Eternal Existence

Chapter 777: Giant Sea Eye

Although he didn't understand what the other party meant, Chen Feng still nodded.

"Yes, now that I control Donglong Island, I naturally know everything on the island."

"Then, I wonder if the island owner knows anything about what's under the island." Patriarch Youtian asked.

"Under the island!"

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Could it be that the Golden Turtle Patriarch is under the island?"

"It's possible. We don't know what's under the island. It's just that the Golden Turtle Patriarch accidentally revealed a hint during the previous conversation. And the Golden Turtle Patriarch's strength is higher than the three of us, which may also be related to the situation under the island." Patriarch Bi Yan interrupted.

Chen Feng nodded and thought quickly in secret. Judging from the situation, what the three people said should be true. If the Golden Turtle Patriarch is really hiding under the island, then no matter what is under the island, he should go and take a look.

"I know, I will go down and take a look." Chen Feng nodded.

"In this case, we'll take our leave first." Patriarch Youtian and the other two bowed respectfully and then slowly retreated.

After the three left, Chen Feng pondered again. What the three said should be true, but it was hard to say whether they had good intentions.

After leaving Donglong Island, the three demon kings of Youtian Patriarch did not speak to each other until they arrived at Youtian Island. In Chen Feng's arrangement, the three demon kings would stay at Youtian Island.

After arriving at Youtian Island, the three looked around, and then quickly set up restrictions around them, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you think Chen Feng will go?"

"I'm not worried about whether Chen Feng will go. I'm worried about whether the Golden Turtle Patriarch can defeat Chen Feng."

"Even if he can defeat Chen Feng, what can he do? Even if he kills Chen Feng, what can he do? Don't forget these top demon kings. Even if one of them comes out, he can kill us all. I don't know what you two were thinking at the time. You actually agreed to the request of the Golden Turtle Patriarch."

"What's wrong? Are you regretting it? Don't forget that the three of us are standing on the same line. If one person gets into trouble, the others can't escape."

"I didn't agree from the beginning. You two are simply looking for death. Chen Feng is not that easy to deal with."

"What should we do now? Can we go back and notify Chen Feng?"

"Forget it, let's wait and see. If something unexpected happens, we will flee here immediately. At worst, we will abandon the island and find a place to start over."

"It's easy to say, but I'm afraid that I can't leave at that time."

Although Chen Feng made up his mind, he didn't set off immediately. Instead, he waited for another ten days before taking action.

Using the earth escape technique, Chen Feng began to drill underground. Sure enough, it didn't take long for Chen Feng to penetrate the island and reach the sea.

"It is indeed a floating island." Chen Feng nodded. He didn't need to mobilize too much soul power to sense the power fluctuations in the sea.

The power was very strange. Although it was a bit intermittent, it was very strong and had the characteristics of an undercurrent. The most important thing was that this power was transmitted from the deep seabed and acted on the island above.

"These three guys should not have lied to me about this. There is indeed something wrong below." Chen Feng thought of this and his body jumped like a dragon entering the sea, separating the surrounding water and descending rapidly.

At Chen Feng's level, even if he entered the deep sea, it was no different from being on the ground.

Chen Feng sensed the situation around him while descending. After descending a thousand meters, various undercurrents began to crisscross. There were very few ordinary fish and shrimps here. The ones who could survive here were some sea monsters with some skills.

After descending 10,000 meters, even the sea monsters became few and far between. Chen Feng stretched out his palm and could feel some pain caused by the impact of the undercurrent.

Chen Feng thought about it and took out a rock from the Longevity Tower. As soon as the rock fell into the water, it immediately turned into powder under the strong water pressure.

Chen Feng's eyes completely turned into two black holes, and dark light waves shot out from his eyes.

Ten miles!

One hundred miles!

One thousand miles!

Chen Feng's eyes penetrated the increasingly heavy water flow, and did not stop until more than a thousand miles.

Chen Feng was getting more and more frightened, because Chen Feng saw a strange landscape under the deep sea.

In Chen Feng's eyes, a huge sea eye was rotating rapidly in the deep seabed. The breath and destructive power emitted from it made Chen Feng feel palpitations. Chen Feng even had a feeling that if he entered it with his current body, he would be torn into pieces.

"There is such a huge sea eye in the deep sea. Could it be that it is naturally formed? But it is not as simple as natural formation." Chen Feng thought a lot at this moment, and then stopped the speed of descent.

"The three ancestors Youtian should have bad intentions. I just don't know if the ancestor Jinbie is here. This sea eye is simply looking for death for ordinary people." Chen Feng's eyes began to flash. At the same time, his brain turned quickly, analyzing the situation in front of him.

"Tower, what do you think?" Chen Feng's heart moved, and he suddenly asked.

"Haha, you will know if you go down and take a look." Tower smiled faintly.

