Eternal Existence

Chapter 784 Arrogant Chen Feng

Arrogant, arrogant, and overbearing.

This is the impression that everyone has of Chen Feng. Even the immortals of the Xu family were a little surprised. They didn't expect Chen Feng to have such a bad temper.

"You!" The cultivator who was injured by Chen Feng was shocked, angry, and ashamed. Although the injury was not serious, he was embarrassed. His face flushed, and he roared, exuding a strong aura, and was about to step forward to fight.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the eight sea monster guards lined up in a row. The strong aura condensed into a stream, rushing out like a stream of water. Before they fought, just the aura collided, and the cultivator flew backwards again, this time with more serious injuries.

You must know that this cultivator is only at the realm of the initial stage of human immortals. Each of the eight sea monster guards brought by Chen Feng is of this level. If they are surrounded and beaten, they will be killed instantly.

"Are you Xu family just going to let this person run wild here?" The cultivator finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is your private matter and we have no right to interfere, but I still suggest that you don't do it, at least don't do it here." The person in charge of the auction house said with a smile.

In fact, the person in charge of the auction house did not know Chen Feng, but he knew that the cultivator who could enter the VIP box accompanied by two human immortals in the family must be a cultivator close to the family, so he said what he said just now.

"Haha, it turns out that the Xu family does things this way, I'll remember it." The cultivator knew that he could not stay any longer, and did not even participate in the auction. He flicked his sleeves and left directly.

"Kill him." Chen Feng said lightly, and his voice was heard by everyone.


The two sea monster guards quickly followed. Chen Feng's ruthlessness surprised some people, and at the same time they secretly guessed Chen Feng's identity in their hearts.

Although some things happened, it did not affect the auction. The spiritual medicine was quickly bought.

The second item to be auctioned was a book of heavenly exercises, which naturally caused a fight.

The third item was a heavenly-level pill.

The auction went very quickly, and eight items were auctioned soon. Among them, Chen Feng did not make a move once, and he also sneered from time to time, which made the cultivators in the entire auction house full of anger towards Chen Feng.

"What are these? Is this what the biggest auction house in Xu City sells? I think even the Heavenly Realm cultivators would not be interested in these rubbish." Chen Feng sneered repeatedly, with an attitude that he did not take anyone seriously.

"Island Master Chen, you are a little too much." At this time, even the two immortals of the Xu family could not bear it any longer. This guy was too arrogant. Is he an idiot?

"Too much? I don't think it's too much at all." Chen Feng laughed.

"I think you can't afford it, or you are here to make trouble. I suggest you kick this guy out."

"Yes, I agree. This guy hasn't bought anything until now, so he must not be able to afford it."

"I think you should get out and don't embarrass yourself here."

"Get out."

Once one person spoke, everyone spoke one after another. The two immortals of the Xu family and the person in charge of the auction house all had fire in their eyes. No matter how well-educated they were, they couldn't stand people like Chen Feng.

"Hahahaha!" At this time, Chen Feng suddenly laughed, and his arrogant voice made everyone quiet down.

"You said I can't afford it, what a joke, I think you are all unsophisticated." Chen Feng waved his hand and a stream of water flowed out of Chen Feng's hand, and after drilling out of the box, it turned into eight strands and drilled into the bodies of the eight sea monster guards.

The eight sea monster guards were shocked, with surprise in their eyes. They immediately knelt on one knee and shouted loudly: "Thank you, young master."

"Get up, this kind of thing is usually drunk as tea." Chen Feng said lightly.


All the monks present wanted to vomit blood.

"This is Yuanchen Crystal Water. How is it possible that there is so much Yuanchen Crystal Water?"

"Am I seeing things?"

"It is indeed Yuanchen Crystal Water. For us human immortals, even a drop is extremely precious. How could this guy take out so much?"

"I usually drink it as water. I think this guy is talking nonsense."

"I don't know whether it is nonsense or not, but I think even earth immortals would not be willing to take out so much Yuanchen Crystal Water in one breath."

Seeing so much Yuanchen Crystal Water being absorbed by the sea monster guards, all the human immortals present stood up, and some even walked out of the box directly.

"Who are you, can you come out and see me?" One of them said loudly, with a fiery light flashing in his eyes. This person practiced water-based exercises. For him, there were not many things more precious than Yuanchen Crystal Water. If Chen Feng could give him half of the Yuanchen Crystal Water he just took out, he would be able to break through within a year.

The higher the level of cultivation, the harder it is to break through. A human immortal has a life span of 30,000 years, but that is only on the premise of successfully overcoming the tribulation. Sometimes it is normal not to break through for hundreds or thousands of years. So when the cultivator saw the Yuanchen Crystal Water that could make him break through, he immediately rushed out. Relatively speaking, this auction was not important at all.

