Eternal Existence

Chapter 787 Calculation

"Haha, thank you so much, Island Master Chen."

"Yes, yes, thank you for the Ocean Marrow, Island Master Chen."

"You are welcome, it's just a glass of wine." Chen Feng shook his head, then waved his hand, and two jade bottles flew towards the two people.

"What is this?"

"There are ten drops of Yuanchen Crystal Water in the bottle. You have been taking care of me these days. This small gift is not a respect. I hope you will accept it." Chen Feng said with a smile.


"Haha, Island Master Chen is so polite."

The two hesitated for a moment and carefully put away the jade bottle. This is a good thing. There is no reason for them not to want it.

After accepting Chen Feng's things, the two people's attitude towards Chen Feng became more enthusiastic, and some things that should not be said began to leak out. This is exactly what Chen Feng wanted.

After that, Chen Feng still had no intention of leaving. Every day, he practiced and played, and he no longer mentioned Ye Ziming's affairs.

Afterwards, Chen Feng participated in several more auction activities. Chen Feng was still so arrogant, deliberately revealing that he had a lot of good things on him. Of course, the two immortals of the Xu family also got some benefits from following Chen Feng.

This made the two very proud. With the things given by Chen Feng, the two were enough to break through. Their attitude towards Chen Feng changed from enthusiasm to respect and flattery.

This day, Chen Feng went out again. This time, at Chen Feng's request, the two immortals of the Xu family did not follow him. After receiving Chen Feng's benefits, these things were no longer a big deal.

Chen Feng knew that the two people did not follow him, but someone from the Xu family was secretly monitoring him, but Chen Feng pretended not to know. After playing around in Xu City, he left the city.

After leaving the city, Chen Feng's speed was neither fast nor slow. He brought a group of sea monster guards, just like a young man from a big family on a spring outing.

Not long after leaving Xu City, someone came to Chen Feng.

The two immortals landed in the air and appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"My friend, someone wants to see you." One of them bowed his hands, and his attitude was quite respectful.

"Who wants to see me?" Chen Feng rolled his eyes and asked disdainfully.

"You'll know when you get there."

"Kill them away." Chen Feng shouted coldly.

The sea monster guards strictly followed Chen Feng's order, rushed forward, and attacked the two human immortals. Soon, the two human immortals vomited blood and fled. This was Chen Feng deliberately leaving one of them, otherwise it would be too easy to kill them with eight sea monsters.

"Sure enough, I can't bear it anymore. I hope more people can come. It would be even better if I can attract earth immortals." Chen Feng said in his heart and continued to move forward.

The cultivators of the Xu family had been following Chen Feng in secret, and Chen Feng also understood this. Under Chen Feng's consciousness, not only the cultivators of the Xu family could not escape Chen Feng's induction, but also the cultivators who were ambushing in front began to enter Chen Feng's consciousness range.

"There are quite a few people coming, and they have arranged a formation. It seems that they have spent some thought to deal with me." Chen Feng laughed, and with the help of the power of the Taoist weapon, he could clearly see the arrangement of these people.

Chen Feng smiled, and his figure suddenly accelerated, leading a group of sea monster guards to deliberately enter the enemy's ambush.


The formation was activated, and the layers of restrictions covered the surrounding space. At this time, even if there was a void shuttle talisman, he couldn't get out.

"Hahahaha! This guy is really a fool. He was trapped so easily." A loud laugh came into Chen Feng's ears.

Chen Feng was very familiar with this voice, because Chen Feng had heard it in the auction house.

Without Chen Feng saying much, the eight sea monster guards had already launched an attack on the restrictions around them with the sea god fork.

"It's useless. This formation was obtained by our brothers at a high price. Don't say that you, a small beginner-level human immortal, even a high-level human immortal, can't rush out. If you surrender now, you can still save your life."

"Really? If I'm not mistaken, you should be the cultivators in the auction house. Why, is it for the Yuanchen Crystal Water on me?" Chen Feng said with a smile, not worried about the situation in front of him.

"Hahaha, it's not just Yuanchen Crystal Water, kid, everything on you is ours."

"Yes, I heard that you have Yuanchen Crystal Water and Ocean Marrow and other good things on you. Although I don't know where you, a little cultivator, come from, you're dead if you meet us today. It's just that you're too arrogant."

"Aren't you afraid of my backers?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, it's useless even if your backers are powerful, because you're going to die now."

"Are you so sure you can kill me?" Chen Feng's smile became brighter, and blood light began to turn in his palm.

"Do you think you can still escape? Just rely on these eight sea monsters, don't dream."


"This guy is really too arrogant."

The cultivators hiding in the dark laughed at him, because in their eyes, Chen Feng was already a turtle in a jar.