Chen Feng nodded and began to descend again. In the deep sea of ​​10,000 miles, Chen Feng drew out his consciousness to observe the surroundings. No matter how fast he descended, it would take some time.

After descending for a distance, Chen Feng slowly unfolded the power of the domain. Because the pressure around him was getting stronger and stronger, even Chen Feng had to be careful to deal with it, otherwise he would be affected by the suction below.

Even so, after descending thousands of miles, Cheng still reached the edge of the ocean. There was a strong suction force emanating from the center. Chen Feng tried to emit a divine consciousness, and felt that the divine consciousness suddenly stretched. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, this divine consciousness would have been swallowed up.

Chen Feng thought about it and took out another piece of five-element gold. As soon as he threw it in, this piece of five-element gold, which was extremely strong and weighed tens of thousands of pounds, was immediately stretched infinitely and finally disappeared in the sea eye.

"Good guy, this sea eye at least has the power of a Taoist weapon." Chen Feng was secretly surprised.

Chen Feng stepped on the Qilin step, constantly changing his position, and wandering around in various repulsive forces.

Not to mention fish and shrimp here, there is not even a sea monster. Although the sea eye is rotating rapidly, it is silent, especially at the bottom of the sea thousands of miles below, which gives people a strong sense of oppression.

"If the Golden Turtle Patriarch is really here, he should be in the center of the sea eye, but I'm afraid this is a trap." Chen Feng's dark magic pupil has been used to the extreme, constantly sweeping back and forth, and his figure has become more erratic.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several undercurrents hit Chen Feng, and two of them, one on the left and one on the right, entangled Chen Feng like a dragon.

"Heaven and earth are positioned!"

Chen Feng shouted softly, and the Zhoutian domain was in operation. The power of heaven and earth was activated at the same time, and the undercurrents that hit Chen Feng were immediately changed in direction. At the same time, the long sword condensed by the power of wind and thunder was quickly slashed out, cutting off the two undercurrents.

Whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng moved his feet, and his figure flashed a few times and was thousands of feet away, but the undercurrents around him suddenly changed their operation strangely, just like a giant snake that had been magnified, constantly entangled Chen Feng.

"Hey, there must be someone secretly urging it. It's probably the Golden Turtle Patriarch." Chen Feng didn't panic, but laughed. He used his body skills to the extreme. At this time, Chen Feng had already comprehended the second form of the Longevity Step, but the current situation could be dealt with by the Qilin Step.

"Hahahaha, this kind of attack is useless to me. It's not as strong as my usual practice." Chen Feng laughed and moved his feet, looking more and more relaxed.

Sure enough, after being provoked by Chen Feng, the undercurrents around him flowed faster. At the same time, the giant sea eye below began to move, and a sense of crisis suddenly surged into his heart.

"Not good!"

The Longevity Step unfolded and moved out quickly. Just where Chen Feng had just fought, a crack flashed by, silently, but it spread the sea water, and even the criss-crossing undercurrents were easily cut.

"The attack from the sea eye, the Golden Turtle Patriarch is really here, and Youtian and the other three did not lie to me about this."


Another fine ray of light flashed past Chen Feng's body, and a holy-level robe on Chen Feng's body was immediately cut open.

This time, even Chen Feng was startled. Although his body was strong enough to block the attack of the holy weapon, he was not very sure at this time.


A roar came from below, and then an invisible force acted on Chen Feng. In an instant, a strong suction force pulled Chen Feng towards him.

Chen Feng's body shook violently, but he did not break free. The magnetic pole point on the bottom of his feet rotated rapidly, and the flowing light shield and the Haoran Zhengang sword vibrated rapidly, gushing out two strong impact forces.

When the two forces collided, Chen Feng's descent slowed down. Chen Feng took the opportunity to perform the immortal step, and his body flashed out of the range of the suction.


As soon as Chen Feng came out, he was hit by an undercurrent. His body shook violently, and he could not help but retreat repeatedly. Then two undercurrents flew over from the left and right, wrapping Chen Feng up.

Chen Feng struggled desperately, but before he could break free, two more compressed undercurrents rushed up and quickly entangled Chen Feng's hands and feet. Then the undercurrents increased, a total of eighteen undercurrents, entangled Chen Feng tightly in circles.


Enveloped by the suction force, Chen Feng rushed towards the sea eye like a sharp arrow, but in the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was pulled into the sea eye.

When Chen Feng paused, he saw a golden turtle as big as a mountain in front of him. At this time, this huge golden turtle was staring at him with eyes like the sun, and violent laughter continued to come.

"Hahahaha, kid, you didn't expect to be caught by me so easily, did you think that refining my soul imprint could control Donglong Island? Humph, in the end it was still in my control." The Golden Turtle Ancestor was a little proud.

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