Sometimes bullying a small one may not necessarily lead to an advantage." Chen Feng said as the blood-gathering bead in his hand glowed with blood, and billowing waves of blood rushed out from the blood-gathering bead. Waves formed by blood flowers faced the The old man swept past violently.

Then Chen Feng laughed, thunderballs flew out, and thunder and lightning sprang up, forming a thunder and lightning storm, constantly circling around Chen Feng.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a blood spear appeared in his hand. He stepped on the Immortal Step and quickly stepped forward to attack the two outsiders.

A junior immortal actually took the initiative to attack three high-level immortals at the same time. Although he relied on two Taoist weapons, this scene was really amazing.

The monks hiding around were all stunned.

"Who is this guy? He is so arrogant."

"I got the latest news. This young man's name is Chen Feng, an emerging force and the owner of the overseas Donglong Island."

"You are talking about Donglong Island. I do know that. I heard that there have been big changes in the sea area around Donglong Island and that it was occupied by a young man. Could it be the young man in front of me?"

"It should be about the same. Didn't you see the eight Siren Guards not far away?"

"It's really strange. Donglong Island is probably more than tens of millions of miles away from here. How could the other party come here?"

"This guy is the overlord on Donglong Island, but I'm afraid he won't be able to do it here. If he acts arrogantly, the consequences will be very serious."

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't you see the two Taoist weapons in the opponent's hands?"

"No, although the Taoist weapon is powerful, this guy's own cultivation is a bit weak after all."

This is indeed the case. If Chen Feng is an intermediate human immortal, it shouldn't be a problem to kill three people with the help of blood gathering beads and thunder beads. The fight is very hot right now, with blood and lightning shooting into the sky. It seems that Chen Feng has taken over. He had the upper hand, but Chen Feng knew that he had not taken advantage.

"The foundation is still not strong. If after a while, even if it is one or two years, after the human immortal realm is stabilized, it will not be so difficult to face these three people." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The most surprising thing was the three people who were fighting Chen Feng. Three high-level immortals and a junior immortal were tied in a tie. This situation itself felt extremely embarrassing. If word spread next, , How will I still walk in the world of cultivation in the future? I don’t know how I will be laughed at by others.

"Boy, why are you bothering? You should take out the Yuanchen Crystal Water. Otherwise, you have just passed our level. How can you still escape the pursuit of others?" The old man secretly communicated with Chen Feng.

"If you want to snatch the immortal weapon from me, just do it. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Chen Feng suddenly shouted, and his voice spread thousands of miles, and even the monks in the entire Void City could hear clearly.

"What, this guy has an immortal weapon. If I had known this, I couldn't have let him leave." The senior officials of the Xu family began to regret it.

An immortal weapon is also extremely important to a first-class power like the Xu family. It can be regarded as a treasure that holds the mountain. Even earth immortals will fight to snatch an immortal weapon.

"Don't delay, act quickly and capture Chen Feng." The top executive of the Xu family gave the order.

"What! Immortal weapon?"

"No wonder this old guy is so eager to take action. We thought it was because of the Yuanchen Crystal Water on Chen Feng."

"You're careless, you're careless, this guy has an immortal weapon, do it quickly, do it quickly."

The monks hiding in the dark are all going crazy. No one can tell clearly how attractive the fairy weapon is, but once an fairy weapon appears in the world of cultivation, it will cause turmoil in the world of cultivation. I don’t know how many hidden things there will be. Old monsters will pop up.

At first, the three old men didn't understand what Chen Feng was going to do, but then countless cultivators appeared from the dark and attacked Chen Feng, and the faces of the three changed.

"You are looking for death." The old man shouted.

Indeed, in the minds of these people, Chen Feng would attract countless cultivators to attack him, and the end would be that Chen Feng would be caught, and his end would be miserable.

However, the participation of the crowd also made the actions of the three old men fail.

While attacking Chen Feng, these cultivators also regarded others as opponents, attacking each other, and the scene of fighting each other was extremely chaotic. Although the three old men were also high-level immortals, they were still very depressed when facing the attacks of dozens of people.