"Since I have so many good things on me, don't I have a powerful magic weapon to protect me?" Chen Feng said as the blood bead in his hand suddenly boiled and transformed into a huge blood ball. It shook in the air, and cracks appeared in the space. The blood light was dazzling, and the whole space was covered with blood light.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

A series of explosions sounded like thunder, and all the restrictions imposed on Chen Feng were broken. The faces of the monks hiding in the dark changed drastically. They knew that something had happened, and their first thought was to escape quickly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The formation was broken, and the eight sea monster guards immediately rushed out.

Chen Feng walked out step by step with the blood-gathering bead in his hand. A blood light shot out from the blood-gathering bead, and then a human immortal was killed and turned into a blood mist and drifted into the blood-gathering bead.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A stream of blood light kept flying out, and each blood light represented a human immortal being killed. Chen Feng was very cruel, but there were still two fish that escaped.

Of course, this was done intentionally by Chen Feng.

The battle ended quickly, and soon the sea monster guards began to clean up the battlefield.

"Let's go, let's go back today."

Next, Chen Feng did not stay any longer, but returned directly to Xucheng.

The two human immortals who escaped were so frightened that they didn't even treat their injuries. They ran for more than 100,000 miles before stopping.

They looked at each other with bitter smiles on their faces, and the fear in their eyes still did not dissipate.

"What can we do?"

"What else can we do? There are twelve people in total, and now there are only two of us left. We are lucky that one of them escaped."

"Hey! Who knew that this kid actually had a Taoist weapon? This is really tragic."

"We were careless. He has so many good things on him, plus he has a sea monster guard. He must have a powerful background. It is normal for him to have a Taoist weapon."

"Are we going to leave like this? No, since we can't take advantage, we can't let that kid have an easy time. I will spread the word that this kid has a rare treasure. It would be even better if we can lure out some old monsters."

"Not bad, not bad, your idea is very good. In this way, that kid will definitely be in trouble. But before that, let's heal our injuries first."

After Chen Feng returned to Xu City, the two human immortals of the Xu family looked at Chen Feng with a change of expression. I think they knew what happened outside the city just now.

However, what surprised the two most was that Chen Feng actually had a Taoist weapon on him. This was incredible. After the news was reported, I am afraid that the top leaders of the Xu family would be tempted.

So even if Chen Feng wanted to leave, the Xu family would have to find a way to keep Chen Feng.

Three days later, Chen Feng left the city again. The Xu family immortals did not accompany him, but followed him secretly.

Chen Feng naturally understood this.

This time, Chen Feng met a cultivator who came to cause trouble outside the city again, a mid-level immortal.

"Boy, I heard that you have a Taoist weapon on you, take it out and let me see it."

The other party was very straightforward, and Chen Feng was also very straightforward. He directly took out the blood-gathering bead to injure the other party, but did not kill the other party. Watching the other party flee, Chen Feng laughed again.

The Xu family immortals hiding in the dark looked at each other and finally confirmed the Taoist weapon in Chen Feng's hand.

"It's a mid-grade Taoist weapon, a good thing."

"We can't let this kid leave Xucheng. A mid-grade Taoist weapon is also a good magic weapon for our Xu family."

"It depends on what the higher-ups say. If we want to deal with this kid, we may have to send out masters."

"I'm afraid that we can't control him and cause some trouble out of thin air."

"What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful this kid is, can he still compete with our Xu family?"

"That makes sense."

A first-class family like the Xu family usually has earth immortals sitting in charge, and there are more than one. Earth immortals are the strongest killing weapons in the eternal world, but they usually don't show up.

The third time he left the city, Chen Feng encountered several mid-level human immortals who came together, and what surprised Chen Feng was that the other party also took out a low-grade Taoist weapon. As a result, Chen Feng used the blood-gathering beads and spent some time to repel the other party.

On the same day, Chen Feng was besieged again on the way back to Xucheng, and the result was that two sea monsters were seriously injured, and one of the other parties was also killed by Chen Feng.

So Chen Feng stopped leaving the city and began to cultivate at ease in the residence provided by the Xu family, while also secretly trying to find out some recent news.

Chen Feng did not leave the city, and all the cultivators who came to find Chen Feng could not bear it any longer. After some calculations, they began to enter the city one after another.

Although Xucheng was the base camp of the Xu family, these cultivators also believed that they were strong and believed that if they made some noise in Xucheng, the Xu family would not take action.

However, most people still hoped to deal with Chen Feng quietly in secret.

Although the number of cultivators was small, their individual cultivation was strong, their combat effectiveness was strong, and their destructive power was great. The Xu family did not dare to take it lightly and also sent some masters to maintain order in secret.

So the atmosphere in Xucheng changed invisibly, and the source of this change was Chen Feng.

As for Chen Feng, he was like nothing happened. He cultivated at ease every day, or took the Xu family's immortals to drink a few cups and talked about some things he saw and heard in the cultivation world.

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