"No." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I am willing to exchange anything with you for the Yuanchen Crystal Water."


"Your Excellency."

"I say, are you done yet? Will the auction continue?" Chen Feng sneered.

After hearing this, the man took a step forward, but stopped again. At the moment of seeing the Yuanchen Crystal Water, some people did want to take action, but in the end they restrained themselves because this was the territory of the Xu family, and Chen Feng had a close relationship with the Xu family.

At least it looked like that to these people, but they didn't know that even the cultivators of the Xu family were jealous and wanted to take Chen Feng down.

The person in charge of the auction house and the two immortals beside Chen Feng secretly communicated with each other, and then someone quickly reported to the higher-ups.

Yuanchen Crystal Water is something that even earth immortals would fight for, not to mention these immortals.

"Hahaha, I don't know who dares to say that I can't afford it. I usually use Yuanchen Crystal Water not only as water to drink, but sometimes I also use it to wash my feet." Chen Feng laughed triumphantly.


Finally someone vomited blood, this is because of anxiety.


A box suddenly exploded, and a immortal finally couldn't bear it anymore, forgetting where this place was, and even forgetting the disparity in the scene, and launched an attack on Chen Feng, of course, with the purpose of snatching Yuanchen Crystal Water.

Chen Feng sneered, and was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Yuanchen Crystal Water to be so attractive to these people.

But Chen Feng was not worried at all, even if these people attacked at the same time, there would be nothing good.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Before the sea monster guards could make a move, a ban was activated in the auction hall. Ropes blocked the void, and then suddenly pulled them back, tying up the cultivator who made the move.

At the moment when the cultivator was tied up, another cultivator emerged from the void. This person used the secret technique of space, but before he rushed into the box, he joined forces with the sea monster guards to stop him. After a few brief exchanges, the cultivator was stabbed to death by the sea god fork.

After this death, all the other cultivators who wanted to make a move quieted down. Only then did they remember where this place was. If they angered the Xu family, no one would think of leaving alive, not to mention that the eight sea monsters in front of them were not so easy to deal with.

"Hey, it's really boring. I just wanted to attend an auction. It seems that I have to leave early." Chen Feng said as he was about to stand up, but was stopped by the Xu family immortal.

"Haha, why is Island Master Chen so anxious? Aren't there still many things that haven't been auctioned? Besides, our Xu family's auction hasn't ended halfway yet."

"Yes, the auction will continue. If anyone makes trouble again, don't blame our Xu family for being rude." The person in charge of the auction also said so.

What a joke, Chen Feng took out something like Yuanchen Crystal Water as soon as he made a move. Who knows what other good things he has, so Chen Feng must be kept.

As for the cultivator who was captured just now, he was thrown out directly, without any courtesy at all.

"The next auction is a piece of magical wood."

A tree that is a hundred meters long and as thick as a house was carried and placed in the hall. This tree looks a little black, as if it was burnt.

It's plain, except that it is thick, and there are no other features.

Speaking of which, the cultivators present were a little confused, and they didn't understand why the Xu family made this wooden stake.

This result is because there is no one who knows the goods.

Chen Feng was not going along. After seeing this piece of wood, Chen Feng was so excited that he couldn't speak. If it weren't for his amazing control, he would have jumped up. Even so, his whole body was trembling slightly.

"Eternal Wood, it's actually immortal wood, and such a large piece of immortal wood!" Chen Feng's heart began to churn.

"Island Master Chen, what's wrong with you? Do you know this piece of wood?" The immortals of the Xu family saw Chen Feng's abnormality.

Chen Feng's heart trembled, and then he laughed: "What are you doing at the auction house? Why are you carrying a piece of wood?"

Chen Feng was arrogant this time, and no one said anything. It was not because they were afraid of Chen Feng, but because Chen Feng was telling the truth. Everyone didn't understand what the auction house was doing.

"Haha, don't be surprised, this is a strange tree. Let me introduce it to you. Our Xu family took a lot of effort to get it from outside the domain. This tree is like this."

The person in charge of the auction house began to explain with a smile.

Chen Feng didn't listen, because he was already excited. The last time he got the wood of immortality, which was only the size of his arm, weighed a full 100,000 jin. After absorbing the immortal energy in it, his skills were improved, his cultivation was greatly increased, and his immortal energy increased significantly. Such a big wood of immortality in front of him might be more than 100 million jin. How much immortal energy is contained in it? Just thinking about it made Chen Feng tremble with excitement.

Whether it was Chen Feng or the tower, their faces changed rarely.

"Such a big wood of immortality, you actually encountered it, your luck is really against the sky."

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