"Don't rush to do it, let's catch this kid first." The old man rolled his eyes and shouted immediately.

"Yes, yes, who knows if this kid has an immortal weapon, maybe he is lying."

Having said that, the cultivators present wanted to catch Chen Feng themselves, so the scene became more and more chaotic.

At this time, eight sea monster guards had also joined the battle. Chen Feng waved his hand, and a stream of ocean marrow dissolved in the air and entered the bodies of the sea monster guards.

"It's the ocean marrow, which is better than Yuanchen Crystal Water."

"Hurry up and kill these sea monsters."

Some people began to rush towards the sea monster guards. At this time, the eight sea monster guards had received Chen Feng's order and rushed to Xucheng quickly. Sure enough, a group of cultivators were chasing them frantically.

But more cultivators came forward and surrounded Chen Feng in a circle. At this time, Chen Feng had three layers of barriers around him to protect himself.

These three layers of barriers were emitted by the Blood Gathering Pearl, Thunder Pearl and Haili Pearl. Although there were many cultivators around, they did not break Chen Feng's defense for a while.

"It's a top-grade Taoist weapon. This kid actually has a top-grade Taoist weapon on him."

"How can this guy have so many Taoist weapons on him? He must have immortal weapons on him."

No one has seen whether Chen Feng has immortal weapons on him, but the three Taoist weapons he took out, especially the top-grade Taoist weapons, have really ignited everyone's nerves.

Top-grade Taoist weapons are the strongest magic weapons below immortal weapons, and they are also the magic weapons of earth immortals. Many cultivators in front of them are human immortals. If they can get them, their strength will double.

"I think you are looking for death. Do you know who my master is? My master is an immortal in the fairy world. If you kill me, you will all die." Chen Feng shouted, and at the same time, the Hailizhu shook violently, and the two human immortals who rushed to the front were directly killed, and even their souls dissipated.

"Bullshit, how could an immortal from the immortal world come to the eternal world? This is simply impossible."

"I think this kid has obtained the inheritance treasure of an immortal from the immortal world, otherwise how could he have so many good things on him."

"Everyone, catch this kid first."

"You want to kill me? Just rely on you guys. I will kill as many as you come."

The blood-gathering bead was thrown violently, like the scorching sun suddenly exploded, and several people were killed immediately, but the blood-gathering bead was also bombarded by several magic weapons at the same time, including two low-grade Taoist weapons.

So the blood-gathering bead staggered into Chen Feng's body.

"Thunder is coming!"

Ten thousand lightning bolts shot out from Chen Feng as the center, and all the surrounding cultivators were submerged in it.

"Let's resist together. No matter how powerful this guy is, he is only one person."

"Yes, whether there is an immortal weapon or not, it is good to be able to snatch a Taoist weapon."

"Get out of my way, Island Master Chen is a friend of our Xu family, everyone leave quickly."

The thunder sound exploded, and the momentum rolled, and the Xu family cultivators finally arrived.

As a result, the chaotic scene suddenly calmed down. The Xu family is a super overlord, and these casual cultivators can't provoke them.

"You Xu family is great, I don't take you Xu family seriously, I'm determined to get this kid, whoever dares to interfere, I will kill him."

A giant dragon with a length of thousands of miles came from a distance, and there were more than ten cultivators standing on the top of the dragon. The originally calm scene became chaotic and noisy again when the dragon appeared.

"This is the Black Water Dragon, the Panshan old monster is here, and it's going to be exciting now."

"Yes, although the Xu family is powerful, the Panshan old monster is even more brutal. If they fight, we can still fish in troubled waters."

"Panshan old monster, you came at the right time, otherwise we really have to retreat." Several high-level immortals spoke almost at the same time.

"Panshan old monster, you have nothing to do here, I think you'd better not interfere, and anger our Xu family. No matter how powerful you are, your good days will end." The face of the Xu family cultivator changed, but he still said coldly.

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